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My wife almost died...That's why we cruise every year!


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Why do you cruise?


We had a wake up call about how precious life and our relationship is.

It was a MIRACLE she survived, thought we plan a group cruise the MIRACLE...

Next up our CC Group cruise 2/27/08 "It's a Miracle" 8 Days>>

Never really took vacations as our kids were growing up...Now we do what it takes to sail away together instead of taking everything for granted.


So, why do you cruise?



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So if what you went through happens to us we won't regret what we've done in life. Our DD is in high school and will be gone soon. We want to enjoy our time with her.


Life is short. We could have saved 10s of thousands of dollars over the years if we hadn't taken cruises, but what memories would I have had.


We didn't go anywhere when I was growing up. My memories of childhood have no "wow do you remember when" moments. Don't want my DD to have that.

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I'm very happy your wife survived. God bless you both.


My son and I cruise because I value my time with him and want to create lasting memories with him before he goes off to college. I want him to experience life outside with me. To see the look of surprise and joy on his face is priceless. I've said it a million times over, time is precious, don't take it for granted. I don't regret taking him out of school or anything. So I have bills, always will.

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to come close to death can be a wake up call for all of us. It is wonderful to hear the positive outcome stories.


For us, we allow 3 vacations a year: 1 to Las Vegas and usually 2 cruises. One cruise I consider a business trip as I try to cruise a line I haven't cruised before or not for many years, the other is our pleasure cruise. We cruise with family, friends or just ourselves. Each trip is a new adventure and one we always remember. NMnita

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I'm glad your wife survived. :)


And after reading your post, I feel a lot better about taking my kids out of school for 5 days, life is too short and precious. Spending that time with my children without the worries of where they have to be for this or that, will be priceless.

Thank You

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DH & I both grew up on farms in the '50s and '60s. Family vacations were few and far between with livestock and fields to tend. In fact, the only family vacation my family ever took was one 2-day weekend to a nearby lake at the invitation by friends. They had a cottage on the lake and my dad took me fishing on the lake. I was 15 at the time and I treasure every minute of that vacation. Dad died 2 years later.


DH's grandparents had a winter vacation trailer down in Florida while our children were growing up and we were very fortunate to be able to load the brood in our car and drive straight to the trailer from Ohio to camp out. Cooked in the trailer and did laundry for our family of five in the trailer park's laundry. We ate out a few times on vacation but not very often. But we were able to travel and enjoy life as a family and have beautiful memories from those 20-some years with the children.


When the nest emptied DH & I made a few land trips to Florida, Texas, and even to Europe 3 times. But DH was always driving from one point to another.


We took a cruise for the first time in Nov. 2002 and have never looked back. We are now averaging 4 cruises a year since he gets 4 weeks of vacation each year.


April 29 we will board our 18th cruise and have cruise 19 and 20 booked and are now looking at booking cruise 21 for next January.


To us, it's not just about being waited on hand-and-foot on a cruise. The nightly turn down service, the great food in the dining rooms, the laundry service and the terrific entertainment are all pluses.


However, it's the wonderful trip we get from watching so many couples of all ages have a great time aboard a floating vessel that goes from country to country and island to island that makes the experience so wonderful. We see newlyweds as well as couples who have been married for 60 some years holding hands and kissing, dancing and dining.


We meet people from all over the world and make so many friendships we would never make on a land vacation and we realize we are still learning so much about the world we learned about in school from elementary to college years.


To sum it all up, DH & I know that we fell in love all over again on our first cruise a few years ago. We are not retired. Dh likes to tell people he still works to cruise, but I know he's always looking forward to the next time we board a cruise ship and renew that love we have all over again.:)



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Why do you cruise?


We had a wake up call about how precious life and our relationship is.

It was a MIRACLE she survived, thought we plan a group cruise the MIRACLE...

Next up our CC Group cruise 2/27/08 "It's a Miracle" 8 Days>>

Never really took vacations as our kids were growing up...Now we do what it takes to sail away together instead of taking everything for granted.


So, why do you cruise?



Because of the same experience. Except it was me who almost died 3 yrs ago now. Realized we can't wait until retirement age to travel. You never know if you are going to be around to enjoy retirement. So, we are doing our traveling now at the age of 50. My ongoing diagnosis is uncertain, so I am doing what I can while I can. Ironic thing is that I got literally deadly ill while on the Grandeur of the Seas 3 yrs ago. Dr. said another day onboard and I would have been in a body bag. Didn't stop our cruising. Still my preferred way to travel. :) Take one a year now.

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We also had that wake up call a few years ago. My younger brother, who always said he would retire at 50 and enjoy life, was diagnosed with cancer. He had just went out and purchased all new scuba gear and was starting to do things for himself. From the time of the diagnosis to the date of his death was less than 10 months. We decided to make sure we had memories of our time together and with our families. Time is precious and we can never get back what has gone by, but making the memories is the best.

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When I was younger (I'm only 21), my parents always promised me that we'd go on family vacations, and we only ended up going on 1 when I was 16. It was the best vacation of my life, but I was always upset that we never went on more.


When I met my boyfriend, I made him promise me that as long as we could afford it, we would go on an annual vacation, which will most likely be a cruise. And I want us to continue to do so, as long as we can.


We've been dating for almost three years and we finally decided to take the plunge and go on a cruise!

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We travel for the same reason someone stated previously, tomorrow isn't guaranteed. We've got one bunch in power who wants to march us off to war, and the another bunch trying to take power whose promises to tax us into prosperity will probably leave us without the means to travel. At least we'll be able to look at our photos and say, "Remember when..."

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We travel for the same reason someone stated previously, tomorrow isn't guaranteed. We've got one bunch in power who wants to march us off to war, and the another bunch trying to take power whose promises to tax us into prosperity will probably leave us without the means to travel. At least we'll be able to look at our photos and say, "Remember when..."


Tomorrow is never guaranteed.


What I didn't say in previous post was DH had researched cruises a few years ago and was ready to book our first cruise. He was sent out of town by his company and said we would book as soon as he got home.


I was on the phone with my husband the next day after he said that. The towers were going down in NYC. Our son was in the army, stationed in Korea. we had no idea what the next day would bring let alone the next week, month or year.


We didn't book a cruise that year but booked our first one as soon as the dust settled. We have never looked back or forward since that date. We will live our life as we wish.


DH & I started traveling when he was a new recruit in the army during the ' 60s. We were fortunate to be able to travel together and saw many great places along the East coast with the military before being sent to Berlin, Germany for two years. somethng about living behind the Berlin Wall for two years taught us to always seek more areas to travel.


Our photo albums will be a great history lesson for our grandchildren now as we walk them down our own memory lane and tell them ``We remember when'' and can show them pictures to prove it as well as our own stories.


Politics have nothing to do with it, but some wars do inhibit the areas we travel and enhance other areas we have been.:)



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I survived a car accident that killed my DH. It was then that I realized just how precious our family and our lives are. I have since remarried and we have cruised together, taken our kids and grandkids too. To the poster who takes their kids out of school - good for you. We sailed with our 4 grandchildren to Mexico and the memories are so vivid. We were on Pride, eating dinner next to a big window at the very aft. The sun was going down and as it disappeared "under the sea" my 7 year old grandson said "Wow, this is way better than Disneyland". Life is so short. I wish every "too hard working person" would realize that and get out and enjoy.

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I survived a car accident that killed my DH. It was then that I realized just how precious our family and our lives are. I have since remarried and we have cruised together, taken our kids and grandkids too. To the poster who takes their kids out of school - good for you. We sailed with our 4 grandchildren to Mexico and the memories are so vivid. We were on Pride, eating dinner next to a big window at the very aft. The sun was going down and as it disappeared "under the sea" my 7 year old grandson said "Wow, this is way better than Disneyland". Life is so short. I wish every "too hard working person" would realize that and get out and enjoy.


Amen and good for you!:)


In my years on this site I think this is one of the best threads I've ever seen.


Thanks MMMke for starting it. Hope all who post here have many great cruises to enjoy.



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We have always loved to travel and be adventuresome. The older we get and the more aches and pains we get, we look forward to our cruises once or twice a year as it is the best vacation for us now.

We have both worked hard in our lives and at our age don't know how many days or years or left so we enjoy them to the fullest.

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Great thread.

Our kids are finally independent ( sort of ) and we are in a better position to enjoy our remaining years together. My wife must have watched The Simpsons because like Homer did in one episode, she has made a list of 10 things we should do before father time catches up. A cruise was #1 and we have that booked. Funny but #2 & 3 involves cruising too. :D

I never thought I might have to give up our 2 annual treks to Vegas but this list seems important so I might have to forgo one trip to mecca. Hopefully our health will hold up such that we can start a second list, then a third.... :)

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I was married for 12 years, and we have 3 beautiful children. We went to Disneyland twice.

My Ex-Husband doesn't remember taking any family vacation growing up - except 1 at age 15.

I remember my parents taking a cruise and going to Mexico, but I stayed home with my brother and a cousin that was watching us.

I guess we were "poor"

I have always had such an need to travel. After leaving my marriage (for many reasons - not just because he's cheap)

I now have a fourth child and a new love, he & I have been to the Dominican Republic 2 times and on a 15 day panama canal cruise.

One of those DR trips was 10 days with the kids, and we are leaving in 2 days for an 8-day cruise with the kids.

Reading all these post - I never could quite put into words why I wanted to travel, and now I have read the deeper meanings of spending time and making memories with family.

I don't want my kids to not remember taking trips or having family vacations. I want to encourage them, teach them and see the wonder in their eyes, experience their "firsts" with them (travel/worldy wise)

We are already working with a TA for our summer getaway 2008 - Europe for at least 3 weeks.

God forbid anything should happen to any of us, but I want my kids to know, regardless of how much debt our travels put us in, they were/are worth it. I don't want to be to old to enjoy them - plus I'm hoping to get to go along as a grandmother some day (maybe in 15 years or so)

Proud mom & traveler to 11, 10, 8 year olds and 10 month old!

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These posts put tears in my eyes. Vacations bring families together. School will always be there, we may not be. To those who lost loved ones, God bless you. I'm sorry to hear about your loss.


To the OP, thank you. This is the best post I've seen yet. It makes many realize life is too short, especially with loved ones.

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Love these posts :D Our one vacation that we had together was when I was 16. We went in August 2001. One month later, Sept 11th happened, and 6 months later my dad had a heart attack. We were so greatful to have that one vacation together, but that's all we ever had together. My dad is in his 60s and won't retire or take days off.


I really wish he would, because that was the most memorable week of my life. It was like paradise to us...and then everything changed when we got back.


I cruised in 2003 with my friend. It was my reward for winning a full scholarship to college. Now my next one is in May with my boyfriend, and I hope it is one of many!


My dream is for me to get a job after I graduate and be able to bring my parents on a cruise where not a dime would have to come out of their pocket so I could thank them for everything they ever did for me :D

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My DH never made it on a cruise. He died 3 years ago after only 4 months of cancer and after 37 years of marriage. I also see patients where I work no older than me who will never cruise and are in bad shape. I am facing a "major" birthday this year and made the decision to take a cruise to Europe by myself. I wish my husband were here to go too but I plan to have a good time anyway. I have a picture of him in front of Stonehenge before we were married. I plan to have my picture taken there too, in front of the very same stone. Too sentimental I guess.:o Anyway, go for it everyone !

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I survived a car accident that killed my DH. It was then that I realized just how precious our family and our lives are. I have since remarried and we have cruised together, taken our kids and grandkids too. To the poster who takes their kids out of school - good for you. We sailed with our 4 grandchildren to Mexico and the memories are so vivid. We were on Pride, eating dinner next to a big window at the very aft. The sun was going down and as it disappeared "under the sea" my 7 year old grandson said "Wow, this is way better than Disneyland". Life is so short. I wish every "too hard working person" would realize that and get out and enjoy.


My mom had a health scare about 7 years ago. She has since decided to take her grandkids out to see the world, her Auntie Mame moment as she calls it. She wants them to remember the good times with her. This year will be the six cruise she has taken with one or more of her grandkids. The oldest has been on 4 the middle child on 3 and the youngest this will be number two (he is only five and still very attached to mommy). The oldest children cannot wait to see or hear where they are going each year.

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My DH never made it on a cruise. He died 3 years ago after only 4 months of cancer and after 37 years of marriage. I also see patients where I work no older than me who will never cruise and are in bad shape. I am facing a "major" birthday this year and made the decision to take a cruise to Europe by myself. I wish my husband were here to go too but I plan to have a good time anyway. I have a picture of him in front of Stonehenge before we were married. I plan to have my picture taken there too, in front of the very same stone. Too sentimental I guess.:o Anyway, go for it everyone !



:( Very sad story. I hope you have fun on your cruise. Your husband will be there in spirit, I'm sure...

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Good for you, aprildream!


I have been reading these wonderful posts and agree with all who have commented on about how it is a great way to spend time now with family. And I was thinking that my husband and I had had the same thought when we started cruising 7 years ago. Our daughter was 5 and now she has been on 10 cruises! It is funny when we are on an elevator and one of the older passengers looks over at her and says "so it this your first cruise?" We have had great times and I don't regret a minute on any of the cruises we have gone on. We would do more than 2 a year if we got more vacation.


But even with all of the wonderful times with my family and the opportunity to be with my family that cruising offers, I was also thinking that I would not hesitate to go on a cruise by myself since I just love to be on a cruise and to see new places. Aprildream, you will meet so many other people on the cruise to hang with if you choose to and you will have a great time.


My condolences on the loss of your husband. AND my best wishes for a fabulous time



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Aprildream, you have a wonderful time. I agree, this is the best thread going right now. We have some friends who are older than us by 10 years and she is not in great health. We have tried and tried to get them to cruise but they think it is "out of their league" or that they "can't afford it". We have even offered to pay. Will keep trying.

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after 9/11/01 we bought a new car. a year later we booked a cruise. [first was our honeymoon in 1985] been on two since. booked one in july 07. one never knows what tomarrow brings enjoy enjoy enjoy....today.

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