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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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I guess my question is: how is a RV park, even one on private land, different from a hotel. The hotels are required to accommodate SDs. I can see a very small RV park where the owner is an occupant and where it holds fewer than 4 units being exempt, since even a 4 unit apartment building is exempt under those conditions. If the RV park is larger than 4 spaces, wouldn't the ADA apply?


Does my reasoning make sense?


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Example: Even though a church invites the public to attend its sermons, it is considered a "private" entity and may ask you to leave with your dog, if they wish. I have NEVER been asked to leave any house of worship. It is by the same standard that some RV Parks, that are owned by private entities may not allow you to enter, and will tack on a huge deposit for your dog! Again, if they claim they're "privately owned" they could get away with such a charge! I wouldn't give them my business.......ever!

There is no such law about a 4 unit or less apartment or condo structure not allowing a Service Dog. If the structure is rented or leased to the public, it MUST allow a legitimate Service Dog, even an emotional support dog to reside with its owner. Since this is Federal Law, mandated by the Dept. of Justice it holds true for all states within the United States.

If the RV Park has 2 to 200 spaces and sits on privately owned land, they circumvent the law by stating that the park is NOT truly opened to the "public" but by private invitation only!

My husband and I loved to take our bus and camp out. We ONLY went to parks that we knew were "dog friendly" to begin with - Private or public.

I like to do business with folks who have respect and not disdain for my amazing Service Dog. I have money to spend and I won't give it to rude people!!!! ;)

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I wonder if an RV park in the US is subject to the same rules as a hotel.



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If the RV park in the US is open to the public (e.g. - anyone can make reservations) then they are subject to the ADA.



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Has Carnival gotten any better on relief box filling? I know Roz did a comment a long time ago that they use pellets? I don't cruise for quite awhile but of course I always want to know what to expect. Still worth bringing mulch? Only a 4 day cruise so that helps.



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Has Carnival gotten any better on relief box filling? I know Roz did a comment a long time ago that they use pellets? I don't cruise for quite awhile but of course I always want to know what to expect. Still worth bringing mulch? Only a 4 day cruise so that helps.




Holly, I have NOT seen pellets for a long time. The last time we cruised onboard the Carnival Miracle they used mulch and placed the potty box on our veranda [after much conjoling, I must admit!] That was last year. I'll be onboard her again for 15 days to Hawaii, in December. I plan on bringing a roll of artificial turf, some pads and I'll use this on my patio until the box situation gets settled-Within the first few hours on board - and, MY WAY!

Horton loves the artificial stuff and I simply lay the pads underneath for a temporary situation. I pick them up and discard them into the appropriate receptacle as soon as the ship gets their act together.

I can promise you the box will NOT be on the veranda when I arrive and may even have the wrong filler in it........No worries......I'll be ready with my own stuff. The turf is good the entire time but I NEVER bring enough pads for more than a day or two at the most!!!! I've NEVER needed them for more than the first few hours though.

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Hi everyone - I hope everyone affected by this big storm on your East Coast USA is doing OK. Apparently you're sending some of it our way towards the weekend! Thanks! ;)


We've had a good winter and by that I mean very few days of snow, although it's been cold but nice days with blue skies and sunshine - the sort which look beautiful looking out from a nice warm sitting room and you forget how cold it actually is until you step outside forgetting to put your nice warm jacket on! Dogs don't care one jot!


Talking of dogs, I have to tell you that our Miss Bonnie has been withdrawn from Guide Dogs training - reason, "too sensitive". I'm hugely disappointed (that's an understatement) as she's been so good with us - but I know the trainers look for different things and something wasn't quite right. I've spoken to the trainers and it's nothing we did or didn't do, it is what it is. So we've decided to have her home to live with us! Aruba is delighted of course to have her best friend home as she really missed her. But that's it for the puppy walking - for now anyway - but Bonnie needn't think she's come home to be a "girl of leisure" - as soon as she's had her girl op, she's going to be assessed same as big sister Aruba and go to "work" as a Therapet.


I had no idea all those years ago when I started reading this thread about Aunty Roz with her dear Brenda and their cruising adventures, and then DKD and his puppy raising that I would go on and be encouraged because of them to be a puppy walker. But never fear we aren't going anywhere, I'll be back to regale you with tails of doggy therapy visits!


Keep safe everyone! :)

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Ha ha no posts for a couple of days and that's so funny, Aunty Roz and me posting at the same time! ;p


I love you........You are without a doubt one of our most favorite people on this thread. Your love and insight for your and our animals goes beyond words.

How lucky Bonnie is to have found you and your remarkable family. Very lucky girl, indeed.

She and Aruba were meant to be what they're going to be........calm, loving and giving spirits to those who need such attention and kindness from such loving beings.

Thank you, Fairbourne for all your hard work and efforts that you've put into these dogs and I hope that you will continue to do your great work.

Big kisses all around to you and your gentle loving brood ♥ :*

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Aaaah, away with you Aunty Roz, you'll make me blush! ;-) But thank you, I've had great fun with the pups and it has made me much more aware of the challenges people face in their daily lives - and I've made some very good friends too!


We've been watching re-runs of Crufts dog show - I don't know if you get it shown in the U.S.., Bonnie has been transfixed, she especially loves the dog agility and the team flyball challenges. Think of kids TV and watching the same video over and over again - keeps her amused! The supreme champion this year was actually a dog from the U.S. - I think a spaniel.


Cyber hugs XXX

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Talking of dogs, I have to tell you that our Miss Bonnie has been withdrawn from Guide Dogs training - reason, "too sensitive". I'm hugely disappointed (that's an understatement) as she's been so good with us - but I know the trainers look for different things and something wasn't quite right. I've spoken to the trainers and it's nothing we did or didn't do, it is what it is. So we've decided to have her home to live with us! Aruba is delighted of course to have her best friend home as she really missed her. But that's it for the puppy walking - for now anyway - but Bonnie needn't think she's come home to be a "girl of leisure" - as soon as she's had her girl op, she's going to be assessed same as big sister Aruba and go to "work" as a Therapet.


I am sure that you are a bit disappointed that Bonnie didn't move on in her training, but it was not meant to be for her. I am sure she has big things in store for her just like her big sister Aruba!


All of your hard work in puppy raising these beautiful girls is appreciated.



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Fairbourne, the new jobs Bonnie and Aruba will undertake may very well make a wonderful difference in many, many lives. Maybe they both have just too much doggy wonderfulness to be limited to only a single partner. It was meant to be this way. Looking forward to lots of new stories.

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Hi everyone - I hope everyone affected by this big storm on your East Coast USA is doing OK. Apparently you're sending some of it our way towards the weekend! Thanks! ;)


We've had a good winter and by that I mean very few days of snow, although it's been cold but nice days with blue skies and sunshine - the sort which look beautiful looking out from a nice warm sitting room and you forget how cold it actually is until you step outside forgetting to put your nice warm jacket on! Dogs don't care one jot!


Talking of dogs, I have to tell you that our Miss Bonnie has been withdrawn from Guide Dogs training - reason, "too sensitive". I'm hugely disappointed (that's an understatement) as she's been so good with us - but I know the trainers look for different things and something wasn't quite right. I've spoken to the trainers and it's nothing we did or didn't do, it is what it is. So we've decided to have her home to live with us! Aruba is delighted of course to have her best friend home as she really missed her. But that's it for the puppy walking - for now anyway - but Bonnie needn't think she's come home to be a "girl of leisure" - as soon as she's had her girl op, she's going to be assessed same as big sister Aruba and go to "work" as a Therapet.


I had no idea all those years ago when I started reading this thread about Aunty Roz with her dear Brenda and their cruising adventures, and then DKD and his puppy raising that I would go on and be encouraged because of them to be a puppy walker. But never fear we aren't going anywhere, I'll be back to regale you with tails of doggy therapy visits!


Keep safe everyone! :)


So sorry Miss Bonnie was released from the program. Never think it was anything you did with her. It's just that some dogs have a different calling. And the fact that you will soon have two dogs working as therapy dogs proves it. The fact that you are willing to do that just shows what an amazing person you are. The organization you were a "dog walker' for is loosing someone special. But you are continuing to help many more people.

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Aww, Fairbourne, fret not, a little birdy told Jezzy Lou that Ms Bonnie was having none of it. She wanted to be home with her true "family" and if being "too sensitive" is reason to release a pawupper, then so be it! Better than being "too aggressive". Now Ms. Aruba and Ms. Bonnie can go paw and paw and make people feel goooood! Bless you for all you do with the furkids. :halo:

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Aaaah, away with you Aunty Roz, you'll make me blush! ;-) But thank you, I've had great fun with the pups and it has made me much more aware of the challenges people face in their daily lives - and I've made some very good friends too!


We've been watching re-runs of Crufts dog show - I don't know if you get it shown in the U.S.., Bonnie has been transfixed, she especially loves the dog agility and the team flyball challenges. Think of kids TV and watching the same video over and over again - keeps her amused! The supreme champion this year was actually a dog from the U.S. - I think a spaniel.


Cyber hugs XXX


Oh Fairbourne, we are thrilled Bonnie is home with you again! Sorry that being a guide dog wasn't for her, but what adventures you will have now.


We watched Crufts last weekend too, it was broadcast live on youtube. Our family was evenly divided on wanting the Newfoundland or the Old English Sheep Dog to win best of show. Then when that adorable little American Cocker Spaniel won we just melted, such a sweet smile. Gibson got pretty excited with all the barking from the dogs doing the relay racing, not sure what that was called, but it was fun to watch.


Our weather went from warm with tornadoes down to the 20s and bits of snow. No accumulation, just pretty to watch from the window for a couple of hours. This evening it is back up to 60.


Has anyone else stopped getting daily email updates? I'm not getting any at all, even after checking my personal settings. Now I have to remember to get online and look to see if any of you have posted new fur baby stories.


Thanks to all of you for keeping this thread going! Mayor of Lurkerville signing off for the day.



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Thank you all so much for your kind and good wishes. It's much appreciated.


Beckie - that's right it was a cocker spaniel (just gorgeous but what a work to keep that coat looking like that!) I'm so glad you saw the show. Clare Balding is such a great natural presenter. We were the same, that judge had a hard job - we just loved the Newfoundland, we have a beautiful Newfie in our village who adores Max and she's the only dog he's met who is bigger than him! We were on a cruise once that stopped in St Johns, Newfoundland and they had a welcome committee of Newfoundlands (one was a pup and so so cute) and Labradors - all wearing bandanas and of course having just sailed across the Atlantic, we were so happy to have a doggy cuddle. It was our very first cruise. The relay is the flyball and those dogs are so quick I swear I thought Bonnie's head was going to swivel off as she watched them race back and fore. I did laugh at Gibson's "joining in" excitement - I think there was one dog doing the agility that barked all the way round he was so excited doing it and having great fun! I was thinking I might find out about agility classes for Bonnie after seeing her reaction to the dogs on the TV. I've seen a sign quite near us so I'll be on a mission to find out more as I'm sure Bonnie would love to do that for fun! And she can have a ball to play with now so that's been hugely exciting for her.


It's funny how they are all quite different, Poppy loves her ball, and used to run all afternoon chasing it, but these days our elderly girl has 3 or 4 throws and she's happy. Max has the attitude "well, if you want it back, why on earth did you throw it away in the first place!" as he wanders off ..... Aruba not really interested either. She'll grab it and then keep it, this big galumph of a Retriever doesn't get the retrieve bit at all! But she's very good at retrieving shoes! And slippers! The latest "game" is sneakily pulling the tea towel from the rack in the kitchen and having a tug of war game with Bonnie! That did not last long I can tell you! Little monkeys! Then they decided to dig up underneath an old wooden dog kennel ..... Oh my .... so when the DH comes home from work and asks "how was your day" ..... :eek:


Now yesterday I noticed Bonnie was trying to sick something up and I immediately went and checked her mouth thinking she had got something stuck in her throat (she's a bit of wood chewer which you can't always keep a check on and I'm not like my friend who according to her wee granddaughter has "eyes in the back of her head" but that's another story!). I couldn't see anything and even had my fingers down her throat checking!


But Bonnie still was coughing and clearly trying to get some thing out .... I grabbed her again and she's very good she let me look all around her mouth again and I then felt a thickish twig about 3 inches long stuck tight right at the very back on the roof of her mouth, lodged sideways between her top gums. Thank goodness - I don't think she'd have managed to get that out of her mouth. I thought I'd mention it as we always, as I'm sure you all do, have a good look around their mouth and check around gums/teeth and down a dogs throat if they are choking. How that twig got stuck up there goodness knows! I really didn't see it the first check.



I love all the fun and energy of these two young dogs but a teeny something in me looks forward to the day when they are sedate old ladies happy and content to lie in the sun on the lawn! LOL!


Holly - sorry forgot to say the puppies were so adorable!

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Now yesterday I noticed Bonnie was trying to sick something up and I immediately went and checked her mouth thinking she had got something stuck in her throat (she's a bit of wood chewer which you can't always keep a check on and I'm not like my friend who according to her wee granddaughter has "eyes in the back of her head" but that's another story!). I couldn't see anything and even had my fingers down her throat checking!


But Bonnie still was coughing and clearly trying to get some thing out .... I grabbed her again and she's very good she let me look all around her mouth again and I then felt a thickish twig about 3 inches long stuck tight right at the very back on the roof of her mouth, lodged sideways between her top gums. Thank goodness - I don't think she'd have managed to get that out of her mouth. I thought I'd mention it as we always, as I'm sure you all do, have a good look around their mouth and check around gums/teeth and down a dogs throat if they are choking. How that twig got stuck up there goodness knows! I really didn't see it the first check.

Don't know if I told this story before. Years ago we had dog that we gave one of the round shaped marrow bones to. Well she managed to get it wedged up on the roof of her mouth. Same thing, choking, gagging and a terrified mom. Off to the vet we race. We didn't see the bone, just thought our furbaby was choking. Anyway, the vet found it, pretty quickly, had to use needle nose pliers to get it out!!!! No more small bones for our furkids. As a matter of fact, we don't give bones any more at all. Jezzy Lou is not that interested in them anyway. Hugs to that little monkey, Ms. Bonnie. Glad all is well.

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Don't know if I told this story before. Years ago we had dog that we gave one of the round shaped marrow bones to. Well she managed to get it wedged up on the roof of her mouth. Same thing, choking, gagging and a terrified mom. Off to the vet we race. We didn't see the bone, just thought our furbaby was choking. Anyway, the vet found it, pretty quickly, had to use needle nose pliers to get it out!!!! No more small bones for our furkids. As a matter of fact, we don't give bones any more at all. Jezzy Lou is not that interested in them anyway. Hugs to that little monkey, Ms. Bonnie. Glad all is well.


Nancy - at one point I was thinking I would have to rush her to the vet when I couldn't find the source of the choking! It's quite scary! She's currently lying on her back on the dog sofa with all four legs in the air, snoring!

I guess all is well in her world this afternoon! She's probably dreaming up some more mischief! :hearteyes:


Holly - we had to watch Aruba with those bones too. Doesn't get them any more as she's such a greedy girl -whoosh they're gone!


Have a great weekend everyone.

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Fairbourne, good job of bone retrieval. Brenda always choked on her CET chew bones....Horton is meticulous at chewing them, thank goodness.

Have a fun, safe and happy weekend everyone ♥

To those of you who are off on a cruise - Bon~Voyage! :ship: Have a foo-foo drink for me :tropical-drink:

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Poor Henri - I don't give her any bones (although I am sure that she would love them). I worry about the choking. Glad that all the doggies are okay.




If Horton didn't have his CET Chews, I swear there would be a revolution in our home! :mad:

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Halo, my great Dane/lab mobility dog has been on a plane to my parents but never a hotel. We just got back from our first overnight road trip. We stayed in a Fairfield Inn. He was beyond awesome.


I know that legally a service dog can't be refused from any area. The hotel said he couldn't be in the pool area or the breakfast area. We didn't make an issue of it and just crated him, we brought his crate with, when we went to the hot tub and to breakfast. I don't think he made a peep. He isn't much of a barker, but we didn't know what to expect in a hotel. When we got back to the room, he looked at us like how dare we wake him.


The best part, and I sure wish I remembered to have a picture taken, was when we took a 45 minute bike taxi tour of Salt Lake City and he wouldn't have anything on sitting by our feet and not seeing what was going on. He crawled up on our laps, he is a big dog, and looked at everything while on the tour.


I only give thick elk antlers to Halo. When he gets them chewed down, takes forever, I replace the horn. I am so scared of the choking. I am lucky, my husband is a hunter and knows where to find the sheds. He has a grinders and grinds off any sharp areas.

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Halo, my great Dane/lab mobility dog has been on a plane to my parents but never a hotel. We just got back from our first overnight road trip. We stayed in a Fairfield Inn. He was beyond awesome.


I know that legally a service dog can't be refused from any area. The hotel said he couldn't be in the pool area or the breakfast area. We didn't make an issue of it and just crated him, we brought his crate with, when we went to the hot tub and to breakfast. I don't think he made a peep. He isn't much of a barker, but we didn't know what to expect in a hotel. When we got back to the room, he looked at us like how dare we wake him.


The best part, and I sure wish I remembered to have a picture taken, was when we took a 45 minute bike taxi tour of Salt Lake City and he wouldn't have anything on sitting by our feet and not seeing what was going on. He crawled up on our laps, he is a big dog, and looked at everything while on the tour.


I only give thick elk antlers to Halo. When he gets them chewed down, takes forever, I replace the horn. I am so scared of the choking. I am lucky, my husband is a hunter and knows where to find the sheds. He has a grinders and grinds off any sharp areas.


Thank you so much for sharing your vacation and wonderful story with us.

No one can separate your Service Dog from you. They may ask that the dog NOT go into the pool itself, I get that, but they may not keep him away from the pool area itself. As long as he is behaving well and you are with him, to supervise him......he goes where you go! They can NOT tell you that the dog is not allowed in the restaurant portion of the hotel. If guests are allowed there, then so is he. He's part of you.

I don't like leaving my dog alone anywhere. What if an emergency occurred; a fire, an earthquake. He'd be alone and unable to escape.

I can just picture him crawling up on your lap. I, too, have a big dog and I know that he'd love to sit on my lap, at times. They have no idea how big they are!

I have not given Horton, elk antlers, pigs ears or any other animal parts to chew on. I think I'll stick to the CET Chews for now.

Halo sounds like a wonderful boy. I hope you have many happy and safe travels with him!

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I agree with Roz, a true service dog goes with its handler.


Obviously the dog will not get into the hot tub or eat the breakfast food, but it does accompany the person it is there to assist. That's the whole point - bringing a trained service animal because you need assistance.


It's not making an issue if someone incorrectly denies access, it's simply pointing out Federal law...and I have no problem quietly explaining the difference to hotel staff who are treating a service dog the same way they would a pet based on hotel rules they think need to be followed for all dogs.

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