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17 People robbed on Conquest Jamaica excursion


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Man, I have followed this thread, coming back to it from time to time to follow what is being said. My best friend and his family are some of the 17 who were robbed on this trip and I am able to converse with him every day in relationship to not only this incident but in regards to the responses he is getting from all of these "arm chair quarterbacks" who think they know what kind of trauma an incident this places someone in. I am also close enough to this friend to know that he has dealt with traumatic incidents individually in his line of work that are unmentionalble here. I have yet to see him as traumatized in any of those as he is in this instance.


The uncarring and attacking responses to these survivors of these incidents sure makes a bold statement of what kind of people you are individually...I am saddened to think of what your children must face when you come home to greet them at night. Are the bedtime stories you read to your kids from the Friday the 13th series? I can only imagine what kind of children you are raising to be so uncaring and have such a lack of empathy.


This is not about "choosing" whether to book to Jamaica or not. This is not about someones lack of research into any particular excursion and its not about someone trying to "get even" this is about ACCOUNTABILITY.


My friend isnt seeking retribution from anyone in all of this. What he desires is peace of mind for his family and wants to assure the safety of other people. He wants a state of normalcy to come back into his life and by warning others of possible hazards that Carnival REFUSES to do (and in this instance LIED about), maybe he can find that normalcy in his life again but either way, there are scars in every one involved that will not quickly heal.


When a person pays as much as they do for a cruise or trip of any kind, one can reasonable assume that their money will either protect them from danger or at least afford them accurate information on where they are going to assure your own personal safety. Any time a service of any kind is paid for, one reasonably assumes that the people paid will do their best to provide optimum and safe services for that individual.


Maybe a person would be better served by researching this place or that place but when paying anyone for a service, one can reaonably assume that the service will allow them all the information of possible hazards as well as all the possible beauties of any particular destination.


I have been to Jamaica once myself and have also been to Roatan once on cruise lines. Both instances, I was NEVER warned of any threat of what I could face while exiting the ship. I never once thought of reserching the destinations. I mean would I reasonable think that a trip I had paid over a thousand dolaars for would take me to a place where I could be at risk? To one person who posted here...If I were from Germany and booked a trip to Miami and was robbed and held at gunpoint in Miami, YES, I would want someone to be accountable.


I was however informed of all of the wonderous and spectacular sights available to me when exiting the ship. How beautiful the beaches were, how grand the diving is, how great the shopping was, how cheap the gold was, how there was a particualr kind of Liquor and coffee that was only available here, about the local foods, about the great stops along the way, about the cool places to go and send a postcard from...All of that I was EAGERLY informed of. Not once did I hear "Watch out for possible bandits, watch out for possible attacks at these locals which have taken place many times, be on guard for people lurking in the alley ways who might try to lure you into places"...NOT ONCE!!


I have to stand with my friend and his family on this and state that when a cruise line GURANTEES safety to its passengers then they should be held accountable when their safety has been endangered or when lives have been placed at risk. Should people get wealthy from these cruise lines as a result of incidents like this?? No, I dont think so. I do however see the value in providing as much professional care to those who were placed at risk as needed and not simply brush them and their trauma under the rug.


These are CHILDREN we are talking about here who had a crazy ass jamaican lunatic point a gun in her face while she pled for her life. We have a brother who had to watch all of this helplessly and we have parents who invisioned their children in caskets as people walk by and sadly offer their condolences run through their heads.


A father who has dedidcated his life to the safety of others and worked so very hard to save his family from the ugliness of what he sees every day and then is thrown into the tragic assault of two madmen. A Mother who cannot be away from her children now without shaking or crying for fear of what her children are going through. Have you all forgotten the human side of others and what they face when addressed with a situation such as this?


After all of this, after all of this tragety, then to be faced with an uncaring personell of Carnival who only sees these people as "Passengers 123, 124, 125, 126" instead of addressing the immediate concerns of the traumatic events that took place. Any time a business places its patrons as "second" and the money as "first" and then does so in such a blatant way this business should not only be boycotted but exposed. Carnival makes more than enough money from patrons who havent been violated that they could easily find some sort of caring person to deal with these people who have been traumatized...people who trusted them when they were told their safety was guranteed. Any time ANY business places the lives of CHILDREN second should be truly looked at and considered when purchasing any service from them.


I stand by every peron on this page who is brave enough to step up and say that Carnival should be held accountable. I dont believe that they should give each patron a personal ship or have one named for each perosn who was attacked but they are a corporation that is large enough that if they would have shown just a bit more concern for the safety of those who trusted the lives of themselves and their families(KNOWING FULL WELL the dangers they were sending the passengers to...This trip is now found to have been listed as dangerous). How about a bit more compassion...Empathy...Concern for those who were faced with this very scary, EXTREMELY traumatic situation. Not only were young children traumatized but elderly and handicapped as well. Is that truly too much to ask from a billion dollar company? Good lord, are there that many people who are hurt, placed at risk or killed on these cruise lines that they cant deal with these victims in a humane way? What are we becoming when we discredit the suffering of children and families?


I hope, that as a result of how Carnival has chosen to address these people, I hope they are held acocuntable in every way. This could have easily been rectified if there would have been a simple admission of how they innapropriately handled this situation. This could have been easily rectified if only the truth had been given. This could have been avoided if only the risks would have been entered into the speech of the trip. All of this could have been avoided and could have been done so easily. Now, as a result or their inabiltiy to provide accurate information and their abiluity to so easily lie and GURANTEE safety, its time now that a level of accountabilyt should be issued.



A concerned loving friend

PS...Let the bashing begin!

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No bashing here. Your points are well taken and I agree with you. I can not even begin to imagine what those 17 went through and continue to go through, especially the children. It saddens me. It does sound like Carnival has handled this very poorly and with little regard to how it has effected these individuals. It would be bad enough if it were not a Carnival excursion, but it is, and I do believe there is a certain amount of responsibility on their part. Especially, since they promote the safety of taking THEIR excursions. It's a shame the cruise passengers are not told the truth about some of these ports so they may make INFORMED decisions.


I've been to Jamaica. My first time was on a land vacation in the 80's. As a previous poster stated, even if I was given a free trip, I would turn it down. Years later I was there on a cruise stop and didn't get off. The next time in 2004 I read of a resort called Sunset Bay Resort, and I went there for the day while on the cruise stop. I am booked on another cruise next year that stops in MB, and my plan was to go to SBR again, but I just don't think I can chance it. It's not worth it to me.




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Thanks kwilliams for your full story. I bet that took alot out of you to write it in your posts.

I believe you have helped alot on cc on making their decisions on cruising to Jamaica. I also know that people who have cruised there before this happened have chosen never to sail there again. I'm just sorry that this had to happen in order for others to make that decision.

God bless you and your family.......

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I was one of the people who bought into the commercials about Jamaica. The ship stopped in Cozumel and Grand Cayman, and than Jamaica. The first two ports were great, than I found myself in the South Bronx with palm trees. I saw for myself and that was enough.

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kwilliams, thanks for your post and your warnings. I for one will not be going to Jamaica. Although I have never been there on a cruise ship, I was there while serving the USN and that was enough for me.

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I have never been to Jamaica, have no intentions of going. I also won't go to Houston's 5th ward, to me Jamaica is the 5th ward of the caribbean.

Those of you that were in the group of 17 or those who have encountered any issues in Jamaica, my heart goes out to you. Especially to your little girl Ken. One of the hardest things for a parent is to watch your child scared, I can't imagine watching you child plead for her life.

Please tell her to stay strong. I hope she finds peace & is able to vacation again without fear.


Also, I'm not sure how true this is but I just came across this.




Jamaica ranks #81 in crime.




Jamaica 'murder capital of the world'


Every year global crime statistics present a planetary picture of crime and safety. In the past, some Caribbean cities have appeared on the list of the most violent in the world - but countries like South Africa and Columbia have topped the list.


But according to the Caribbean Media Corporation, Jamaica has now been classed the murder capital of the world, after 2005 saw more than 1600 people killed; a tally of at least five people murdered a day.


Jamaica's Prime Minister PJ Patterson said, in this final New Year message to the nation before stepping down, that crime was the country's most pressing problem and called on Jamaicans to play a greater role in the fight against it.


As BBC Caribbean Magazine has reported in 2005, Jamaica's Operation Kingfish - a task-force set up to deal with violent crime - remains one of the Government's initiatives at tackling the problem.[/qu


How many were tourist on excursions that were killed in all this mayhem?

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kwilliams your story is very complete and well written. My best wishes to you and your family in your recovery from this horrible event. I hope Carnival will see the light and provide the counseling your family needs. I hope you will keep us posted over time as to how things go for your family. I have certainly made a decision that neither myself or my family will step foot into Jamaica unless dramatic changes are made. Good Luck and Best Wishes.

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First of all let me express my sadness of what happened to the family. I can imagine what they went through. I would not wish that on my worst enemy. Now what I do not understand what people expect Carnival to do. Should they cancel the port NO WAY. I was in MB last Sept and I had a great time. I was not hasseled by anyone for drugs, prostitute or anything. I walked around the area and went to Margaritaville and had a great time there. If I ever go back which is not likely as I do not do the same thing over and over I would not be worried. I remember being forwarned and to be careful. I did lots of research on CC before I left the boat. I heard that Carnival cancelled the one tour which is good. No one can protect you 100% when you go to a foreign country. I am confident that Carnival did all it could. Do you think that Carnival should have armed guards on all their excursions? I don't think so. Again I feel quite sad for the 17 people.


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I vote to end this post. Dun killed this horsey. Yawn :(


I agree!!!!!... but.... I just found this too... interesting article... not sure exactly if all is true of course, but it sure sounds familiar!!




to all future Jamaica travelers... BE SAFE!

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I agree!!!!!... but.... I just found this too... interesting article... not sure exactly if all is true of course, but it sure sounds familiar!!


to all future Jamaica travelers... BE SAFE!


"...for those who are after cocaine, ganja, or rent-a-dreads (for the white, overweight, middle-aged women who can't get laid at home..." :eek:


This was an interesting site and brought up scenarios I wouldn't have thought about. NOT the one above, :p but the intentional setting of fires on roadways.

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This is my family as we got back to port. This is what I am trying to prevent for any other family. Everyone does have the choice to go anywhere in the world they may like. Those of you who have wonderful families like mine, please look at this and know that it could easily be yours if you go to Jamaica. Travel Free.....Speak Free

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"...for those who are after cocaine, ganja, or rent-a-dreads (for the white, overweight, middle-aged women who can't get laid at home..." :eek:


LMAO!! OMG Ms Belvedere, you owe me a Pepsi Girl, I spit mine out dying laughing at your comment. That is too funny! And work has been mad crazy today so I really needed the laugh. Thanks!

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"...for those who are after cocaine, ganja, or rent-a-dreads (for the white, overweight, middle-aged women who can't get laid at home..." :eek:


LMAO!! OMG Ms Belvedere, you owe me a Pepsi Girl, I spit mine out dying laughing at your comment. That is too funny! And work has been mad crazy today so I really needed the laugh. Thanks!


Oh I can't take credit for that quote, it was in the article! I was shocked and laughing, too!:D

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KW, it is so awful that your family had to endure this. My heart goes out to you and your children.


Thank you for trying so hard to warn others of your experience. The video is interesting and chilling.


I hope everyone gets through this without too much trauma afterwards.


Take care and thanks.


P.S. there is NOTHING funny about any of this.

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Oh I can't take credit for that quote, it was in the article! I was shocked and laughing, too!:D


what I did find interesting about this article, (even the laugh about the rent-a-dreads... hadn't heard about THAT before) was it you click on the highlighted part where he says he is a white man Non tourist, or something like that, it links you to the Jamaican news and shows him at some dig taking a body out of a makeshift grave where a murder occurred... why he is living there after writing about all of this is beyond me? But he brought up some very interesting items, listing them in "crime catagories".... and HE lives there... :eek:

I just googled "jamaica crime" and this was one of the MANY links that popped up... you could spend days reading the multitude of articles/links....here's the link again for all of you who may have missed it... interesting... http://www.jamaicancaves.org/jamaica-crime.htm

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what I did find interesting about this article, (even the laugh about the rent-a-dreads... hadn't heard about THAT before) was it you click on the highlighted part where he says he is a white man Non tourist, or something like that, it links you to the Jamaican news and shows him at some dig taking a body out of a makeshift grave where a murder occurred... why he is living there after writing about all of this is beyond me? But he brought up some very interesting items, listing them in "crime catagories".... and HE lives there... :eek:

I just googled "jamaica crime" and this was one of the MANY links that popped up... you could spend days reading the multitude of articles/links....here's the link again for all of you who may have missed it... interesting... http://www.jamaicancaves.org/jamaica-crime.htm

Yes, I didn't read far enough into it to see "why" he lives there, but the comments were ALL negative about Jamaica. I clicked on one his links to an article saying there are brutal crimes against children too! They set a house on fire then shot at the kids as they ran out of the house. No humanity at all.

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My kids were warned about what could happen before we set foot on Jamaica on two separate cruises.


If your kids are old enough to go on excursions or be in a foreign land they gotta know what can happen. These are not the times to keep your kids innocent or shelter them.


We will not go to Jamaica again because my "boys" are now young (big/strong) men who I'm afraid would not back down from a challenge. That was my biggest concern the last time we were there. And yes within plain view of the ship just a hundred yards from police we were hit up by hookers and drug dealers. We didn't dare venture into the jungles on any excursions, at least not without having weapons of our own. (we carry concealed guns on vacation in the states...yes we have permits.)


This story reminds me of people who let their guards down in places like New Orleans (almost mugged twice mid afternoon) and even Yellowstone Park where they get attacked by real live wild animlas.


NEVER, let your guard down in a foreign land. I grew up a military brat and was baffeled the first time I traveled as an adult as to how naive the general population is.

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oh, someone on here pages ago, asked what other "crime against tourists" have been reported, and he does have a link about 6 tourists held up... it's highlighted in the article, "this does happen". He has many other links worth checking out that were articles reported in their local papers... and these are just the few he put here... there MUSST be others... AND those that go unreported or not followed up by police... you know, since this horrible event happened to you Kenneth and bluebonnet, I had NO idea HOW bad it was until we all started "researching." I heard stories for years, but nothing like what I heard you both describe what happened to you, and everything I've read here and googled... It was horrible what happened to you both and your families, but one positive (if you could call anything positive about your experience) is that it woke up a whole lot of people... and it may only include the "3-6%" of us here on these boards, but we tell someone, and so on and so on and so on......... word will spread like wildfire... those who choose to ignore, still vacation there... but the Jamaican tourism will suffer... until.......

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