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RB's Daily WW Chat

RB Bonzo

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I usually just ignore them. I tend to be cynical myself. I probably wouldn't say things like that out loud to other people, but I certainly do think them or say it behind their back. I have gone up and down in weight several times, and I'm sure people have said the same thing about me. Just remember, the best revenge is looking good!!

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well I am still a young chicken as so I would like to think I am, but I always remember what my parents taught me when things of not nice comments cross my mind...........treat others as you would want to be treated!! Honestly I was one of those girls that was skinny allllll my life and could eat any thing till i hit 30 then things went south, west north and east!! Even when I was skinny, I got picked on and teased and that hurt and had comments like oh your finally eating and trying to put meat on those bones of yours, and now im getting the oposite oh your NOT eating to get that meat off your bones!! I just take it in and think karma will hit you in the ass some day, smile knod and always say something nice!!

hope this makes sense, huhhhh i had to get that off my chest!

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I usually just ignore them. I tend to be cynical myself. I probably wouldn't say things like that out loud to other people, but I certainly do think them or say it behind their back. I have gone up and down in weight several times, and I'm sure people have said the same thing about me. Just remember, the best revenge is looking good!!


I agree,

I hardly even tell people I am on WW unless it comes up and then I don't really care about there comments etc, you are the one who wins by being healthier and looking better, you are doing it for you and no-one else so just ignore the comments as it is not worth the stress.


We go to our bagel shop (a friend) on Sundays and it is very social as some friends, my brother etc all meet there and yesterday was the first time in many many months that I actually had a bagel, I will either take my fruit and op bread etc and just order coffee.

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Mon Nov 5, 9:15 PM ET SYDNEY (Reuters) - Australian scientists have found how to switch hunger on and off using a molecule that targets the brain -- a discovery which could stop weight loss in terminally ill patients or produce weight loss in the morbidly obese.

The molecule, known as MIC-1, is produced by common cancers and targets receptors in the brain that switch off appetite. But Australian researchers found that by using antibodies against MIC-1 they were able to switch appetite back on.

When normal and obese mice were treated with MIC-1 they ate less and lost a lot of weight, suggesting that MIC-1 may also be used to treat severe obesity, said the Sydney researchers in a statement received on Tuesday.

"This work has given us a better understanding of the part of the brain that regulates appetite," said Herbert Herzog, director of neuroscience research at the Garvan Institute in Sydney.

"Our bodies send complex chemical signals to our brains, which interpret them and send back responses, in this case eat or don't eat. Our research indicated that MIC-1 is a previously unrecognized molecule sending a don't eat signal to the brain," Herzog said.

The researchers said it was hoped that in the near future, the MIC-1 findings will prevent a sizeable proportion of advanced cancer patients from "literally wasting away."

Sam Breit at St Vincent's Centre for Immunology, who originally cloned the MIC-1 gene, said he believed the findings could have a significant impact on a range of appetite-related disorders.

"Injecting mice with MIC-1 protein also made them stop eating, suggesting that it may be possible to use this to advantage for treating patients with severe obesity," he said.

The MIC-1 findings were published in the latest Nature Medicine magazine and the team of researchers led by St. Vincent's Hospital in Sydney hope to develop a human antibody and run clinical trials in the next few years.

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Been MIA a bit - sorry. Ran my HM on Sunday and did well for a crazy, hilly course (2:21:34), such a positive experience. I will weigh in on Thursday - first time since late September - bad, bad Colleen. I have fallen a few since then and I think I will officially loose two points a day when I go. Boo-hoo - its good in one regard but bad in another. This will be the last time I loose points so I am reaching my home stretch! I am making the pumpkin soup today - love that stuff - and will hit the gym for upper body tomorrow.


So here is a picture of me from last Thanksgiving and 35 lbs heavier:




And here is one from August:



Anyone else dare to post????

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Colleen, well done on the HM, great pictures.

What were you cutting in the first picture - some kind of squash??


I am still not 100% back on track but making more of a concerted effort than last week, started journalling but got lost half thru the day:eek:


Today I am going with my mom, both sisters and SIL for lunch as it is my neices 4th birthday:eek:

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Colleen, you look great! I don't let anyone take pictures of me, so I'd have to look pretty hard to find one. Maybe I'll post some of me on our cruise in 6 weeks. Good job on the hm!


Julia, I hear you! Life happens, and I can always find a good excuse for falling off. As long as it doesn't become a habit... I did well yesterday, even went for a walk, but my girls and I are going to Vegas this weekend-- Can you say buffet?? :rolleyes: I've vowed to use control though.


As far as a magic pill, I have to admit that I would be tempted to try it. I don't always eat because I'm hungry, but it would probably help. I did Fen-phen and lost 30, but I gained it all back as soon as I went off, so I think it would probably have to be something you were on indefinately.

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Hey Julia - that is a "blue hubbard" squash. They are really yummy - a lot like butternut. Last year was the first year I ever tried it. The supermarkets sell it in pieces usually because of the size but my daughter works on a farm where they grow it so last year I tried a lot of different squash. This one was my favorite.


My soup is simmering and I cannot wait for lunch! The last time I made a pot of this soup I ended up eating pretty much the whole pot over the course of the week and coincidentally I lost 3 that week, hmmmmm.


As for a magic pill - I would not even consider taking something like that. I am leary of anything new and would wait for the years of research before considering any medication. Diet and exercise to me is the key that will lead me to a long, healthy life (I hope!!). I do take vitamins and supplements that are researched though as I know my diet will never give me 100% of everything every day. Some people don't believe in supplements but I feel healthier mentally and physically when I am eating right, drinking my water, exercising and taking my vitamins.


RB - people who say comments such as those are either ignorant or jealous. My guess is a little of both. My sister actually confessed to me that she had not come to any of my races or my HM because she was jealous that I had my life under control and she felt like hers was out of control. It was a big confession on her part and I truely hope she can get some control for her own sake. I love how you go for a run and the family meets up with you! I would be afraid people would not want to sit near me after I ran 4 miles - its not a pretty site!! LOL - red faced, sweaty - not good - LOL.


Enjoy your points!!

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The past few weeks, I've gone running on Sunday mornings with a plan to meet-up w/ the rest of the family for breakfast. Yesterday morning, we went to a bagel place.


As we were about to leave, another family who lives nearby but who we hadn't seen in a while came in. Sue (not her real name) came over to chat. She spotted my hydration belt and asked if we had bicycled there. My wife explained that I had run and that she had driven the kids to meet me. (it was about 4 miles away).


Sue turned to me and said, "What, are you on a fitness kick?"


That kind of rubbed me the wrong way, because the term has a connoation that I don't like; to me, it means that this is a fad, a phase, something that I'm doing now before I lose interest or move on to something else. So, I paused briefly before responding. I then responded, "I suppose you could call it that. I started about six months ago." She said that she wouldn't be able to do it, and I just smiled.


On the ride home (yes, that's part of the program - I run there but ride back), I told DW that the question bothered me. She said, "Well, what do you expect her to say. You used to be as big as a house, and now you're running? What happened?" DW is not one to mince words. The kids thought it was hilarious.


So, I spent some time thinking about similar things people have said to me since I started w/ WW about 7 months ago. Like, the time when I was volunteering at an event and a group of us went to a bar afterwards. A woman next to me commented about my eating, and I said that I had just started WW, and she said "Oh, you're just getting started; that's why you're being so good."


Or, the week before that, when I told DD (15) that I joined WW that day. Her response: "Again?"


How do you deal w/ comments suggesting that your new lifestyle is only temporary?


RB I have been reading but not posting but your post really hit home with me. I have allowed comments like that to slow down my progress or just flat out quit. I was at a party and feeling pretty good about myself when a "Friend" and I were discussing weight loss. I told her I had lost 25 pounds, she gave me and up and down look and said "Oh Really". That was it I quit trying. I obvisiously was doing it for other people and not for me, I'm working on that now but it's hard to shut out those negative comments.

Keep going your doing great!


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Colleen, you look great! I don't let anyone take pictures of me, so I'd have to look pretty hard to find one. Maybe I'll post some of me on our cruise in 6 weeks. Good job on the hm!


Julia, I hear you! Life happens, and I can always find a good excuse for falling off. As long as it doesn't become a habit... I did well yesterday, even went for a walk, but my girls and I are going to Vegas this weekend-- Can you say buffet?? :rolleyes: I've vowed to use control though.


As far as a magic pill, I have to admit that I would be tempted to try it. I don't always eat because I'm hungry, but it would probably help. I did Fen-phen and lost 30, but I gained it all back as soon as I went off, so I think it would probably have to be something you were on indefinately.


You can do fine at the buffets, hit the salads, they Wynn buffet was the most amazing one we have been to, lots of seafood and just good quality food - of course it was pricey.:D Have a great time.


I mostly eat when I'm bored, sad, happy, etc etc not because I am hungry, if I only ate when I was hungry I probably wouldn't have a problem:D

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Hi, Dianne - thanks for delurking! I think that it helps for us to take those types of comments and use them to motivate us. I remember each one and think about it when I'm feeling weak.


Colleen - WOW!! You look GREAT!!!


I'll take you up on your dare:


This one was taken of me in March '07 when we were on the Celebrity Constellation. I had just won the "King of the Constellation contest. The other person in the photo is my DW, who obviously thought it hilarious that I would be the king of anything! There are even less flattering photos I could have shared; seeing these post-cruise photos had a lot to do with the decision to make some significant changes in my lifestyle.



This one was taken a month ago during the Hartford Half Marathon. I'm second from the right, and no, that is not Jerry Seinfeld running next to me. That is Ray, who I have been training with. And, this isn't an "after" photo - I look at it as a "well on the way there" shot.


I had trouble importing the photos, so I've linked to photobucket.

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BTW, Colleen - congrats on 2:21 on a hilly course! that's terrific!


I decided to set a goal of 2:20 for my next half, which will be in Nashville in late April. Then, I'm thinking Philadelphia for my first full (although I may take a stab at getting into NY!). That'll be 17 minutes better than my last time, but I'm pretty confident that I can do much better than that if I train properly.

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Hey RB - those are great! You do look a lot healthier now and I can only imagine from the way I feel that you must be feeling a ton better as well. I have already signed up for the Virginia Beach Rock N Roll Half Marathon Labor Day weekend and will do a Fall full marathon next year. The VB course is flat and I am actually thinking I would love to be near 2:00 but that is a full season of running away. I am also hoping to loose another 20 by then which should help my speed but either way I am just glad I can do it because a year ago that person could not!!


It is inspiring to see other peoples changes - thanks for posting! Colleen

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Congratulations to all on your marathons and half marathons! That is such an accomplishment!


I am working on walking, both for speed and distance. My goal was 70 miles a month, which I made in Sept. However, with working full time and the time changing, it is very difficult! I much prefer the outside to the treadmill, but I am afraid that is the way I am going to have to go, except on the weekends.( I try to do at least 1-10 K walk on the weekends.I belong to the AVA, which maps out 5 and 10 K routes for you all over the US) Any suggestions to keep the treadmill work interesting. I try watching TV, but that does not do it.



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Hi Carol,


Long distance walking is awesome!! The miles you are putting in are impressive and sooo time consuming! I trained for the past two years and did the 3-day so I know how time consuming it is to get in those miles. I switched to running because I couldn't commit the time it took for walking - LOL - true story! Anyway, when on the TM other than tv theres music but not much else. I could never read and walk although many people do. When the weather gets better in the Spring if you are interested there is a great beginner program to get into jogging called couch to 5K (which you are hardly on the cuch and neither was I). It is a 12 week program that gets you from nothing (I started it at week 5) to being able to run a 5k. It is a great gradual program and it is on the Coolrunning website.


WI today - time to see if I will loose those two points or not. Went to the gym yesterday and did weights and then a scenic coastal 30 min on the Xpresso bike (very cool almost like virtual reality course). Today, my muscles are soooo sore!! LOL - I am more sore from that workout then from my HM - what does that tell you. Its been about 6 weeks since I did a full strength training workout and boy do my muscles know it. Time to get a balance between my running and my strength training! I am suppossed to workout after WW with a friend this morning - we shall see.


Enjoy your points!!! Colleen

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I've been away at a conference since early yesterday morning. I work in a fairly specialized field and belong to an organization of others who do similar work. I've been involved in this group for about 10 years, so I've come to know others here very well. We speak on the phone, participate in list-serves, but see each other only once or twice a year. None of these folks have seen me since I started losing weight.


So, I've been enjoying myself by soaking in all kinds of positive reinforcement each time I run in to somebody who is used to seeing me 40-50 lbs heavier.


Just wait'll they see me next year!

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Yes walking is very time consuming, which is somewhat of a problem. But, I have always been leery of jogging. I am in my mid fifties and I have heard that you can have trouble with your knees when jogging. I felt that walking long distances at a good clip would give me most of the same benefits.

This has been a rough week all around. I seem to have an abcessed tooth which has caused me alot of discomfort, and a loss of focus on my weight loss journey, both with diet and exercise. So today it is "back on the program'!!! That cruise is calling!!

Maybe I need to go back to the meetings, even once or twice a month to help keep "my eye on the prize!" I think that they now have a plan where yyou pay as you go and they don't charge you for missed weeks. It is more expensive, but is probably best for me at this point.



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RB - that is so cool - it does feel good when people notice all that hard work!!


I went to WI yesterday and was up 2.2. It was a fluid retention thing so I have no issue with that but the leader that I cannot stand was there and said to me - Ooooh - you are UP - did you eat to much halloween candy?? I have to tell you that it immediatly got my Irish up and I retorted - NOPE - just started my period - shut her right up! OK - so thats a total overshare but I have to say if I were someone that was sensitive a negative comment like that and her tone would have me not going to weigh in again and perhaps throwing in the towel. I can't even describe her face and tone. I also added in that my body is repairing itself right now from running a half marathon three days ago and that is another reason why my body is hanging onto the fluid. Thank you very much!


OK - so enough about that - I wanted to throw out some positive vibes!!


It is very easy to focus on the negative things that people have said or have done but I wanted to ask:


Have you caught someone saying or doing something that made you feel good and they didn't even mean to do it or say it?? Here is what I mean.


I was having a busy day and had left a large pile of laundry on our bed to be folded and put away. DH came home from work and saw that I didn't do it yet and he immediately went to work on the pile. By the time I got home it was all folded and sorted into piles. DH tells me just have everyone grab their stuff its all sorted for you. Cool, thanks!! I decided to distribute the piles of clothes to the childrens rooms and when I got to my 17 y.o. daughters pile (she is 5'10 and 145 lbs) in her pile is a pair of MY jeans!! I guess they are looking similar in size now for him to put mine in her clothes pile. This has made me smile on the inside for a couple of weeks now. How cool is that???? I don't think he would have put my size 20 jeans in her pile!!


Have a good day and enjoy your points and all the little things that make you smile along the way!!

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Colleen - that's a great topic and a terrific story! I've got one -


A few months ago, my son asked DW:


"Mom, what are you going to do when Dad is thinner than you are?" Let's just say that one went over better with me than it did with her!!


Carol - re jogging/running - most people can run w/out any risk of knee injury if they do 3 simple things:


1) get a good pair of running shoes properly selected by someone who knows what they are doing, ideally at a specialty running store. The shoes are also great for long walks and can be purchased for < $65


2) stay off of concrete sidewalk and stick to asphalt or, better yet, trails, gravel, grass


3) build up the mileage slowly - start off doing just a few minutes a day and do not increase the total mileage or time running by more than 10% in a week. A lot of people like the Couch to 5k plan, which is terrific for beginners. You'll find links to it in earlier posts on this thread; if you can't find it, let me know, and I'll find a link and post it here if you're interested.

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I got back last night from 4 days in Wash. DC at a conference. I had posted a few days ago about how great it was seeing so many people for the first time since I started losing weight. Now that I'm back, I've had a chance to reflect a bit on how being a WW'er impacted the weekend experience.


In past years at this conference, I would eat a continental style breakfast (bagel, cream cheese, pastries), go out to lunch w/ friends or for a few days there are banquet style lunches, then there'd be a cocktail reception in the early evening w/ substantial food, then a late dinner and drinking (sometimes significant drinking) until the late hours. Then, 5-6 hours sleep, and do it again, for 4 days.


This year, I was completely different. I was up early every morning and exercised (running or the hotel's fitness facility, which was very good). I'd skip the continental breakfast and eat a decent breakfast that was very much OP (except for yesterday, when I slipped and had a large serving of bacon). Lunches were all very much OP - typically salads that were mostly core. At the banquet lunches, I'd exercise portion control and waive the dessert off (I find it so much easier to waive off the dessert than to take it and eat only a bite or two).


I would go to the cocktail receptions, but drink MUCH less than I had in past years. I would make healthy choices from the food, focusing on the vegetable tray and making the best protein choices available and eating just a little of that. And then, I'd skip the late dinners and drinking trips, going back to the room and getting to bed early.


Regarding my food choices, my colleagues would alternate between commenting on how good I was being to giving me grief about it, with one person trying to force a dessert on me. That was the exception rather than the rule. Folks were considerably less understanding of my skipping the late nights and my refusal of repeated offers for folks to buy me drinks. I am not a heavy drinker, but the dynamic of this group is for folks to party heavily when we see each other. Many of them have commented to me that they do this only when we all get together. This is, of course, typical convention behavior, and my group is not immune to it, and I guess that I haven't been immune to it either. But, alcohol is calories, and drinking more than one or two drinks is not a healthy decision, and neither is sleep deprivation. Some of my better friends in this group were a little irked that I was "blowing them off." But, I knew that if I went to dinner with them at 10:00 pm that I'd be eating and drinking until the early hours of the morning, and I opted to make the healthier decision. I wasn't sanctimonious about it; I just would say that I was tired, wasn't hungry, etc).


The result: I was able to get my exercise in every morning and be fresh and ready to go when it was time for business (in the past I would drag myself to the morning sessions). I was alert and able to maximize what I got out of the conference. And, there was still plenty of time for me to catch up with and socialize with everyone. Sure, I missed some of the revelry, etc., but I felt good about the choices. And, I did not gain any weight while I was away.


One moment sticks out. Another person from the group commented to me that he wanted to chat with me. He is about as heavy as I used to be, and he's complaining about his hip and is now having trouble walking. The problem is weight-related. He said that he thought to himself, "If Dan can do it, then so can I." I told him that the key is that you had to make a decision that your health is a top priority in your life; if you can get to that mind-set, then you can do it. I felt that I had followed that principle the last 4 days.

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RB - that really shows that you have made life long changes and are not on a short term diet. It is the hardest test when placed into these situations where in the past many bad choices had been made. I felt like you did at the convention during my last cruise - it is a big accomplishment! Congrats on your self-control!

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I did something interesting last night. I went to a cooking class at our local community college on fixing holiday "favorites" in light way. (pumpkin pie, sweet potatoes, white potatoes, gravy, etc.) It was quite interesting with some great food. The only problem is that the chef that taught it did not have the caloric or fat content for the items that he presented. Does anyone know if there is a website where you can put in ingredients in specific amounts and they will tell you the caloric/fat content of the finished item?



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