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Legally Blind ??'s


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I was curious if anyone has any tips on cruising with someone who is legally blind? My mom is legally blind and this is her first cruise. We have already sent stuff to the Special Needs department and filled out the Fun Pass showing her legally blind. We are also going to put a door decoration on her door so she can pick it out. Any other tips???


I read another thread on speaking to the show room staff about POSSIBLY getting a couple of seats up front. I am going to check on that.


Thanks everybody!

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We recently cruised the Fascination on May 7. My wife is legally blind but still has some site. We did not ask for any extra assitance so I dont know how to comment on that. The first show we saw my wife was disappointed because we awere some distance away and had to manuever through a very dark theater. However we got to the last show (a 80's tribute which was great) about a half hour early and found seats right upfront. It was well worth the wait my wife could see evrything great as well as pyrotechnics going up and confetti bombs going off. All the special effects were well managed and there was never any though of getting hurt or burned by anything going off (since we were so close). The look on my wifes face was worth the 1/2 hour wait.:D

We also went to Xcaret and swam the underground river. In some spots it can be dark but I had Donna hold on to my life jacket and I pulled her around. There were not any spots of total darkness and I highly recomend this shore excursion since there is a lot to see.

The Fascination was very well lite at night as well and we went and danced on the upper decks with no problem at all as well as getting around was a breeze.

I hope this helps and you have a great cruise. If you have any other question please ask.



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There is a disabled board on this site and may be more helpful in answering your questions. I used this area when questioning if Miami still had free parking for those with disabled parking passes. They were very helpful. I hope your Mother and you have a wonderful cruise.

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Tim - THANKS for your post. I am going to try the "assistance" route so maybe she can be down front, if we can't get there early. We have booked private tours in port, I think we are safe on that.


Sandgnat.....I use most of the other sections of the board, but never thought of the disabled board. I will go there and do some research. Thank you so much for telling me (was having a clueless moment I guess).

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My brother and his partner are both legally blind. I don't know about Carnival, but when they sailed on HAL they were able to do several things for them.

  1. Get a handicapped cabin - Since they're made for people in wheelchairs they don't have thresholds going to the bathroom or a tub to step into. Makes it a lot easier to walk without tripping over things.
  2. They were able to reserve the whole party, including those with perfect vision, front row seats for the shows.
  3. HAL has stewards to take everyone's tray from the end of the buffet to the tables at the Lido restaurant. Seeing them walking with canes the stewards made extra sure to help them.

If you contact Carnival they should be able to help you.

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My mom can't read the menus, and doesn't like to delay others by asking too many questions, so she tends to just order the first thing that sounds okay without hearing all the options. So before our cruise, I found dinner menus and room service menus on this site and printed them out for her in large type so she could read them herself in advance and think about what she might want for dinner. Some of the actual dining room menus were a bit different than what she had read in advance, but it all seemed to work out okay, and she enjoyed feeling more in control.

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I cannot recall what ship we were on, but in the dining room, they had menus in brille for blind people. You could also ask for the waiter to read the menu, describing the food choices that evening. I have also noticed alot of blind people with dogs. Yes they are allowed! You guys are going to have alot of fun! Ask for front row seats in the theatres and also in the clubs with music, and games.

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My Mom is "legally" blind, she still has sight. She has the fast moving form of macular degeneration and is "legally blind". It is hard to try to describe what she sees, as I don't understand it all myself. I believe she has a dark "spot" and has to try and look around it. She actually reads this message board, but with an enlarging program on her computer AND uses a magnifying glass. She carries a "specialty" magnifying glass with her and she can read some things, but it takes her longer to see them and if they are light print, doesn't work. This all came about 3 years ago, up until then she was VERY independent.


virginiab - your Mom sounds like my Mom. I believe she is a little "embarrassed" about it and I try to tell her she should be proud of what she can do. I also encourage her to tell people that see her struggling what the issue is. If I am with her, I do just that :D . Once you do that, most people are very accomodating.


We have looked at menu's and she knows what to expect at dining times. I am a little concerned about the layout of the ship and her getting around, hard to print these deck plans in large print that she can see. In addition, will she want to constantly tote around what would be many pieces of paper all the time.


The special needs department at Carnival said they had some large print things. We sent in a form requesting them for her cabin. I was just curious if anyone else had to deal with these issues and could give me some tips.


We are planning on a great trip. It will all work out. I am just hopeful that it will be clear what deck she is on if she decides she wants to go back to her room by herself. YOu know, like deck numbers on the wall, etc. She does still like to be independent somewhat.

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I am just hopeful that it will be clear what deck she is on if she decides she wants to go back to her room by herself. YOu know, like deck numbers on the wall, etc. She does still like to be independent somewhat.


The elevators announce which deck they're on when the doors open, as well as there being large numbers on the carpet directly outside the doors of the elevator. Also, if I remember correctly, in the doorframe itself of the elevators, on each deck, there is a fairly large number and the corresponding braille symbols underneath it.

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The elevators announce which deck they're on when the doors open, as well as there being large numbers on the carpet directly outside the doors of the elevator. Also, if I remember correctly, in the doorframe itself of the elevators, on each deck, there is a fairly large number and the corresponding braille symbols underneath it.

Not all ships announce the floor. I have been on several that do not.

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When we were on the Pride, there was a blind couple down the hall from us with the same dinner seating. They were given a table just inside the door so that they did not have to maneuver through the tables in the dining room and fight the crowds. Enjoy!!

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The elevators on the Fascination did not talk or state what floor we were on.I dont know if these is the same for all Fantasy class ships on Carnival just know that the elevators didnt talk on the Fascination



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My Mom is "legally" blind, she still has sight. She has the fast moving form of macular degeneration and is "legally blind". It is hard to try to describe what she sees, as I don't understand it all myself. I believe she has a dark "spot" and has to try and look around it. She actually reads this message board, but with an enlarging program on her computer AND uses a magnifying glass. She carries a "specialty" magnifying glass with her and she can read some things, but it takes her longer to see them and if they are light print, doesn't work. This all came about 3 years ago, up until then she was VERY independent.


virginiab - your Mom sounds like my Mom. I believe she is a little "embarrassed" about it and I try to tell her she should be proud of what she can do. I also encourage her to tell people that see her struggling what the issue is. If I am with her, I do just that :D . Once you do that, most people are very accomodating.


We have looked at menu's and she knows what to expect at dining times. I am a little concerned about the layout of the ship and her getting around, hard to print these deck plans in large print that she can see. In addition, will she want to constantly tote around what would be many pieces of paper all the time.


The special needs department at Carnival said they had some large print things. We sent in a form requesting them for her cabin. I was just curious if anyone else had to deal with these issues and could give me some tips.


We are planning on a great trip. It will all work out. I am just hopeful that it will be clear what deck she is on if she decides she wants to go back to her room by herself. YOu know, like deck numbers on the wall, etc. She does still like to be independent somewhat.



I totally understand where you are coming from. My mother is "legally blind" also. She has diabetic retinopathy in one eye and suffered a central retinal vein occlusion in the other. With +3.50 glasses and a magnifier, she is able to read some things, but the menu is out of the question. Fortunately, she is not embarrassed by her condition and willing tells people she is blind, if she is struggling with something (she's been legally blind for about 7 years).


That being said, she has cruised with us for the past 3 cruises and has her 4th scheduled for this Sept. She has a decent sense of direction and has been able to find her way around the ship. There are numbers for the floors at all elevator banks and there always seems to be a staff member around to help her, if she becomes disoriented. She enjoys the shows, bingo, arts and crafts, playing cards and the casino, however, due to bad legs, it is impossible for her to leave the ship. However, she is content to go up on the Lido deck and people watch or listen to her talking books on the balcony.


Maybe we should try and hook them up for traveling. Right now, her biggest concern is finding someone to share her cabin with :)

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Thanks everyone!! I am sure she will have a good time. We have several family members sailing together and she will probably have someone with her at most times.


Beverly - I have a question for you about the talking books. Does your Mom use a special player for them or does she just listen to the books on CD? I am trying to get my Mom into that. She was an avid reader before this happened and I think she misses that very much. I have had a hard time finding a CD player that works well for her. The buttons are too small, you can't stop and start well......you get the picture.


Thanks everybody!!!

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My mom can't read the menus, and doesn't like to delay others by asking too many questions, so she tends to just order the first thing that sounds okay without hearing all the options. So before our cruise, I found dinner menus and room service menus on this site and printed them out for her in large type so she could read them herself in advance and think about what she might want for dinner. Some of the actual dining room menus were a bit different than what she had read in advance, but it all seemed to work out okay, and she enjoyed feeling more in control.
We went to the pursers desk and asked for copies of the menus - no special needs - just wanted to look at them before hand and see if we wanted to go to dining room or the buffet. I'm sure they will do the same for you. Just spend some time each day while you're sitting around the pool and go through it - that way you can read the menu and discuss you're options. Then when she gets to the dining room she will know exactly what wants.
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Cheryl - THANKS...I didn't know they would give you a copy of the menu. I think I will try that so we can go over it. My Mom doesn't order the first thing....she will discuss with me what is on the menu. It would be nice, however, to have a little more time for us to talk about it.

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Thanks everyone!! I am sure she will have a good time. We have several family members sailing together and she will probably have someone with her at most times.


Beverly - I have a question for you about the talking books. Does your Mom use a special player for them or does she just listen to the books on CD? I am trying to get my Mom into that. She was an avid reader before this happened and I think she misses that very much. I have had a hard time finding a CD player that works well for her. The buttons are too small, you can't stop and start well......you get the picture.


Thanks everybody!!!


My mother gets tapes that are provided by the Library of Congress through the Commission for the Blind and they play on a special machine, that was provided by them.


Also, she has used CD's that we have checked out of the library. Try finding a child's CD player in the toy section. They are usually the most simple to use with only a few, large buttons. Good luck and let me know if you have any other questions.

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Cheryl - THANKS...I didn't know they would give you a copy of the menu. I think I will try that so we can go over it. My Mom doesn't order the first thing....she will discuss with me what is on the menu. It would be nice, however, to have a little more time for us to talk about it.
They do post the menu outside the dining room and I "think" they show it on the TV - but it's so much easier to go over it when you're relaxing - like on the balcony with breakfast - YUM - I can almost taste it - Under 40 days until we fly. - YEAH
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There are GREAT resources for this. My mom gets a free tape player (replaced when needed) and books on tape shipped to her on loan from the Indiana Library for the Blind. I believe this is a national program, so do a search for "Library for the Blind" in your state. The players are designed to be easy to use. They send out catalogs periodically of new books available. We help my mom go through the catalog, then mark all the books she is interested in on the order form. They ship out books as they become available. Usually my mom has sevreal on the shelf, waiting their turn to be heard. I think she would go crazy without the talking books!


And the door decorations are a big help onboard. I bought some big stars at the party store and some poster tape to put them up. They helped my mom, and everyone else on her corridor, as she often heard people say, "This is where we turn for the elevator. Right here at the stars."

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klm2000, if you have other questions that may not be appropriate on the board because they are not so cruise-related, feel free to email me: brubaker at nlpchicago.com


My mom has been legally blind for a couple of decades, so we have some experience with some of the issues your family may be facing, and would be happy to share anything we know....

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thanks to the OP for starting this thread. my dh is also legally blind, he has retinitis pigmentosa. we'll be on our first cruise in just 18 days!


we've already requested an early dinner seating, window seat so he can eat with some sunlight. at least he'll see some of what he's eating! nothing will help him to read as even his CCTV doesn't enlarge enough for him. if they can't accomodate a window seat then i've requested something close to the entrance so he won't have to weave in and out of tables.


for us it's the excursions that are hard to find. things like snorkeling are useless to him, and places like dunn's river falls are just too dangerous!


we are also booked in an inside cabin, which i know is going to be very dark to him but it's all we could afford and there were no accessible cabins available.


also on this cruise will be his birthday and i've gotten him a portable sirius satellite radio to listen to. we also put books onto his ipod, which he finds much easier as it's so small and easy to carry around.


when we come back i'll try to find this thread again and let you know if we came up with any more pointers.

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virginiab- thanks for all the help. I will do this reasearch and keep your email address. Maybe after our cruise I can email you with some questions. We are driving to the port (around 7 hours I am guessing) and I have gotten some books on CD. I am going to sneak a portable CD player in my luggage just in case she "gets into them on the drive" (sneaky huh???). She is in some sort of denial think about these books on tape. I get all the excuses - I don't think I would like that, etc etc etc.


We leave Saturday. I will make sure I post back about our experiences, maybe I will come up with something that will be helpful to everyone else.

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