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Legend's Unexpected Visit to Bermuda on 8/11/04


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[quote name='MrPeteLI']This might help.

When I was pricing both the Legend and the Pride last year, with the Pride going to Bermuda, the prices I got were higher for the Pride than the Legend. So the Bermuda trip was the premium trip;even at 7 days vs 8.

There was only one scheduled Bermuda cruise this year, but I never priced it as it was in April.

When I priced the Miracle vs the Legend this year, the Legend was the premium trip. The Miracle must not have sold out, as the prices kept dropping.[/QUOTE]

I have to agree. I have always found the Bermuda cruises to be more expensive than the Caribbean cruises.
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It sounds to me also you got the shaft but there was a tread on the RCCL board that beats yours. This poor guy got food poisioning from the escargot. This was known it was food poisioning within 24 hours as others got sick and all had ate the escargot but because of RCCCL's policy on gastric illnesses which to be fair is because of the hysteria of passengers and fear of Norwalk virus they were quarantined (him and his wife) for the remaining 5 days of the cruise.

If that was not bad enough-getting sick and it was RCCL's fault and being quarantined for food poisioning because of idiot's hysteria of the Norwalk virus-RCCL only gave them a 40% refund and offered them a small discount on a future cruise. they already had 2 cruises booked but the discount would not apply to them but a future cruise not yet booked. Well they were pretty mad and canceled the 2 cruises they had booked for the following year. I can't blame them. To me they should have got a 100% refund.

Anyway this tread was a good 3 months back but you would not believe some of RCCL's posts from their loyalists. For ex. one said that this woman must have lied as only 40 people got food poisioning that more should have gotten sick then that etc. as the ship held 3000 people-I thought that pretty stupid because as we all know it would not had to have been the whole batch contaminated but only a small amount. Anyway I felt some people will go to any extent to defend their cruiselines-makes you wonder if they are a major stockholder or something.
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[quote name='jdinrvc2']Hi again!!

Thanks for all your well wishes and support - I really do appreciate it!! Anyway, thought I would give you a quick update. Someone in my group of travelers contacted Carnival today. I was informed that the Carnival representative was extremely nice. However, the Carnival execs have decided that the only accomodation that will be made for dissatisfied passengers on the 8/11/04 cruise is that they will receive 15% off their next Carnival cruise.

My initial reaction: not enough (especially b/c I have not seen the fine print and my [uneducated guess - hopefully I am wrong] is that even this 15% will not amount to much because it will likely only be available on Carnival's full fare prices.)

Oh well. After reading your responses I realized that my real issues with the the way this particular cruise was handled was Carnival's lack of communication and the fact that we were not given either more port time in Bermuda or another port stop.

Thanks again for your thoughts - I'll be sure to keep you all informed!!

"Ship happens," but I'm thinking that it may be time for "Depends." :rolleyes:


Carnival gave us a 10% discount because I complained about the nonsmoking lounges on Inspiration had very little entertainment. It stated it could be used on any cruise even a discounted cruise. As far as I am concerned though I don't want to take even a free cruise if I can't get good entertainment. that is why I have only been on one HAL cruise- was not happy with the lack of entertainment in the lounges.
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[color=black][size=3][font=Arial Black]I[/font][font=Arial] have also heard the day we sailed which was 8/11 the people who were on the rear top deck were sprayed with oil. I can't confirm this because I was not one of the passengers who got sprayed. My group is hoping to book another cruise (we are saving as we speak) but it will NOT be with Carnival. Only because of the customer service they provided both on and off the ship. But the Fun ship crew did their jobs well and provided good food and entertainment. The New Wave group was just OK and sometimes off key. [/font][/size][/color]

[font=Arial][size=3][color=black][font='Times New Roman']Also, when we sailed out of NYC and [/font][/color][color=black][font='Times New Roman']Bermuda[/font][/color][color=black][font='Times New Roman'] we had no deck music. No band, no frills. There was only 1 night pool party the whole cruise, the Festivale. It wasn't that great! Like a said [/font][/color][color=black][font='Times New Roman']Bermuda[/font][/color][color=black][font='Times New Roman'] was nice but we hit obstacles there also, [/font][/color][color=black][font='Times New Roman']Elbo[/font][/color][color=black][font='Times New Roman'] [/font][/color][color=black][font='Times New Roman']Beach[/font][/color][color=black][font='Times New Roman'] was closed. So we had [/font][/color][color=black][font='Times New Roman']Horseshoe[/font][/color][color=black][font='Times New Roman'] [/font][/color][color=black][font='Times New Roman']Bay[/font][/color][color=black][font='Times New Roman'] for 2 days since it was close. Not Carnival’s fault, but still another problem for the passengers. [/font][/color][/size][/font]
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I was on the Legend 8/11 and was not one of the unhappy campers...
My husband and I had a great cruise.

When I called Carnival to tell them that we had a great time we were also given the discount on an upcoming cruise. I specifically asked if we had to book with Carnival to get the discount. I was told that it did not have to be with Carnival, that it would be applied after we booked, however we booked. I made note of the reps name etc... and date/time of call. Hopefully they are true to their word. We are booking the Legend for next August...I already have all the ports researched and planned... :0)

Life's too short to sweat the small stuff....

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[quote name='jdinrvc2'].

As for cruising in general on this line or otherwise, I am a "glass half full kind of person" and always expect to have a great time. : ,


jd, I think from reading your post, this did not come across ...

I was once on a ship leaving NY that was SUPPOSED to go to Bermuda and Nassau and another boat hit us in the harbor and we skipped Bermuda. We got $100 credit (not on Carnival) and none of my friends (I was with a group of about 25) were as upset as you were. We just had a great time on the ship and enjoyed the rest of the trip (although you will admit Nassau is not quite as nice as Bermuda). What would be the point of holding on to this upsetness? BTW, we were told "not to worry" and I did not know what happened until the next day ... so I didn't!

We actually laugh about that trip to this day ... it made for a lot of funny situations, which I won't bore you with.

However, that being said, I am sorry you feel the way you do.
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:mad: My wife and I are Celebrity Captain club memebers. This was our first cruise on Carnival. We didn't know what to expect. It will be our last. Yes, Ship Happens and cruise lines either retain or lose passengers based on how well they conduct themselves when "Ship happens".

To set the record straight, the ship broke down as the NY harbor pilot left the ship. Many people noticed the reduced speed at that time. Carnival didn't go back to port, but continued for another 15 hours until they informed us on the PA system that " There had been a problem with the propulsion system during the night"

They in fact stranded us and IMHO put us at risk with Hurricanes that were on the east coast. The ship was not repaired in Bermuda.

The letter presented to us in our cabins stated we would have 3 days in Bermuda. It was only 2 since we had to be back on ship by 11 Am the day of departure. That was a lie.

We were docked at the cargo container dock at Kings Warf. This is miles to any attraction. It was a $22 one way cab ride to the nearest beach. It was $45 into Hamilton. ([b]Where Celebrity docks[/b]) ($90 round trip) Yes, you could take the Ferry for $11, but the last ferry was at 6 PM. If you haven't been to Bermuda, you might think it was Ok, But if you knew that only the cheap crusis go to Kings Warf, you might not think that Carnival did you a big favor by bringing you to Bermuda instead of returning to New York.

15 Min Blackout During dinner (No emergency lighting?) They were lighting candles to see! How dangerous it that? No explanation as to the cause or regrets.

I have already been to Bermuda 4 times. This makes #5. We took Carnival up on their Guarentee And flew home. The 3 days we were on board we will be charged full fare. Once the announcemend was made, there was no place to go on the ship to aviod the same topic of disscussion! At dinner, near the pool, in the hot tub, you would hear the complaints of the other passengers. Thoese 3 days were a waste as far as ship relaxation is concerned.

[b][i]$150 for our inconviencece is an insult!!! When I got home I called Mastercard and put a hold on my payment to Celebrity. I would advise all other unsatisfied passengers to do the same. I'm expecting a 5 day credit and 50% of the charge for the 3 days on board.[/i][/b]
[b]Also, As compared to Celebrity, [u]the service was terrible[/u]. To make it worse they charge your ship account automatically for the gratuities, good service or not.[/b]

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You sound like another one of those folks who decided to try slumming it on Carnival. What makes you think Celebrity would have done anything different than some of the "cheap cruises"? It also sounds like you didn't read the terms of your ticket. As for putting a hold on the charges, I'd bet money that Carnival wins that dispute! You took them up on their guarantee and went home - they lived up to the terms of the ticket. As for not cruising Carnival again, all I can say is "thank you". Not having folks like you on my next Carnival cruise will make it that much better!
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How much does Carnival pay you to reply In such a nasty manner to people that have just had their very expensive vacation ruined by bad choices made by Carnival Management.? [b]Your probably one of them[/b]! People will read your rediculus responce and just say "Huh just another Carnival %$# [email="&#@s"]&#@[/email]. I only wish something like this will happpen to you!
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Well, I actually have experienced missing ports while cruising with Carnival. Now I could have complained and made myself miserable. Instead, I chose to roll with the situation and realize that life throws you a curve sometimes. It's how a person chooses to react to those situations that says alot about that person. Your reaction says volumes. If I couldn't accept the possibility that the ship might miss a port, or the ship might have a mechanical problem, or the captain might choose to change the itinerary (per the terms of the ticket), or whatever, then I wouldn't cruise. If you happen to find the perfect vacation where there's no chance of anything EVER going wrong, please let us all know.
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[quote name='momofmeg']
Anyway this tread was a good 3 months back but you would not believe some of RCCL's posts from their loyalists. For ex. one said that this woman must have lied as only 40 people got food poisioning that more should have gotten sick then that etc. as the ship held 3000 people-I thought that pretty stupid because as we all know it would not had to have been the whole batch contaminated but only a small amount. Anyway I felt some people will go to any extent to defend their cruiselines-makes you wonder if they are a major stockholder or something.[/QUOTE]

I feel that the situation momofmeg mentioned is just as sad as the one spoken about in this thread. And, one of the saddest aspects is the defensive attitude of cruisers loyal to the cruise line. Like momofmeg, I wonder why people go to such great extents to defend a cruise line. Rembember, Carnival is not your buddy, they are out to make money and it is up to us, the customers, to keep them in check. I happen to like Carnival, however, I feel that being critical of a cruise line when they are WRONG is healthy for that line. It keeps their customer service up to par and makes their service even better. We don't always have to happy with what the vacation turns out to be. Making the best of it at the time is the only thing to do, however, recognizing when the company is wrong and urging the company to change their policies or to keep customers happy after the fact is only sensible. This HELPS to ensure that we ALL have pleasurable vacations in the future where we are compensated for gross mistakes. It is not enough to say "Carnival had every right to react the way they did" or "hey, this stuff happens". Weather happens..and things do break, but Carnival has enough money to make sure that WE don't pay for their mechanical failures. Remember, next time it might be YOU...and you might be singing a different tune.

And, for the record, I don't really care how ANY other cruise line would have reacted. My favorite is Carnival and I want them to offer the best customer service available! It saddens me when they react in the same manner any other cruise line would have reacted because I think they are better than that. Therefore, I don't defend their mistakes.
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I have to be honest here. I have to totally agree with Truettdc.

OhioBeachBum: a) stop being a mean grump with your unnecessary and unwarranted nasty comments and b) I wonder how you would feel if your "mechanical problem" happened while you were flying to your next vacation destination. I mean according to you, mechanical problems are typical and okay. ;)

I guess I should be adhereing to the "don't reason with an unreasonable person" mantra, but I will try once again.

This was not an act of god. This was not a hurricane. (repeat after me) :eek:

This was a cruise ship owned by Carnival that passengers paid lots of money for and it therefore it is Carnival's responsibility when their products break down.

I mean you are defending this business like you own it. It is a business. They provide a service and get well paid for it (or else they wouldn't keep doing it -duh.) When they don't provide the service, they should refund some money. It is very simple.

Further, I haven't seen anyone bash Carnival on this thread. We are just individuals that are upset by the situation (the situation, by the way, that Carnival put us in.)

By the way, OhioBeachBum, although it will likely ruin your fantasies tonight, most of us 8/11/04 Legend passengers managed to have great time DESPITE the major obstacles thrown in our way. :D

I certainly hope that this revelation does not wreck your entire evening.

"Ship happens," but I'm sure we (most of us that is) will all have sweet dreams tonight.

love and kisses,

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[quote name='Truettdc']:mad: My wife and I are Celebrity Captain club memebers. This was our first cruise on Carnival. We didn't know what to expect. It will be our last. Yes, Ship Happens and cruise lines either retain or lose passengers based on how well they conduct themselves when "Ship happens".

To set the record straight, the ship broke down as the NY harbor pilot left the ship. Many people noticed the reduced speed at that time. Carnival didn't go back to port, but continued for another 15 hours until they informed us on the PA system that " There had been a problem with the propulsion system during the night"

They in fact stranded us and IMHO put us at risk with Hurricanes that were on the east coast. The ship was not repaired in Bermuda.

The letter presented to us in our cabins stated we would have 3 days in Bermuda. It was only 2 since we had to be back on ship by 11 Am the day of departure. That was a lie.

We were docked at the cargo container dock at Kings Warf. This is miles to any attraction. It was a $22 one way cab ride to the nearest beach. It was $45 into Hamilton. ([b]Where Celebrity docks[/b]) ($90 round trip) Yes, you could take the Ferry for $11, but the last ferry was at 6 PM. If you haven't been to Bermuda, you might think it was Ok, But if you knew that only the cheap crusis go to Kings Warf, you might not think that Carnival did you a big favor by bringing you to Bermuda instead of returning to New York.

15 Min Blackout During dinner (No emergency lighting?) They were lighting candles to see! How dangerous it that? No explanation as to the cause or regrets.

I have already been to Bermuda 4 times. This makes #5. We took Carnival up on their Guarentee And flew home. The 3 days we were on board we will be charged full fare. Once the announcemend was made, there was no place to go on the ship to aviod the same topic of disscussion! At dinner, near the pool, in the hot tub, you would hear the complaints of the other passengers. Thoese 3 days were a waste as far as ship relaxation is concerned.

[b][i]$150 for our inconviencece is an insult!!! When I got home I called Mastercard and put a hold on my payment to Celebrity. I would advise all other unsatisfied passengers to do the same. I'm expecting a 5 day credit and 50% of the charge for the 3 days on board.[/i][/b]
[b]Also, As compared to Celebrity, [u]the service was terrible[/u]. To make it worse they charge your ship account automatically for the gratuities, good service or not.[/b]


It is not that the dockyard is for the "cheap cruises" just that it is the only place the big ships can dock. I guess they could do tenders elsewhere- I would think but I don't know enough about that to even guess really. If you notice it is Horizon and Zenith that goes to Bermuda Celebrity's small ships. Norweigen uses Majesty their small ship and RCCL used to use Nordic Empres a small ship but they are going to put Voyager there but I expect it will be at the dockyard.

We went on the old Pacific Princess and though it was an old ship which was obvious we loved our Bermuda cruise and we were at all 3 docks. St. Georges, Hamilton and the dockyard. I liked St. Georges and Hamilton much better then the dockyard and though you can get a 3 day bus pass which is also good for the ferry for around $25 if I ever cruise to Bermuda again I would pick a smaller ship so I could go to the other ports.
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Many, many years ago, ships going to Bermuda were allowed to stay out in the harbor and tender in. Now all ships must dock and hook up the sewage system in Bermuda. So they built docks at the Dockyard to accomodate the larger ships that didn't fit in at Hamilton or St. Georges.
It's not for cheaper Bermuda cruises. Cruises to Bermuda, most of the time, are more expensive than the Caribbean.

Happy sailing and calm seas!
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[quote name='momofmeg'] it is the only place the big ships can dock. [/QUOTE]
Agreed. And I found it a perfect location, as we too bought the 3 day transit pass, and had no problem getting around. At night, it was perfect as we had an aft balcony, facing south, so we had the whole bay in our sights, with the lighthouse in the distance, and Hamilton to the left of us.

We decided to go into Hamilton one day, and were barely there ten minutes till we turned around and went back to Kings Wharf. It was odd seeing a Celebity ship just moored there on the main street. Looked like a vewry clean Nassau to me, but just weren't in the mood to "tour".

I found Dockside quaint, and I'm sure in time, when completely refurbished, it will be even better. I loved the pub we found somewhere in the bowels of the fort. We also explored the glass factory, and all the other little places.

In the day, the beaches were beyond belief. I've never in my life seen waves you can see through.
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Mr. Pete what we liked about the smaller ship and Hamilton was it was a lot closer to the beaches and the botanicial garden. We went to both Elbow and Horseshoe Bay and took taxis for around $20 round trip for 3 people. The botanicials gardens was actually a little cheaper around $14 I think and yes we tipped the drivers and I am including tip in the price.

St. Georges has a lot of old buildings-there is an old church where you see them doing this bagpipe and kilt ceremony which was neat to watch. We also toured some old houses there at St. Georges.

Also Jesse James tours is in Hamilton and they offer great snorkling tours-they weren't really any cheaper then through the ship but it was a more fun snorkle tour-they took you to 2 shipwrecks and the fish were alsome my hubby said. the ship did not offer that.

I feel there is a market for both and lets face it-if you are not into the nightlife at Hamilton and St. Georges (we weren't we stayed on ship then except for around an hour when we went to a little festival in Hamilton) you can take the ferry and still do the Jesse James tour. In fact my hubby took the tour the day our ship moved from Hamilton-he simply took the ferry to the dock yard after his snorkling tour.
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We all had a great time on our cruise........we would never let that interfere as we work hard and only have so many days for fun....
however.....carnival did not give us what we paid for.....that is the end line. I cannot believe that they dont care what all these people think.....they will certainly lose in the long run!!!!!

This ship in particular was not in the greatest condition.....that is fact. It was soiled in so many places. I am not use to that .....I have only been on mint condition ships. I was ver surprised and disappointed.....Give us a break we lost a lot of money. Maybe you pay low rates, but I did not and I am very upset...:(
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We get it.

Now, more importantly, have you booked your next cruise? Are you going to go to another line? Are you going to shop around? Are you trying Carnival again? Are you going to try to get to the ports you seem to be so destined to see?
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I too think that this is awful and I do sympathize. And if things like this continue to happen, Carnival will more than likely see some decrease in revenue. That being said, all of these companies have pretty rock solid contract terms and we should all be aware of them prior to booking any cruise. They CTA pretty well... still sad, but they even cover themselves for quarantining someone when they are sick... It stinks, but definitely make your anger known.... it may or may not help, but saying nothing surely won't help.

9. (a) The Vessel shall be entitled to leave and enter ports with or without pilots or tugs, to tow and assist other vessels in any circumstances, to return to or enter any port at the Master's discretion and for any purpose and to deviate in any direction or for any purpose from the direct or usual course, and to omit or change any or all port calls, arrival or departure times, with or without notice, for any reason whatsoever, including but not limited to safety, security, adverse weather, strikes, tides, hostilities, emergency debarkations of Guests or crew, or late air, sea, car or motor coach departures or arrivals, all such deviations being considered as forming part of and included in the proposed voyage. Carnival shall have no liability for any compensation or other damages in such circumstances.

18. If the performance of the proposed voyage is hindered or prevented (or in the opinion of Carnival or the Master is likely to be hindered or prevented) by war, hostilities, blockage, ice, labor conflicts, strikes on board or ashore, restraint of Princes, Rulers or People, seizure under legal process, breakdown of the Vessel, congestion, docking difficulties or any other cause whatsoever or if Carnival or the Master considers that for any reason whatsoever, proceeding to, attempting to enter, or entering or remaining at the port of Guest's destination may expose the Vessel to risk or loss or damage or be likely to delay her, the Guest and his baggage may be landed at the port of embarkation or at any port or place at which the Vessel may call, at which time the responsibility of Carnival shall cease and this contract shall be deemed to have been fully performed, or if the Guest has not embarked, Carnival may cancel the proposed voyage without liability to refund passage money or fares paid in advance.
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[quote name='OhioBeachBum']You sound like another one of those folks who decided to try slumming it on Carnival..........As for not cruising Carnival again, all I can say is "thank you". Not having folks like you on my next Carnival cruise will make it that much better![/QUOTE]
A personal attack? Because you don't agree? Kinda low to me.

HOST? HOST? You out there? LMAO Dolly :)
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Why would you comment like you are. We paid to go to the Caribbean and we did not go there. I am not destined for anything except death.......
I think you are just on here trying to start trouble.:rolleyes:
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[quote name='jdinrvc2']I have to be honest here. I have to totally agree with Truettdc.

OhioBeachBum: a) stop being a mean grump with your unnecessary and unwarranted nasty comments and b) I wonder how you would feel if your "mechanical problem" happened while you were flying to your next vacation destination. I mean according to you, mechanical problems are typical and okay. ;)

I guess I should be adhereing to the "don't reason with an unreasonable person" mantra, but I will try once again.

This was not an act of god. This was not a hurricane. (repeat after me) :eek:

This was a cruise ship owned by Carnival that passengers paid lots of money for and it therefore it is Carnival's responsibility when their products break down.

I mean you are defending this business like you own it. It is a business. They provide a service and get well paid for it (or else they wouldn't keep doing it -duh.) When they don't provide the service, they should refund some money. It is very simple.

Further, I haven't seen anyone bash Carnival on this thread. We are just individuals that are upset by the situation (the situation, by the way, that Carnival put us in.)

By the way, OhioBeachBum, although it will likely ruin your fantasies tonight, most of us 8/11/04 Legend passengers managed to have great time DESPITE the major obstacles thrown in our way. :D

I certainly hope that this revelation does not wreck your entire evening.

"Ship happens," but I'm sure we (most of us that is) will all have sweet dreams tonight.

love and kisses,


First, let me say that I'm GLAD that you and most of the other Legend passengers did have a great time DESPITE the problems. However, I was only replying to Truettdc's post and didn't mention any of the other passengers.

Second, I never said that mechanical problems were "typical and okay". What I did say is that mechanical problems happen and you need to be prepared for and aware of the consequences of such problems. I also said that if you read the terms of the ticket, Carnival (and every other cruise line) has the right to make whatever changes they deem necessary to the itinerary - up to and including cancelling the entire cruise. The circumstances can be weather, mechanical, etc.

Also, as you point out, Carnival is a business (and I'm not Bob Dickinson - but thanks for the compliment). Although Carnival didn't provide the EXACT service (i.e. itinerary) that everyone was expecting, they did provide a service (food, lodging, trip to Bermuda, entertainment, etc.). For the inconvenience, Carnival DID refund money AND anyone who wanted to could take them up on their guarantee and go home. Technically, going by the terms of the ticket, Carnival didn't have to refund any money. You can't blame Carnival if people chose not to take them up on the guarantee and stay on the ship and make THEMSELVES miserable. I don't think Carnival employs psychic ship's engineers who can predict whenever a mechanical problem is going to happen.

As for the "bashing" of Carnival, once again, I was only referencing Truettdc's comment regarding the "cheap cruises" going to King's Wharf. That sounds like bashing to me (and also uninformed).

So just to reiterate my two main points in all this (because I'll be incorrectly quoted later on),

1) If you can't accept the possibility that the cruise line may have to change the itinerary (for whatever reason) per the terms of the ticket - DON'T CRUISE.

2) If you go into a situation (any situation) expecting problems (i.e. a "cheap cruise"), you WILL have problems.

I hope that wasn't too mean or grumpy but sometimes the truth hurts.
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I can't help but give more input since "I" was a passenger on the Legend Cruise.
The whole reason for writing any comments/complaints so it can help other cruisers. I believe what happened can happen to anyone on any cruise but how the cruise lines respond is my main concern.

I feel that Carnival knew only a short time after leaving the port that there was a problem. Why not turn back and give people a choice to go home or go to Bermuda? Why, they would lose money! Not [b]all[/b] passengers but [b]some[/b] may have went home. Not go to Bermuda and FLY home as Carnival states in their guarantee. By going to Bermuda they had our money and they lost nothing. No cancellations, no lose, but $150.00 per passenger which was do to us because of the port change. They probably saved in fuel costs because of going slow and only to Bermuda. What did they lose. Not their vacation as planned.

Ship happens but Carnival's customer service is not up to par.
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[quote name='Orrsome']Why would you comment like you are. We paid to go to the Caribbean and we did not go there. I am not destined for anything except death.......
I think you are just on here trying to start trouble.:rolleyes:[/QUOTE]
Sorry your cruise did not turn out as anticipated.

But I have to call you out on the above. MrPeteLI has been posting on these boards for along time and has put up many thoughtful and thought provoking posts over that time. I think it is less him here to start trouble than you.

Yes, your cruise had a large change in itinerary and granted from what I have read the passengers were not kept advised as much as they would have liked. You received $150 pp back from CCL (which if you think about it is not a reimbursement of port charges as CCL would have to pay port charges in Bermuda cancelling out the savings from the other 3 ports not visited). I am sure if you phone Carnival you will receive an additional 15% off your next cruise. Finally, comparing what CCL charges for a 4 day cruise to Bermuda vs what you paid for an 8 day cruise does not make sense. It is not a full refund but you were still able to enjoy the ship for 8 days, had 8 days of food, etc.

Hopefully your next cruise is better .
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