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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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Exciting news on the training front! We're starting this month with a trip to Target to work on stopping shelf-sniffing and how to move with a shopping cart.


Then we're scheduled to go to Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport to go through a TSA checkpoint! Yes, the TSA finally returned our call! We've been told to bring carry-on luggage as if we're actually traveling so we have the experience of dealing with carry-on items, roller bags, and dogs all at once.


And then we've got a CPR instructor coming in to teach us pet CPR and first aid.


Exciting times!

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I'm off in a little bit for the private class I do with Jagger and the trainer.


I'm happy because they invited me back for a week to help participate in Alternative Spring Break. They will have 10 college students and two chaperones come out to learn how to work with dogs.


And because you know I love showing photos - here's a photo of all of us during the Partner Training that Jagger and I audited:




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Exciting news on the training front! We're starting this month with a trip to Target to work on stopping shelf-sniffing and how to move with a shopping cart.


Then we're scheduled to go to Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport to go through a TSA checkpoint! Yes, the TSA finally returned our call! We've been told to bring carry-on luggage as if we're actually traveling so we have the experience of dealing with carry-on items, roller bags, and dogs all at once.


And then we've got a CPR instructor coming in to teach us pet CPR and first aid.


Exciting times!


Krypti, You truly are on your way!


My first dog Brenda was the worst "mover" while I shopped. She forever, was either in front of me foraging or lagging behind me. She made me really work when we walked together. But when she was off leash and I called her to me, she instantaneously would return to my side.


Horton is an absolute genius at shopping and walking. If I moved one inch, he moves one inch. If I go backwards, he goes backwards. But, don't ever take off his leash or you can kiss his behind goodbye! He has absolutely the worst "recall" I've ever seen! Unless I have food in my hand for him he could care less about coming back to me!!!!


Once you get used to your dog and his good and bad behaviors it all becomes a wonderful "dance" that you do together!

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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Krypti, You truly are on your way!


My first dog Brenda was the worst "mover" while I shopped. She forever, was either in front of me foraging or lagging behind me. She made me really work when we walked together. But when she was off leash and I called her to me, she instantaneously would return to my side.


Horton is an absolute genius at shopping and walking. If I moved one inch, he moves one inch. If I go backwards, he goes backwards. But, don't ever take off his leash or you can kiss his behind goodbye! He has absolutely the worst "recall" I've ever seen! Unless I have food in my hand for him he could care less about coming back to me!!!!


Once you get used to your dog and his good and bad behaviors it all becomes a wonderful "dance" that you do together!


They all have their idiosyncrasies don't they? When I had Henri at team training, she was always forging ahead. Once I got her home she walked right with me until we went to dogfest. Turns out that when there are other dogs around, she wants to walk out in front of me try to catch up with them.


Good luck with the sniffing. Henri can be walking along just like she is supposed to and then she will just suddenly start sniffing at people. I have to make sure that I am always paying attention to her to correct her if necessary.



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Exciting news on the training front! We're starting this month with a trip to Target to work on stopping shelf-sniffing and how to move with a shopping cart.


Then we're scheduled to go to Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport to go through a TSA checkpoint! Yes, the TSA finally returned our call! We've been told to bring carry-on luggage as if we're actually traveling so we have the experience of dealing with carry-on items, roller bags, and dogs all at once.


And then we've got a CPR instructor coming in to teach us pet CPR and first aid.


Exciting times!


That is exciting news! The trainers from Paws for Freedom, where my daughter's service dog Gibson came from, call Target and Pet Smart "Leave-It-Land". You are going to have such a great time. Thank you for taking us on your journey!



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They all have their idiosyncrasies don't they? When I had Henri at team training, she was always forging ahead. Once I got her home she walked right with me until we went to dogfest. Turns out that when there are other dogs around, she wants to walk out in front of me try to catch up with them.


Good luck with the sniffing. Henri can be walking along just like she is supposed to and then she will just suddenly start sniffing at people. I have to make sure that I am always paying attention to her to correct her if necessary.




Brenda could care less about sniffing everything.....as opposed to Horton who has to sniff my clothes before I put them on, he sniffs the running board of the car before he climbs in, he sniffs my purse before I put it on my shoulder and the worst of all........He sniffs people's butts when I'm not looking.


I almost wanted to die the other day when we were waiting in line at a restaurant and he sniffed the lady in front of us......she quickly turned around and I profusely apologized, she NEVER cracked a smile or so much as said a word to me......She was NOT happy with Mr. Horton or me!!!!

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That is exciting news! The trainers from Paws for Freedom, where my daughter's service dog Gibson came from, call Target and Pet Smart "Leave-It-Land". You are going to have such a great time. Thank you for taking us on your journey!




"Leave it Land", how cute is that!

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That is exciting news! The trainers from Paws for Freedom, where my daughter's service dog Gibson came from, call Target and Pet Smart "Leave-It-Land". You are going to have such a great time. Thank you for taking us on your journey!




I have to remember that one! I took Raylene to PetSmart the week after training and never again! Talk about sensory overload - it was bonkersville,


Oddly enough, most of her grocery store "Leave It" moments are in the produce department...those little bits on the floor...spinach, lettuce, you name it...catnip to Sweet Baby Ray.


But she does very well alongside a shopping cart in general. I especially like the smaller carts some grocery stores have.

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Brenda could care less about sniffing everything.....as opposed to Horton who has to sniff my clothes before I put them on, he sniffs the running board of the car before he climbs in, he sniffs my purse before I put it on my shoulder and the worst of all........He sniffs people's butts when I'm not looking.


I almost wanted to die the other day when we were waiting in line at a restaurant and he sniffed the lady in front of us......she quickly turned around and I profusely apologized, she NEVER cracked a smile or so much as said a word to me......She was NOT happy with Mr. Horton or me!!!!


Count on Roz to provide this morning's "spit coffee on the iPad" laugh!


Roz, you ALWAYS make me feel better when you describe those "I wanted to die" moments that happen with the best of them! As the Dogs for the Deaf trainer told me, "She's a dog, not a robot."

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I have to remember that one! I took Raylene to PetSmart the week after training and never again! Talk about sensory overload - it was bonkersville,


Oddly enough, most of her grocery store "Leave It" moments are in the produce department...those little bits on the floor...spinach, lettuce, you name it...catnip to Sweet Baby Ray.


But she does very well alongside a shopping cart in general. I especially like the smaller carts some grocery stores have.


Such a cute story. Thanks for sharing it.


My favorite moments in the grocery store are when the folks who haven't seen him standing beside my cart suddenly realize there's a dog in the supermarket and either, literally run, with [their carts in front of them] or, run, [leaving their cart in the aisle.] Or, come over to me, begging me to let them pat him! Never fails.....it's always one of the above scenario's!


Horton has his favorite check-out guy and will tug on his leash as we're leaving to go over and get a huge hug and pat from him![/COLOR] :D

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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I have to remember that one! I took Raylene to PetSmart the week after training and never again! Talk about sensory overload - it was bonkersville,


Oddly enough, most of her grocery store "Leave It" moments are in the produce department...those little bits on the floor...spinach, lettuce, you name it...catnip to Sweet Baby Ray.


But she does very well alongside a shopping cart in general. I especially like the smaller carts some grocery stores have.


Such a cute story. Thanks for sharing it.


My favorite moments in the grocery store are when the folks who haven't seen him standing beside my cart suddenly realize there's a dog in the supermarket and either, literally run, with [their carts in front of them] or, run, [leaving their cart in the aisle.] Or, come over to me, begging me to let them pat him! Never fails.....it's always one of the above scenario's!


Horton has his favorite check-out guy and will tug on his leash as we're leaving to go over and get a huge hug and pat from him! :D

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Good morning everyone! I'm back from my two weeks auditing Partner Training. Jagger and I learned so much - wow! We have really progressed. It helped point out how consistency and expectation keeps a team on track. Had the best time ever.


Looks like you all have been busy and we have some new teams on here. Welcome!


And for our friends over the pond, Happy Mother's Day!




Great news Holly!

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Wow the last week has flown by! Scooter has had a rough time getting adjusted to the chaos. Poor little guy. We got him at 8 weeks, he spent a week here, 2 weeks as my friend's place while we cruised, then came home.


Then my son came into town to see him (he is on co-op 6 hours away), and dragged poor Scooter to the student design center where our budding engineers work on contest projects. All the students went crazy over the puppy. Scooter was worn out from both the walk and excitement. Then he came home for a few hours and I walked him another mile. Worn out puppy!


On Monday, I had a Dr's appointment in St Louis, 90 miles away. Scooter went with us, met my daughter and her Aussie Xena (the puppy princess) and went to the dog park while I went to the Dr. More fun the Dr decided my ankle hadn't healed correctly and scheduled me for surgery the next day. Luckily, my niece is attending school here and doesn't have classes on Tuesday and took Scooter out a couple of times while we were gone. She walked him another long walk and we had a completely pooped puppy again.


As a result of all this, he has been struggling with when he needs to go outside, but between all the different places and the long walks, I don't blame him.


Friends are over this evening and told me they think he has doubled in size from a month ago.


Meanwhile, the dr did a nerve block before surgery and I've yet to feel pain, although I can tell it is starting to wear off. I go back to work on light duty tomorrow so that we can get back to a normal schedule. Boy, though, the week has started with a bang! I'll get some fresh puppy photos linked in soon! Hope everyone else is having a better day than me!


Sent from my SM-N910P using Tapatalk

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Barb, I am worn out just reading it! We have had a group of young men at school (it's a fund raiser) that are promoting healthy activity for the kiddos. They are having a "lap" race today, the kids got pledges for number of laps they can run. We hear that one school in Phoenix made around $30,000 for their school. Anyways, they will be here a total of 2 weeks. Of course every time the kids see them they are over the moon and so excited.


Then yesterday was "Read with your Child", day. Parents and all inclusive are invited to the school to read with the kids in celebration of Dr. Seuss' birthday, last week. It was total chaos on top of chaos. I am still exhausted. Two more days to go!


Everyone have a Terrific Thursday...........:D

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Wow the last week has flown by!


Meanwhile, the dr did a nerve block before surgery and I've yet to feel pain, although I can tell it is starting to wear off. I go back to work on light duty tomorrow so that we can get back to a normal schedule. Boy, though, the week has started with a bang! I'll get some fresh puppy photos linked in soon! Hope everyone else is having a better day than me!


Sent from my SM-N910P using Tapatalk


Sounds like quite the adventure for Scooter. Hope your ankle heals quickly.



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Barb, I am worn out just reading it! We have had a group of young men at school (it's a fund raiser) that are promoting healthy activity for the kiddos. They are having a "lap" race today, the kids got pledges for number of laps they can run. We hear that one school in Phoenix made around $30,000 for their school. Anyways, they will be here a total of 2 weeks. Of course every time the kids see them they are over the moon and so excited.


Then yesterday was "Read with your Child", day. Parents and all inclusive are invited to the school to read with the kids in celebration of Dr. Seuss' birthday, last week. It was total chaos on top of chaos. I am still exhausted. Two more days to go!


Everyone have a Terrific Thursday...........:D


That does sound exhausting!



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Barb, I'm sending all my very best healing thoughts for your ankle. I agree with Chris about the "tired" dog. When Horton starts acting like a puppy and pulling all his toys out of his basket I know I haven't worked him hard enough or challenged him enough that day. Although, it is very cute to watch.


Nancy, you really are doing wonderful, rewarding work!


Dianne, I got tired just reading what Scooter was doing!

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Has anyone ever obtained a transit permit for a Panama Canal cruise with port stops in Gatun or Colon?


I doubt we will disembark and will enjoy the canal from on deck or our balcony, but I usually try to comply with any procedures. I knew that Panama has a quarantine requirement if you are importing a small pet arriving via an airline, which involves sending your 7001 to both the USDA regional office and the embassy before the trip.


Yesterday, Holland America very helpfully sent me an email with this information that it seems applies for service dogs on cruise ships:


(From HAL) "The port of Panama has advised the vessel that the following fees will need to be met for the calls to Gatun and Colon:"

(From Panama) quote

'Please dog coming ashore will be required a Panama's Fitozanitary License ( transit ) which cost is USD $ 16.00 per each

service animal, license to be obtained locally at quarantine office through us, service animal information has to be submitted into

Quarantine Department Web page at least 96 working hours prior arrival for approval, permit to be paid at quarantine office

during working hours and does not allow cancellations once it be submitted.

Agency charges to obtain license is USD 25.00 therefore, total charges would be USD 41.00.'

end quote


(FYI I think "Fiozanitary" spelling in English is Phytosanitary.) The fee is fairly reasonable and I have no problem paying it.


I'm now trying to find out if I am the one who needs to submit something into a web page at least 96 working hours before arrival, or if their port agent is doing that...and which web page... because so far, I've only found the home quarantine forms, but no site where you actually enter info on a web page itself.


Just wondered if any of you had experience with this that you can recall.

Edited by Caribbean Chris
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Has anyone ever obtained a transit permit for a Panama Canal cruise with port stops in Gatun or Colon?


I doubt we will disembark and will enjoy the canal from on deck or our balcony, but I usually try to comply with any procedures. I knew that Panama has a quarantine requirement if you are importing a small pet arriving via an airline, which involves sending your 7001 to both the USDA regional office and the embassy before the trip.


Yesterday, Holland America very helpfully sent me an email with this information that it seems applies for service dogs on cruise ships:


(From HAL) "The port of Panama has advised the vessel that the following fees will need to be met for the calls to Gatun and Colon:"

(From Panama) quote

'Please dog coming ashore will be required a Panama's Fitozanitary License ( transit ) which cost is USD $ 16.00 per each

service animal, license to be obtained locally at quarantine office through us, service animal information has to be submitted into

Quarantine Department Web page at least 96 working hours prior arrival for approval, permit to be paid at quarantine office

during working hours and does not allow cancellations once it be submitted.

Agency charges to obtain license is USD 25.00 therefore, total charges would be USD 41.00.'

end quote


(FYI I think "Fiozanitary" spelling in English is Phytosanitary.) The fee is fairly reasonable and I have no problem paying it.


I'm now trying to find out if I am the one who needs to submit something into a web page at least 96 working hours before arrival, or if their port agent is doing that...and which web page... because so far, I've only found the home quarantine forms, but no site where you actually enter info on a web page itself.


Just wondered if any of you had experience with this that you can recall.


Chris, I'm doing the Panama Canal - 19 days, in November. I have a call into Princess, Access Compliance Dept. I'm going to ask if there's anything special I need to have other than the Aphis 7001 form. I will definitely let you know what & when I hear.

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Unfortunately, Princess does NOT handle their "Special Needs" passengers with a personal touch. You can only reach them via email or fax. Princess, if you're reading this......SHAME ON YOU!!!

I will email them and ask them the question about special paperwork and let you know what I hear.

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Thanks, Roz - I was really grateful to get that email from HAL's Access dept. I'll look forward to hearing any input, and I'll share, too! They have emailed back to advise me that they are checking with the ship on my questions.


I think John and Cindy have had good things to say about Holland America, too.The staff on the Ryndam were wonderful last April about the dog, and I'm looking forward to being on the Zuiderdam this time.

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