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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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Mornin' all:

But Jocko, you have to admit he is a handsome boy!


Roz: I am so excited for you and Mr. Horty going on his first cruise. The big goof! You will have you hands full. Hopefully he doesn't knock over a table in the dining room! :o


Cindy: I am so cruise envious right now. It has been since 2006 since we have gone. Far too long. I need to just get it together and start looking for one. Even I am a bit leery of Mexico, which we love. Hubby said look for Alaska in August, before Trav goes back to school. But closest to cruise from is Seattle and I would have to get him there, preferably not on a airplane (his choice) so even added more expense to an already pricey cruise. We shall see. I am such a tight wad! I have been looking at the Hawaii 14 dayers again. They are almost comparible in price to the Alaska cruise with air, plus its 7 days more! Thats sounds more apealing to me..........


Nancy, I totally understand about hubby and the flying thing, since I am the same way. John is always bugging me to go west so we could cruise with Roz, but the thought of that long flight gives me the creeps. Maybe someday.

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Hello everyone

I haven't posted in a while. Don't know if you remember us? My son Anthony has the little apricot poodle hearing dog named Honey. the last time I posted I think we were leaving for Venice to board the Star for the 30 day trans atlantic to Brazil and around Cape Horn and a couple of people asked me to post about how it all went with Honey. Well I have to tell you it was such a pleasure traveling in both Europe AND South America with a service dog. Italy was a breeze flying into and the certificate was only $37.00 from the USAD and not one penny more from any other country on the cruise. And Chile was such a pleasure flying home from. Love, love, love traveling in Europe with a service dog. After last year flying into Singapore to board the Diamond and it costing me almost $1000. in fees for Singapore it made this cruise so much better. We are booked on the Emerald this Oct from Canada and I understand we will have no problems but I am dreading our sailing to Tahiti out of LAX next March. I undertstand Tahiti is a nightmare. We may just not take Honey off the ship. Also we are one of the lucky ones who were able to book the new Royal Princess for next years 18 day maiden trans atlantic voyage. We are sooo happy to be going back to Europe where they love our little Honey.

Any questions about our experiences please feel free to contact me at





Dee, your travels makes the wordliest of travelers look dismal. It sounds like Anthony & Honey had an amazing time together and you encountered no problems.

Were you asked to do any extra titering or other testing prior to boarding? Did any countries give you any problems?

Your travels with Honey are so wonderful please give us more details. I know Honey is a smaller dog than I normally bring onboard but do you encounter any problems with the potty box and where is your favorite place to put it?

How long has Honey worked with your son?

Thanks so much for sharing your adventures. :)

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Picture posting time again. Here is a buddy of mine with his new dog Charon who is the newest K9 with the local PD. I am not afraid of German Shepherds but I do respect them even though thats all I have ever had. This dog actually scares me; my buddy has been a handler for 15 years now and they just retired his Belgian Malinois who is 12. This GSD is 4 and I was cool with him until my buddy told him about being bit by this dog already. So the dog got real close to me and for once in my life I think I peed a little............ lol Just something about those 38 scissor teeth and 4 k9 teeth being so close to your flesh....


This guys head is so large from all the bite work; even the local trainers do not enjoy being in a bite suit with this dog since he has the bite that would make a Pitbull proud. And yes thats my lil Mustang in the picture, with Blitz's name on the side of the door. Since Blitz goes everywhere with me.






Beautiful dog. Is Charon in active service or just used for training purposes?

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Mornin' all:

But Jocko, you have to admit he is a handsome boy!


Roz: I am so excited for you and Mr. Horty going on his first cruise. The big goof! You will have you hands full. Hopefully he doesn't knock over a table in the dining room! :o


Cindy: I am so cruise envious right now. It has been since 2006 since we have gone. Far too long. I need to just get it together and start looking for one. Even I am a bit leery of Mexico, which we love. Hubby said look for Alaska in August, before Trav goes back to school. But closest to cruise from is Seattle and I would have to get him there, preferably not on a airplane (his choice) so even added more expense to an already pricey cruise. We shall see. I am such a tight wad! I have been looking at the Hawaii 14 dayers again. They are almost comparible in price to the Alaska cruise with air, plus its 7 days more! Thats sounds more apealing to me..........


After our October 6th cruise, I, too, will be looking at an Hawaiian cruise, in 2013. What month's are you thinking about and what cruiseline would you take?

Thank you for your good wishes for Horty's and my cruise. I hate to leave Miss Brenny. I told her to take good care of herself and PaPa. I will miss her so much. Not having her by my side onboard a cruise will feel so strange and different. I will shed a few tears about it, I just know it! :(

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Bon Voyage Roz! I can't remember if you're going to Mexico or CA coastal but I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time either way! Hoping that Horton will be a champion and Ms. Brenny won't miss you too much.


Kathi, thank you so much. We're going to Santa Barbara/San Francisco/San Diego & Ensenada. My two sisters in law will be joining me and that should be a lot of fun.

I'll miss Brenda so much......that will be the toughest thing of all - To take pictures with Horton and not Brenny will feel so strange. I'm bonding with Horton but will NEVER forget to kiss Brenda when we leave the house each day.

I'm teaching Horton to show respect to Brenny!!!! He tends to push in front of her and grab things from her and although I think it's best to let them work-out their "stuff" [she'll give him a swift nudge or quick bark when she's had enough of his antic's!] I know when to step in and let him know he's "pushing" the envelope a little too far, this time!!!!! He can be a bit of a "bully" and he pushes his weight around.....I lay him down, giving him a belly rub and let her be the "top dog" and do all the sniffing and standing over him. I think he gets the point.

It's so obvious who Brenda is in our home. And, she knows I love Horton too! They're both treated with great respect and I expect the same in return.

I love them both so much!!!!

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Nancy, I totally understand about hubby and the flying thing, since I am the same way. John is always bugging me to go west so we could cruise with Roz, but the thought of that long flight gives me the creeps. Maybe someday.


Maybe, she said maybe!!!!! :D ;)

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Whenever I have a day like this where work is stressful and my kids are stressing me out, I like to look on this thread about service dogs. I do this because sometimes I enjoy my dogs more than I enjoy my kids and it is nice to look @ your doggie pictures and hear all of your wonderful stories. Cruises and dogs, what could be better? and please dont think I am downplaying anyones need for a SD, My DD is a paraplegic and is working on getting one.


I just REALLY enjoy this thread. Thanks for all the smiles guys!

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Whenever I have a day like this where work is stressful and my kids are stressing me out, I like to look on this thread about service dogs. I do this because sometimes I enjoy my dogs more than I enjoy my kids and it is nice to look @ your doggie pictures and hear all of your wonderful stories. Cruises and dogs, what could be better? and please dont think I am downplaying anyones need for a SD, My DD is a paraplegic and is working on getting one.


I just REALLY enjoy this thread. Thanks for all the smiles guys!


I'm so glad you took the time to write to us. I know there are lots and lots of folks who "lurk" and "look" at our lives and have so many questions about our dogs. I'm thrilled that you took the time to actually write-in and talk about yourself. Nancy did the very same thing and we adopted her!!!!

I wish I had had the need for "Brenda" in my life when my children were growing-up. Although, it would have been 3 more things on top of whatever else I had to do, I think the dog would have been a wonderful teacher to the children.

I hope your DD gets an amazing partner very soon. She'll get the assistance but you'll get all the "benefits" that the dog will bring to all of you.

Thank you for sharing with us and please come back and tell us how your daughter's journey is going.

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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I'm so glad you took the time to write to us. I know there are lots and lots of folks who "lurk" and "look" at our lives and have so many questions about our dogs. I'm thrilled that you took the time to actually write-in and talk about yourself. Nancy did the very same thing and we adopted her!!!!


I wish I had had the need for "Brenda" in my life when my children were growing-up. Although, it would have been 3 more things on top of whatever else I had to do, I think the dog would have been a wonderful teacher to the children.


I hope your DD gets an amazing partner very soon. She'll get the assistance but you'll get all the "benefits" that the dog will bring to all of you.


Thank you for sharing with us and please come back and tell us how your daughter's journey is going.

i sure will guys. Thanks.

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Speaking of, haven't set date yet but coming to LA; Roz. Blitz and I should be there within the month. Hopefully since I am still waiting on a check from the VA; once it shows up a day later I am heading west.........


I'm cruising the week of March 26th. Write when you've picked a date.

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Hahahaha don't get to excited.


I won't, but I can hope can't I?

Wexie looks so much like Horton. They'd really have fun together.

I love coming home from work and watching Brenny get all excited to see Mr. "H". She'll bring him a toy and he'll throw it in the air and catch it [all in the hopes of entertaining Miss. "B"], if she could she'd giggle with joy. She bounces around and jumps back & forth in delight, it's the cutest thing in the world to watch. He definitely put a new "spring" in her step and I pray, given her more happy years with us!!!!!!

Who'd of thought what pleasure and pure happiness a goofy, long legged, black dog could bring to two aging old dogs. I mean Morey & Brenda, of course!!!!! ;):p

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I'm cruising the week of March 26th. Write when you've picked a date.


I could only wish it was that soon, I finally lost it today with HUD. They have been investigating the case which involves me and my former landlord which is a huge corp who wrongfully evicted me because Blitz is a German Shepherd. HUD has been saying for a year now all they need to do is have the case reviewed; today I got the same answer. I mean really what do they need? I fulfill the requirements of HUD and the ADA. I am disabled (100% Service connected), I have the paperwork for Blitz from the VA, and finally he does more than 3 tasks for me so I just dont understand what the problem is. The Corp offered 7,500 a few months ago to make me go away and I said no; then they offered 15k and I said yes since it had already been over a year and a half and I just want this to go away. After I signed the paperwork they no longer spoke with HUD or even cut a check; nothing. HUD even asked them to allow me to stay there during the investigation and they replied by evicting me. That caused the vascular sores and a knee injury; which is also highly documented.


Today I called a Mississippi Senator to get something happening or at the very least a status other than and I quote; "Your case is being reviewed. I cannot give you any more deals than this." The company they are investigating has around 25 different sites all very close to Military Bases and if they dont care about a DAV you know they could care less about anything else. When I asked about what happened to the settlement this was HUDS reply to me; it was the property management company through their attorneys who offered the settlement. The management company lawyers never sent me the signed agreement or followed up with an answer about the status of the conciliation after my repeated requests. So in two months it will be two years, and I am still waiting to be made whole again. From the injuries (which I still have a few vascular sores, to the financial drain of having to come up with new deposits and pay for people to help me move. Those expenses where not planned and I am still hurting from this since I make only so much each month from my disability. Yet that company is still doing business and making money every month while I came real close to being a homeless vet.


Sorry Venting again..........

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I could only wish it was that soon, I finally lost it today with HUD. They have been investigating the case which involves me and my former landlord which is a huge corp who wrongfully evicted me because Blitz is a German Shepherd. HUD has been saying for a year now all they need to do is have the case reviewed; today I got the same answer. I mean really what do they need? I fulfill the requirements of HUD and the ADA. I am disabled (100% Service connected), I have the paperwork for Blitz from the VA, and finally he does more than 3 tasks for me so I just dont understand what the problem is. The Corp offered 7,500 a few months ago to make me go away and I said no; then they offered 15k and I said yes since it had already been over a year and a half and I just want this to go away. After I signed the paperwork they no longer spoke with HUD or even cut a check; nothing. HUD even asked them to allow me to stay there during the investigation and they replied by evicting me. That caused the vascular sores and a knee injury; which is also highly documented.


Today I called a Mississippi Senator to get something happening or at the very least a status other than and I quote; "Your case is being reviewed. I cannot give you any more deals than this." The company they are investigating has around 25 different sites all very close to Military Bases and if they dont care about a DAV you know they could care less about anything else. When I asked about what happened to the settlement this was HUDS reply to me; it was the property management company through their attorneys who offered the settlement. The management company lawyers never sent me the signed agreement or followed up with an answer about the status of the conciliation after my repeated requests. So in two months it will be two years, and I am still waiting to be made whole again. From the injuries (which I still have a few vascular sores, to the financial drain of having to come up with new deposits and pay for people to help me move. Those expenses where not planned and I am still hurting from this since I make only so much each month from my disability. Yet that company is still doing business and making money every month while I came real close to being a homeless vet.


Sorry Venting again..........



Jacko, So sorry to hear about all your problems. Hopefully they will all work out. Please don't ever be sorry for venting, we all vent here. I have vented many times and everyone here has too. Thats why we are all friends here. I would be lost with all of you!



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I won't, but I can hope can't I?


Wexie looks so much like Horton. They'd really have fun together.


I love coming home from work and watching Brenny get all excited to see Mr. "H". She'll bring him a toy and he'll throw it in the air and catch it [all in the hopes of entertaining Miss. "B"], if she could she'd giggle with joy. She bounces around and jumps back & forth in delight, it's the cutest thing in the world to watch. He definitely put a new "spring" in her step and I pray, given her more happy years with us!!!!!!


Who'd of thought what pleasure and pure happiness a goofy, long legged, black dog could bring to two aging old dogs. I mean Morey & Brenda, of course!!!!! ;):p



Roz, I love hearing about the dogs, they sound so much like Bailee and Wex were. The picture with the crossed paws is what we call Wexlers "signature position" thats how he likes to lay, paws crossed and his head on his bum. Wierdo!!


I think for this cruise we are going to have to go through alot of crap to get Wex on Grand Turk. They seem to have made their requirements ridiculous. I have written to them to find out what we really have to do. It seems they want a micro chip, titer, rabies within 30 days and the form signed by USDA which we have never done. Last time we went there we did not have to do any of that. We picked this trip cuz it was all Johns favorite places and was going to be easy. Guess not! :( I don't understand why they cannot let the vets put the USDA stamp on. We would have to drive like 2 hours away to get it, at an extra cost I'm sure.


Well today is going to be in the 80"s!!!!! This is the screwiest ( A word?) weather. By Saturday it's going to be back to 40's. Wex doesn't know to shed or not to shed. I mean he sheds all the time, but his winter coat, if he even got that. We had no snow or cold weather so that must screw the dogs up. I see Cali has had some wierd weather too. And all the tornados in the midwest is just downright scary. :eek:



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Jacko, So sorry to hear about all your problems. Hopefully they will all work out. Please don't ever be sorry for venting, we all vent here. I have vented many times and everyone here has too. Thats why we are all friends here. I would be lost with all of you!




Thanks Cindy: I have gone through so much in 20 years. From not being able to walk, to wheel chair's, crutches and finally using a cane on bad days. And while I know its in my best interest that I keep my mouth shut and let HUD do their thing I just cant understand why its taking so long.

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I love coming home from work and watching Brenny get all excited to see Mr. "H". She'll bring him a toy and he'll throw it in the air and catch it [all in the hopes of entertaining Miss. "B"], if she could she'd giggle with joy.


Roz when Blitz and I leave the other pups just look all destroyed since Blitz gets to leave with daddy. Now it does not matter how long I am gone; a quick ride to a fastfood place or for a few hours the reunion between the three dogs is as you describe it. Loads of fun and being excited.

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I could only wish it was that soon, I finally lost it today with HUD. They have been investigating the case which involves me and my former landlord which is a huge corp who wrongfully evicted me because Blitz is a German Shepherd. HUD has been saying for a year now all they need to do is have the case reviewed; today I got the same answer. I mean really what do they need? I fulfill the requirements of HUD and the ADA. I am disabled (100% Service connected), I have the paperwork for Blitz from the VA, and finally he does more than 3 tasks for me so I just dont understand what the problem is. The Corp offered 7,500 a few months ago to make me go away and I said no; then they offered 15k and I said yes since it had already been over a year and a half and I just want this to go away. After I signed the paperwork they no longer spoke with HUD or even cut a check; nothing. HUD even asked them to allow me to stay there during the investigation and they replied by evicting me. That caused the vascular sores and a knee injury; which is also highly documented.


Today I called a Mississippi Senator to get something happening or at the very least a status other than and I quote; "Your case is being reviewed. I cannot give you any more deals than this." The company they are investigating has around 25 different sites all very close to Military Bases and if they dont care about a DAV you know they could care less about anything else. When I asked about what happened to the settlement this was HUDS reply to me; it was the property management company through their attorneys who offered the settlement. The management company lawyers never sent me the signed agreement or followed up with an answer about the status of the conciliation after my repeated requests. So in two months it will be two years, and I am still waiting to be made whole again. From the injuries (which I still have a few vascular sores, to the financial drain of having to come up with new deposits and pay for people to help me move. Those expenses where not planned and I am still hurting from this since I make only so much each month from my disability. Yet that company is still doing business and making money every month while I came real close to being a homeless vet.


Sorry Venting again..........


I know it seems it will NEVER end........just remember it always rains before that beautiful rainbow comes out. You'll have your turn for the rainbow.

Take care.

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Roz, I love hearing about the dogs, they sound so much like Bailee and Wex were. The picture with the crossed paws is what we call Wexlers "signature position" thats how he likes to lay, paws crossed and his head on his bum. Wierdo!!


I think for this cruise we are going to have to go through alot of crap to get Wex on Grand Turk. They seem to have made their requirements ridiculous. I have written to them to find out what we really have to do. It seems they want a micro chip, titer, rabies within 30 days and the form signed by USDA which we have never done. Last time we went there we did not have to do any of that. We picked this trip cuz it was all Johns favorite places and was going to be easy. Guess not! :( I don't understand why they cannot let the vets put the USDA stamp on. We would have to drive like 2 hours away to get it, at an extra cost I'm sure.


Well today is going to be in the 80"s!!!!! This is the screwiest ( A word?) weather. By Saturday it's going to be back to 40's. Wex doesn't know to shed or not to shed. I mean he sheds all the time, but his winter coat, if he even got that. We had no snow or cold weather so that must screw the dogs up. I see Cali has had some wierd weather too. And all the tornados in the midwest is just downright scary. :eek:




Those crossed legs drive me nuts and brings the biggest smile to my face. I love it!!!

We got Horton Micro chipped. With his personality, I wouldn't be surprised if one day he throws a bag over his shoulder and tries to run away. :p

If your Vet is a USDA approved Vet isn't his signature & paperwork enough? It's crazy making!!!!!

I swear the weather gods have absolutely no idea what they're doing. Everyone in my office is sick.......if they make me sick for this cruise I'm going to kill someone. First it's colder than the arctic, than it's so hot we have to turn the air on......and the flowers & trees; they don't know if they should remain dormant or start flowering!!!:(

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Crazy weather is here, not even a sweater this past winter. It was so warm that even the gnats and other bugs are out in full force already. Had to turn on the AC two days ago since it was 92 in the house. Today we have loads of wind and squalls coming off the beach and its supposed to be here for a few days.

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Question for you veteran cruisers - which cruise line would you recommend? We have twice done the Disney cruise. My husband spoke with his parents and they are considering another cruise next summer but are not really interested in doing Disney again. By next year, it will be 11 of us traveling. 6 adults and 5 kids ranging from 12 to a one year old (he is not even with us yet - my nephew will arrive in May.)


Because of the foreign paperwork for the dog, I suggested maybe a cruise from NYC that goes north into Canada. (Well, really what I said first was go back to Alaska).


Before we research destinations, I wanted to find out your recommendations of cruise line.

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Question for you veteran cruisers - which cruise line would you recommend? We have twice done the Disney cruise. My husband spoke with his parents and they are considering another cruise next summer but are not really interested in doing Disney again. By next year, it will be 11 of us traveling. 6 adults and 5 kids ranging from 12 to a one year old (he is not even with us yet - my nephew will arrive in May.)


Because of the foreign paperwork for the dog, I suggested maybe a cruise from NYC that goes north into Canada. (Well, really what I said first was go back to Alaska).


Before we research destinations, I wanted to find out your recommendations of cruise line.


I HIGHLY recommend Princess - They're very accommodating - Allison Muff - Special Needs Dept. - 661-284-4521.

My second favorite Holland America - Special Needs - 800-426-0327

Happy planning.

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