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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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Thanks guys. I know I use to use Photobucket too. But something happened there also. How would I get the photos from flickr to photobucket? They were on my old phone. This new phone is a pain the patootie to try and get the photos onto my computer. Numerous people that know far more than I do have also tried. I guess I need to break down and go to the Verizon store and have them show me...........

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Anybody laughs and I will come there and personally pound you!!!!!


My phone is a Verizon LG Flip Phone. I can take pictures, text and it takes messages. My children get hysterical when they see it and when I'm out in public people stare at it like "it's" the latest invention and they should have it!


It works, it get's the job done and if I lose, drop or it gets stolen [like no way] I'm not out a bundle and I really don't care!!!! I've dropped it over and over again and the dang thing won't break. Everything is protected by the "flip!"

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DKD - would you mind please posting the information you gave me re posting photos from photobucket.


It would be helpful to others and it made it so easy for me to do.


I find if I copy the link on my photo bucket page and then paste it into a word document (or similar) then I can copy all the links that I want and then log out of my photobucket account. I then log into CC and copy and paste the links using the little yellow mountain icon - just below the paper clip.


I haven't worked out how to keep photobucket logged in and be logged into cc at the same time! So this is my way of doing it.


This is the best I could find for now.


What you need to do for bigger photos is go to photobucket dot com and create a free account. Then you can upload pictures to the account and then insert them here full size. It's pretty easy to do.

When your on Photobucket, you use "direct" for your share links choice.

When you want to share a picture here from Photobucket try this.


Click on the picture you want to share. Then where is says "share links", click next to the one that says Direct. You should see it flash copied. Then come back here and click on the yellow icon that looks like a postcard of a mountain. Then paste. The photo should then show up here.


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How are you doing today ..... We've had no snow yet! Lots down south in England. Cold though!


Roz, you would not cope with this! But the snowdrops are coming out so spring is on its way and the days are drawing out. So soon the dogs won't need their dayglo jackets on for their evening walks!


Fairbourne, we are doing better. They plowed john out this morning. He was alittle late for work. I went out to the back lot where I park and cleaned off my car and my neighbors. We moved all cars in both lots and the plow cleared all the snow. Now we wait for more tomorrow and monday. :(

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Anybody laughs and I will come there and personally pound you!!!!!


My phone is a Verizon LG Flip Phone. I can take pictures, text and it takes messages. My children get hysterical when they see it and when I'm out in public people stare at it like "it's" the latest invention and they should have it!


It works, it get's the job done and if I lose, drop or it gets stolen [like no way] I'm not out a bundle and I really don't care!!!! I've dropped it over and over again and the dang thing won't break. Everything is protected by the "flip!"


Hahahaha:D:D:D:D. No seriously Roz. I had one of those phones too. I actually have ab android phone but its a tracfone. Wasnt til lately that I have been looking into something better. I am not phone savy but Im learning. Now that we have no computer Im using my phone. So I might get sonething better.

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Anybody laughs and I will come there and personally pound you!!!!!


My phone is a Verizon LG Flip Phone. I can take pictures, text and it takes messages. My children get hysterical when they see it and when I'm out in public people stare at it like "it's" the latest invention and they should have it!


It works, it get's the job done and if I lose, drop or it gets stolen [like no way] I'm not out a bundle and I really don't care!!!! I've dropped it over and over again and the dang thing won't break. Everything is protected by the "flip!"


I'm not laughing, I'm with you!


I mostly use my ipad and email to communicate but also have a ridiculously simple very cheap flip phone that does nothing but make calls and take messages (no photos, no internet) so I can call someone in an emergency - also my husband can answer it if the dog makes the sound alert. (I can hear it sometimes in quiet places with setting on my hearing aid but hate talking on the phone anyway.) The monthly fee is really low but I also like the big, readable numbers and letters. It's an "old person" type phone they advertise in the AARP magazine.


But I have to break down and get a smart phone... the technology is getting better for live, real time captioning. Plus people get mad when they can't text me. Soon....

Edited by Caribbean Chris
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I'm not laughing, I'm with you!


I mostly use my ipad and email to communicate but also have a ridiculously simple very cheap flip phone that does nothing but make calls and take messages (no photos, no internet) so I can call someone in an emergency - also my husband can answer it if the dog makes the sound alert. (I can hear it sometimes in quiet places with setting on my hearing aid but hate talking on the phone anyway.) The monthly fee is really low but I also like the big, readable numbers and letters. It's an "old person" type phone they advertise in the AARP magazine.


But I have to break down and get a smart phone... the technology is getting better for live, real time captioning. Plus people get mad when they can't text me. Soon....


I also have a trac fone. But mine has a full keyboard and a camera.

It costs me around $100/yr. I would love to get a smart phone but

I have a hard time justifying the cost. Some day I will have to bite

the bullet and get one. But not today!!

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Fairbourne, we are doing better. They plowed john out this morning. He was alittle late for work. I went out to the back lot where I park and cleaned off my car and my neighbors. We moved all cars in both lots and the plow cleared all the snow. Now we wait for more tomorrow and monday. :(


Good to hear. Don't hurt yourself, you only have a week until you're outa here!!! :D

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I can text with my phone and take pictures, play games and email [if I want to pay for it.] It doesn't have a large keypad and the letters and numbers are very small......I put on my specs and I'm good!


Hey, I'm lucky I know how to type and turn on my computer. We have a huge, sophisticated IT department at work.......as long as I don't quit my job, I've got lots of human techies to help me and, believe me, they do!!!!

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Cindra, I'm sure that Pedro will be the hit of the ship with his outfits.


Remember; when you're on a cruise with him he's representing all of us. Having fun and enjoying your cruise to the fullest is key.


Don't let yourself get caught up in the passengers joy at seeing him looking so cute. He's a Service Dog FIRST! Please make sure that he's acting appropriately and that you're ALWAYS in control.


People will want to hold, pat, talk to and love on him. Be professional and make sure that the public knows that he's not there to entertain them, he's a working partner. Let them know that he can be playful but only when you've released him to do so.


It's hard work to not get caught-up in the public's joy of such a delightful and well managed and trained dog.




Thank you for your comments. I wasn't going to dress him up at all until I ran it by you and the gang first.:) I take Pedro's service very seriously...but it's nice to have a little fun with him too. When anyone approaches him, they usually do ask to pet or interact with him first...even children...which we really appreciate. Since this is a "working vacation" for Pedro, I figured it would be fun to get him a cruise wardrobe as well. I didn't want him to feel left out. Also, the ships tend to be cold from all of the air conditioning, so I didn't want him to freeze. It may seem like I'm going a bit...overboard with his wardrobe, but I'm just swept up in the fun of the cruise. He will arrive at the port in his service vest, on the job. After we leave port and we get in the cruising mode, he will loosen up his collar and have some fun too.;)


We will make sure Pedro is on his best behavior(...keeping my fingers crossed when the horn blows for the first time.) :eek:


We are getting down to crunch time...just under 3 weeks. I had a horrifying thought. What if we have a bad snow storm or the vet gets ill for our "certificate exam?" We have an appointment on his last day working that week...followed the next day by our appointment at the USDA. If anything goes wrong, then what? I don't even want to think about it.




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Thank you for your comments. I wasn't going to dress him up at all until I ran it by you and the gang first.:) I take Pedro's service very seriously...but it's nice to have a little fun with him too. When anyone approaches him, they usually do ask to pet or interact with him first...even children...which we really appreciate. Since this is a "working vacation" for Pedro, I figured it would be fun to get him a cruise wardrobe as well. I didn't want him to feel left out. Also, the ships tend to be cold from all of the air conditioning, so I didn't want him to freeze. It may seem like I'm going a bit...overboard with his wardrobe, but I'm just swept up in the fun of the cruise. He will arrive at the port in his service vest, on the job. After we leave port and we get in the cruising mode, he will loosen up his collar and have some fun too.;)


We will make sure Pedro is on his best behavior(...keeping my fingers crossed when the horn blows for the first time.) :eek:


We are getting down to crunch time...just under 3 weeks. I had a horrifying thought. What if we have a bad snow storm or the vet gets ill for our "certificate exam?" We have an appointment on his last day working that week...followed the next day by our appointment at the USDA. If anything goes wrong, then what? I don't even want to think about it.





Cindra, you're overthinking......it will be fine, don't make yourself nuts.


When I first took Brenda I was so unsure of myself in many ways. I knew what I needed from her but I was insecure as to how much I should let the public interact with her. It all just fell into place. She was a nosey, busybody kind of dog [different than Horton], he's a pay attention, don't mess around until Mommy says so, kind of dog [now]. I adore them both for their differences.


I ALWAYS maintain control of my dogs. Of course, when Horton was attached to a chair in Horizon Court, on his very first cruise and then took off, after I walked away, with the chair in tow, doesn't count. It was a "Marley" moment. I turned to check on him and he was towing the chair behind him looking for Mommy. Signs of an insecure dog. I was so, so embarrassed, to say the least.


Horton is a much more secure, Service Dog now. He's not fearful of being alone anymore and will keep watching for me but will NOT move! I wanted to crawl in a hole as everyone watched us!!!!


It was my mistake to expect too much from a novice, two year old! He's so much smarter and relaxed now. I trust him completely!

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Anybody laughs and I will come there and personally pound you!!!!!


My phone is a Verizon LG Flip Phone. I can take pictures, text and it takes messages. My children get hysterical when they see it and when I'm out in public people stare at it like "it's" the latest invention and they should have it!


It works, it get's the job done and if I lose, drop or it gets stolen [like no way] I'm not out a bundle and I really don't care!!!! I've dropped it over and over again and the dang thing won't break. Everything is protected by the "flip!"


Love it, Roz!

My students call those "grandma phones". When we tell them how to answer questions in class using their "clickers" we tell them it is like texting with their grandma's phone.

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When Morey was in the hospital I brought Brenda and Horton to visit him and some moron brought an "in tact" pit bull to visit someone else. That dog would have killed one of my babies if the jerk didn't have him on a "CHAIN", NOT a leash, rope or any other tether but a CHAIN that you'd close a steel fence with. I left my dogs in with Morey, closed the door, walked down the hall and told the guy that if he didn't remove his dog I was going to call the police. He didn't say a word and walked out the door and the next time I saw the dog it was in his truck with the windows rolled-up!



I have seen a dog on such a chain before, in the pet store. It is apparently some status symbol thing. I think it looks stupid.

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Quam, you would be surprised how many people stopped to watch wex potty and to take pics. Like they had never seen a dog poop before.:eek:


Sent from my SCH-S738C using Forums mobile app


That's crazy! As far as I know, nobody has photographed my girl while she was pottying on any of our trips, including cruises, and most people who want to take a photo at other times ask first.

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Cindra, you're overthinking......it will be fine, don't make yourself nuts.


When I first took Brenda I was so unsure of myself in many ways. I knew what I needed from her but I was insecure as to how much I should let the public interact with her. It all just fell into place. She was a nosey, busybody kind of dog [different than Horton], he's a pay attention, don't mess around until Mommy says so, kind of dog [now]. I adore them both for their differences.


I ALWAYS maintain control of my dogs. Of course, when Horton was attached to a chair in Horizon Court, on his very first cruise and then took off, after I walked away, with the chair in tow, doesn't count. It was a "Marley" moment. I turned to check on him and he was towing the chair behind him looking for Mommy. Signs of an insecure dog. I was so, so embarrassed, to say the least.


Horton is a much more secure, Service Dog now. He's not fearful of being alone anymore and will keep watching for me but will NOT move! I wanted to crawl in a hole as everyone watched us!!!!


It was my mistake to expect too much from a novice, two year old! He's so much smarter and relaxed now. I trust him completely!





I am so relieved to hear you say that. I worry that Pedro will do something out of character for him on the ship. He is also two and a novice. He tends to be more shy than anything else...except with us. He does get moody from time to time too. I don't have any children of my own, so maybe I am like that first time mother doting and worrying about her first born.


You had me laughing so hard with your Horton/Marley story. I would have been mortified too and worried they might put us both off at the next port. They may be well trained, but they are still dogs, and at times, unpredictable. One good thing, Pedro is small enough that we can just pick him up and take him with us, or get him out of harms way when needed.


Some people can be so clueless in crowds. I walk with a cane and I can't tell you how many times I get pushed, knocked into or made to walk around an able bodied person. When this happens, I tend to let my big mouth take over and speak my mind. Pedro doesn't have that option. We watch over him and see possible trouble coming ahead of him and get him out of the way. The mastiffs in PetSmart were a different story, as we were told by their trainer that they were no threat to Pedro...or us!:eek: All was good.


One thing for sure, Pedro will not sit on the cold marble floors of the ship. He will only park his butt on a carpeted floor. He can stand quietly for hours if need be. His trainer suggested carting a his bed around with us. Uh..no. We do have the doggie bjorn/sling for him, just in case. Luckily, the MDR is carpeted.


It's nice to know that they mature with age and experience. Once Pedro has his first cruise under his...collar, he will be 'Joe Cool' on the next.;) Hopefully, we will too.:p




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Cindra, if you would like to practice, I have the ships horn as my ringtone on my phone! It is free from "zedge". It even startles me, sometimes! :eek:


LOL I love it! I tried to find a horn online, but none loud enough to test on him. I will have to find the one you have. I wish the Coral Princess had the new "Love Boat" themed horn. He might actually like that one.;)



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You had me laughing so hard with your Horton/Marley story. I would have been mortified too and worried they might put us both off at the next port. They may be well trained, but they are still dogs, and at times, unpredictable.


I just laughed out loud at the Horty-Marley story, too, Roz!! Almost spit my 6:30 a.m. coffee onto the iPad.


Can I just tell you all how comforting it is to know that all service dogs have had a Marley moment now and then?


On our cruise in December, Raylene greatly exceeded my nervous expectations. But a minefield for me was walking into and out of the busy main dining room at dinner. As you all know, there are waiters carrying heavy trays, wine stewards, maitre d's, passengers, bus boys ...all moving at varied speeds in every direction, totally unpredictable. I was on high alert to zig when they suddenly zagged toward us.


One night, I had to zig to the left which gave Raylene an opportunity to turn her head and move that big nose for a sniff just a wee bit too close to a table where a couple sat having dinner, never suspecting that a black Lab would appear 3" from their filet mignons. I gave a quick tug and "Leave It" and we moved on outta there. But I still remember those wide eyes and surprised faces!


I was mortified, but feel so much better after hearing about Horton dragging the chair. Anyway, I got over it enough to book three more cruises.

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We will be staying in cabin 1290 on the Celebrity Reflection. Is there anyway to get them to move the potty box closer to our cabin? I'm allergic to smoke and really loud noise makes me skiddish so going through the casino is something that I wouldn't be able to do. Also would we be able to bring grass to put in the box? We don't cruise till Feb 2016 so I'm hoping we'll be able to get them trained well before time to cruise.


What do you do when you want to go in the pool and hot tub?


How do I find out what documentation we need to get for each port?



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Love it, Roz!

My students call those "grandma phones". When we tell them how to answer questions in class using their "clickers" we tell them it is like texting with their grandma's phone.


So funny, love it! Texting on my phone is a true challenge. I've learned to do it so fast. It's like using a regular phone with three letters in each number and you become very proficient at doing it quickly!

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I am so relieved to hear you say that. I worry that Pedro will do something out of character for him on the ship. He is also two and a novice. He tends to be more shy than anything else...except with us. He does get moody from time to time too. I don't have any children of my own, so maybe I am like that first time mother doting and worrying about her first born.


You had me laughing so hard with your Horton/Marley story. I would have been mortified too and worried they might put us both off at the next port. They may be well trained, but they are still dogs, and at times, unpredictable. One good thing, Pedro is small enough that we can just pick him up and take him with us, or get him out of harms way when needed.


Some people can be so clueless in crowds. I walk with a cane and I can't tell you how many times I get pushed, knocked into or made to walk around an able bodied person. When this happens, I tend to let my big mouth take over and speak my mind. Pedro doesn't have that option. We watch over him and see possible trouble coming ahead of him and get him out of the way. The mastiffs in PetSmart were a different story, as we were told by their trainer that they were no threat to Pedro...or us!:eek: All was good.


One thing for sure, Pedro will not sit on the cold marble floors of the ship. He will only park his butt on a carpeted floor. He can stand quietly for hours if need be. His trainer suggested carting a his bed around with us. Uh..no. We do have the doggie bjorn/sling for him, just in case. Luckily, the MDR is carpeted.


It's nice to know that they mature with age and experience. Once Pedro has his first cruise under his...collar, he will be 'Joe Cool' on the next.;) Hopefully, we will too.:p





You will love it. Make us proud!!!

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