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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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Fairbourne, you are such a wonderful puppy walker in so many ways. The CD or memory stick is a beautiful and thoughtful idea. Not long ago, I was looking back at some old posts here and saw Aruba's first photo. Adorable and heart-melting. And I loved your description of all the wonderful touch experiences she'll provide her future partner.

Edited by Caribbean Chris
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I have loads of photos of Aruba, the problem will be choosing the ones to go in her album! I think I'm also going to put more on a CD or a memory stick so her new person can view them, and if they can't see them, then I'm sure they will have family and friends who will be able to describe the photos to them. I did ask a lady who is blind about this and she said yes, please do it.


I also feel very sad sometimes that someone who is blind will never see Aruba's beautiful face, or look into her deep kind eyes, BUT they will be able to feel her soft velvet ears, her Tufty bits on the top of her head, her gentle mouth, the gorgeous pressure when she sits close and leans into you, her head when she nuzzles you on the arm when her tummy clock tells her it's "time for tea", her hot breath when she comes running back to you, her soft fat belly when she rolls over for a belly rub, and if she thinks you have a treat in your pocket,she will literally sit on your feet (when you're sitting down of course!).


I'm also keeping an album for us and her very first name tag which is a tiny puppy one!


We may (will) have another pup, but Miss Aruba will always be number one, the first and a very special girl. Can you tell I just love this girl to bits? :D


Why am I tearing-up.......because, your description of Aruba and all that her forever mom or dad will feel was so heartwarming. Your love for her just shines through every word you write. Thank you for my warm/fuzzy for the morning here in sunny L.A. ♥

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That's good to hear, as Pedro is happiest on a lap. He is usually attached to Bill most of the time. This evening, Pedro went into action, as Bill witnessed a driver hit a cat. The person didn't even stop. Bill got out of his car, stopped traffic, and picked up the cat and gave it back to the owner. He is so sensitive to animals that when he got home, he was so upset. Pedro immediately picked up on this and was right in his face. He didn't leave Bill's chest until the tears stopped, then sat on his shoulders for a while. Can you imagine Horton doing that...?:eek: He's like a fur stole. LOL It's amazing how these little guys can pick up on the chemical changes. It's also helpful that they can be held like babies. Dog hugs are the best.


I am excited...but have been so busy this week, that I haven't been thinking about it as much as I usually do. This week went by so fast, that I hope I am ready by Saturday morning.


Yes, anticipation is half the fun.





Good job Pedro, you're taking care of your Dad exactly the way your supposed to!


You know Horton is a 90lb lug but when he wants me to just love on him, it's the most adorable thing you'll ever see! He leans his head, shoulder and part of his tummy into my lap, curls it all up a bit and stands and purrs like a kitten. He's the SWEETEST dog I've ever met. He'll then lay on the floor with his tummy exposed and all 4 legs pointing up in the air! Tummy rub time!!!!


You all know how much I adored Brenda, she would NEVER let me hug and hold her like Horton does. She would allow me to pat her and kiss her head and then she'd walk away. She would NEVER expose her tummy, ever!!!! She was such an alpha dog.....always had to be in complete control. I learned how to sneak my hugs in when needed......mostly for me, not for her! She loved everyone, from a distance, she was very aloof! But, she could look into your eyes and you could see her soul! Amazing dog!


I won't talk to you again........HAPPY SAILS TO YOU! Have a wonderful cruise and don't forget to come back and tell us all about it! :)

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That's good to hear, as Pedro is happiest on a lap. He is usually attached to Bill most of the time. This evening, Pedro went into action, as Bill witnessed a driver hit a cat. The person didn't even stop. Bill got out of his car, stopped traffic, and picked up the cat and gave it back to the owner. He is so sensitive to animals that when he got home, he was so upset. Pedro immediately picked up on this and was right in his face. He didn't leave Bill's chest until the tears stopped, then sat on his shoulders for a while. Can you imagine Horton doing that...?:eek: He's like a fur stole. LOL It's amazing how these little guys can pick up on the chemical changes. It's also helpful that they can be held like babies. Dog hugs are the best.


I am excited...but have been so busy this week, that I haven't been thinking about it as much as I usually do. This week went by so fast, that I hope I am ready by Saturday morning.


Yes, anticipation is half the fun.





I hope you have a fabulous cruise. We will be going to some of the same ports on our Panama Canal cruise, can't wait to hear about your experiences.



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I have loads of photos of Aruba, the problem will be choosing the ones to go in her album! I think I'm also going to put more on a CD or a memory stick so her new person can view them, and if they can't see them, then I'm sure they will have family and friends who will be able to describe the photos to them. I did ask a lady who is blind about this and she said yes, please do it.


I also feel very sad sometimes that someone who is blind will never see Aruba's beautiful face, or look into her deep kind eyes, BUT they will be able to feel her soft velvet ears, her Tufty bits on the top of her head, her gentle mouth, the gorgeous pressure when she sits close and leans into you, her head when she nuzzles you on the arm when her tummy clock tells her it's "time for tea", her hot breath when she comes running back to you, her soft fat belly when she rolls over for a belly rub, and if she thinks you have a treat in your pocket,she will literally sit on your feet (when you're sitting down of course!).


I'm also keeping an album for us and her very first name tag which is a tiny puppy one!


We may (will) have another pup, but Miss Aruba will always be number one, the first and a very special girl. Can you tell I just love this girl to bits? :D


I am sure that her new family is going to so appreciate all of the time and trouble you have gone to in making an album for them and in raising such a sweet dog.



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Yikes - can't imagine any of these great big galumphs of labs as fur stoles!!! We'd be flattened! :eek: but we get hugs and Poppy still likes to climb on my lap for big hugs when she needs a proper Mummy Hug! Thankfully the big boy Max doesn't want to do this! LOL!




I think it's amazing what Pedro does for your DH - and your DH for not leaving the poor cat - it's someone's much loved pet too.






One more sleep and you're off ..... Any webcams you want us to wave at??? :p:D



We are leaving at about 4pm on Monday on the Coral Princess out of Port Everglades, so the same webcam that Cindy was on will be the same for us. I wasn't planning on making a sign, frankly nothing else will fit in our suitcases. We will be up on the top deck. There should also be a scooter person with us. Not sure where the camera is mounted, but we will waive. I will try to get Pedro up where you can see him. If you have any suggestions for me, I will still be in touch on the road.



Thank you to you all for the info and support. I will give a full report when we return. Let's hope Pedro doesn't go into "loose cannon" mode...no dragging chairs or running around the dining room. ;)


Will check in from the road.




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We are leaving at about 4pm on Monday on the Coral Princess out of Port Everglades, so the same webcam that Cindy was on will be the same for us. I wasn't planning on making a sign, frankly nothing else will fit in our suitcases. We will be up on the top deck. There should also be a scooter person with us. Not sure where the camera is mounted, but we will waive. I will try to get Pedro up where you can see him. If you have any suggestions for me, I will still be in touch on the road.



Thank you to you all for the info and support. I will give a full report when we return. Let's hope Pedro doesn't go into "loose cannon" mode...no dragging chairs or running around the dining room. ;)


Will check in from the road.





Cindra - on the port everglades website they show you where their webcam is - it's on what looks like an apartment building and they've circled it to indicate to you when you should wave, but this is for people ordering a special webcam shot like Wexler & Co did, so they make sure they get you in the shot.


But if you're at the back of the ship make sure you are on the port side so we can see you! Wave something like a scarf up high and we will watch and try and spot you! ;):D. Don't wave Pedro of course! LOL!!!


I can't tell you how exciting it is watching these ships leave when we are sat here on a cold brrrrrr evening thousands of miles away! What would my grandfather have made of this ..... When my grandfather's sister, my great Aunt emigrated to Canada (I never met her but did meet her daughter, my mum's cousin), she used to write to him about Canada and the "wee stick hoosies" the Canadians lived in. Coming from here, our houses are all granite or brick and to her living in a "stick hoosie" was such an adventure! (Hoosie = house) can you imagine her excitement if she had seen anything on a webcam as it happens !! Any communication in those days was by letter, and sent by sea at that! But the excitement was still the same "a letter from Canada, a letter from Canada" and a fight over who was going to get the stamps! LOL!


So we will be watching! LOL!

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It certainly was a pleasure - Portugese Water Dogs - they are so beautiful and I imagine their coat is so soft and snuggly? It's amazing the different breeds - before I started this journey, I just thought black or yellow labs. How wrong was I!


Their hair is pretty soft, yes, and definitely snuggly! Both mine have wavy hair, but the breed can also come in curly hair. The puppy actually gets pretty curly on top of her head when her hair is long - it is pretty cute!


Yes, there are lots of breeds, large and small, used for service dog work! Such a wonderful thing!



That's interesting about the potty van - who would know!


The only way I knew was I heard about it from another handler, who only knew about it because they happened to automatically be at her gate one time. I think IAADP should make an announcement about it to members.


It will be a transition for you - how old will your new pup be when she comes to work with you?


Yes, it definitely will be quite the transition! Even just working her with basic commands and a few tasks I called her the wrong name a few times. And one of the task commands has changed ("stair" instead of "step" to go down to the next few stairs, as I need help with going down stairs), so I have to remember that. Working with a different dog will be quite the change, as will going back to having an energetic young dog (but at least this one loves to play fetch). The puppy is also going to have a big transition from the trainer to me, which I didn't go through last time because my trainer lived close enough for my girl to live at home with me during the training process.


I am not sure how long the training will take - it partly depends on how long it will take her to learn certain tasks as well as how long it takes for her to finish growing for the mobility harness sizing and training. I am looking to seeing her again in June for her first birthday ... and I am going to order a doggy birthday cake! :D


How is your big girl doing - keeping well I trust. :) I know exactly what you mean about how short a time we have with our four legged pals, it's not nearly long enough is it?


She is doing well, all her blood work on Friday was good. There was one treatment we couldn't do while away because our vet there ordered the drug, but the pharmacy didn't receive it in time. I gave her the oral back-up treatment instead and we started where we left off this past Friday.


I wish dogs lived at least twice as long as they do!

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Beautiful dogs!


I wish CCI would open up their breeding program to more allergy resistant dogs, other than Labs. They're amazing dogs but their hair is insidious for allergies. Lab hair can find it's way into places that will shock and surprise you!!!! :eek:


Yeah, it is REALLY nice not having to deal with dog fur everywhere!!!!!!! I don't think I could handle that.

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Just a point of information (for Cindra for future reference), did you know you can type info into the form 7001 yourself, print it out and take it to the vet? The USDA has a PDF online you can save to yor own computer, with fill-in blanks.


Saves time since the USDA certified vet just checks the info (vaccine number etc) against the records you bring, then signs the form.


Interesting! My vet still fills it out by hand with a pen, so I didn't know about the computer version. I bet those who have to read them prefer that over vet (doctor) handwriting! I will be going to a different vet place when my puppy comes home to me, so it will be interesting to see how they do it. (I haven't found the new vet yet, as I might be living in a different area of the state soon.)


Thanks for the info.!

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Just booked the Norwegian Pearl for a 10 day Carribean cruise leaving April 6 from Miami - Yay!


combination Valentines Day gift for my wife and BD gift for me!

Happy Belated Valentines Day to everyone on this wonderful thread.


What a great Valentines Day gift! Husbands everywhere, take note! (Though I am NOT complaining about the bag of m&ms for V day, since a few weeks ago he booked an April cruise for our 35th anniversary.)

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Checking in from the road... We just passed Jacksonville and have about five or so hours more to drive before we get to my parent's place. Pedro has been an angel, so far, but he hasn't been eating much. I guess it must be the traveling. It's 61 degrees right now and I'm loving the warmth. The sun is brightly shining and Pedro has discovered how much he likes laying in it. My jacket is still on, but not for long.


Tomorrow is the big day. I will try to remember to bring my scarf up on deck to waive to you all. I will look for the camera and stay closer to the port side. I think we are planning to spend sail away at the bar on the top deck, center of the ship.


Minor panic last night, as the pack of wet naps leaked in my tote. Some things got soaked and had to be tossed or dried out. Luckily, all of our boarding passes and Pedro's paperwork were in a plastic folder.



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I'm worrying about Cindy, John and Wexler getting off their ship (today, right?) and having to fly back to Boston. Wonder if the airport is open after the latest blizzard.

Same thought here. I saw Cindy's ship heading out again just now. Wondering if she will have to stay in Florida. Think I'll check airport closings and see if Boston is open.


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Just checked for Jetblue flights from Fort Lauderdale to Boston. Online shows it in flight but delayed up to 45 minutes. All transit service in Boston shut down. Watching CBS news reporter in Boston -bitter cold and winds. If anyone hears from Cindy please let us all know.



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Hey gang, As you probably figured out we are still in Florida. Our flight was cancelled on Thursday so when we got to Key West we had Johns sister work on a place for us to stay. By the time we got to Ft Lauderdale we were all set. Our flights were changed to Tues, with a stop in DC. And poor Steph was put on a different flight than the rest of us. After an hour on the phone John managed to get us on a direct fllight all together. It leaves Tues at 240 but now more snow coming. Ughhhhhhhh. Its just unbelievable. Hopefully we will make it back.



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Oh Cindy I suppose there are worse places to be stuck than Florida! ;):D. But I imagine if you've got stuff to get back to like work (!) then you need to get back!


Anyways how was the cruise? We saw you sail away. Gosh you were right at the front of the ship .... It was amazing when you all popped into view! I'm surprised you didn't hear the "there they are, there they are, where's Wex, where's Wex" shouts from there! LOL!


So tonight's the night that Pedro and Co set sail - a scarf is to be waved apparently from the handy location of the bar on the top deck! LOL!


Reminder: Coral Princess - 4pm US time - from Port Everglades! :). It will be about 9pm here in the UK.

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