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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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Hi, Has anyone had experience with a service dog or other service animal on NCL? I am having problems with their disability services department. I need assistance from someone who has had problems with them. This is a first in all my travels with service animals; they are not allowing my licensed service :mad:dog. Please advise. Thanks!

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What kind of service dog do you have? RCCL asked me to provide a statement of what tasks my son's dog is trained to perform or how he will assist him on the cruise. Not sure about NCL, but I would think as long as the dog is task trained or providing assistance, they must allow

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I have never had any problems on multiple cruises. My last NCL cruise, one of the crew offered to watch the dog in my cabin so I could go to an animal park shore excursion that did not allow service animals due to safety rules with the park animals. I told the crew to keep the dog in the cabin, but they took it for a walk in the crew area and made a small defecation, which was immediately cleaned. NCL nows is forever banning my dogs, which I am quite certain is illegal in the USA, but the ship leaves frm Spain, and I cannot travel without my service dogs. A short shore excursion is one thing, but two weeks, no way. I am trying to see if I am the only service animal NCL has ever banned.NCL has a history of disability discrimination and a supreme court ruling against them Spector v. NCL, 2005. My service dogs have traveled around the world on planes, ships, trains, buses, been in the audience of Broadway palys, been in famous museums in Italy, no one has ever banned them anywhere except NCL. I beleive it is NCL discrimination pure and simple, as my dogs are small and not the usual Labrador size. They are trained and government licensed in my state, so their size should not matter. I feel unsafe without them. They go with me everywhere at home. I am very sad and NCL is even refusing to pay my expenses and refund my cruise fare, I am so hurt I cry and cannot sleep. It was a dream holiday cruise to Europe complete with non-refundable first class airline tickets. I am trying to find anyone else who is disabled who has experienced discrimination by NCL.:( Thanks for reading! I love cruising so much, very sad.

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Are you taking several dogs at one time..or just one? And when you say they are "government licensed in your state"...what state do you live in? There are some "licenses" that really aren't valid (even though you think they are!) and not accepted under some ADA guidelines. What kinds of services do your dogs perform for you? If they're "emotional support" dogs, they may also not fit under ADA rules, and so NCL would be in their right to deny them.

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Molly: If you live in California (as your signature states), there is a special "Service Dog Tag" (it is brass, large and circular), it is given to ALL appropriately trained and certified Service Dogs by the State of California. No matter which organization trained your dog(s), in California, you should have received this tag. It's the law here! ;)

I ALWAYS send the "Special Needs" departments from every line, including NCL, a copy of this License Tag, along with all the other necessary documentation.

NCL was wonderful with Brenda (their litter box was the best of all the lines!) And, as you mentioned, (for your past cruising with them) their staff is very accommodating and helpful. I just don't care for their ships, as much as Princess.

Other than, they simply are having a problem believing your dog(s) are legitimate service dogs...NCL is very welcoming to them, as long as all your documentation is in order.

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Molly: If you live in California (as your signature states), there is a special "Service Dog Tag" (it is brass, large and circular), it is given to ALL appropriately trained and certified Service Dogs by the State of California. No matter which organization trained your dog(s), in California, you should have received this tag. It's the law here! ;)


Roz, that is true,

Food and Agricultural Code (Formerly Agricultural Code). Division 14. Regulation and Licensing of Dogs. Chapter 3.5. Guide Dogs, Signal Dogs, and Service Dogs.


§ 30850. Application for assistance dog identification tag; endorsement of tag number; affidavit; death or retirement of dog

(a) The animal control department shall endorse upon the application for an assistance dog identification tag the number of the identification tag issued. As used in this chapter, "assistance dogs" are dogs specially trained as guide dogs, signal dogs, or service dogs. All applications that have been endorsed shall be kept on file in the office of the animal control department and shall be open to public inspection.



However, some counties (i.e Shasta and some smaller)do not issue a special tag.:mad:

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Darcie: Are you sure? I contacted CCI (Canine Companions for Independence) and they told me that ALL dog training organizations who expect their dogs to have "Public Access" MUST receive this tag from the state of California.....and, of course, that means every county therin.

The "tag", worn on the dogs collar, is issued by the state and serves another form of public access identification.

Can you please tell me what Organization that trains Service Dogs for public access do not require this tag. I'm curious. And, so is CCI.

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Food and Agricultural Code (Formerly Agricultural Code). Division 14. Regulation and Licensing of Dogs. Chapter 3.5. Guide Dogs, Signal Dogs, and Service Dogs.


§ 30850. Application for assistance dog identification tag; endorsement of tag number; affidavit; death or retirement of dog

(a) The animal control department shall endorse upon the application for an assistance dog identification tag the number of the identification tag issued. As used in this chapter, "assistance dogs" are dogs specially trained as guide dogs, signal dogs, or service dogs. All applications that have been endorsed shall be kept on file in the office of the animal control department and shall be open to public inspection.However, some counties (i.e Shasta and some smaller)do not issue a special tag.:mad:


So, while licensing a special tag is on the books as a law, the individual counties, cities, and animal control agencies that issue license are the ones that must go the extra step for assistance dogs. Unless as you stated the dog was given the tag by the training organization).


Some counties simply do not have the budget or staffing to address it. They justify it by saying the the Federal ADA law is over the state law. The ADA does not require special licensing.


I recently moved from Shasta County (which does not issue a tag or even know what to do with requests) to a city in Sacramento County. When I called today about licensing in this city, and obtaining the tag for my SD, I was told they would issue the tag with her new license provided I bring in all her documents. I am going in tomorrow with the proof of her training, her evaluations, my prescription of need, etc. I will let you know how it goes and I will ask them about other counties or if they have a list of counties that do or don't provide the tags. :rolleyes:


BTW, please keep in mind not all SD are trained by large organizations (sounds like CCI and GDFB issue the tags to their graduates). Some SDs are even self trained. They still should have proof of task training and passing evaluation standards (such as those outlined by IAADP). That does not make these dogs any less effective at their tasks or less qualified as a service dog.


I worked with the 6 far Northern California Counties for years and a number of state mandated programs were/are not offered due to budget or staffing. :eek:


Generally speaking, it is often expressed by Board of Supervisors that if the State does not provided the staff or funding or other resources the counties do not have to pay for it out of already tight general fund dollars.


I think with the current economic times, we will be seeing many social services cut or dropped entirely. Tough Times. :(

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Darcie: Thank you for the information and good luck with all that you're doing.

Our SD's are worth every effort that we put forth to keep them and us in the public.

We're getting some very interesting weather here in Southern California....And, Brenda the "Service Dog Extroidanaire" hates getting rained on.....she loves the sea and swimming pools but she hates :mad: the rain...go figure!

I have a rain coat for her and she appreciates it....but, will shake, shake, shake any drop, that falls on her, off like it were poison! funny girl! :D

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Darcie: Thank you for the information and good luck with all that you're doing.


Our SD's are worth every effort that we put forth to keep them and us in the public.


We're getting some very interesting weather here in Southern California....And, Brenda the "Service Dog Extroidanaire" hates getting rained on.....she loves the sea and swimming pools but she hates :mad: the rain...go figure!


I have a rain coat for her and she appreciates it....but, will shake, shake, shake any drop, that falls on her, off like it were poison! funny girl! :D


Hi Roz, I saw where you were going to get some rain down there. We are socked in fog right now.

I did go to our new city hall this morning to get Bailey's regular license and her state tag. Boy what a difference between our new city and Shasta County. The clerk here was very professional, had all the needed paperwork and knew what to do. So she will have her new tags in 7- 10 days.


I know someone with a service dog still in Shasta County and I told her of my experience here. She called the county and got the same answer, they don't know anything about state tags. The person was "going to do research".

Anyway, I think it is a shame that the experience is very different from county to county and city to city when it is a Calif. law.:mad:


We are going to be in Organge County next week with our service dogs. (Her dog is a hearing dog, mine is medical alert). So I hope you have chased away the rain by Sunday!:)

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Hey everyone. I've been amongst the missing! Been so busy haven't had time to even come to cruise critic to read. Still working on a ten page paper for my class. What a headache. Its on Ethics in Business! Now that's an oxymoron if I ever heard one. I should use the cruise industry and the ability to get a potty box for our four legged babies. Like you guys said, it shouldn't be that difficult, but it is.

Roz: Welcome back, glad you guys had a good cruise. Now, Reno is just the opposite, he doesn't particularly (sp) like ocean, lake or pools, unless his small wading pool, but he will go out and stand in the rain forever. Another silly one. Brenda probably just likes wearing her raincoat to make a fashion statement! She's such a pretty girl.

Well, going to catch up on some other boards, then back to the dreaded paper. Have to get it done today or tomorrow. I am on the down side, though.


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Nancy: Good luck with your "paper!" You're a good writer and should do very well in anything you attempt!

"Ethics in Business!" That is an interesting topic.....try "Ethics in Government!" I work for a non-profit and I observe most folks doing the "right thing!" How unusual is that? In today's climate, it's nice to see people doing good stuff for others!

We're now counting down the days until our April cruise.

Interestingly, my DH and I were wondering how much more cruising Brenda will be willing to do? And, will she eventually, "refuse" to board and not want to sail on the high seas? So far, she seems to be loving it and is so cooperative at the changes that she has to make while onboard!

We'll see!

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While I understand this is not cruise related, can you tell me if the rain coat goes over a harness or can the harness go under the coat with a slit cut into it so the harness can be accessed? We're looking into rain coats for Ollie. Thanks.

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cj: I just looked at Brenda's raincoat (by: "Outward Hound") and it does have a slit in the neck area (allowing for a harness, leash)....It would be very easy to cut a "slit" if this were not sufficient. It also has a hood that can be snapped off and pockets on both sides for "potty bags."

Go online and check with their various products, they may have one with the area already open for your needs.

I have been very pleased with the quality of this raincoat. It has velcro closures at the neck, flank and rear, is of really good quality and she's worn it, when needed, for many years.

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I am now wondering if we will be bringing Orson on our cruise in July. I thought I had all the paperwork for him. I just found out yesterday that we need the health certificates filled out by a USDA acredited vet ( I don't know yet if our vet is) and that they need to be sent to the USDA in Gainesville, Florida not more than 10 days before the cruise. We also have to have a tider test done which has to be sent to, I think it's Kansas State University. Is there another health certificate that I need? This is all getting very confusing and I'm not sure it's worth it. Am I overthinking all of this or is it as complicated as I think it is? I have the forms from Tortola and the Bahamas that Disney sent me. I would hate to get to one of the ports and be missing something and have Orson impounded. This being our first cruise with a SD, I am in no man's land and totally lost. I wish there was a site that gave step by step instructions of this process.

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You are so "ovethinking" this whole thing.

Do you have a Travel Agent? If not....go to Disney's "Special Needs" department and ask them to give you a complete list of what they need from you EXACTLY!!!!!!

No one will impound your dog.....You will not be allowed to even board the ship if your papers are not in order......You will be asked to pre-fax everything you have to Disney, prior to boarding and in lots of time to correct what you don't have. Once onboard you will be asked, again, to show your paperwork to the purser and they will show it to the immigration officials at each port. If immigration, for some reason, is not happy the worst that can happen is you will be asked to not leave the ship with your Service Dog!

1. Speak to your Vet about the Agricultural Form, etc. required and ask him/her what is required to travel to the Carribbean....your Vet is a great resource for this information. If they don't know call Disney, right now, and make sure you have clear answers.

2. What ever is required is so worth it......don't "overthink" this process.

3. When we traveled to the Carribbean with Brenda we had everything done within the 10 day period, my Vet forwarded the results for us and we had a copy to show to the purser.

Again, NO ONE WILL TAKE YOUR DOG FROM YOU.....EVER!!!!!! Except the TSA who may walk her/him through the security process themselves. Then they're more than happy to return the dog to you!

It's definitely a PROCESS and takes pre-planning and some phone calls and leg work but, you'll see, it's worth it.

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wizard-of-roz, Thank you!!! I am also over thinking and overworrying. Just the idea of losing a service dog is devastating. You all have been very encouraging and I am looking forward to cruising next month.


On Sunday, I was driving back from Orlando with my son and a friend (and of course Chewey) On the way back I had a horrible blow out and was stuck. I checked on the kids who were still sleeping and called 911. I then cuddled with my son's service dog till the officer got there. He called a tow truck and told me he would drive the kids and I home. There was no room in the car to add Chewey. I told him thank you for the offer and I would call a friend to come get us as I would not leave my son's service dog. He asked me what I would do if I could not reach a friend to get us (2am and still 75 miles from home) and I told him we would go to a hotel or take a taxi, but under no circumstances would I leave without his service dog. The officer was undertanding and actually radioed to the station to have a van sent. In the end my friend came and got us, but there was no way I could leave his dog. In the morning my son woke up to tell me my car was stolen (he slept through everything) and was frantic, I can't even imagine him waking up and Chewey not being there.

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You are so "ovethinking" this whole thing.


Do you have a Travel Agent? If not....go to Disney's "Special Needs" department and ask them to give you a complete list of what they need from you EXACTLY!!!!!!


No one will impound your dog.....You will not be allowed to even board the ship if your papers are not in order......You will be asked to pre-fax everything you have to Disney, prior to boarding and in lots of time to correct what you don't have. Once onboard you will be asked, again, to show your paperwork to the purser and they will show it to the immigration officials at each port. If immigration, for some reason, is not happy the worst that can happen is you will be asked to not leave the ship with your Service Dog!


1. Speak to your Vet about the Agricultural Form, etc. required and ask him/her what is required to travel to the Carribbean....your Vet is a great resource for this information. If they don't know call Disney, right now, and make sure you have clear answers.


2. What ever is required is so worth it......don't "overthink" this process.


3. When we traveled to the Carribbean with Brenda we had everything done within the 10 day period, my Vet forwarded the results for us and we had a copy to show to the purser.


Again, NO ONE WILL TAKE YOUR DOG FROM YOU.....EVER!!!!!! Except the TSA who may walk her/him through the security process themselves. Then they're more than happy to return the dog to you!


It's definitely a PROCESS and takes pre-planning and some phone calls and leg work but, you'll see, it's worth it.


Thanks Roz,


I DO feel alot better now. I think the things that got me were the fact that I need to find a USDA acredited vet and the health cert. that has to go to Florida and back in 10 days. We do not use a travel agent. Our vet is very good with all our animals but is very slow checking paperwork. He's had our IAADP paperwork for a month now and hasn't looked at it yet. I will be home the day after Christmas and I think I will try to make all my phone calls then.

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Oh! My! What a story! Thank you so much for sharing it with us.

I have goosebumps!!!! Of course you would not leave "Chewey", any more than you would leave one of your children.

Thank you for being so responsible....."Chewey" is very lucky to have you and you him!!!!!

Have a wonderful cruise!

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Thanks Roz! Got the car back today. The officer said that he was glad I had autism stickers and service dog stickers on the car (and paperwork in the glove box) so that if something did happen Chewey would have gone with us and they would have known why my son was acting "differently".

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Disney: Stay on you Vet and encourage him/her to work on the papers and all that is needed so that your trip is less stressful for you.

Have a Happy Holiday, just think of what fun you have to look forward to.

Sunnymommy: What's the matter isn't there enough "drama" in our world today? You need to add to it?

All kidding aside.....I'm glad that everything is working out for you and your family. Happy Holidays to all of you!

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DisneyKidsDad, what area of FL are you in? We are down in the SW area and our vet is USDA accredited so can do the paperwork if need be. Our vet also lags in the IAADP paperwork so I have never used any of the benefits.


I'm not in Florida. I'm in New Jersey. I want him to look at the paperwork so we can at least get the microchip, heartworm and tick meds for free. The tider test is also discounted through them.

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