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RB's Daily WW Chat

RB Bonzo

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Every so often our ML brings in this realistic (and frightening) model of five pounds of human fat. It makes you realize how much good you are doing yourself to lose that weight. We have had people at our meeting be able to get off diabetes and cholesterol medicine due to the weight loss. Even more than the scale, the numbers that mean the most to me are the significantly lower blood pressure and bad cholesterol numbers and the high good cholesterol. While this journey is for life, think about how much better your life will be (and probably longer) for doing this for yourself.

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Julia - only 12 days until your cruise!!! I just noticed that - mine is coming up in 24! Can't wait. I am nervous about going overboard with food and drink while away on vacation. Do you have a plan in place for how you will handle it or are you just going to enjoy? It is so easy to have extras here and there (rolls with dinner, dessert) - hopefully the running I am planning on doing will keep some pounds at bay and of course all the good choices I will make (fingers crossed!!)


I haven't made any major plans - going to try enjoy it though and make healthier choices along the way.

I'm not much of a drinker and have plans to take some crystal light sachets etc with me so I don't get bored and also plan on doing lots of walking.

This has been a rought week here work wise so I have lost some lbs due to stress etc.:eek:

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Every so often our ML brings in this realistic (and frightening) model of five pounds of human fat. It makes you realize how much good you are doing yourself to lose that weight. We have had people at our meeting be able to get off diabetes and cholesterol medicine due to the weight loss. Even more than the scale, the numbers that mean the most to me are the significantly lower blood pressure and bad cholesterol numbers and the high good cholesterol. While this journey is for life, think about how much better your life will be (and probably longer) for doing this for yourself.


So true -


I may have posted this on one of the other threads, but not on this one. I had my annual check-up on Monday, and my cholesterol was down to 177 (compared to 219 a year ago - and it probably went up when I gained 15 lbs after that checkup before I started to lose again). Triglycerides were about 120 - down from about 500. I went from "High" to "Normal" in both measurements.

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RB your Tri # is very impressive - what a change!! Nice job!


Julia sorry to hear your week has been so stressfull. Hopefully things will calm down soon . I've had a lot of stress this week trying to get my ducks in a row for at school. I have not lost due to stres though but I have also not indulged in the "free" Freshman week snacks that have been laid out every day! It is easy to see why kids put on the Freshman 10 with welcome to college weeks like the one my school had. In the past these "free" items would have drawn me like a moth to a flame. Two great qualities they had - they were junk food and they were FREE! LOL - ahhhh, the progress I have made.


Today is my WI day and I think I have stayed relatively the same this week. I have had a great week with my choices and journalling and I know it will catch up at the scales soon.

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RB your Tri # is very impressive - what a change!! Nice job!


Julia sorry to hear your week has been so stressfull. Hopefully things will calm down soon . I've had a lot of stress this week trying to get my ducks in a row for at school. I have not lost due to stres though but I have also not indulged in the "free" Freshman week snacks that have been laid out every day! It is easy to see why kids put on the Freshman 10 with welcome to college weeks like the one my school had. In the past these "free" items would have drawn me like a moth to a flame. Two great qualities they had - they were junk food and they were FREE! LOL - ahhhh, the progress I have made.


Today is my WI day and I think I have stayed relatively the same this week. I have had a great week with my choices and journalling and I know it will catch up at the scales soon.

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I've been thinking lately that I might take up swimming.





  1. Works all of the major muscle groups
  2. Great cardio workout
  3. Low impact
  4. Great cross-training to compliment my running
  5. Might want to try a triathlon some day, and it would be good not to drown if I do.



  1. Not as convenient
  2. Chlorine
  3. I don't have the best form for swimming

Hmmm. Most of those cons sound like excuses, don't they?


I shared a table at a local bar while watching a football game on television this past Sunday with a couple of Sports Studies students obtaining their Masters degrees. I picked their brains a bit for some free advice. One of them was about to enter an Ironman Triathlon, and I asked him about swimming. He said that, to start, just stay in the pool for an hour, resting as you need to and swimming when you can. Over time, you'll spend more of the time swimming. Makes sense, and very comparable to the way I started running.


I also found this plan on the WW website.


I'm about to go to my meeting, which is nearby a K-Mart. I think I'll stop in there and get some swimming goggles and make tonight my first attempt.


Is anybody swimming regularly? Anybody thinking about it?


Onward & downward!

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Colleen, glad you like the recipes, you'll educate your DH eventually:)


RB, I am not a good swimmer and never seem to be able to swim hard enough for it to be good exercise. I also hate the wet hair! It is much easier for those (like men!) whose hair just needs combing through, but if you have to blow dry it etc it becomes a pain. I will stick to Curves at present for my exercise. However, having had a bad cold I have not yet been this week! Hope to go after work on Friday. I have WI this evening and I am sure the effect of the cold will tell. It made me eat some ice cream!!!! and stopped the exercise!!!!


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You might check and see if you can find a pool that uses a chlorine generator rather than pure chlorine. You will sometimes see these referred to as salt water pools because the water has a bit of a salty taste to it. Both the pools at the recreation center that I use have this system and it's great. There's no odor on your skin and it doesn't burn your eyes.

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I did it! Went swimming last night. Since this was a new activity, I decided to take it easy. Spent about 25 minutes in the pool, resting a few seconds between each lap. Felt like I had a good workout, and my heart rate was definitely up. I'll try to keep at this for a few weeks to see how it goes.

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Fall is my favorite time of year - a great time to spend quality outdoors time over the weekend. What activities do you have planned for the weekend?


I plan to bicycle to a WW meeting; already went to my regular meeting this week, but I like this other leader a whole lot more, and it is a good distance for a morning ride.


Sunday, I plan to do my long run (still training for the half-marathon), and then hope to persuade DW and kids to join me on a brief waterfall hike in the afternoon, probably followed by a trip to a local farm to pick some apples.

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I love the fall too. Summer is too hot for me to get outside and do much. I love fall and spring -- not too hot and not too cold. I walk more and go for bike rides with dh. The problem is fall and spring are so short, and winter and summer seem so long:rolleyes: . I guess I'm kind of a wuss, I don't want to be uncomfortable in the weather. I know, excuses, excuses!:o


Have a great one!

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Had a strange thing happen to me yesterday when I went to WI. First off when I walked in my usual leader was not there but a leader who I have had before and got NOTHING from. I switched classes and love my new leader. I didn't think I had any loss but I dragged myself to this meeting so that I would not just give up and go off program. Last week I was up 2.2 so staying the same really is disapointing in itself. But I went. I went to get on the scale and the instructor freaked out - you need shoes! OK - no problem - I've been wearing my sandles all summer so I will just put a paper towel down to stand on. She says NO - you either weigh in with your shoes on or you can't weigh in. OK - so now I am trying not to cry (and almost did) because I CAN'T weigh in with my sandles or I will be up AGAIN. Mind you - I have had two great weeks with program and running so this would crush my spirit. I left the meeting (mumbling to myself no doubt). Has anyone encountered this new rule? I understand not being barefoot on the scale for health code reasons but WHY won't they let you use a paper towel on the scale. Has WW lost to much money in their paper towel expense?? I got my things together and went out for a run.


Here is my problem number 2 from yesterday. At about two 1/2 miles into my four mile run my upper thigh/it band area on my right leg started hurting. This is a pain that I have never had. I kept going for a bit but the pain stopped me (first time I have EVER stopped while running) and I tried to stretch it. I was able to slow my pace and make it home. My thigh is killing me. It has a dull soreness all the time but is pretty painful when I walk. I have six weeks to my half marathon and am really scared that this will sideline me. Has anyone had this happen to them and with rest, ice, antiinflams it has gotten better relatively quick? I had an IT band issue on the other leg about 6 years ago but this feels more quad then IT. Thanks for any insight. I have an injury assessment with a PT this afternoon to check it out. Fingers crossed I just have an easy weekend and will be back in the game on Monday! (Long run was suppossed to be 7 on Sunday but thats not going to happen). RB - I was thinking I might use the pool for a while if it lets me exercise without hurting this leg. Upper body will be no problem with weight training but even the eliptical or bike would be a no go the way I am today.


WI - went to the meeting today (different leader and brought socks!) down 1.8 (which is still up .6 from two weeks ago) but its the right direction. I am in my HUNGRY, HUNGRY, HUNGRY mode this week though - hormonal - no doubt! Not sure what low point foods I will eat to fill me up. Might make more of that lentil dish. If I don't have something handy it could get ugly!!

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So sorry to hear of your bad experience at WW. We always get on the scales barefoot over here. I understand what you mean about good leaders. I had never realised how bad my previous one was until I started the new class earlier this year. Jacquie is really great. Very motivational.


I love Autumn too and only wish I could go walking. Since my foot problem I am really missing wandering around the village having a natter with my walking buddy.


At WI last night I had gained 0.5lb. I have felt really rough with a cold all week and not been to the gym. Also ate ice cream as I mentioned a few days ago. Am back on track now and planning on Curves on Saturday morning.



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I have good news from my physical therapy eval this afternoon. I do not have any serious tears or strains in my quad or IT band but my pelvis is out of alignment which has one leg longer than the other. I am a bit lopsided. Did you know that you should run on the same side of the road in both directions??? I didn't. The pitch of the road for the water to drain off so if you run the same side of the road for both directions you can injure yourself. Thats exactly what I did. The physical therapist did spend a few minutes re-aligning my pelvis (boy she got to know me a bit to well for a first appt. - LOL) but it feels so much better. The pain in my quad was radiating from my back and I have to rest it for the weekend with ice and antiinflams but can start eliptical or the bike on Monday - YAY (maybe I will even SWIM??). Running she thinks should wait a week and I have PT set up for twice next week to help get rid of swelling. All in all VERY good news!! I have 7 weeks to my half marathon! Fingers crossed!!


RB you Sunday plans sound AWESOME! I was hoping to get in my 7 long run but it won't be happening - the apple picking is something I LOVE in the Fall. We will most likely be going as well. We live in a very "appley" area in NH so we won't need to travel far. It is such good fun and there are many good apple recipes!! My breakfast bake is a good use of apples. Have you tried that yet?? Yum-yum. Many people shy away because of the cottage cheese but it cooks a lot like ricotta does. MMMMM. LOL - ok, so I'm hungry I guess. Have fun tomorrow.


"I am really missing wandering around the village having a natter with my walking buddy".


Cinna - you have my curiosity what is a "natter" - part of me thinks from context that this must be a conversation or chat. The other part of me automatically thinks of a banana/peanut butter sandwich - LOL - please clarify for me if you will. Please don't dispair over a .5 gain. Behave yourself this week (no ice cream - unless you have the points??) and the exercise will come back when you feel better.

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I have good news from my physical therapy eval this afternoon. I do not have any serious tears or strains in my quad or IT band but my pelvis is out of alignment which has one leg longer than the other. I am a bit lopsided. Did you know that you should run on the same side of the road in both directions??? I didn't. The pitch of the road for the water to drain off so if you run the same side of the road for both directions you can injure yourself. Thats exactly what I did. The physical therapist did spend a few minutes re-aligning my pelvis (boy she got to know me a bit to well for a first appt. - LOL) but it feels so much better. The pain in my quad was radiating from my back and I have to rest it for the weekend with ice and antiinflams but can start eliptical or the bike on Monday - YAY (maybe I will even SWIM??). Running she thinks should wait a week and I have PT set up for twice next week to help get rid of swelling. All in all VERY good news!! I have 7 weeks to my half marathon! Fingers crossed!!


RB you Sunday plans sound AWESOME! I was hoping to get in my 7 long run but it won't be happening - the apple picking is something I LOVE in the Fall. We will most likely be going as well. We live in a very "appley" area in NH so we won't need to travel far. It is such good fun and there are many good apple recipes!! My breakfast bake is a good use of apples. Have you tried that yet?? Yum-yum. Many people shy away because of the cottage cheese but it cooks a lot like ricotta does. MMMMM. LOL - ok, so I'm hungry I guess. Have fun tomorrow.


"I am really missing wandering around the village having a natter with my walking buddy".


Cinna - you have my curiosity what is a "natter" - part of me thinks from context that this must be a conversation or chat. The other part of me automatically thinks of a banana/peanut butter sandwich - LOL - please clarify for me if you will. Please don't dispair over a .5 gain. Behave yourself this week (no ice cream - unless you have the points??) and the exercise will come back when you feel better.


That's good news :)


Yes a natter is a chat with her friend - comming from SA which was also an Elgish Colony way back we use a lot of the same expressions or at least heard most of them.:D

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Hey Julia - thanks for the clarification - LOL - I thought that but geez a natter does sound like something I might take on a long walk! I guess I really am hungry tonight! So how excited are you about your trip??? I got my docs today! YUP - doing the doc dance - well, not really the leg still kinda hurts - LOL - YUP - doing the doc chair dance!!

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Hey Julia - thanks for the clarification - LOL - I thought that but geez a natter does sound like something I might take on a long walk! I guess I really am hungry tonight! So how excited are you about your trip??? I got my docs today! YUP - doing the doc dance - well, not really the leg still kinda hurts - LOL - YUP - doing the doc chair dance!!



Getting excited but so much other stuff going on.

I am going to start packing tonight if I can just get off the couch:eek: :eek:

The doc dance is fun, our only arrived about 2 weeks ago cause we booked thru an AU agent so she had to mail them and the AU final payment was only due at 60 days:rolleyes:

Have tons to organize so will need this trip to relax:D

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Julia - you have a 30 NIGHT cruise?? How does that fit into your life? Are you retired? I can only DREAM of such things. Do they have WW meetings on the ship - darn - I think I would come back up 20 for a 30 night cruise if I can come back up 11 on a 7 day - UGHHH - I am looking forward to my 7 night but DREAM of a 35 night transatlantic trip - maybe in 15 years for my 25th! GOSH I hope I live that long - LOL - serious! LOL - ENJOY - PLEASE for me!!

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I would freak out if i awas told to wear my shoes at wi. They can add a couple of pounds. Always ready to go I am glad that your injury is not major. It really sucks when you are training for a race and you have a injury. Ice ice ice. I am sure your pt told you that. It would be great if we could run in the middle of the road, that is the best place because it is level. Good luck.

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AR2G - glad to hear that the injury isn't serious. I did know about the road grade and actually do sometimes run on the right side in order to balance it out a bit. I'm usually more concerned about getting hit by a car, though, and I hadn't thought that I'm doing enough miles yet for this to be an issue. I'lll have to think about that some more.


I also live in an area with lots of orchards. Live next to a farm, actually, although they grow vegetables, not fruit at that one. But, I live in the Connecticut town best known for pick your own orchards. In fact, in 2 weeks, the town is sponsoring a bike ride where you ride from farm to farm (they'll deliver everything you purchase at the end of the ride).


No new subject for the weekend, folks - OPEN MIC!


Have a great one!

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Julia - you have a 30 NIGHT cruise?? How does that fit into your life? Are you retired? I can only DREAM of such things. Do they have WW meetings on the ship - darn - I think I would come back up 20 for a 30 night cruise if I can come back up 11 on a 7 day - UGHHH - I am looking forward to my 7 night but DREAM of a 35 night transatlantic trip - maybe in 15 years for my 25th! GOSH I hope I live that long - LOL - serious! LOL - ENJOY - PLEASE for me!!


It sort of doesn't this time around but that is another story for another time. We are not retired but try and do a big trip every couple of years, in 2005 we went to Australia and Korea for 6 weeks which was an amazing trip. Our kids are still young and in school but this trip was a deal just too good to pass up otherwise we could never have done it and it was a spur of the moment booking we did thru AU where it is non-refundable unlike the US. We booked this trip in early summer 2006 and decided we would deal with whatever happens.:rolleyes: :cool: :)

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Yes a natter is a chat, gossip, chinwag, or 'putting the world to rights'. We find that the talk makes the walking more interesting and the time passes quickly.


I shall be picking the cooking apples from the tree in my garden soon, maybe on Monday. Glad you mentioned apples, I should really check and see how ripe they are.


Julia, where is your cruise and on which ship?


AR2G, glad to hear the injury is manageable.


The weather is lovely here in southern England. Sunny and reasonably warm. After a miserable summer we have had a good September so far but the tide is apparently turning next week. Rain and wind and colder weather is due.


I went to Curves this am and have been cooking this pm. Made a big pan of veggie soup and have a Lamb casserole ready to cook. It includes celery, carrot, swede (rutibaga), leek, onion and carrots. A very autumnal dish. The WW recipe includes a couple of small dumplings which will please my DH no end.


Off to watch the last cricket game of our seaon tomorrow. Last picnic too. Have made a lovely low fat potato salad to have with other veggies such as tomato, cucumber and carrots and some cold chicken. Actually this is making me hungry, typing up all about food, I'd better get the Lamb on cooking. Stewed Rhubarb and Semolina for pud.


What is everyone else having this weekend to eat?


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