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I was drugged in Costa Maya - Majahual - BEWARE!!

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First off mommabean I want to say thank you for sharing your experience with everyone else here on CC. This is one reason I am addicted to this board, you get to hear the good, the bad and the ugly about the ships and ports you are looking at visiting. I wish you well in finding out the truth and dealing with this unfortunate event.


I do feel, however, that I have to give the other side of Majahual. My DH, 2 kids (11 & 15) and myself were there last year and absolutely loved it. Yes, there were pushy vendors but for me just a kind no thank you and keeping walking worked to not have them bother us (I went window shopping with the kids while DH had a beer). We actually had a wonderful meal at the Cat's Meow and met/talked with both the feline and human owners. The human one was a very compassionate woman concerned with the locals. Listening to her gave a different perspective of the town.


Costa Maya, on the other hand, is a man made port owned by one entity. They have bought up a lot of the surrounding land and made it very hard for those who have lived there for years to continue to make a living. From what I have heard I would not put it past someone trying to scare people away from town and keep them captive in their own little resort (back to the don't trust the police/government). I would rather visit a town such as Majahual and see the true Mexico, but as others have said, in this situation you need to be careful and constantly pay attention. I thank those higher powers that my family was 100% fine the day after reading your story and yes I did have a margarita myself.


I do love to travel and see different places and have probably been more naive in the past than I should have been. I will continue to travel to Mexico and other places but will be much more watchful in the future both on those trips and in the US.

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Good grief, don't blame yourself for drinking :( This was a freak deal and thank god it turned out ok! I appreciate you taking the time to write, I travel alone with my children a lot and I will now be even more aware when I am out and about.


I don't drink much on board. I even forgot to buy a foo foo drink on board the first day- or at all. :) I was fine all morning - Costa Maya was a later port - off the ship about 1pm. I did think it could have been a server. Who knows how many people have access to the ingredients, you are right. I can blame no one but myself for drinking. I have not had a drink since that day. Someone on board said I should have a drink the next day - it might make me feel better. Yea, right. I don't think so. The drinks in Majahual are fresh made, not frozen. They even have lime pulp in them.
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Why wait. Go to a local hospital and ask for blood work to be done.

I would go somewhere and have some tests done to see if it can be IDed if you are still feeling off it is still in your system yet....... Go get this checked ASAP

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I am so sorry to hear this happened to you. I just wanted to add my two cents, bcuz this CAN happen ANYWHERE, not just in Mexico, or any other place that was posted previously.

When I was a single about 7-8 years ago, my cousin and I were sitting at a bar, getting ready to have a few drinks. It was a very nice bar, newly opened...

Well, this guy, bought us both drinks, my cousin only took a few sips, as she didn't care for it. I don't remember anything else.

I don't want to get into details, it was a very depressing point in my life, but he intended to do much more, thank God for my clearheaded cousin who got me home safely.

He did indeed drug me, don't know if he drugged my cousin too, but she didn't drink her drink. My cousin said she was completely freaked watching my quick drunkiness, and bad decisions, completely out of character for me. I didn't remember the in betweens, just the before and after, which still makes me ill...

This happened in Iowa...

Women (I say women, bcuz women are usually the targets) just need to always be aware, no matter where they are...

I only posted this bcuz I hate to see people associating this with Mexico. This is the first story I've ever heard of in this port, just as my story is possibly the first story you've heard of from Iowa.

Yes, it can happen, be safe, be aware...

I hope you recover soon Mommabean, thanks for making everyone aware of the possibilities.

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I have read this entire thread and I have a question about a comment you made here. "I began buying buying things I didn't want. My sister did, too." What sorts of things and where? If this drug put you out like I thought it does, how could you have been cognative enough to buy things?



I was wondering about this also.

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Mommabean, I have just read your post about your unfortunate experience in Costa Maya. I am so sorry this happened to you and your sister.

I appreciate you taking time to remind us all to always be aware of our surroundings, etc. no matter where we are.

I do hope that you are feeling better and that you and your sister will have a speedy recovery.

I have really enjoyed reading your post in the past with your great knowledge and advice on cruising and hope to read more as soon as you are feeling better.

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

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I have read this entire thread and I have a question about a comment you made here. "I began buying buying things I didn't want. My sister did, too." What sorts of things and where? If this drug put you out like I thought it does, how could you have been cognative enough to buy things? Perhaps in this spending spree you dropped your money?


as a college person who likes to go out to parties... I was wondering why you think you were drugged. Sounds like you may have drank to much to me. Most people drugged with date rape drugs are usually passed out for hours and cant remember anything the next day. I have had a friend that has had it happen to her.


Im not trying to jump to conclusions but your story to me sounds like you got drunk and made some bad purchasing decisions... I saw this all the time working late nights at walmart. Dumb drunk people coming in and spending money on all sorts of stuff they didnt want/need. I always told them put put their receipt in a safe place so they could return it.


If you really think you were drugged, you should have reported it to the ship. Then in the next port seen a doctor, not wait 4 days.

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On Wednesday my Carnival cruise stopped in Costa Maya. I took the bus with my sister and a cc friend to Majahual. I had only 2 margaritas and lost most of my memory. This was no alcohol. I began buying buying things I didn't want. My sister did, too. Our cc friend who only drank beer thought we just got weird and wanted to buy stuff. We definitely weren't raped or our friend would know it. He got us back to the ship but all my money was taken out of my zippered side compartment of my bag. I know it was there because I had a lot and plenty of ones for tip money. It was there, we had to go before the ship left without us, I got in the taxi and my money was gone.


There is a lot more to this story. I've been brain dead for days and am only now coming out of the fog. I'm still having difficulty dialing a phone and typing this isn't as easy for me as usual - you all know how I can type.


I want all of you - my RCI and cc friends - to know what is going on in ports in Mexico. I contacted the Jackson Memorial Hospital rape unit in Miami for rohypnol info. They think it might be too late to detect it in my blood but suggested I at least see my doctor tomorrow for a test just in case it's still in me. That way at least we will know for 100% sure. I am 99.9% sure at this point it was rohypnol but would like to know with a positive test result.


I have emailed Carnival about this but would like the blood test to verify it for them.


DON'T leave the immediate port area in Costa Maya. If you feel you must leave, do it with a tour. Or don't drink anything but a bottle beer that you open yourself.


I still feel very drugged. It's a wonder I made it home along yesterday on the plane. :(

you might want to talk to your Dr. about possible mini stroke. Sometimes if someone doesn't know what they are doing can cause a stroke with deep massage. Usually around the neck because of the arteries there. You are safe with massage 99 percent of the time but maybe they cut off blood supply or disturbed a small amount of plaque (like a friend had). I hope it was drugs and they clear you system soon. My friend has partial paralysis. She had a condition with her heart that contributed to this the doctor said also.

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If for no other reason, it reminds us to always be careful.

Something similar (not as drastic) happened to me at a corporate function a few years ago. Was at a convention, had one drink, about an hour after dinner, had small amount of another drink, started feeling totally disoriented, shaky, weird. Didn't remember much. Took me 24 hours to feel normal. My husband was thankfully with me and had to guide me back to our room. I truly think the person tending bar (whom we knew socially) put something in my drink, because the drink was never out of my sight after he prepared it. Two small drinks of rum/diet coke would not normally affect me. Doesn't matter where you are - this was a "swanky" function - in Kentucky. Thanks for reminding me to be careful, because when we cruise, I have had mixed drinks in port...but will be more aware in the future.

Hope you are much better today!

Pam in KY

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as a college person who likes to go out to parties... I was wondering why you think you were drugged. Sounds like you may have drank to much to me. Most people drugged with date rape drugs are usually passed out for hours and cant remember anything the next day. I have had a friend that has had it happen to her.


Im not trying to jump to conclusions but your story to me sounds like you got drunk and made some bad purchasing decisions... I saw this all the time working late nights at walmart. Dumb drunk people coming in and spending money on all sorts of stuff they didnt want/need. I always told them put put their receipt in a safe place so they could return it.


If you really think you were drugged, you should have reported it to the ship. Then in the next port seen a doctor, not wait 4 days.


No offense meant, I'm sure you mean well, but really, it's good you are still in college. I know college students learn to question everything, but in time, perhaps you will learn at times, just "I'm sorry" will do.

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The drug you describe would knock you out, not make you do things you regretted. However, I appreciate the warning, no matter what the cause.


My college age daughter was in Cozumel and Calica two months ago. She and her friends drank at a few of the bars (Carlos N Charlie's and Senior Frogs.) I had warned them about never taking a drink from a stranger, but didn't think about a bar tender doing the drugging.:eek: I have to think that the chain bars would be safer than the private bars, though.


you might want to talk to your Dr. about possible mini stroke. Sometimes if someone doesn't know what they are doing can cause a stroke with deep massage. Usually around the neck because of the arteries there. You are safe with massage 99 percent of the time but maybe they cut off blood supply or disturbed a small amount of plaque (like a friend had). I hope it was drugs and they clear you system soon. My friend has partial paralysis. She had a condition with her heart that contributed to this the doctor said also.
Thanks for letting us know about the threat of stroke from a massage. I had never heard this before.


Do you think that her sister could have had a mini stroke, also! Now, that would be quite a coincidence. ;) Although I doubt the massage is the cause of this behavior, I do believe that the women have some sort of short term damage from a "bad" drink.

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Did you see me give the guy a $5 bill over and above what he already got? I just wanted to shut him up. Then he hugged me for the picture.
Sounds like he set you up by drugging you, getting you to show him where you kept your money, then picked your purse while hugging you while you were distracted for the picture. Or, he could have told someone else and had them follow you while the drug kicked in.


So sorry to hear about your experience.

We never drink or eat anything off the ship, no matter where it is. One of the things we like about cruising is enjoying a foreign place, then returning to our 'safe haven' for meals and drinks.

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Thats ok...........I have a bad taste in my mouth now for that town......


This is a doggone shame! Mahajual is one of my very favorite places in the Caribbean. Again, you can have similar things happen almost anywhere in the world. And you will run into pushy people in many places. I have been to Maha with friends and family many times and have never had a bad experience. My wife and I were so fond of it, we even looked into a joint business venture in the area.


And to our Canadian friends ... as a lifetime Floridian, I can tell you that far more Canadians are victims of crime in the Sunshine State than in Mexican Resort areas. So for your own safety, the next time you consider traveling to Florida ... please be safe and stay home.

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This is a doggone shame! Mahajual is one of my very favorite places in the Caribbean. Again, you can have similar things happen almost anywhere in the world. And you will run into pushy people in many places. I have been to Maha with friends and family many times and have never had a bad experience. My wife and I were so fond of it, we even looked into a joint business venture in the area.


And to our Canadian friends ... as a lifetime Floridian, I can tell you that far more Canadians are victims of crime in the Sunshine State than in Mexican Resort areas. So for your own safety, the next time you consider traveling to Florida ... please be safe and stay home.


Quick question: Would you stil order and drink a margarita in this area? We're going in July and I was really looking forward to this port.


Also, I posted a few pages back about a friend that was drugged with GHB in Hilton Head back in October. It was an upscale piano bar, so I agree that bad stuff can happen anywhere.



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No offense meant, I'm sure you mean well, but really, it's good you are still in college. I know college students learn to question everything, but in time, perhaps you will learn at times, just "I'm sorry" will do.

I am Mommabean's sister, and this is real, folks. I am an experienced, regular drinker, and also am familiar with the drug scene, having lived in Miami, Coconut Grove, New Orleans, and Baton Rouge. These types of drugs are easily and cheaply available, and I'm sure even cheaper and more available in Mexico. I was not in the least bit drunk and do not get drunk easily, and did not have a typical drinking reaction. I do not remember most of the "shopping" trip in Majahual, except for bits and pieces and when my sister and our friend remind me. I do remember that I was very uninhibited and did and said things that I normally would not do under any circumstances. I was a walking, talking zombie. Our friend was following us and was in no way involved in the way we were acting, but made sure we got back to the ship before it left. He was a gentleman on every day of the cruise and I'm thankful to God that he was there. I had been to Majahual last December with my husband and only drank Corona's in bottles and had no problem. I am not an experienced cruiser (this was my third) and didn't know there was a place to get drug-tested on the ship, and probably wouldn't have thought of it in my stupor anyway. It is your choice if you heed the warning - don't drink anything in an open container unless you are the one who opens it.

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Like winncove said in an earlier post...I too was waiting for the punchline. My response after reading a few lines was "OMG".

Mommabean, you have given me alot of great advice & I always make a point of reading your posts. This one totally knocked me off my rocker. I started with a :) on my face (in anticipation of your upbeat style) & after 15 pgs of posts...sweaty palms, high BP & a pounding heart. It is totally in keeping with your nature (and that of your family) to think of fellow cc members and we thank you! My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Even if you may never have the full answers of what happened...I hope that knowing you have done 'good' from something so 'bad', will help reassure you of your 'WONDERFUL' nature. This cc member is truly grateful! TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF TODAY & EVERYDAY.

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Just some missing blanks that don't make sense to me. Why is it the margaritas that did it? The cc friend was the one who raped you? How doy ou know if you were raped if you don't remember anything? Your things may have been taken but how do you know you were raped?


The reason why I said this is because there was another girl on the shipboard love stories who made a similar allegation and it was on a Carnival ship. Interestingly, her name was Gina also!


I've read this thread in it's entirety and just trying to put the pieces together.

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This is a doggone shame! Mahajual is one of my very favorite places in the Caribbean. Again, you can have similar things happen almost anywhere in the world. And you will run into pushy people in many places. I have been to Maha with friends and family many times and have never had a bad experience. My wife and I were so fond of it, we even looked into a joint business venture in the area.


And to our Canadian friends ... as a lifetime Floridian, I can tell you that far more Canadians are victims of crime in the Sunshine State than in Mexican Resort areas. So for your own safety, the next time you consider traveling to Florida ... please be safe and stay home.


Laying it on a bit thick,arent you?? Maybe Canadians are vicitms of crime in FL,more than Mexico,cause lots of them spend more time here than in MX.sure,they may go to MX for a weeks vacation,but alot of Canadians are snowbirds...the more time you spend somewhere,will probably increase your odds.........


I love Mexico and would choose that as a vacation over your area of the state.......

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Quick question: Would you stil order and drink a margarita in this area? We're going in July and I was really looking forward to this port.


Also, I posted a few pages back about a friend that was drugged with GHB in Hilton Head back in October. It was an upscale piano bar, so I agree that bad stuff can happen anywhere.




In a Mexico Minute! I'm not suggesting carelessness by any means. But I firmly believe that the circumstances surrounding the events that happened to the OP and her sister are very isolated. People that are escorted are highly unlikely to be targeted in these situations. If you begin with the premise that you are extremely unlikely to be a victim of this type of crime in the first place, and add an escort and due dilligence, you minimize the risk greatly. Honestly, if we live our lives in fear of places and situations as generally benign as a Mexican seaside resort, we are limited greatly in what we may experience.


I must say that I have feared for my safety much more in San Juan. If you go away from the tourist areas in Mexico, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, or Miami for that matter, you assume intrinsic risk. Have an escort or several, preferably a male or two, and enjoy yourselves! Life is too short!!!


P.S. Again I say I feel greatly for the victims of this crime, as I do for victims of all crime ... but I reject the idea that they somehow contributed to their likelihood as targets. This truly could happen to almost anyone, almost anywhere.

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that's scary stuff. I go out on a fairly regular basis and am usually the "paranoid" one of the bunch and am pretty careful when out and about, but I don't think I'd be so paranoid about mixed drinks like that. Gives me something to think about. Glad you made it back ok though. Losing money is nothing in comparison to what could have happened.

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Just some missing blanks that don't make sense to me. Why is it the margaritas that did it? The cc friend was the one who raped you? How doy ou know if you were raped if you don't remember anything? Your things may have been taken but how do you know you were raped?


The reason why I said this is because there was another girl on the shipboard love stories who made a similar allegation and it was on a Carnival ship. Interestingly, her name was Gina also!


I've read this thread in it's entirety and just trying to put the pieces together.

NOBODY said she was raped:mad: ...................guess you need to read the whole thread....or at least the first page.........


Not sure what you are insinuating about the love story girl........but I dont think I like it.........

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