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Beware Of The Quest

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The short answer is no. I don't know anything more than what Laura posts under the Announcements at the top of this forum -- which is where members should look for updates BTW. I know everyone here is frustrated and that CC is concentrating its efforts to get this resolved. This is not the type of situation that pleases anyone. If you have specific questions, please e-mail a moderator or community @cruisecritic.com rather than starting yet another thread on this subject. In the meantime, we'll all continue to slog through this together -- or not, if that's your choice.


And now, since you know how we dislike getting off topic here ;) , let's get back to Quest.



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Thank you Karen! :) I have never been and will most likely enjoy it with my hubby. But I will not bring my folks or inlaws! From this thread, I'm sure they won't even apprieciate the normal, "Adult content". Sort of straight laced they are! Good to know anyway.


They are early to bed early to rise, so hubby and I can get in trouble when they got bed! :eek:

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Clearly alcohol can make people do stupid things and there probably is a high alcohol factor in this situation.


Having said that, I am a mid-40s guy. Certainly not a swinger and not a prude. As a citizen of Ontario, we have laws on the books to "allow" female toplessness in public! It doesn't happen often (especially this time of year) but it does. People don't get bent out of shape over it. Women's breasts are hardly pornographic and if you think they are, perhaps Quest is not the right thing for you.


What the original poster should have done, was to leave as soon as the show was uncomfortable. If the need to lodge a complaint was warranted, do so after they left the show.


RCCL also is not in the business to make sure children are kept from all evil things. Keeping them away from stuff like the casino and from buying alcohol as more mandated do to laws than common sense.

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I was a part of Becky's quest in November and yes it is wilder than a normal quest. That is what makes her quest more fun and the best I have been to. I will say that on our trip before things got started she told parents that children should not be there. After her saying that my thought is that it is on the parents to parent their children.

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I was on the Enchantment in December. First everyone enjoyed the Karaoke. The Quest was to take place immediately after. But before they continued, the CD stopped eveything, including the music and MADE all of the children under 18 leave. He waited until they were all gone and then proceeded to conduct a hysterical game. I have been on many RCI cruises but this is the first time I have seen them make all of the kids leave.


I ask you what is wrong with this? Why can't they do this all of the time - just in case it gets out of control.

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Alot of you are missing the point.


I know what the worm is, and that is not what occured.

Men were in underwear humping the floor, and also undressing and bumping and grinding, (simulating sexual scenes) with other men, especially the one seated!


The women was totally topless, and also doing the same thing to the guy seated.


If it is offensive, then leave, is that your answer?

Do you leave when the ships food is bad?? Do you leave when service is bad?


Get real!

Yes, if you were offended than you should have left. I don't dispute what you are saying and I am sorry if it troubled you but you did not have to stay. As for the parents they should not bring their children, it states that clearly in the Compass. Everyone has a different tolerance level and although you were offended others were not. It has always been stated on these boards that if you are easily offended it is best not to go. I hope you have better luck in the future.

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I agree with the others that the OP should have got up and left the room if it really upset her that bad. By not leaving tells me that she must have enjoyed what went on. She had a choice and chose to stay. Also it is listed in the Compass that Quest is for adults only. Parents know this and it is not up to the cruise line to chase out the kids.

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I've been to five Quests, two of them with Becky Thompson as CD. Let me state up front that my wife and I think she is the best CD on RCI. Great personality, very visible all over the ship at all times of the day or night, and usually with a great team around her.


I think the problem with the Quest is that different people have different tolerance levels. What you may find offensive I may find amusing. Add to this, that different contestants have different levels of needing attention, and so may act over the top (or over the topless, as it were).


But what would you have the CD and team do? Physically confront those who cross over the line -- especially in a social setting where the safety of other passengers is not threatened? Best to let it play out.


As for kids in the room. RCI has the absolutely best weapon for making sure they are not where there aren't supposed to be -- Parents. Take control of your kids' experience, people. What if you wanted your kids to do something but RCI said "No" and forced you to take them out -- against your will? You'd be pissed. If you have kids and allow them to stay at the Quest or the adult comedy show then what they get exposed to is on you (the generic you, not pointing a finger at anyone).


So, as for this thread, forewarned is forearmed, folks. You've read that Quest can be risque´ (and even that is subject to each person's definition of what constitutes risque´) so if you think you'd be offended by it, by all means do not attend -- more room for me.

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I was on the Enchantment in December. First everyone enjoyed the Karaoke. The Quest was to take place immediately after. But before they continued, the CD stopped eveything, including the music and MADE all of the children under 18 leave. He waited until they were all gone and then proceeded to conduct a hysterical game. I have been on many RCI cruises but this is the first time I have seen them make all of the kids leave.


I ask you what is wrong with this? Why can't they do this all of the time - just in case it gets out of control.


This is my mindset! As a DJ (and getting older) I found that I was playing music that I just didn't approve of. "What's my Mother **cking name?...." and the like. I decided that I wouldn't tell anyone what they could and couldn't listen to, but when I was doing a party with children, I either had to have the "clean" version of a song, or I wouldn't play it.


Not to mention the karaoke! Little kids would come up and ask to sing very explicit songs with their partents blessings. I would say to the parents that, the songs were sexually explicit and were full of swear words. They wouldn't care often times and say, "It's okay, they sing it all the time!" Thats when I put my foot down. When I have something to do with it, I don't behave badly in front of children, or allow them to with my blessing.


If the parents are fool enough not to care what their kids see, I applaud the entertainer's for waiting until the children leave before the adults have adult fun. It may not be his/her "JOB", but at least someone stepped up!


If kids can't learn from their own parents they can at least recall other adults who have their best interests at heart. I can think of many adults who have not much good to say about their own parents but brag on a teacher, guidance counselor, or someone else that drew the line somewhere. At least they can get the idea, that sometimes there is a line that should or should not be crossed at a particular juncture.

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I've been to five Quests, two of them with Becky Thompson as CD. Let me state up front that my wife and I think she is the best CD on RCI. Great personality, very visible all over the ship at all times of the day or night, and usually with a great team around her.


I think the problem with the Quest is that different people have different tolerance levels. What you may find offensive I may find amusing. Add to this, that different contestants have different levels of needing attention, and so may act over the top (or over the topless, as it were).


But what would you have the CD and team do? Physically confront those who cross over the line -- especially in a social setting where the safety of other passengers is not threatened? Best to let it play out.


As for kids in the room. RCI has the absolutely best weapon for making sure they are not where there aren't supposed to be -- Parents. Take control of your kids' experience, people. What if you wanted your kids to do something but RCI said "No" and forced you to take them out -- against your will? You'd be pissed. If you have kids and allow them to stay at the Quest or the adult comedy show then what they get exposed to is on you (the generic you, not pointing a finger at anyone).


So, as for this thread, forewarned is forearmed, folks. You've read that Quest can be risque´ (and even that is subject to each person's definition of what constitutes risque´) so if you think you'd be offended by it, by all means do not attend -- more room for me.

Well Said Punderful!!!!

At the Quest Shows I've been to, it was made very clear, both written and verbal, it was for Adults Only. Parents that bring your kid's Shame On You. I've seen it many times, those are the parents, that their kids are allowed to drink under age, and can do no wrong. I have put handcuffs on quite a few of them in past years. Kids will get to see the show in do time. It is called taking responsibility for your actions.

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If the parents are fool enough not to care what their kids see, I applaud the entertainer's for waiting until the children leave before the adults have adult fun. It may not be his/her "JOB", but at least someone stepped up!


RSSCaptain, I applaud you for not allowing kids to sing inappropriate songs. However- if we wait for all parents to get a clue there will NEVER be an adult show anywhere ever. I unfortunately have never attended a show or attraction that was for adults that didn't have at least several children in attendance.


I for one do NOT appreciate when the show is altered because there are kids there when it was clearly stated that it was an adults only show.

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Getting back to the Qwest, I fear that the outrage of folks who go to the show and stay for the whole thing, only to complain later that they were outraged, will result in the show eventually being geared to the level of the most easily offended person onboard. Won't that be boring. We find that the Qwest on the larger ships tends to be tamer than the smaller ones (in our limited experience) so this report surprises me. Ken Rush actually says a great thing as he tries to get parents to be aware of the type of game it is. He says, "you're the parents and it's your job to do that but I am going to remind you that I've told you several times that this may not be approrpriate for your kids and if they stay, they may grow up a lot faster than you intended." With that said, there are still parents who want to attend and keep their young children right by their side. That's called a decision and the responsibility for the decision rests with the parent.


It's interesting that folks want RCL to become the morality police by taking this decision out of the hands of parents. I suspect the reason most of these parents bring their kids to the Qwest is that they don't want to miss the Qwest and they have nobody to watch their kids. I presume these are the same people who drag their children around the decks late into the night like rag dolls because the parents aren't ready to go to bed and they have nobody to watch the kids. I'm guessing these same people would throw a stink if they were turned away from the Qwest. When we see these people at the Qwest, which besides being an adult-oriented event is also a late-night event, I think "what horrible parents." It would never occur to me to blame RCL for these folks poor parenting skills.

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RSSCaptain, I applaud you for not allowing kids to sing inappropriate songs. However- if we wait for all parents to get a clue there will NEVER be an adult show anywhere ever. I unfortunately have never attended a show or attraction that was for adults that didn't have at least several children in attendance.


I for one do NOT appreciate when the show is altered because there are kids there when it was clearly stated that it was an adults only show.


Yes, I understand your line of thinking. Just, when I'm put in the position that I have been as a front person, I can see the faces, that are often embaressed by their parents, and are just plain not ready for what I'm about to play, or for what they are about to hear. I guess I fall on the side of the child becuase I can.


In terms of a big cruise lines, I'm sure it's different. It's hard to hold up the whole show because a few parents are irresponsible.


For me though, I would prefer to leave myself then to sit there. Even if that was voting with my feel. Sad I guess. I thank my parents for giving me a childhood. My life now is mine. :)

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No, what I said, is that they should do a better job at enforcing rules that apply to kids and try to encourage parents to be more responsible for their kids. Enforce the no kids in the Solarium, Enforce the no kids during the adults shows.


Amen! And if I see kids in the solarium, I can PROMISE I will be reporting it to every staff member I see, and demanding they be asked to leave. There are places on board that are kids only, it's only fair we get an adults only space too.

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Amen! And if I see kids in the solarium, I can PROMISE I will be reporting it to every staff member I see, and demanding they be asked to leave. There are places on board that are kids only, it's only fair we get an adults only space too.


I'd probably say something to scare the kid out. Like, "hey, see that sign? That means you." They'd get embarassed and crawl away. Ok, so I've never really done that. Remember? I'm the one who rarely sees kids on ships. But I just might say that if give the opportunity. :D

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Thanks to all for this thread. We are soon to take our first RCCL cruise, and it sounds as if it will be our last. I don't care to associate with people who think this behavior is entertaining. No, my daughter won't be at this show, but she might be at the pool next to the guy who just finished performing, and I doubt his personality will change much. These are situations I try to protect her from. On land you can just leave- on a ship you are stuck with the others on board.

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Thanks to all for this thread. We are soon to take our first RCCL cruise, and it sounds as if it will be our last. I don't care to associate with people who think this behavior is entertaining. No, my daughter won't be at this show, but she might be at the pool next to the guy who just finished performing, and I doubt his personality will change much. These are situations I try to protect her from. On land you can just leave- on a ship you are stuck with the others on board.


Not to sound obnoxious here...but.....


You might just want to stay home for the rest ofyour life. The same guy is probably going to be sitting next to you at the Outback Steakhouse. And McDonalds. In fact, there is a good chance he is passing the offering plate to you at church. Or your kid's teacher at school.


You are basically just stuck with him on this planet, in this country, in your neighborhood or anywhere. You never know who he is until you see him in action at the quest. :)

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Thanks to all for this thread. We are soon to take our first RCCL cruise, and it sounds as if it will be our last. I don't care to associate with people who think this behavior is entertaining. No, my daughter won't be at this show, but she might be at the pool next to the guy who just finished performing, and I doubt his personality will change much. These are situations I try to protect her from. On land you can just leave- on a ship you are stuck with the others on board.


Merry - This is the first time I ever heard of Quest getting that out of hand, usually it is a hilariouly funny game that is the highlight of the cruise! Don't judge a whole cruise line by a one time incident, or you'll be missing out on an awesome time! :)

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Thanks to all for this thread. We are soon to take our first RCCL cruise, and it sounds as if it will be our last. I don't care to associate with people who think this behavior is entertaining. No, my daughter won't be at this show, but she might be at the pool next to the guy who just finished performing, and I doubt his personality will change much. These are situations I try to protect her from. On land you can just leave- on a ship you are stuck with the others on board.


How can you say you will never sail on RCCL after reading this thread?? You should go on your cruise, enjoy every minute and make your own opinions about the cruiseline! I hope you don't spend the whole cruise looking for reasons to hate RCCL.

DH has participated in Quest on 3 occasions and he does not go around the ship reeking havoc the rest of the time!

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We have our first cruise on 3-25 on Rhapsody of the Seas, and after reading all these threads I can't wait ;) to see this Qwest game! It sounds like a riot! I just hope they don't tame it down before we go! If there is a warning that is an adult show, then no one should bring kids in my opinion. Plus if someone is easily offended then that should also be a warning also that they might want to sit this one out. I for one can't wait to see it for the first time! :p

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We were on the 2/4/07 Mariner OTS sailing and our Quest was quite entertaining, but not "R" rated at all. There were 2 kids in the audience and Becky politely scolded the parents and asked them to take them back to their rooms. The parents allowed the children to stay, but all in all it was not too bad for them to experience. I wouldn't want my 5 & 7 year olds to be in attendance, but to each their own. Becky did warn the parents however. I think the grandparents were also there. However, in regards to the Quest described in this post, I know I would not enjoy that kind of behavior and would have been somewhat embarrassed for those performing the acts. There is a place for this kind of behavior and RCCL should have put a stop to it. Oh well, that's just my opinion and after attending the Quest on several other of our cruises, I would not miss it. It is hysterical and everyone can have a great time.

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I think that all of you who are responding to *merryecho* and urging her to give RC a try are WAY off base.


If this is the sort of thing that puts her off, then she *should* find another line.


There is a suitable cruiseline for everyone, but not every cruiseline is for every cruiser.


If just reading this makes her uncomfortable, she would be happier on another line.


Let her go.

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We have been to the Quest game on 14 different ships, and each one was different. I think it all depends on the contestants, since they, in essence, ARE the show. All it takes is one uninhibited person, who is probably traveling with another just like her/him to start the ball rolling.


Some were very laid back and others much more interesting, but all had their moments and were a lot of fun. Shame on ANY parent who would expose young children to something they were warned about! It would ruin the game for me to have to worry about those innocents being exposed to something they are way to young to understand. I feel sorry for the Adult entertainers who must feel very uncomfortable performing before children - it is unfair to them to allow this to continue, IMHO. Don't hesitate to attend Quest - it is always a lot of fun. :D You can always leave for ANY reason, but I'll bet you don't!

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I think that all of you who are responding to *merryecho* and urging her to give RC a try are WAY off base.


If this is the sort of thing that puts her off, then she *should* find another line.


There is a suitable cruiseline for everyone, but not every cruiseline is for every cruiser.


If just reading this makes her uncomfortable, she would be happier on another line.


Let her go.


I don't agree.


I've been on 6 RCI cruises and will be on my 7 in just a few days, and I have yet to see even one Quest because I choose not to. This is DEFINATELY something my husband and I do not wish to attend, and would never allow our teen daughters to see, but we have had a FANTASTIC time on each and every cruise so far without the "entertainment" of Quest.


Not seeing Quest is my choice, but there are so many other things to do and see on a RCI ship that I believe everyone can be entertained in his/her own style.


Merryecho - I say to try RCI with an open mind, and you may be so well-pleased that you'll never consider another cruiseline (like me :D ).



BTW, I have also been on Princess, and while I had a good time, my RCI cruises have far excelled in every aspect. So much so that I am content to stay with RCI until I reach Diamond+ - lol!

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