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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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How our dogs can change at the blink of an eye simply stupefies me.


Dear Brenda, I will miss you and will remember how you brought me out of the darkness and back into life. Thank you Brenda Elizabeth, I'll love you Forever and For Always, Rest In Peace. [/b][/color]


Roz and Horty I am so sorry about your loss of your dear Brenda. I am crying here over your news. I am so glad she was in your life to Bless you and Help you in your times of need. You are an amazing woman to take care of her and Horty. Again I am sorry about your loss. Maybe your DH needed her up in Heaven to help him. Love to you and your family. Susan


Susan, your words are so comforting. I went to the Pet Cemetery to pick up Brenda today. She's in a really lovely pine box and I ordered a plague to put on it with her name, her birthdate and my special message to her. They also gave me a plaster cast of her paw print with her name on it. A wonderful tribute to a wonderful dog. The pet cemetery is so, so beautiful and the headstones and tributes that people wrote on them to their pets is so heartwarming and actually made me feel "settled" and put a smile on my face!


I can't begin to tell you how much at peace having her back home with us has made me feel. I talked to her on the ride home and find myself touching her box and talking to her over and over again.


Brenda was a Service Dog and did her job with grace, enthusiasm and gusto. She served a wonderful purpose and I'm so grateful that I could give her such an amazing life and a respectful ending to that life.

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I too just read about the loss of our much loved Brenda and sit here in tears. I will always remember her and her specialness even though we never met. I remember all the stories of how she could quiet even the hardest tantrum of the child with autism with her quiet loving calmness. I'll rember of the fights that she helped you fight against stupid public who were too ignorant to see how special these dogs are. She was a special soul and ambassador for all service dogs to strive to be like.


I'm glad that having the plans made made it a little easier as it is a horrible thingto have to go through. When Valentine's time came it came so out of the blue there was no time to even plan' date=' and i'm so grateful David was here to help me decide the right thingto do.


I too had Valentine cremated and her urn has a small figure of a Japanese Chin on top. They also made a footprint and gave me a tufft of her hair. She sits on the table so i see her every day.


I haven't posted lately but i always read to see what Brenda and Horton are up to.


I hope she can meet up with Valentine on that wonderful bridge and have a good romp together.


Take solice in the love Horton gives and we are here for you when you want to talk.




Barbara, I'm so glad to hear from you. Isn't it wonderful to have our girls home with us again. I didn't think I'd be comfortable with cremation but it's such a fabulous idea for our babies.


Valentine like Brenny did a job but along with that job they were amazing friends, partners and comforts to our needs and moments of stress and the difficulties that we must face on a daily basis. Brenda took the pain and fear away, not just for me but for so many others who came into her life.


I used to call her "My Magic Girl!" She understood me like nobody else!!!!! I will miss her understanding eyes the very most!

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Dear Roz,

I am so sorry to hear that Brenda has gone. But she will be with Morey now and they will both be enjoying that.


While it was a terrible shock, I'm glad that her passing was relatively quick and that she did not have to suffer for a long time.


Enormous hugs to you and Horton.

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Wow, Roz, so sorry to hear that Brenda so suddenly passed! Strangely, when I came on here last week after having been gone a little bit, I had been half expecting to see a post saying she had passed. I had been happy that such a post didn't exist and that she was doing pretty well. Crazy that one week can change so much. :(


Years ago, I had a cat (got her before I realized I am allergic, but fell in love with her and her dog-like personality, so couldn't give her up) and she died of congestive heart failure with similar symptoms to the ones your Brenda had - fine one day, then suddenly the next was breathing hard and not moving and all that. It is amazing that one's health can change so drastically!


At least you have comfort in not only knowing you loved Brenda and she got to do so, so, so many more things than most dogs get to do, but having Horton there to help comfort you as well as continue to help you (Brenda knew she wouldn't be leaving you with nobody to help).


Remember that it is not only okay to cry, but it is good for you, as crying releases stress, so cry, cry away and don't you listen to anybody who tells you not to cry! Especially if they say Brenda was "just a dog", as we all know she was definitely NOT just a dog! People without service dogs just don't understand the bond of having a 24/7/365 partner who not only loves them unconditionally, but helps them get through their disabilities. They will never get it, so just ignore their stupid comments.


I came here with tough news of my own, but will post it in another post so that this one is all for you (and Horton). ***HUGS***

Edited by Quampapetet
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Today has been a rough one. The vet called today with the biopsy results. It is lymphoma (cancer). :( I am so heartbroken right now!


She is referring us to a veterinary oncologist nearby, so we will meet with that vet to see what treatment options exist. I won't know more until then.


My girl is back to acting normally after her surgery last week, so that's good. (The cysts they removed were not connected to the lymphoma, but just a fatty mass and a hair follicle gone wonky.) She is still wearing the "cone" (the stitches don't come out until next week) and because she is black and white, I have been calling her my cookies'n'creme in an ice cream cone! :)


I will try to remember to report back when I have more news on the subject.


Hug your dogs tonight! Tail wags to all!

Edited by Quampapetet
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Today has been a rough one. The vet called today with the biopsy results. It is lymphoma (cancer). :( I am so heartbroken right now!


She is referring us to a veterinary oncologist nearby, so we will meet with that vet to see what treatment options exist. I won't know more until then.


My girl is back to acting normally after her surgery last week, so that's good. (The cysts they removed were not connected to the lymphoma, but just a fatty mass and a hair follicle gone wonky.) She is still wearing the "cone" (the stitches don't come out until next week) and because she is black and white, I have been calling her my cookies'n'creme in an ice cream cone! :)


I will try to remember to report back when I have more news on the subject.


Hug your dogs tonight! Tail wags to all!



Quampapetet, I am so sorry to read your news, it is such a hard time when our darling boys and girls succumb to illness. You sometimes just don't know what to do for the best, but it sounds like your girl is in the very best of hands. I feel your pain and I bless every day we have with our two ...... I know ours got extra hugs yesterday .... ... And the cats too, much to their disgust! ;)


Sending you big hugs, and to your dear "cookies and cream"! :).

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Quam, i'm so sorry to hear about your wonderful dog, sure seems like it's a bad. week.


It seems. like yesterday that i lost Valentine to congestive heart failure out of the blue.


These dogs are special that if you've never had one you just can never understand. I have been attached to all of the dogs that have come into my life, but, to have a service dog is to have a friend, playmate, a confidante, watches over you 24/7, and saves your life too. I can't begin to write just how much Valentine ment to me or how much she saved me. I miss her to this day. Our bond was so strong that i haven't been able to think of another service. dog being in my life.


This board really brings people (and doggies.) Together and lets us share our joy, problems, and help when thesse tragic things happen. I remember coming here the first time with a question abou paperwork to take my dog on a cruise and what i found were friends who truly care. And leading our pack is Roz who is always here with information, stories, and love and reassurance when needed.


Roz, you remain in my thoughts today and i'm sending prayers your way.



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Dear Roz,

I am so sorry to hear that Brenda has gone. But she will be with Morey now and they will both be enjoying that.


While it was a terrible shock, I'm glad that her passing was relatively quick and that she did not have to suffer for a long time.


Enormous hugs to you and Horton.


Celle, Thank you so much. Although it happened so quickly, I'm glad now that we didn't protract her pain and suffering and that she was allowed to go within a relatively short time. Honestly, I couldn't let her go any sooner. I just couldn't. She got sick in the morning and by 6:00pm she was allowed to go to sleep and not feel anymore pain. My little darling was allowed to go, although I would have kept her on life support just to have her with me, but that wouldn't have been fair to her.


My heavy heart will need some time before I will not cry at the mere mention of her name.

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Wow, Roz, so sorry to hear that Brenda so suddenly passed! Strangely, when I came on here last week after having been gone a little bit, I had been half expecting to see a post saying she had passed. I had been happy that such a post didn't exist and that she was doing pretty well. Crazy that one week can change so much. :(


Years ago, I had a cat (got her before I realized I am allergic, but fell in love with her and her dog-like personality, so couldn't give her up) and she died of congestive heart failure with similar symptoms to the ones your Brenda had - fine one day, then suddenly the next was breathing hard and not moving and all that. It is amazing that one's health can change so drastically!


At least you have comfort in not only knowing you loved Brenda and she got to do so, so, so many more things than most dogs get to do, but having Horton there to help comfort you as well as continue to help you (Brenda knew she wouldn't be leaving you with nobody to help).


Remember that it is not only okay to cry, but it is good for you, as crying releases stress, so cry, cry away and don't you listen to anybody who tells you not to cry! Especially if they say Brenda was "just a dog", as we all know she was definitely NOT just a dog! People without service dogs just don't understand the bond of having a 24/7/365 partner who not only loves them unconditionally, but helps them get through their disabilities. They will never get it, so just ignore their stupid comments.


I came here with tough news of my own, but will post it in another post so that this one is all for you (and Horton). ***HUGS***


Thank you so much Quam, your words are so right on. I cry like I've never cried before.

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Today has been a rough one. The vet called today with the biopsy results. It is lymphoma (cancer). :( I am so heartbroken right now!


She is referring us to a veterinary oncologist nearby, so we will meet with that vet to see what treatment options exist. I won't know more until then.


My girl is back to acting normally after her surgery last week, so that's good. (The cysts they removed were not connected to the lymphoma, but just a fatty mass and a hair follicle gone wonky.) She is still wearing the "cone" (the stitches don't come out until next week) and because she is black and white, I have been calling her my cookies'n'creme in an ice cream cone! :)


I will try to remember to report back when I have more news on the subject.


Hug your dogs tonight! Tail wags to all!


Oh! Quam! I'm so, so sorry. You have your hands full. And, when you describe the time that we spend with these amazingly wonderful dogs, we owe it to them to do everything in our power to give them good and healthy lives.


When the Vet medicated Brenda enough so that she would allow her to truly examine her belly. She showed me the tumor with both of her hands [it was huge and that was only from the outside.] She said it was probably pressing on Brenny's pancreas and liver causing the pain, fever and her heart beat was becoming very weak. Brenny's inability to get up was from the pain of the pressure of the tumor. Her age and the doctor's sense of the amount of anesthetic that she would need, she didn't feel that Brenny would live through it. And, to put this 14 year old girl through the stress of the move to the hospital, I.V.'s and then surgery would be so unfair and I knew it. I had a big decision to make for my girl. While I was pacing and crying and crying and pacing Horton was laying on the floor, nose to nose with Brenny. He was saying goodbye and loving her with "muzzle kisses!" It was beautiful.


Quam, I know that you will do what is best for your girl. I know how much you love her. We're all here for you. I'm so sorry that you both are going through this.

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Roz, I'm glad you've got your Brenda home with you again - it's where she belongs. :).


Anyway, we had a quiet moment yesterday afternoon for Miss Brenda Elizabeth - that's me and the two dogs - we lit a lovely candle for her. :).




Oh My! That gave me big tears. Thank you so much. I do hope that one day we get to meet. Either in your back yard or mine.


The cemetery made a plaster cast of Brenny's paw......I just love it! I bought a huge, fabric, flower pinwheel and placed it on Brenny's patio. It's so pretty and reminds me of her every time the breeze makes it move, it's her reminding me of her love for us.

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I know that Cindy, John & Wexy are on a glorious cruise ship. She'll be very upset to hear about Brenny.


She first came on this blog when one of her babies passed and we all shared a tear over that. Then she lost another one and went on the waiting list at CCI for Wexy. She's been through this a lot. She'll totally understand what I'm feeling. And what Qaum's going through.

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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I am so thankful that Brenda, Roz and I shared a lovely cruise a few years ago. In the quiet of the cabin with Brenda on my lap we shared stories and fears.

I was honored to be a part of Brenda's last cruise. She walked with such pride next to Roz....I just trailed behind and basked in their wonderfulness.

Roz, I wish I could hold you in my arms as I did Brenda. Life just is not fair at times.

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Quam' date=' i'm so sorry to hear about your wonderful dog, sure seems like it's a bad. week.


It seems. like yesterday that i lost Valentine to congestive heart failure out of the blue.


These dogs are special that if you've never had one you just can never understand. I have been attached to all of the dogs that have come into my life, but, to have a service dog is to have a friend, playmate, a confidante, watches over you 24/7, and saves your life too. I can't begin to write just how much Valentine ment to me or how much she saved me. I miss her to this day. Our bond was so strong that i haven't been able to think of another service. dog being in my life.


This board really brings people (and doggies.) Together and lets us share our joy, problems, and help when thesse tragic things happen. I remember coming here the first time with a question abou paperwork to take my dog on a cruise and what i found were friends who truly care. And leading our pack is Roz who is always here with information, stories, and love and reassurance when needed.


Roz, you remain in my thoughts today and i'm sending prayers your way.




Barbara, your love and the stories you shared with us about our Valentine were so adored by me and Morey. We loved to read about this little girl with the biggest, bravest heart. She died so suddenly it sickened all of us!!!!!


Thank you for your kind and heart warming words!

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I am so thankful that Brenda, Roz and I shared a lovely cruise a few years ago. In the quiet of the cabin with Brenda on my lap we shared stories and fears.

I was honored to be a part of Brenda's last cruise. She walked with such pride next to Roz....I just trailed behind and basked in their wonderfulness.

Roz, I wish I could hold you in my arms as I did Brenda. Life just is not fair at times.


Oh! Sunshine! I knew your words would touch my soul. With all that you've been through you took the time to remind me of the days that you and Brenny sat on the floor together with her head on your lap and you caressing her and talking to her, I didn't want to butt in, the two of you were sharing some pretty private moments.......I have so many pictures of the time that you spent with her. Thank you for your love and for giving my girl your warm embraces.


Remember when we would go for walks and you would keep the paparazzi away from Brenny & me, that was such a kick! We really had fun!


I love you!

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Were all of you as frustrated as me yesterday when this board was down most of the day?


I missed my friends (you guys.)


Going home from work was just becoming bearable after Morey passed. I could finally do it without crying my whole way home. But, now it's so painful. Horton and Brenda would greet each other and do the "Horty/Brenny" dance. There was so much hopping and jumping and tails and fur flying......I loved it! They really loved each other. It was so cute to watch them, it really gave me great joy at the end of a busy day. Now, it's so, so silent and empty without my little girl. The Vet suggested I buy Horton a new toy and leave it on the living room floor, making a big deal out of it when he discovers it. Now he turns the corner in the hallway and just stops, he looks around and the silence is deafening. He gives me a longing look, like "mom what's going on, where's my sister?"


You know how you know that this day is coming but you're just not fully prepared for it. No matter how much you set yourself up to be prepared, the actual loss and her not being on this earth is so painful!!!!!

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Yes, it was frustrating as I did post you a message but it seems to have disappeared into cyber space.


Anyway, what I said was that in mentioning Cindy, I thought you were so thoughtful to not "tell her" the news of Miss Brenda before she went on her cruise. Not that when she reads it she will be any less upset, or worry any less about you, but in the depths of your grief and despair, you held back .... That's a true friend. She will be terribly upset, as we all are.


I know exactly how you feel when you come home ..... I still look for all our pals who are no longer with us, in fact I still have all of their beds in the exact same favourite places they so loved. They, are now, of course, used by other occupants, but they are still referred to as their beds! They are such creatures of habit, and such sensitive souls, I imagine Mr H will continue to look for his big sister for some time to come.


In fact, I often "feel" them walking past me in the kitchen .... I know that sounds weird but I truly believe they never really leave you.


Sending you bug hugs to you both. :)


Bug hugs??? What are they??? You know I meant BIG hugs!

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Yes, it was frustrating as I did post you a message but it seems to have disappeared into cyber space.


Anyway, what I said was that in mentioning Cindy, I thought you were so thoughtful to not "tell her" the news of Miss Brenda before she went on her cruise. Not that when she reads it she will be any less upset, or worry any less about you, but in the depths of your grief and despair, you held back .... That's a true friend. She will be terribly upset, as we all are.


I know exactly how you feel when you come home ..... I still look for all our pals who are no longer with us, in fact I still have all of their beds in the exact same favourite places they so loved. They, are now, of course, used by other occupants, but they are still referred to as their beds! They are such creatures of habit, and such sensitive souls, I imagine Mr H will continue to look for his big sister for some time to come.


In fact, I often "feel" them walking past me in the kitchen .... I know that sounds weird but I truly believe they never really leave you.


Sending you bug hugs to you both. :)


Bug hugs??? What are they??? You know I meant BIG hugs!


"Bug" Hugs, how cute is that! I need and want all the hugs I can get.


I couldn't tell Cindy, I just couldn't. She truly earned this cruise, with all that she's been through with her mom and the darned weather, etc., etc. I know when she gets home I'll cry all over again.


I'm sure that although the memories of all that Brenda, Morey and I did together are inside my heart......the presence of that gracious being will be missed more than I can ever explain. I'm sure my neighbors must have thought I was being killed last night. I wailed like a child, mourning the loss of my girl.


I love your story of the dog beds. I just couldn't take away her bed on the floor. Although, she slept on the couch, she loved her bed on the floor. She'd use it more and more lately, when she couldn't jump up on her couch.

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Wow! Just Wow! Fairbourne, what is it with the kitchen? I still feel my Renie boy in the kitchen. He brushes past me, usually by the dishwasher. I can feel him on my legs as he goes by. Bug hugs? I knew exactly what you meant the first time. Had to go back the second time and re-read it to "know" what you were talking about with Bug hugs, because the first time I read it as Big hugs!.......Who do? Voodoo!

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Oh Nancy, I can only guess that the kitchen is one of the very favourite places of any dog .... prime spot for any occasional nibbles that may "accidentally" fall their way??? LOL! But it only ever happens when I'm on my own. The DH has said that he sometimes feels one of our "angel cats" in the utility room when he's sorting out the cat food.


Did your Renie boy ever try and get into the dishwasher? I'm sure he was much better behaved than the doggie guests we had for Hogmanay (new year's eve) - 3 chihuahuas, one mini pug, and one mini-pug cross with chihuahua. Talk about watching where to put your feet! We are so used to big dogs! Anyway, one of them was always wanting to get into the dishwasher, but only when it was being loaded to try and lick the dirty plates! Honestly, such bad behaviour! ;):D. But they were such fun and the big dogs just had a bemused look on their faces the whole time! They were all quite young, under a year old, and always busy! I think our girl dog had the look on her face that said, to me anyway, "thank goodness I didn't have puppies!" :eek:


Btw Roz, on the post that went a wandering into cyberspace, I remembered last night that I had also said, "you would be welcome in our backyard anytime! We might even let you in the house! LOL! ;):p:D"

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I tried to post yesterday and my message also went to cyber space.



Roz, I am so sorry to hear the news about Brenda. I am not good with words but sure feel your pain. Hugs to you and Horty. I am sure Brenny is running around with Morey and maybe even my dog Rhonda. Sending extra Hugs to you. So nice that the Vet made that plaster cast for you---wish mine would have done that----we lost Rhonda while we were on a cruise. Bad news to come back too.


Quam, I am so sorry to hear about your dog----hugs to you too. I know this is a hard time when our babies are not well. Thoughts and hugs for you to get through these coming weeks.

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Fairbourne, No Mr. Renie never tried to get in the dishwasher, he was 110 lbs! Big sturdy boy. Now on the other hand kitty use to try and get in the dishwasher and underneath it. Little booger.


Quam: I also think I did a post that went into cyber space. Hope you get some much needed, pawsitive answer for you and your girl. Life bites right now for a lot of us. :(

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Oh Nancy, I can only guess that the kitchen is one of the very favourite places of any dog .... prime spot for any occasional nibbles that may "accidentally" fall their way??? LOL! But it only ever happens when I'm on my own. The DH has said that he sometimes feels one of our "angel cats" in the utility room when he's sorting out the cat food.


Did your Renie boy ever try and get into the dishwasher? I'm sure he was much better behaved than the doggie guests we had for Hogmanay (new year's eve) - 3 chihuahuas, one mini pug, and one mini-pug cross with chihuahua. Talk about watching where to put your feet! We are so used to big dogs! Anyway, one of them was always wanting to get into the dishwasher, but only when it was being loaded to try and lick the dirty plates! Honestly, such bad behaviour! ;):D. But they were such fun and the big dogs just had a bemused look on their faces the whole time! They were all quite young, under a year old, and always busy! I think our girl dog had the look on her face that said, to me anyway, "thank goodness I didn't have puppies!" :eek:


Btw Roz, on the post that went a wandering into cyberspace, I remembered last night that I had also said, "you would be welcome in our backyard anytime! We might even let you in the house! LOL! ;):p:D"



I saw that post somewhere. You said that I could come in the backyard and "maybe" even in the house! Thanks!!!!

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