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17 People robbed on Conquest Jamaica excursion


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I went to Ocho Rios on our cruise in April.... I have to say, I had a great time.... I never felt threatened or worried... I did try to be careful and such as our cruise was after the incident in Costa Rica and we went there too. I did the Chukka Cove horseback riding excursion through Carnival and it was great. I didn't do any shopping where the ship was as I did it at the shop at Chukka Cove. And my friends did the Dunns River Falls and had no problems either.

With that being said, and knowing that crime can happen anywhere and we all should be careful, maybe the cruise lines should either not go to those ports with violence histories or ask the Jamaican/Costa Rican government to provide security guards on every excursion....If it's a ship sponsored excursion and they are promoting that "if you want to get to the ship on time and be safe to book a ship sponsored excursion", then they do need to take responsibility for our safety!!!! How scary for those families and their children. You can't say, "once off the ship your safety is your own responsibility". The ship/cruiseline is deciding on that port for us and they have to share some responsibility for our safety.

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Does anybody know what time of day it happened. I was wondering about the ship departure and the people being interviewed by the Police. Being a Carnival excursion they will wait for them.

I am wondering what would have happened if it was not a ship trip but one book by the passengers, they have waited or said to bad.

Any ideas?

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Does anybody know what time of day it happened. I was wondering about the ship departure and the people being interviewed by the Police. Being a Carnival excursion they will wait for them.

I am wondering what would have happened if it was not a ship trip but one book by the passengers, they have waited or said to bad.

Any ideas?


One would hope that due to the seriousness of the situation the cruise lines would take care/wait for the passengers regardless of how or with whom they booked their excursions.

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One would hope that due to the seriousness of the situation the cruise lines would take care/wait for the passengers regardless of how or with whom they booked their excursions.


You would hope but also in this day of big business the dollrs comes first. Also in some case I think the ships are limited to the amount of time they can spen in port. On oine trip in Grand Caymen some one was hurt. I left and waited just out side the harbour and brought them back by boat.

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One would hope that due to the seriousness of the situation the cruise lines would take care/wait for the passengers regardless of how or with whom they booked their excursions.


hmmm... you have to wonder about that since Carnival stresses again and again, that booking with them guarantees safety AND waiting for their excursion booked passengers only. Good question though. That would have been an interesting scenerio if it had happened to us lets say when we booked through Island Mktg. You would think they would hold up the ship if it happened to anyone, but since they don't seem to be handling the situation correctly after this incident for these families, not sure.......

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Also, part of our "John Wayne" attitude is to pull ourselves up, dust ourselves off and proceed with life. Beware of letting your children and your wife wallow and feel sorry for themselves. You are the professional here, get counselling, take self defence classes or whatever you need but don't let them or yourself slip into the "poor victim" mentality. Unless of course you are working up a law suit.


With your greater than thou attitude I suspect most are glad that you were not on the tour. You also seem to be very proud of the fact you carry a concealed gun. Makes me wonder how many people have you actually shot. It is one thing to carry a gun it's another to us it. In the great American way you want to remember the only purpose of a hand gun is to shot people, Are you prepared to do that.


Yes, I've looked down the barrel of a gun and been in some hairy situations but I've leaned from them and become stronger and smarter.


Again I take it these people are no longer with us. How did you handle this situation?



My years of abuse counselling have taught me this as I'm sure your experience in law will guide you.


I wonder what type of counselling advice you would give.


"Stop crying about it do something!!!"

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The above is part of an e-mail from a friend that just returned from a mission trip to the OR area of Jamaica (think the area was called St Ann's).....she was one of 13 chaperones...33 young people were on this mission trip....it was a real eye opener to all of them.....keep praying for this area..........

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Also, part of our "John Wayne" attitude is to pull ourselves up, dust ourselves off and proceed with life. Beware of letting your children and your wife wallow and feel sorry for themselves. You are the professional here, get counselling, take self defence classes or whatever you need but don't let them or yourself slip into the "poor victim" mentality. Unless of course you are working up a law suit.


With your greater than thou attitude I suspect most are glad that you were not on the tour. You also seem to be very proud of the fact you carry a concealed gun. Makes me wonder how many people have you actually shot. It is one thing to carry a gun it's another to us it. In the great American way you want to remember the only purpose of a hand gun is to shot people, Are you prepared to do that.


Yes, I've looked down the barrel of a gun and been in some hairy situations but I've leaned from them and become stronger and smarter.


Again I take it these people are no longer with us. How did you handle this situation?



My years of abuse counselling have taught me this as I'm sure your experience in law will guide you.


I wonder what type of counselling advice you would give.


"Stop crying about it do something!!!"


Ya know what, sometimes that's the best advice you can give people! Encouraging people to replay the harmful event over and over in their minds just magnifies it and engrains it that much deeper in their brains!


I have counseled many abused women who have been domineered and talked down to and bullied mentally and physically.


When I posted to the gentleman to make sure his wife gets counseling and self defense training it was so SHE could feel empowered and better able to take of HER self and possibly move on metally from the terrifying situation she and her family were placed in. But as you can see from his earlier post he has taken on the egocentric role of reiterating his experience and qualifications. It's not all about him. The whole family has to deal with what happened and know how they could protect themselves and avoid harm even when the father figure is not present. This is a skill that each member of a family should possess, especially if a young child gets seperated from a family while on vacation here in the US or in a foreign land.


Don't get ticked off at me. Get riled up at the Cruise Lines! They charge huge fee's to excursion operators and retail shops to be on the "recommended list" that is talked about in the tour speeches. There is no guarantee of your safety whether in Jamaiica or anywhere else.

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Ya know what, sometimes that's the best advice you can give people! >>>>>>>>>> You are so right but only after dealing with the people empatheticly and with concern. After counseling them through every avenue possible to find PERSONAL healing. Your "John Wayne" attitude works maybe with your kids and how you "control" them or your "wife" who you probably take the same stance with but when discrediting someones emotional strain by telling them to "suck it up," you only add fuel to the fire. You arent helping anyone in a forum based interaction by this type of dialog...You make yourself look like some ego hungry, macho, wanna be who knows it all when you have no idea what these people PERSONALLY are going through....No matter if you have been in a similar situation or not, whether you have "counseled" people (scary thought with how you have presented yourself here) or not, your trying to place the way you handle a situation as the way all should handle a situation is simply ignorant and it is said that ignorance is the highest form of stupidity!


Encouraging people to replay the harmful event over and over in their minds just magnifies it and engrains it that much deeper in their brains!>>>>>>>>>> Who are you to question anyones healing process? I and the friend I am here to support worked with a guy for a few years who was in Vietnam as a very young man. On his 18th birthday he witnessed an atrocity that I will not go into here (as well as manyof the simialr stories we have all heard). After MANY years of holding this in and NOT talking about it, he suffered from nightmares, cold chills and violent, sleeping episodes. He met a Psychiatrist one time that explained to him that the way to heal is to talk about the experience. As soon as he did, he was able to sleep again and live somewhat of a normal life; so Dr. Pirate, tell me again what it is that makes you know so much about this persons healing process?? Maybe his ability to voice in this forum what happened is part of that process. Your "John Wayne" attitude is what causes many problems with people. Suck it up and deal with it huh...Well, for many, dealing with it in that fashion is alcoholism, abuse and a very low self esteem...Is that you? I think your advice is more problematic than helpful.


I have counseled many abused women who have been domineered and talked down to and bullied mentally and physically.>>>>>>>>>> Probably by guys with a "John Wayne" attitude huh? I am sure you have spectacular results (which witout a doubt you will not fail to mention in your response).


When I posted to the gentleman to make sure his wife gets counseling and self defense training it was so SHE could feel empowered and better able to take of HER self and possibly move on metally from the terrifying situation she and her family were placed in.>>>>>>>>>>> Really??? Go back and read you post because this is not how it came across. Maybe before you jump up on your soapbox and spout off nonsense you should really define what it is you are saying. I think you can clearly see that in your original response, this was not what you said. You were attacking and belittling these peoples experience and answering with a very uncaring response. But again, you are John Wayne right?


But as you can see from his earlier post he has taken on the egocentric role of reiterating his experience and qualifications.>>>>>>>>>>> Ohhhhh... So sharp in some areas, so dull in others!!

How is a man who has been in the profession of protecting others from these very instances and maintaing a sense of calm in the face of adversity in times when even "John Wayne" would run away, not have a little ego show up when thrown into such a tragic situation where HIS FAMILY was the ones at risk? How does ANY man do that when left helpless at the whim of armed madmen?

Here you are, once again, making less of what his experience is or how his healing process works. Are you truly this simple minded, truly this shallow? And you "counsel" people? Do you do so by making less of the experience they have gone through in the mindset that this will make them better??? Man, its scary to think that people like this are out there trying to coach others through trageties. Glad you arent in an area to work with this family!


It's not all about him.>>>>>>>> IT IS ABOUT HIM!! He was as much there as anyone else. What do you think??? That he is sitting with the entire family around the computer screen and typing this and talking about it as he goes. How do you know this isnt his way of dealing with this. You, having "counseled" people should know that writing out an experience and journaling the experience is a HUGE part of healing through that experience. I guess "John Wayne" didnt write.



The whole family has to deal with what happened and know how they could protect themselves and avoid harm even when the father figure is not present.>>>>>>>>> What in Gods name does that have to do with this man speaking in this forum about what took place and about what he wants to accomplish. I have yet to see anyone else from his family write anything in this forum. This is him, telling of what he dealt with, what he experienced WITH his family and getting the emotions out in a way that is productive and once again you discredit this by making it less than it is. This IS about him...This happened to him as well as everyone else. You are the one wanting him to be a Martyr and swallow his own feelings and hold back what he experienced. You are a very selfish and uncaring person to come across to this man in this manner. Again, you "counsel" people??


This is a skill that each member of a family should possess, especially if a young child gets seperated from a family while on vacation here in the US or in a foreign land.>>>>>>>>> So "John", tell us all here with your insight how any kind of one week seminar of self protection or whatever would have sufficed in this situation. Here is a man who is more than qualified to handle any situation he comes across with the professionalism of what his duty calls for and he was rendered helpless.

Oh, I know, you and your boys would have been the heroes in all of this right?? Jumped up and disarmed these lunatics and made the front page with your chest out and proud right?? Man, you live in a fantasy world and "heroes" such as you get more people killed than they save. You apparently know very little on how people react in these types of situations and I think it is you who has continually turned to the "egocentric role."


Don't get ticked off at me.>>>>>>>>> Wow, we finally agree on something here...Dont get mad at you...What the heck is the use. You will go on thinking how you think, sitting in your comfy little house playing armchair quarterback and THINKING you will handle every situation like a super hero. You will continue to bash others personal experience and discredit how each person heals in any given situatuion, thus making them feel even more "less" than they already do as a result of this horrendous act. You will continue to believe you are right and everyone else is wrong and once again place value in the saying I stated before..."Ignorence is the highest form of stupidity"

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Ok, so I am going to Jamaica this December, and was going to book a tour of Dunns river falls. I am a little afraid now, I do not want anything to happen to me. I do not have the best of luck, and the last thing I need is violence.


Has anyone done the dunns river falls and had no problems?


I am a bit concerned now, after reading all this. I know there is crime everywhere and it can happen to me anywhere, but I guess I feel more susceptible while on vacation, since people tend to let the guard down when they are in the vacation mode. I am always on the look out, but if there is a way i can avoid a problem, I rather take the easy way out. :)


Thanks for all the info.


We did the Cool Runnings sail & Dunns River falls last September. We were docked in Ocho Rios. You get the boat at the pier and it takes you to the falls and you only have to walk along the beach to the falls and nobody bothered us (we were on the boat so I think this is safer since you are not on the island). I really enjoyed the falls a lot- it was a ton of fun and I would love to do it again someday. We did not have to walk through the shops there either.

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We went to Dunn River Falls 2 years ago. The guides were very friendly but We did get asked if we wanted to by Marijuana 4 times while we were there. Also at the end by the huts I actually was afraid and not alot scares me. We did go on a tour of some gardens and it was beautiful and safe and the guides were great. We did walk from the ship to the local shopping area which had guards at it to keep the others out,but on the walk there a gentleman took my sister by the hand and wouldnt let go,when she finally got her hand back her diamond ring was up to her knuckle. I would just be very careful and dont think I would venture out after dark.

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Carnival knows how many get off the ship in each port. I cruise not only for the ports but for the ship and to be at sea. I will on the Freedom New Years 2008-2009 and we stop in Jamacia and I nor my kids will be getting off the ship. Stopped in Jamacia once and seen for myself. Once is enough for me. Where there drugs there are guns and problems. If enough people stay on the ship, Carnival will drop the port.


I'm sure Carnival (or any other ship) is glad when passengers stay on the ship. If you are one the ship, you are most likely spending money!



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Unfortunately there is crime everywhere. Has anyone stopped to think how many tours there are daily on that island and how little crime there has been. It is a shame what happened to those tourist, they did not deserve that. But it still seems safer to do a tour there than visit a major US city at night. Be vigilant, aware, and don't go alone is probably the best advice. Half of our group will do the horses the other half will do the ATV and we are going prepared to have fun!

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I wasn't referring to you as being naive. Be careful not to get too full of yourself as you read these posts and think every comment is just about you. People post warnings to each other from their own experiences which is what I did.


As far as being naive, I didn't state you were being naive I was simply stating my observations from my cruises. And yes, we have a John Wayne attitude. We did get off in the port and venture into the main shopping area but we knew not to bite and take Carnival's line about the safety of their excursions. I knew the males in my family would not back down as I've stated before. I even had to talk to them about avoiding prolonged, direct eye contact with the locals etc. before we took our short adventurous walk on land.


Also, part of our "John Wayne" attitude is to pull ourselves up, dust ourselves off and proceed with life. Beware of letting your children and your wife wallow and feel sorry for themselves. You are the professional here, get counseling, take self defense classes or whatever you need but don't let them or yourself slip into the "poor victim" mentality. Unless of course you are working up a law suit.


Yes, I've looked down the barrel of a gun and been in some hairy situations but I've learned from them and become stronger and smarter. I would not stay home from work bawling, especially when the criminals are thousands of miles away.


It is very unfortunate and awful what happened to your family. But you must lead the way and show them your strength and help them get through this. My years of abuse counseling have taught me this as I'm sure your experience in law will guide you.


Are the men in your family short?



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One more thing KWilliams6045...cut yourself some slack....you did everything you could...it was a situation out of the Twillight Zone. Your family is home safe...that's all that counts. Everything you did that day made a difference right down to helping the lone law official that showed up after the crime. You took an excursion that you'd been reassured would be safe etc. you covered your bases. I believe in this instance that Carnival is responsible and they should be in constant contact with you and your family and do everything in their power to rectify this situation without having lawyers and courts involved. AND they should do this pronto!


Wow quite a quick turn around.



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can anyone tell me what Ochos Rios is like as we're doing a trip that goes there and then to the falls and Im also a little concerned :o


Go to the ports of call section. I'm sure you can find lots of info there. I have never been there.



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We went to Jamaica a week after everyone was robbed. We to a highlights and shopping tour. The tour guide was wonderful and very informative. We stopped at some small market in the middle of downtown somewhere and not many people got off the bus to shop. We had a good time and saw what we needed to see. Agree the people are VERY agressive. My family and I really have no desire to go back. If so, we will stay on the boat.


I do think that Carnival should have mentioned something to us about the people getting robbed the week prior. I also believe that they are aware that this is a problem and they need to rethink their stop there.

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We went to Jamaica a week after everyone was robbed. We to a highlights and shopping tour. The tour guide was wonderful and very informative. We stopped at some small market in the middle of downtown somewhere and not many people got off the bus to shop. We had a good time and saw what we needed to see. Agree the people are VERY agressive. My family and I really have no desire to go back. If so, we will stay on the boat.


I do think that Carnival should have mentioned something to us about the people getting robbed the week prior. I also believe that they are aware that this is a problem and they need to rethink their stop there.


Being one of the 17 I wondered if Carnival warned the next set of passengers getting on the cruise ship. We were told the were revamping what the CD told in his excursion speech. I sure wish I could get my hands on the verbage that he told about Jamaica.


From what you are saying nothing was said of the danger or caution in Jamaica???

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Being one of the 17 I wondered if Carnival warned the next set of passengers getting on the cruise ship. We were told the were revamping what the CD told in his excursion speech. I sure wish I could get my hands on the verbage that he told about Jamaica.


From what you are saying nothing was said of the danger or caution in Jamaica???


Can't imagine nothing was said by the CD about the possible dangers in Jamaica. We stopped there way back in 1998 on the Imagination and even then I remember all of us getting a warning about things like looking for certain colored licence plates on taxis (only a certain color was apparently safe), not to talk to anyone approaching you that might want to sell you drugs, to be wary of the police, who a lot of them are in on the drug deals, not to stray off the main streets, stay very close to your group, etc. etc.


I remember having an incredibly great time climbing Dunn's River Falls, then having to run for the bus through an open air market where I was practically chased right onto the bus by the aggressive people there. They were even sticking their hands into the bus windows with things to sell!


My DH and I have both said we will never go back there. What a shame, it is such a beautiful island, but the aggressive people and the corruption have just ruined it for tourists. When you think of all the tourist money coming into Jamaica, if they really cared about their incredible tourism business, their roads would be in a lot better shape and maybe the poor people could get more assistance. If they really cared, their government would be trying to do whatever they can to make cruise ship passengers and other tourists feel safer. Compare to Cozumel....that island could have a whole ton of poverty and corruption too, but they seem to put their tourist $$$ in the right places, and nobody practically mows you down to buy their junk. We have been to Cozumel both on cruise and land vacations and have always felt a lot safer there.


- Cindy

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