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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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Well hi there Miss Nancy Fancy Pants


Caturday - ha ha! We have a caturday every day in our house! LOL!


Well today I dropped Miss Bonnie off to our puppy walker supervisor and she headed off to training school to be assessed. So fingers crossed that the trainer she is going to spend the next few days with will see her potential ..... If not she will come home to us and there will be no more puppy walking for me. So my heart wants her to come home and have cuddles and just have a lovely easy life with us, but my head is trying to stand firm with the hope that she will be going on to formal training and be a great life changer for someone who will love her just as much as we do!


Before we met with David, we went to the dentist and much as I tried there was no escape for me as the hygienist did not want to do the dog's teeth instead of mine! Bonnie was very well behaved, just lay down and watched what was going on and then had a nap while the hygienist did her worst! I was quite anxious as I couldn't see her but of course this is what blind people live with all the time - so I just placed my trust in her and she did very well. I did bring a new toy for her stuffed with her favourite doggy sweets but she looked at it and honest to goodness gave me a look "you must be joking Mum, you want me to do what, for so little reward!" She's a funny little toot, she's not very motivated by food.


Then we walked down a couple of very busy streets back to where I had parked the car and the only time she was a bit distracted was by a big bus pulling in right beside us on the street. And of course, there's always one person who thinks it is funny/or what I don't really know to distract the dog. This time it was a woman while we were waiting to cross the road. Honestly, some folk! And Bonnie did well as we still have some cobbled streets and old paved sidewalks which are not level at all, and all up and down, so a bit of a challenge if you can't see, so we train the dogs to stop and then the guide dog user knows there is an obstacle and to take care. In saying all this, we do have the dipped cut outs in the pavements for wheelchair users so we always cross the road using these - those old cobbles look lovely but are a real nuisance, even for the sure footed!


So will keep you posted on how our Bonnie gets on. The house is quiet(er) but the other three couldn't care less ....... Looked past me to see where she was, ah no Bonnie so where's our biscuits? :rolleyes:



Don't let the fact that Bonnie doesn't graduate stop you from being a puppy walker. It is a very select group that ever graduates. With CCI, it's only about 30%. You are doing an amazing job with the pups. You don't have to worry about the pups that take a different career path. I'm sure there is a long list of people that want amazingly trained pets. All you need is one pup to graduate and it makes all the rest worth it. Hang in there. And tell your friend that we met on the cruise thank you.

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Don't let the fact that Bonnie doesn't graduate stop you from being a puppy walker. It is a very select group that ever graduates. With CCI, it's only about 30%. You are doing an amazing job with the pups. You don't have to worry about the pups that take a different career path. I'm sure there is a long list of people that want amazingly trained pets. All you need is one pup to graduate and it makes all the rest worth it. Hang in there. And tell your friend that we met on the cruise thank you.


Oh no it's not I don't want to, I just don't think Guide Dogs will "allow" me to have another puppy if we have 4 dogs already! And I'm not sure I could cope! :eek: and I really want to do the Therapet visit scheme with Aruba. But if she makes it, I'd have another puppy in a heart beat! Well, I'd need a cruise first! A long one! LOL! We will see how it all pans out. Fingers crossed for good news!

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Thank you all for your kind words. They really do mean alot. Each day is getting a little better. We did have one bright spot during this. Tuesday morning CCI called us and asked if we would be willing to "foster" a six month old puppy. His puppy raisers are having some medical issues and can't raise him for a while. He is a full black Lab.

We said YES!! We may be picking him up on Saturday or wait until February 10 when we drop off Sutter.


Now you're making my heart sing.......doesn't Fairbourne know me well!!!! I truly have a very soft spot inside for those Black Lab's......never did before 2002, when I met the most amazingly gorgeous and brilliant Brenda Elizabeth ♥


I hope this pup helps to ease the pain a bit!!!

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I've just had an update on Bonnie - I keep in touch with Aruba's trainer and I just texted her this morning to ask her to look out for Bonnie and to please give her a big cuddle from me. So immediately she arrived at the training centre, she found her, cuddles were delivered and she sent me a lovely photo of Bonnie. She looked fine, a tad worried with wrinkled brows, but I think it was more of a "Who are you Mrs Trainer person, giving me cuddles and then taking my picture!" Haven't heard how's she's doing with her assessment yet. Now I'm not very techie minded but I'll try and work out how to save the photo and post it here. It might take a while! ;):)


I can't wait to hear the news about Bonnie.....I love your description of her worried brow! Don't Labs have the best eyebrows.....Horton moves his up and down and cocks his head and winks [with one eye], yes, he does wink!


Of course, Black Labs are the hardest to see, unless they're like Wexy with all that gray!

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Sylvia, the concierge in the Michael's Club lounge, was so gracious and welcoming every time we came in. She even organized a birthday card for Raylene, signed by a lot of the staff and passengers we met on board.


Notice that "worried Lab look," Fairbourne! Or maybe it is a "dignified Lab look."

Also notice that my 5-year old is beginning to get a gray muzzle already.



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Sylvia, the concierge in the Michael's Club lounge, was so gracious and welcoming every time we came in. She even organized a birthday card for Raylene, signed by a lot of the staff and passengers we met on board.


Notice that "worried Lab look," Fairbourne! Or maybe it is a "dignified Lab look."

Also notice that my 5-year old is beginning to get a gray muzzle already.




Hello Raylene, what a pretty girl. Yep! I do recognize that "worried Lab" look! They're so funny when they're not sure of their environment.


Thanks for sharing the wonderful pictures.....you've brought big smiles to all our faces!

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Great photos! I'm looking forward to boarding EC in 17 days.


Scooter will be staying with my mom. He is NOT ready for a cruise yet. The plane rides in late December and the first week of January told me to not even try.


Sent from my SM-N910P using Tapatalk

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Great photos! I'm looking forward to boarding EC in 17 days.


Scooter will be staying with my mom. He is NOT ready for a cruise yet. The plane rides in late December and the first week of January told me to not even try.


Sent from my SM-N910P using Tapatalk

Barb, please give us a heads-up a few days before your voyage so we have the chance to wish you a Bon~Voyage before your cruise.


What works best with our Service Dogs are our instincts.....follow your gut feelings and if it doesn't feel right, don't do it!!!! Our dogs are very forgiving but we must ALWAYS think of their best interest first!


You're very lucky to have your Mom to go to.

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Barb, please give us a heads-up a few days before your voyage so we have the chance to wish you a Bon~Voyage before your cruise.


What works best with our Service Dogs are our instincts.....follow your gut feelings and if it doesn't feel right, don't do it!!!! Our dogs are very forgiving but we must ALWAYS think of their best interest first!


You're very lucky to have your Mom to go to.

Will do, Roz.

Mom isn't excited, but her husband agreed to keep Scooter while she was visiting my sister last summer. She is doing a local census though, and said she may take him along while she walks the neighborhood.


My son wants him, but an engineering student has no time for a dog. Maybe next time.


Sent from my SM-N910P using Tapatalk

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Chris - lovely photos of Raylene and her admirers! Our two older ones, Max and Poppy are quite grey - they're 10 now, so grey chin, grey eyebrows. When Max first arrived as a gangly, all legs, head far too big for his body, youngster, I always did tell him he would grow up and someday (far, far away I thought then) be a handsome old soldier with grey whiskers. That day didn't take long to arrive :( and he is just the best old (ish) boy you could want - anything for a quiet life is his motto and the occasional biscuit. He does tend to follow me around and if I'm in the kitchen, he's there! You never know what might fall out of the fridge and into a certain boy dog's big mouth!


Our friends who are also puppy walkers commented that since the dog has gone to training, she has to sweep the kitchen floor a lot more! :D LOL!! She also told me that her last pup, a very pal yellow lab would cast hair continuously. The solution was to give her a capsule of evening primrose oil daily with her food. Gave her a beautiful sleek and soft coat and no more shedding! I haven't tried this but it was suggested to them by a trainer at Guide Dogs. (anyone reading this please don't give your dog this without checking with your vet.)


Ok I tried to copy the photo of Bonnie and I'm going to upload it but sorry it's not great! No news yet! :eek:


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Chris - lovely photos of Raylene and her admirers! Our two older ones, Max and Poppy are quite grey - they're 10 now, so grey chin, grey eyebrows. When Max first arrived as a gangly, all legs, head far too big for his body, youngster, I always did tell him he would grow up and someday (far, far away I thought then) be a handsome old soldier with grey whiskers. That day didn't take long to arrive :( and he is just the best old (ish) boy you could want - anything for a quiet life is his motto and the occasional biscuit. He does tend to follow me around and if I'm in the kitchen, he's there! You never know what might fall out of the fridge and into a certain boy dog's big mouth!


Our friends who are also puppy walkers commented that since the dog has gone to training, she has to sweep the kitchen floor a lot more! :D LOL!! She also told me that her last pup, a very pal yellow lab would cast hair continuously. The solution was to give her a capsule of evening primrose oil daily with her food. Gave her a beautiful sleek and soft coat and no more shedding! I haven't tried this but it was suggested to them by a trainer at Guide Dogs. (anyone reading this please don't give your dog this without checking with your vet.)


Ok I tried to copy the photo of Bonnie and I'm going to upload it but sorry it's not great! No news yet! :eek:


Horton is getting gray around his mouth and eyes, different than how Brenny grayed but still a reminder of life moving forward.......Please make time slow down.......


Fairbourne, I love the picture of Bonnie....it shows her questioning brows and forlorn look of, "what am I doing here?" Such a precious little girl!

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I want to wish everyone a warm, safe and loving weekend.


To ALL our friends who are healing from their broken hearts and losses of their beloved furbabies please know that we're think about you and sending loving hugs your way ♥



Thanks so much, Roz. We do know about, have felt, and appreciate the love hugs from across the miles. It helps when we can share the loss that others have felt in similar situations and the encouragement to remember the many wonderful times we shared with our wonderful little girls.




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Thanks so much, Roz. We do know about, have felt, and appreciate the love hugs from across the miles. It helps when we can share the loss that others have felt in similar situations and the encouragement to remember the many wonderful times we shared with our wonderful little girls.





Walt, there is an empty spot inside my heart and soul for the loss of my precious Brenny. I totally understand and sympathize with you, DKD, Kim and anyone else who yearns for just one more minute with our dogs.


Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened.

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So a quick update on our Bonnie - she's to stay down at the training centre for a few more days - so, hopefully that's all pawsitive! She has a lovely kennel mate called Raine who has been withdrawn (don't know why yet) and is awaiting to find a new home. We've met Raine when she came for a play date when she was being boarded by Aunty. There is something about Raine and I just loved her, her feisty character, the way she just fitted in with our lot ..... I know what you might be thinking but No no no we are not going to have her with us! BUT, our friends who had wanted to take Bonnie if we didn't have her, are still looking for a second dog so I'm going to act quickly and see if I can make that love match happen!


Nothing I can do until Monday but I would love to see Raine happily settled with our friends. :)


I found a photo I took of Raine with Bonnie a few months ago.


Walt - as Roz said, just perfect thoughts. Thank you for sharing that and sending hugs from over here to all.


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So a quick update on our Bonnie - she's to stay down at the training centre for a few more days - so, hopefully that's all pawsitive! She has a lovely kennel mate called Raine who has been withdrawn (don't know why yet) and is awaiting to find a new home. We've met Raine when she came for a play date when she was being boarded by Aunty. There is something about Raine and I just loved her, her feisty character, the way she just fitted in with our lot ..... I know what you might be thinking but No no no we are not going to have her with us! BUT, our friends who had wanted to take Bonnie if we didn't have her, are still looking for a second dog so I'm going to act quickly and see if I can make that love match happen!


Nothing I can do until Monday but I would love to see Raine happily settled with our friends. :)


I found a photo I took of Raine with Bonnie a few months ago.


Walt - as Roz said, just perfect thoughts. Thank you for sharing that and sending hugs from over here to all.


Well, it's a good shot of the top of her head! Love it!

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