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What size table do you choose: 2? 10?


How many people at your dinner table?  

155 members have voted

  1. 1. How many people at your dinner table?

    • A cozy table for 2?
    • A conversational 4-6?
    • The more the merrier 8-10?
    • Avoid the Dining Room altogether!

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I have nothing booked after next month's Z sailing:confused: ..........oh no, this is the first time since May 2003 that I don't have another cruise pending:eek:
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A question from someone who is contemplating their first cruise : If you choose to sit on one type of table or another, is that a choice you make which lasts for the duration of the cruise, or is it done on a day-by-day basis? eg if you find you dont' get on with your tablemates can you choose the next time to sit elsewhere/on your own, or are you stuck with those people for the remainder of your cruise?

Thanks :)
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Good morning, If you don't get along with your tablesmates I suggest speaking to the Maitr'd ASAP after your first dinner.
This will be my first HAL Cruise but my 7th overall. On my Celebrity sailings there were always changes made after the first evening. (as on most sailings).
But when you ask is it done "day by day", No, that would be quite a task. The seating assignments are done prior to your cruise. But as I said, If you are unhappy, go see the Maitr'd. Usually they do whatever they can to try and help:)
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A question from someone who is contemplating their first cruise : If you choose to sit on one type of table or another, is that a choice you make which lasts for the duration of the cruise, or is it done on a day-by-day basis? eg if you find you dont' get on with your tablemates can you choose the next time to sit elsewhere/on your own, or are you stuck with those people for the remainder of your cruise?


Thanks :)

Table assignments are made for the duration of the cruise. If, for whatever reason, after the first night, you think the table to be a poor match for you, you certainly may speak with the Maitre d' to inquire if he is able to move you to another table. There are some changes made after that first night as some folks wanted late seating and were assigned to early; or someone else requested a large table and was assigned a table for four.....that sort of thing.


Or, sometimes you just know from the first five minutes that you simply cannot bear the thought of dining with your assigned tablemates for the duration of your cruise.


Amazingly, the vast majority of the time, the table matches work out very well and a huge percentage of the pax are content with their dining assignments.

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I agree 100% with Sail7. We've had wonderful luck with our tables and frankly I can't understand how it always works out so well.

There were a couple of times we were a bit disappointed the first night, but we never asked to be changed. And sure enough, each time we ended up totally happy. This is one of the reasons I'm so fond of assigned tables. You meet people you might otherwise never get to know.


One reason we never have asked to be changed is I know how I would feel if someone did it to us. Many years ago there was a couple at our table who had wanted a table for two and were crushed to be put at ours for 6. They had complained to the Maitre d' prior to sitting down with us.


They ended up having such a great time with all of us that they went back to the Maitre d' and begged him to let them continue at our table. Too late!!! Someone else had already been moved to our table for the following night.


So sometimes it's just better to leave it alone.

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How do you experienced HAL cruisers feel about sharing a table with a family?


We have never cruised HAL before, and we have never cruised with our children: they'll be 17, 15, and 8 when we board the O for spring break.


Though we really enjoy the dynamics of large tables, we've requested a table for six: because I see so much hostility toward children on the CC boards, I fear that sharing a table with us might compromise someone's holiday; because I see so much about ill-behaved children on the CC boards (especially on spring break cruises), I fear sharing a table with THEM might compromise OUR holiday.


Can I trust the maitre d' to not seat some tired soul desperately in need of peace and quiet with my chatty, curious, gregarious crew? Would I be unfair to fellow pax to request a table for ten?

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Hmmmmmmm;) ....now this calls for yet another poll. How many cruise with their wife and lover ... or are they one in the same? :D KIDDING!!!!


Yes, Lois, majority rules. Start tapping those keys and tell your story:)


You might want the wife and lover at two different tables. You would be very busy and maybe burn a few calories from two dinners running back and forth between the two tables!:eek:

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I have no hostility toward children. Even ill behaved children can be tolerated/tamed.


But with all due respect to you and your family, a couple (two persons) seated with your family of six would be exceedingly uncomfortable IMO


You are a complete unit by yourselves. You will be sharing the sort of conversation a family shares after a busy day.


While I am sure that you would be polite to the twosome who have been seated with you, it would be boring for them IMO


They would feel like a fifth wheel and I do not think they would find it to be their 'first choice' of the seating they may have liked.


A group of six is complete unto itself and IMO it is almost selfish to feel a twosome (strangers) should be expected to enjoy that arrangement.


As always....JMHO....but, you asked.

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Thanks, Heather. I tried to picture it was me and DH who were put into that position and I saw myself breaking track speed records getting to the Matire d' for a table change. :)


I mean nothing personal at all to Cerinda and her family. How could I? I don't know them. It is just the situation/the position/the discomfort most would feel in that setting. I don't think any twosome would be delighted with that sort of table arrangement.

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Sail and Heather, please tell me more...


Are the maitre d's able to exercise their own judgement in composing tables? Surely no one would stick a solo traveler with a family party of five, would they?


Excellent point about how a twosome is likely to feel.


But what about a family group occupying half a table of ten: would it be reasonable to hope that another family (or other families) with young cruisers might be assigned to the table with us?

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Hi:) I would like to interject here too...as a solo cruiser....when you ask if the Maitr'd will use discretion, One would hope so.



"Are the maitre d's able to exercise their own judgement in composing tables? Surely no one would stick a solo traveler with a family party of five, would they?"


With a question being posed such as that one....I wouldn't want to be part of table that didn't want me there. I would probably sit there for the first evening and then move.


This will be my first time on HAL.....lets see how things work out. After 4 solo sailings...most have been very nice tablemates:)

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Sail and Heather, please tell me more...


Are the maitre d's able to exercise their own judgement in composing tables? Surely no one would stick a solo traveler with a family party of five, would they?


Excellent point about how a twosome is likely to feel.


But what about a family group occupying half a table of ten: would it be reasonable to hope that another family (or other families) with young cruisers might be assigned to the table with us?



When we traveled with Carnival last year we were a party of four, DW, our two daughters (13 and 15) and myself. We were placed at a table of eight with another family of four, a married couple with one boy and his friend (both were about 16 or 17). I don't know if this was done on purpose, as the cruiseline has the ages of everyone, or if it was luck of the draw.

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Every pax on the ship has a preference as to the seating they would hope for.


Some are very clear in their requests and the Maitre d's do their very best to please as many as possible. Why wouldn't they? They have these tables and chairs to match to all of these people and, of course, they want as many as possible to be happy. But, they cannot give everyone what they want.


There are not all that many tables for ten but there are some. IF that is what you would like, your TA should make that request. In the event you are assigned there, it is possible (but not assured) another family would be assigned to sit with you.


But......Maitre d's have to deal with the fact you WANT another family seated with you but perhaps most of the families of four do NOT WANT to be seated with others and prefer a table to themselves.


Then you get into four dining times. Even though you want a table for ten with another family assigned to your table, perhaps your prefered dining time is 6:15. Many of the other families may want 5:45.


Then, Maitre d's have to deal with very large groups traveling together. There often are family groups numbering 20 peope and more. They require three or four tables all in the same section. Leaves fewer for the Maitre d' to juggle around to please someone who wanted that aft table next to the glass for 6:15 seating.


Well...you get the point. It is not possible to please all of the people all of the time.


I think the Maitre d's do an amazing job of making so many excellent matches.

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I've always wondered myself about the "magic" of table assignments. We have never been assigned a table with a family. However, we have sat with much younger and much older couples. And each and every time it's been a joy.


Cerinda, there are few tables for 10. So there's always the possibility that scenerio would work out, but more possibly it will not. So that leaves 6 or 8. So you either get a "solo" (who I think would be very uncomfortable with a family of 5) or you would have to hope that you get a couple with one child about the same age as your kids. But again, kids are funny. You have no way of knowing they'll all get along. There's less likelihood of that than adults getting along.


In the end, it's your call of course. But to be honest, if it were me in your shoes I would ask for a table with just my family and view it as a wonderful valuable time to share some time and experiences together. In this crazy world I'm told that families actually "dining" together is rare (sadly) and I would be thrilled to have that opportunity ... especially since you'll be experiencing lots of new and exciting stuff to talk about every day.


(After posting I see I overlapped with Sail so some of this appears redundant. Sorry:o )

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Lois: PLEASE come sit with us! Maybe if your table is a bust, you can ask your maitre d' to find us (or a family like us). We are curious and love to chat --one of the reasons we like cruising so much. We DO eat dinner together as a family (five out of seven nights qualifies, doesn't it?); we enjoy conversation of all kinds, and we REALLY enjoy interacting with people older than us, people younger than us, people from other places, people of other backgrounds, other faiths, other perspectives. Travel is important to us because it gives us a chance to show our children how to live in a diverse and rapidly changing world, how kindness and grace create wonderful opportunities for us.


Heather and Sail: Thank you for helping me test the waters. I will be certain my TA is clear about our wanting a table just to ourselves at the early seating. I certainly wouldn't want to impose on anyone.

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Now I'm feeling badly. First, Cerinda, I don't think we were suggesting you would be imposing. I think we said that a solo traveller or even a couple might be uncomfortable because you're a large family and would have such a clear connection between you. So the extra 1 or 2 could feel like a fifth wheel. Certainly we didn't mean you were imposing. At least I certainly didn't and I doubt Sail did either.


And, Lois, what was said that made you feel a solo can't sit with couples? I didn't read anything that either Sail or I wrote that should make you feel like that. What Sail said was that she felt a solo would be uncomfortable sitting with a family of 5, not the other way around. We've often sat with a combination of couples and solos and both are equally fun. I think you misunderstood that and didn't even realize it until I read back just now.


So I hope we're all cleared up now!:)

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We love tables for 2.

We have sat at larger tables but after a few years of having some "not so great" table mates, we now prefer to be at a table for 2.

There are tables close by that we can talk to those people whenever we want to.


Exactly! We prefer to interact with people on a more casual basis -- not forced. We did have a nice time with the 2 couples we sat with at the Welcome Aboard lunch on the Grand Princess but this was the exception. What works for us is to bring our table mates with us on the cruise--taking my in-laws on the Zuiderdam over Thanksgiving for their 55th annniversary. We'll hope for a table for 4 then. We were all assigned a table for 6 once but the other couple was probably uncomfortable with all of the family catching up talk and we didn't see them again. Wise. Once we were the extra couple traveling with 2 couples who were friends and it was awkward and we didn't know enough back then to switch tables. We thought we were doing the right thing by sticking it out.

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:) Ditto what Heather said. :)



It is easy to reverse the roles, Cerinda. Would you feel totally comfortable being a solo traveler being seated at a table comprised of a family and you are the only 'unrelated' person. I know I would be seeking to meet others more contemporary to me with whom I might enjoy a cocktail or a shore excursion. Given that circumstance, while a chat with the teens would be lovely, they surely would not be sharing a cocktail with me :) and your family's conversation would be charming I'm sure.....but I would be looking for something 'more adult' probably.

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I agree with Heather and S7S


I would feel a little funny in that situation. No matter how friendly the family I was sitting with would be, I would still feel kind of odd man out.


If I was to cruise solo I would feel better at a table with other singles or even a few couples. This way everyone is just meeting and no one feels left out


But that is just me

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Hi Heather:) the good ole internet;) ....I wasn't specifically talking about Cerinda's post......sorry, let me clarify:


What I meant was, IF I was put at a table (as a solo) and lets say it was a family of 5...just as an example and they are at a 6 top.......and they really don't want anyone else at their table~If A solo cruiser was put at the empty spot~If that family made it clear to the person they prefer to be "A FAMILY", well.......I would say "solo cruiser" would probably want to sit with a group who is more open to an additional person and ask to be moved.

Make sense?...


I have been seated with 3 other couples before so I made the 7th person. The Waiter was wonderful......he moved the 8th chair away so we all had a bit more room and it was really easy to speak to one another too:) We got along great...one couple was celebrating their 25th Wedding Anniversary, one couple I had met through these boards, and the other was from FLL....that was a fantastic table!:)


Anyway...sorry for the miscommunication........

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