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Tivoli Gardens?

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On our cruise in August our ship overnights in Copenhagen and we were considering going to Tivoli in the evening. For those who have been there in the evening I would love your feedback on what you liked.


Also any idea on taxi fees to Tivoli from the ship and the cost for admission? Thanks for your input!

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On our cruise in August our ship overnights in Copenhagen and we were considering going to Tivoli in the evening. For those who have been there in the evening I would love your feedback on what you liked.


Yes - do it - but do not expect DISNEY LAND.


Tivoli is something if your brain is open for small joy of life - like "nice attacks" to your senses, to your eyes, to your ears etc..


It's a transfer to your perfect childhood and land of happiness!


Do not expect "world record" attractions.


Also any idea on taxi fees to Tivoli from the ship and the cost for admission? Thanks for your input!


First part: depends to your berth - which ship are you coming with on which date?


The admission is 79 DKK/40 DKK for children.


More info here: http://www.tivoli.dk/composite-4629.htm




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If you plan to go to Tivoli, it definitely is better at night. As the other poster said, it's not Disney World. The attractions are fun but milder and smaller in scale. The lights at night are beautiful, and there is usually some sort of show about an hour or so before closing. When we were there it was a fantastic celebration of Hans Christian Andersen.


A word of warning: the restaurants within Tivoli can be expensive. (Yes, all of Copenhagen is pricey!!) However, there were several we looked at (and one we ate in) and I can say the food was great.

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I loved Tivoli and went twice at night. The shows are very entertaining and are all over the park with a big show prior to closing with fireworks, etc. Some passengers have been disappointed, and I can't understand why, but opinions vary on many attractions.


Don't hold my feet to the fire on this because rates may have changed since I last traveled the Baltics (have cruised twice there) in 2005. We preferred going to Tivoli by taxi because we set our own schedule. The taxi fare was around 13 Euros one way, and the taxis take credit cards! Taxis are waiting at Tivoli to take you back to the ship.


Have a great trip,


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Just to add to what 'HeinBloed' accurately stated is that the admission price does not include any of the rides. You can get tickets for each ride or you can get a unlimited ride pass. Just depends on how many rides,if any, that you go on. We were there last June, and the taxi cost us about 15 US dollar,but we had the driver wait for us while we stopped and took pictures of the little mermaid on the way back to the port . There are several places to eat and get beer,from fast food to some nice sit down restaurants.We went to Asian noodle house called 'Wagamama'. Wagamama is a chain from London.Very good,reasonable sit down service.My family and I had a great time at Tivoli Gardens,its not Disney World but it is very charming, the lights are beautiful at night and most nights I believe they have a fire works show. Enjoy your cruise.

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I was on Celebrity Constellation and we were in Copenhagen until 11:00 PM. The ship offered a shuttle bus that ran back and forth all evening.


I enjoyed seeing Tivoli and wandering around. I didn't go on any rides and spent a few hours there. It was an interesting contrast between old and new and you could see how Walt Disney got his inspiration for Disneyland from there. I was a woman alone at night in the park and felt completly safe.


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Tivoli is wonderful. Besides, what else you going to do. There's relatively little else to do in the evening except for seeing a movie, dining out, or walking among the wonderful medieval steets of Copenhagen. These and perhaps others are good idea, but, as for me, I love Tivoli. Get a Gammel Dansk ice cream cone with a chocolate covered cream ball on top. Recommend a restaurant there called "Groften." Have fun.

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  • 4 weeks later...


I love your idea regarding "Gammel Dansk" but do you think it's something for you Americans :) (Advise: Gl. Dansk is a Bitter, you drink it like a snaps in small shots, you can have the traditionel Gl. Dansk or the one with a little Lemon in, but remember, it's a Bitter!) I personal loves it, speciel during wintertime.


But you're right, Tivoli at night is wonderfull - just be carefull, if you're in Tivoli Friday night there will be a concert in there, it's called Friday Rock - last 1½ hour. "Grøften" is a very nice place with the famous Danish Open Sandwiches and it's not so expensive as other places in the garden.


Have a nice stay here in Copenhagen.

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I love your idea regarding "Gammel Dansk" but do you think it's something for you Americans :) (Advise: Gl. Dansk is a Bitter, you drink it like a snaps in small shots, you can have the traditionel Gl. Dansk or the one with a little Lemon in, but remember, it's a Bitter!) I personal loves it, speciel during wintertime.


But you're right, Tivoli at night is wonderfull - just be carefull, if you're in Tivoli Friday night there will be a concert in there, it's called Friday Rock - last 1½ hour. "Grøften" is a very nice place with the famous Danish Open Sandwiches and it's not so expensive as other places in the garden.


Have a nice stay here in Copenhagen.



Hello kla203, yes indeed Gammel Dansk is "interesting," or unique, definately what I consider overwhelming, and someting that Americans are not used too. However, in my posting, I was referring to ice cream, the old fashion cones. I may have been wrong, but I thought they were referred to as gammel Dansk IS. Is that not correct? I do love the Danish ice cream in the waffle cone, with the chocolate cream ball, whipped cream, and strawberry jam on top. In Tivoli, I was recommending people try these ice cream waffle cones. But yes, Gammel Dansk, a kind of snaps, served chilled, is very strong indeed.

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@ Steve


aha :-)


It's actually called "Gammeldags Isvaffel" or in english "Oldfashioned Ice Waffle" . Yep, they are GREAT. There's a small shop just north of Copenhagen (in Hellerup) that is famous for making these, but be carefull, they are HUGE, even bigger than you are use to in US!!!


And regarding Gl. Dansk, well I prefer it not to cold, then you can taste the herbs better :-) but then again, I'm used to the drink.


Have you tried out liquorice? The salty and the strong? Try it next time - but be carefull :) it's different.

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Hi kla203, are you referring to the candy liquorice? Or, is that a drink. If a drink, I am not familiar, but the candy, yes I do love. I do not eat liquorice here in the US, just not as popular here, and does not taste good like in Denmark. Hum, as I re-read your posting, I get the idea you're referring to a drink. I am not at all familiar with that. Now, there is another drink, which to me I consider simular, but different to Gammel Dansk, and that's Aquavit. Wow, they are both strong stuff.


Oh, thanks for clearing up the name of the old fashoned ice cream cones. Now that would be funny if someone went up for ice cream and asked for Gammel Dansk. ;-) I used to live in Hellerup on Niels Andersons Vej and I never knew of that ice cream shop you're referring too, but I did learn about it a few years ago. How long has it been there? It's been a while since I've lived in Hellerup, and perhaps this ice cream place opened up after I left. For me, the best ice cream is in that little shop, in the small alley, close to the train station in Helsingor. But, from your description, I think I would love to try the one in Hellerup. :-)

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I'm from the Hellerup area!! small world....when and why did you spend time here? :)


It's not far from Niels Andersensvej. It's on Strandvejen near Hellerup Havn. The shop is rather small, the name is Lydolph. And you're right regarding the little shop in Helsingør - the name is Brostræde and it's also very very good :)


Nice to know that you like the candy :) I once worked for Kodak and spend 6 weeks in Rochester, NY at the Marketing Center. I had some "Piratos" with me and more or less all who tasted them accused me of trying to poisson them :) To strong for their taste.

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I'm from the Hellerup area!! small world....when and why did you spend time here? :)


kla203, yes, small world indeed. Well, it's been a while since I lived in Hellerup. The year was 1980-1981 and I was an exchange student. I attended Kildegaard Gymnasium. I have returned to Denmark several times since, my last visit was July 2005. Although it's been quite a few years when I lived in Hellerup, I seem to remember it like yesterday, and I still am in contact with friends. One friend still lives near Hellerup in Gentofte. As always, I miss my friends, Denmark, and the wonderful adventure I lived while there.

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I got a lot of friends from Kildegård and from that time!, I was at Gl. Hellerup Gymnasium. Where in Hellerup does your friend live?


Englewood = Bengals Fan? :)

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I got a lot of friends from Kildegård and from that time!, I was at Gl. Hellerup Gymnasium. Where in Hellerup does your friend live?


Englewood = Bengals Fan? :)



He lives in Gentofte, I don't have the address at the moment, but he's got a birthday coming up in a week and I need to hurry up and send him a card. He works at IBM and seems to love his job. When I see the address I'll send you the street. We used to grocery shop in Gentofte. I thought it was pretty cool going from shop to shop. I especially loved the leverposti from the butcher. Oh, and the bakery, I was in heaven! Hellerup is an awsome area. Very close to Kobenhavn by train, and a great beach. I loved riding my bike to the beach and just enjoying the view of the water and over to Sweden. On Niels Anderson's Vej, I believe the house number was 32 where I lived, but I may be wrong. I also lived in Frederiksvaerk during my stay as well. It was good that it gave me a differnet exposure to the country life too. Met a lot of good freinds there, but my heart was in Copenhagen. I also have another freind, from Frederiksvaerk, he does not live there now, but is an actor. From what I understand he has performed a lot at the theater in Copenhagen, but also performs on other communities as well. His name is Peter Jorde. I wouldn't know if you would know the name or not, but he played lead roles in Grease, the Phantom in Phantom of the Opera, and the father in The Sound of Music at Det Ny Teater. Unfortunately, I am not in regular contact with him, but I am happy his acting career seems to be doing well.


So where do you live in Denmark?


Yes, I guess you would say I am a Bengals fan. They play in Cincinnati which is about an hour from where I live. I am always for the local or nearby teams.

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I got a lot of friends from Kildegård and from that time!,



Perhaps I met or knew some of your friends, but it was a long time ago. In 1980, they put me in 1st g. The idea was that the students in 3 g were too busy with studies to make freinds, so they put the exchange students in 1st g. So, if you knew anyone in 1st g at Kildegaard in 1980/81, then that would be the time I was there.

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Don't know where to start :-)


My wife is working at IBM and I know A LOT of the people there. Regarding 1.G at Kildegård, well I'm year 1978 from Gl. Hellerup, but got frinds younger than me.


Peter Jorde is FANTASTIC, with a great voice, have seen him in several plays - like Phantom.


I live in Kgs. Lyngby now - just roun d the corner from Gentoftegade and Hellerupvej. And yor're absolutely right, our bakers are very good and the Leverpostej is just great.


I went on Google Earth to see where you live, and then it was only a question of guessing. You know that NFL is very popular here now? One of the reasons is Morten Andersen and other reason, it's a very good sport for television. We're a bunch of guys that meets every Supersunday at 1130 PM to watch Superbowl, only problem is we have to be at work 3 hours after end of game which is around 0430 am here in Denmark.


I've always been a fan of 49ers - so it's have been a hard time the last couple of years.

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Don't know where to start :-)


My wife is working at IBM and I know A LOT of the people there. Regarding 1.G at Kildegård, well I'm year 1978 from Gl. Hellerup, but got frinds younger than me.


Peter Jorde is FANTASTIC, with a great voice, have seen him in several plays - like Phantom.


I live in Kgs. Lyngby now - just roun d the corner from Gentoftegade and Hellerupvej. And yor're absolutely right, our bakers are very good and the Leverpostej is just great.


I went on Google Earth to see where you live, and then it was only a question of guessing. You know that NFL is very popular here now? One of the reasons is Morten Andersen and other reason, it's a very good sport for television. We're a bunch of guys that meets every Supersunday at 1130 PM to watch Superbowl, only problem is we have to be at work 3 hours after end of game which is around 0430 am here in Denmark.


I've always been a fan of 49ers - so it's have been a hard time the last couple of years.


Wow, that's interesting you know Peter. He and I were at school together in Frederiksvaaerk when I lived there. He was one of the nicest people to me, and his parents were great to me. He later visited me in the US and the two of us, as well as another Danish friend, went on a road trip across the US. His mother also came to visit with me and we took her on a holiday to the mountains in Tennessee. One of my trips back to Denmark I atteneded his 30th birthday party. However, since then we've not been able to keep in touch much. On the trip across the US, he discussed whether to become a doctor, or an Actor. I told him to be a doctor, but he apparently didn't listen to me. My biggest surprise was that I didn't know he could sing, and somehow I still can't picture him singing. But I did know he enjoyed performing in the school plays. I am glad he's become a successful actor.


As for my friend with IBM, his name is Niels J. Jensen. Other classmates are Peter Madsen who now lives in the Netherlands, and Peter Mikkelsen who lives in Denmark, but I'd have to check my address book to see the town. An old friend who I have no contact with but lived in Gentofte is Morten Bligaard.


If you wish to email me at my regular email address it's swdke@aol.com

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A word of warning: the restaurants within Tivoli can be expensive. QUOTE]


I am getting off the topic here, but this reminds me of my first date with my current wife.


We both lived just N of Chicago, and she wanted to see the Chinese Acrobats at Great America. I thought this would be a great idea seeing a show she looked forward to and a romantic dinner just as you can have at several restaurants in Tivoli.


Well, I quickly found out how bad Amusements Parks food is here in the US, but my wife has a good time.


Regarding the discussion of Gammel Dansk. I have yet to meet an American who enjoys the "brew" or an Akvavit.

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You can write to info@tivoli.dk regarding your question. I think you can do it (I've seen tourists pay US $ ) but I'm not sure. I know they take creditcard.

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It's much more easier to check this:


Just go to their website:



You can pay at Tivoli's entrances with most common foreign currencies. Inside Tivoli there are 2 cash dispensers where you can use credit cards such as Visa, Master etc.




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Anyone have some good advice for what time to arrive at Tivoli? I'm sailing the NCL Dream and will be in Copenhagen for a relatively short time. We arrive on Saturday May 26th at 7:00 PM.


Does anyone know what time it will get dark around May 26th? Is there time to do other excursions like a canal ride after 7 PM before we go to Tivoli or should we just go there and spend the entire evening there.


We can probably stay out all night if we want but we only are in Copenhagen until 12:00 PM the next day on Sunday.


My partner is catholic and would like to go to a Catholic church on Sunday morning. Is there any close to other tourist sites and what is good sites to visit on a Sunday morning?


Thanks for all your advice.

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