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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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Ok - so this will be my daughter's Seeing Eye Dog's first cruise and I think I have everything in order yet I have a couple of questions.


We are traveling from New York to San Juan, St. Thomas, St. Martin, and Grand Turks.


  • International Health Form will be completed at vet apt on Monday.
  • Official letter from the The Seeing Eye stating the dog is a service animal (cruise line asked for this)
  • Copy of vaccinations and health certificate which includes the three year rabies vaccination - but.....we have no rabies tag as The Seeing Eye didn't provide one (though they provided the certificate) - Does anyone think this will be a problem?
  • Copy of receipt for the city dog license - but....there is no seal and I heard this was recommended. We only received a small receipt that says city dog license paid with our last name on it. Does anyone think this will be a problem?

Are we missing anything? Will the lack of a rabies tag and/or more official looking city license be a problem?



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Ok - so this will be my daughter's Seeing Eye Dog's first cruise and I think I have everything in order yet I have a couple of questions.


We are traveling from New York to San Juan, St. Thomas, St. Martin, and Grand Turks.


  • International Health Form will be completed at vet apt on Monday.
  • Official letter from the The Seeing Eye stating the dog is a service animal (cruise line asked for this)
  • Copy of vaccinations and health certificate which includes the three year rabies vaccination - but.....we have no rabies tag as The Seeing Eye didn't provide one (though they provided the certificate) - Does anyone think this will be a problem?
  • Copy of receipt for the city dog license - but....there is no seal and I heard this was recommended. We only received a small receipt that says city dog license paid with our last name on it. Does anyone think this will be a problem?

Are we missing anything? Will the lack of a rabies tag and/or more official looking city license be a problem?




Luanne, it sounds like you've thought of everything. The Certificate from the Vet will show that your dog is current on all vaccinations and is on Heart Guard and Advantix [or some sort of flea/tick control.] Your copy of the receipt for the city dog license is great to have. It's not required but is always good to have.


Make copies of everything; one for the Registration Desk [it will speed things up] and, another copy for the Purser's Desk [they will need to give it to Immigration.] And, keep a copy for you to carry with you when you're off the ship.


Be ready for the questions you'll be asked, including "can I pat your dog?"


Make sure you allow for plenty of time to get to the venue your going to. Especially, the theatre on the ship and to your excursions. Speak to the Purser's Desk about reserving seats for you, in the showroom. It makes for much less stress when trying to maneuver a darkened theatre. They'll make signs and place them on the seats.


Have a wonderful time; bring lots of patience; an extra bottle of water; a collapsible water container for your dog on the excursions [i also pack a baggie with my dog's food in it for the times that we'd be away from the cabin!]


Have fun! You'll love traveling with your SD. And, he/she will love the open seas and the glorious air that the open seas offer.

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Ok - so this will be my daughter's Seeing Eye Dog's first cruise and I think I have everything in order yet I have a couple of questions.


We are traveling from New York to San Juan, St. Thomas, St. Martin, and Grand Turks.


  • International Health Form will be completed at vet apt on Monday.
  • Official letter from the The Seeing Eye stating the dog is a service animal (cruise line asked for this)
  • Copy of vaccinations and health certificate which includes the three year rabies vaccination - but.....we have no rabies tag as The Seeing Eye didn't provide one (though they provided the certificate) - Does anyone think this will be a problem?
  • Copy of receipt for the city dog license - but....there is no seal and I heard this was recommended. We only received a small receipt that says city dog license paid with our last name on it. Does anyone think this will be a problem?

Are we missing anything? Will the lack of a rabies tag and/or more official looking city license be a problem?





Don't worry, you don't need the rabies tag or a city license (or the receipt thereof) for travel. You just need the health certificate and rabies certificate and need to make sure the health certificate is filled out correctly/completely (with everything each country requires on it). I assume you have already cleared the requirements being waived with Grand Turk? You'll need that in writing when you get the health certificate endorsed at the USDA (which is free for service dogs if you have proof of training, so bring that letter from the Seeing Eye with you!). Unless you're not getting off the ship there, of course.


However, for living at home, you'll need to look up your city/county/state laws to see if your dog is required by law to be wearing that rabies tag on her collar while you're in your city/county/state/the U.S. I'm surprised The Seeing Eye didn't give you this, as it is required in some/many places. I'm sure you could get a replacement one from whoever issues it in that area or your area, though, so it shouldn't be a problem if your dog does need to be wearing it.


Have a fun trip and please come back after and tell us how it went!

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Can you explain what you mean by "cleared the requirements being waived with Grand Turk"? I haven't been able to find any information on Grand Turk's requirements on the web (USDA and elsewhere).


Thanks - Luanne

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Search this thread for the info. I posted several months ago (I went to Grand Turk on my February cruise). Grand Turk requires the rabies titer and several other items plus a $50 fee for the import permit (which you must get before you leave via e-mail or fax), but I e-mailed with them and they waived all the requirements except the USDA-endorsed int'l health certificate (with the vaccines/titers listed and all) and the rabies certificate.


I posted the guy's e-mail address to write to and I think I also posted the Web site that has the requirements and form for the import permit (you fax for the permit after you get the health certificate endorsed, but you need to give them a couple days turn-around time). If I didn't post them, the Turks & Caicos guy will e-mail them to you as attachments.


(Yeah, the USDA isn't very helpful with getting/knowing the requirements, unfortunately. But if you need the Turk requirements waived because your dog can't fulfill them, you need to get that in writing in order for the USDA to endorse the certificate, otherwise they will say they can't endorse it because you didn't fulfill the requirements.)


Here, I went ahead and did the thread search for you. These are the two threads you should look at - the first one has the links to the requirements and the import permit form .PDFs you need. The form has the e-mail address of the Grand Turk vet (Dr. Gavin M. Peters) on it so you can write to him (he replies back the same day during business hours), or you can call/fax them. The second link has the short list of requirements they gave me for my service dog.






Oh, except that list link has one errored statement - the health certificate does need to be taken to the USDA for endorsement, as he cleared up in a later e-mail. (His English is not the clearest to understand, which was part of the confusion of things.)

Edited by Quampapetet
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Thanks for the information for Grand Turk. Fray had her vet appointment yesterday to get the International Health Certificate completed. I e-mailed that form along with the permit, rabies certificate and a letter from The Seeing Eye stating the dog is a service animal. Hopefully everything will go well but I don't know if she will meet all the requirements. Wow - they are strict.

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Thanks for the information for Grand Turk. Fray had her vet appointment yesterday to get the International Health Certificate completed. I e-mailed that form along with the permit, rabies certificate and a letter from The Seeing Eye stating the dog is a service animal. Hopefully everything will go well but I don't know if she will meet all the requirements. Wow - they are strict.


Have a wonderful cruise! And, please tell us all about it!

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So we had a very good experience with the Toms River, NJ Founders day street fair last Saturday. We had a great turn-out and raised $100 for CCI and educated alot of people about service dogs. So hopefully it will become an annual event.


Good job! Did the weather cooperate?

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Cindy [Rangeley]: I'm sendidng my love and good wishes to you and John and Wexy. I hope that each day finds you healing a little more.

There's no need for you to write. I just wanted you all to know that you're in my thoughts every day.

I am loving my Brenda [as if I could any more than I do] a lot more these days.

Take care of yourselves and be well......



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Hey everyone. Sorry I haven't posted in awhile, life just get's in the way sometimes. Last week two human friends of mine and three canine friends took a ride on public transportation to the airport. I know most people don't think taking Marta to the airport, having an overpriced lunch at Houlihan's, walking around baggage claim would be a good day, but we all had fun. For those of you with service dogs traveling thru Atlanta, their is a very nice doggy area just out side of baggage claim. I didn't take Crackers, but did take one of his sisters. Another went also, as well as the famous "Noble". We all had fun and the dogs were great on public transportation. All were just about a year old, so still have a little ways to go until graduation.

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Hello Everyone - Just 6 more days until we set sail. Kind of nervous about the paperwork as this is the first cruise my daughter will be bringing her Seeing Eye Dog Fray. Fray had her visit with the vet yesterday to have the International Health form completed and it was faxed to Grand Turk along with the permit and rabies vaccination certificate. Boy do they have the requirements. Haven't heard anything back yet and crossing my fingers as Fray don't won't meet all the requirements but hoping since we are only there for a day that we'll get the permit. We simply can't afford the tests and additional vaccinations they require.


Hopefully we are good with the International Health form, rabies certificate, city license for St. Maartin, St. Thomas, and San Juan. If anyone is aware of anything else my daughter needs for those three islands, please let me know.


I really can't tell you just how much I appreciate that you all share your travel knowledge and wisdom. Thank you to all who take the time to post on this blog.



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Hey everyone. Sorry I haven't posted in awhile, life just get's in the way sometimes. Last week two human friends of mine and three canine friends took a ride on public transportation to the airport. I know most people don't think taking Marta to the airport, having an overpriced lunch at Houlihan's, walking around baggage claim would be a good day, but we all had fun. For those of you with service dogs traveling thru Atlanta, their is a very nice doggy area just out side of baggage claim. I didn't take Crackers, but did take one of his sisters. Another went also, as well as the famous "Noble". We all had fun and the dogs were great on public transportation. All were just about a year old, so still have a little ways to go until graduation.


Love to hear about your travels and experiences with your "Puppies in Training!" Thanks for sharing your lastest escapes with us.

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Hello Everyone - Just 6 more days until we set sail. Kind of nervous about the paperwork as this is the first cruise my daughter will be bringing her Seeing Eye Dog Fray. Fray had her visit with the vet yesterday to have the International Health form completed and it was faxed to Grand Turk along with the permit and rabies vaccination certificate. Boy do they have the requirements. Haven't heard anything back yet and crossing my fingers as Fray don't won't meet all the requirements but hoping since we are only there for a day that we'll get the permit. We simply can't afford the tests and additional vaccinations they require.


Hopefully we are good with the International Health form, rabies certificate, city license for St. Maartin, St. Thomas, and San Juan. If anyone is aware of anything else my daughter needs for those three islands, please let me know.


I really can't tell you just how much I appreciate that you all share your travel knowledge and wisdom. Thank you to all who take the time to post on this blog.




Luanne: It sounds like you've done all your homework and I think the ship will accept your paperwork, as well as the various ports.


Which ship are you taking and what port will you be leaving out of?


Will you have a cabin with a veranda? If not, be sure that you check with the Purser's Desk upon entrance to the ship, and ask where they placed Fray's potty box. Once you've located it take him to it, to familiarize him with it. If it's placed on your veranda it will be pretty simple.


Don't forget to make copies of all the paperwork and have a superfantabulous cruise.


I'm very excited for you on your very first cruise.....the first one is always the most exciting one. Fray will love the smell of the sea and your daughter will love the feeling of the wind blowing in her face, while the ship is moving.


We'll all be waiting to hear all about it.

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We set sail from Brooklyn, New York on the Caribbean Princess. When I last called to ask about the bathroom location, they said there was one on every deck. Our room is near the back of the boat so I hope the bathroom is on that end - yikes if it is not. :rolleyes:

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We have been looking at this cruise for awhile. It looks like a great itenerary. Hope you all have a great time. I am partial to Princess myself.

Be sure to come back and let us know how the trip went. Even though I am around service dogs all the time, people still don't realize they can go on a cruise with their dog. (service dog that is). So I usally share some of what I learn from all of you who do cruise with your four footed furry friends and companions.

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Hi All, Again I want to thank everyone for their kind words. You don't know how much it means to me. I am still trying to get through this, and I know I will be just fine. We live in an apartment building and it is handicapped/elderly. They all love the dogs and we always had to stop so they could all say hi. Today I saw one of the ladies who had taken care of Bailee and Rangeley a few times when we had an emergency. She is the sweetest woman in the world! She is from Germany and told us stories how her and her family had to escape from there when the war was going on. She happened to be one of Bailee's favorite women. And when I saw her she hugged me and cried, and of course made me cry. She called Bailee one of her best friends. It was so sad. Its amazing the affect these animals have on so many people besides ourselves. Anyway....... We have that museum thing this weekend, so that will keep us busy. Wex will stay with me on Friday so he can have a bath. Like I said we will be manning a table and hopefully we might get a few donations. Once they see Wex in action, they will be falling over eachother to give us money! ;)




Also I changed my avatar to honor my Baby!:)

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Thanks for the information for Grand Turk. Fray had her vet appointment yesterday to get the International Health Certificate completed. I e-mailed that form along with the permit, rabies certificate and a letter from The Seeing Eye stating the dog is a service animal. Hopefully everything will go well but I don't know if she will meet all the requirements. Wow - they are strict.


I hope everything works out for you!


Yeah, some countries have some pretty crazy requirements. I can't get off at Barbados on my upcoming cruise because they require all dogs to go to England first (and England has strict rules like the rabies titer with six-month wait before you can enter) and then fly to Barbados from there - and their requirements specifically state there are no exceptions for service dogs. I'm not sure yet if St. Kitts will allow me to land because their requirements include a six-month quarrantine. St. Lucia requires the rabies titer with six-month wait. St. Kitts doesn't have that six-month thing, but they require two rabies titers. Crazy. :rolleyes:


Hawaii requires the rabies titer, too, BTW. Just in case you ever wanted to go there.

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Hopefully we are good with the International Health form, rabies certificate, city license for St. Maartin, St. Thomas, and San Juan. If anyone is aware of anything else my daughter needs for those three islands, please let me know.


You'll be good for St. Thomas and San Juan, I'm not certain about St. Maartin. I've been trying to get their requirements for my next cruise and it is hard. I faxed the U.S. Embassy for the Netherlands (that's who owns St. Maartin) and they gave me an e-mail address to write to, but I haven't heard back anything yet. From what little I've found online about them, it doesn't appear they have any special requirements beyond the usual health certificate/rabies certificate thing, but you can't always trust what you find online unless perhaps it is from an official gov't site.

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We set sail from Brooklyn, New York on the Caribbean Princess. When I last called to ask about the bathroom location, they said there was one on every deck. Our room is near the back of the boat so I hope the bathroom is on that end - yikes if it is not. :rolleyes:


LOL! Sounds like they were telling you about public restrooms for humans. :p


I hope the potty spot is in a good location for you! If not, see if you can't get it moved. On my first cruise my cabin was almost all the way aft (balcony cabin about eight cabins from aft) and they put the potty box five floor downs almost all the way forward (in the outdoor hallway leading to the helipad - this was Royal Caribbean). That was not good. My second cruise I brought my own doggy potty and put it on my balcony and it worked splendidly. I'm doing that this next time, too.

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Cindy: What a great picture of Bailee! What a sweet neighbor you have. Wexy will be the hit of the show! Big handsome boy that he is.

I just had to make the tough decision and take mom's cat to the shelter. He has been holed up in her trailer since she went to the nursing home. It is getting way too hot in the trailer. It took me days to catch him. He was way smarter than the trap. He would stretch his neck out, drink the water and eat the food without stepping on the plate that makes the door shut. I finally had to put gloves on, a denim jacket and take a towel and pull out of the cubby he was hiding in. I would have tried to let him live with us, but I haven't even seen him in the year and a half that mom lived there. Jezzy and Travis would terrorise (sp) him. I have been crying all morning and feel like throwing up. I feel so guilty.


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