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Taking Food Off Ship- Legitimate Clarification

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I mentioned taking food off the ship in Mexico and was slammed with being told I was breaking the law. I was disturbed at being accused of smuggling illegal contraband (in the form of a bagel) and decimating the country's economic well being. I needed clarification and have found:


It is NOT illegal to take food off the ship and into Mexico unless it is fruit, vegetable or meat. The only questionable thing would be on the amounts, such as a large quantity for resale. Then it would just be subject to duties or confiscation if the quantity is beyond the allowed amounts.


The US Dept. of State directed me to the appropriate website with the information below.


“The [Mexican] Ministry of Agriculture prohibits the following goods since they represent a great risk for the introduction of plagues and diseases: earth, straw, padded containers of hay, straw decorations without processing; flours of animal origin; fresh, dry, canned or frozen meat and meat products, such as smoky, salted and mature sausages that have been elaborated in countries under absolute quarantine (Europe, Africa, Asia and South America). For additional information please visit the website www.sagarpa.gob.mx


The Embassy of Mexico also provided the same information as quoted above in an email. They also further elaborated by indicating that sealed or non-sealed did not matter. The only thing that may be questionable is homade foods and only because of the meat or produce ingredients.


Nicole Tolt of Carnival Cruise confirmed the information concerning the taking of food through a Mexican port (she had to check with special services dept. because she had not even heard of any prohibited items except the usual produce and meat items). She also added that whatever food that is BROUGHT onboard when embarking they prefered be sealed. It is not a law, just a policy.


My brother-in-law who worked with DEA in Austin as a Diversion Investigator with the Larado Border Patrol laughed when I asked if chips or a bagel would draw a fine if you took it over the border. He said bagel smugglers were always on their most wanted list. LOL



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After spending hours gathering this information I am now feeling childish. So, :p.

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good for you! im glad you did some homework! i get annoyed when people freak out and slam others down, and act like they know all the rules. And unfortunatly, im sure they will come on this thread aswell, but hey you did your homework! I never got the point why it was that big of a deal to take something like a bagel with you.

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Thank you for this post! I also read the original post and thought the responses were obsurd!

I ALWAYS take food of the ship in port because I have two small children that I travel with. I never know when they will need a snack and what will be available. I posted a couple days ago on the "Family Cruising" board about taking my 6 yr old out of school for a week. I was looking for constructive advice for dealing with the school board. One very bitter woman responded by pointing out my spelling and gramatical errors and stating that since my education was obviously lacking, my six yr old needed all the "scooling" he could get!

Some people on this board really need to get a life or a better hobby!

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Sorry to say there are "always" people on these boards who get great joy from putting others down.

We had a bad sewer problem on one of our cruises and when I noticed on here that ship had had such problems all season.........and told where the "no functioning toilets area" was I had a couple of people who immediately slammed me saying we had flushed FRUIT down our toilet that we didn't want to eat! Guess they sit in the bathrooms and keep an eye on us........

not having a working toilet is NOT fun, especially at night!

I finally am able to ignore the negative people on here; cruising and getting advice and getting more excited about an upcoming cruise are the benefit. I've learned AO much on the CC boards but it took me a while to learn about flamers.;)

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Thank you so much for your responses. I felt like I was being childish when my husband saw all the emails and heard me on the phone. His question was, "Is this really worth it?" My glaring response was enough for him to hold his hands up in surrender, but not before he added, as he skirted by me and out of the room, “Okay, but if you come across one of these angry cruisers at some port and they dump you overboard don't say I didn't tell you so.”

"Well that would be hypocritical because I would represent a great risk for the introduction of plagues and diseases since I am a meat product and then that would be illegal!” I yelled back.


He just laughed. But now I feel supported and vindicated. :D


I really need to get a life. I have been neglecting lesson plans for this. Now it looks like the imports and exports of Mexico and the rules that govern them will be making their way into my social studies lesson.

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Thank you for this post! I also read the original post and thought the responses were obsurd!

I ALWAYS take food of the ship in port because I have two small children that I travel with. I never know when they will need a snack and what will be available. I posted a couple days ago on the "Family Cruising" board about taking my 6 yr old out of school for a week. I was looking for constructive advice for dealing with the school board. One very bitter woman responded by pointing out my spelling and gramatical errors and stating that since my education was obviously lacking, my six yr old needed all the "scooling" he could get!

Some people on this board really need to get a life or a better hobby!


I know what you mean by needing snacks for little ones. My 5 year old isn't going to eat it just because I put it in front of him, especially something that smells or tastes weird to him. People like your responder just burn me up. I spend all day trying to teach emotionally disturbed kids that it is not okay to antagonize, lash out, make fun of, or act

superior because there is a more thoughtful way to act and then people will actually like being around them. And then you see ugly responses like the one you got and all I can think of is, "Thanks alot, you're not making teacher's lives easier by showing them your lack of social skills."


Well, obviously the lady speaks from experience. It looks like she was taken out of her etiquette class WAY too soon.


I can tell you this. If the cruise happens to be around the same time as a

religious holiday for your family, many school districts allow one day travel to where the holiday will be observed, one day travel back and one day, or days depending on the holiday without counting against your child's allowed absences.


Also when your child is sick, try to get them into the doctor's office, even a walk in clinic. Any note from a doctor or dentist will not count against their allowed absences. This will leave you more wiggle room should you need it for a cruise.


Other then that, your kiddo may just have to take the absences and try not to have too many during the rest of the year.


I'm a teacher and, gasp, I'm thinking of doing a 3 day long weekend with maybe 4 absences during the week for my kids so I can get those nice low rates on a cruise. A week is not make or break your kid.


Good luck.

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Sorry to say there are "always" people on these boards who get great joy from putting others down.

We had a bad sewer problem on one of our cruises and when I noticed on here that ship had had such problems all season.........and told where the "no functioning toilets area" was I had a couple of people who immediately slammed me saying we had flushed FRUIT down our toilet that we didn't want to eat! Guess they sit in the bathrooms and keep an eye on us........

not having a working toilet is NOT fun, especially at night!

I finally am able to ignore the negative people on here; cruising and getting advice and getting more excited about an upcoming cruise are the benefit. I've learned AO much on the CC boards but it took me a while to learn about flamers.;)


Wow clogged toilet, that stinks. In more ways then one. ;) You could say you didn't even see what happened, it must have been a drive-by fruiting.:D Thanks Robin Williams, that line is a classic.


Seriously, you are right, the support and information here is fab. You just have to learn to ignore the bitter and enjoy the sweet. I have learned so much on these boards and most people have a great sense of humor.


I think my word for the week (next week) will be "tact". What is it and what does it look like? The bitters of the boards (I like that- the BBs) do have a positive influence, lots examples for my social skills lessons in class. Bless the bitters for they have become my muse (or would that be muses? maybe meeses? What is the plural of muse?) Oh, on a quick check it is muses.

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Thank you so much for your responses. I felt like I was being childish when my husband saw all the emails and heard me on the phone. His question was, "Is this really worth it?" My glaring response was enough for him to hold his hands up in surrender, but not before he added, as he skirted by me and out of the room, “Okay, but if you come across one of these angry cruisers at some port and they dump you overboard don't say I didn't tell you so.”

"Well that would be hypocritical because I would represent a great risk for the introduction of plagues and diseases since I am a meat product and then that would be illegal!” I yelled back.


He just laughed. But now I feel supported and vindicated. :D


I really need to get a life. I have been neglecting lesson plans for this. Now it looks like the imports and exports of Mexico and the rules that govern them will be making their way into my social studies lesson.


This was hilareous (please no flamers on my spelling, I know it is poor). My husband and I just busted a gut laughing.



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Thank you for this post! I also read the original post and thought the responses were obsurd!

I ALWAYS take food of the ship in port because I have two small children that I travel with. I never know when they will need a snack and what will be available. I posted a couple days ago on the "Family Cruising" board about taking my 6 yr old out of school for a week. I was looking for constructive advice for dealing with the school board. One very bitter woman responded by pointing out my spelling and gramatical errors and stating that since my education was obviously lacking, my six yr old needed all the "scooling" he could get!

Some people on this board really need to get a life or a better hobby!



This thread is really interesting and sad some that very closed minded people bash others for their parenting choices!


We have two Children, ages 12 & 8. EVERY single year that they have been in School we have taken a Vacation or two. Many years to Disneyland in November (during school) for a week at a time, OR since the last couple years, taken a Cruise. We have always taken them out without thinking twice about missing school. We go when the time is right for my Husbands Job and when its affordable to us as a family. We have asked in ADVANCE, gotten "Pre-Arranged" absense requests taken care of, had the Teachers issue us work missed to be completed prior to returning and it has never been a problem. In fact, our School district in Las Vegas gives you (10) pre-arranged days PER SCHOOL YEAR. For times like that, when your child is NOT sick, but needs to be somewhere other than school. Those are not combined with excused illness or unplanned events such as Funerals. This is the first I have heard of any school system having a problem with it. They only time they don't appreciate your child missing school is when you don't get it Pre-Arranged. Then it becomes un-excused. They always know where we will be going, I write it on the note! The only response we ever get is "Oh man, lucky kids" Or "Have Fun!!"


How sad that people are expected to not Vacation when the time is right for their family. Not everyone can or wants to go during the HOT, overpriced, overcrowed summertime.


BTW: Our kids are not in Private school, but are apart of the Public Education with Clark County School District in Las Vegas, NV.

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That reminds me of a time when my wife and I took bagels and cream cheese off the boat on an excursion that was delayed 2 hours past lunchtime in getting back to the ship and all the other people with us were drooling at our bagels as there was not a single place to get anything to eat or drink.

We always take zip lock bags on a cruise just for such occassions.

I don't even like bagels that well but I was sure glad we had them that day.

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This thread is really interesting and sad some that very closed minded people bash others for their parenting choices!


We have two Children, ages 12 & 8. EVERY single year that they have been in School we have taken a Vacation or two. Many years to Disneyland in November (during school) for a week at a time, OR since the last couple years, taken a Cruise. We have always taken them out without thinking twice about missing school. We go when the time is right for my Husbands Job and when its affordable to us as a family. We have asked in ADVANCE, gotten "Pre-Arranged" absense requests taken care of, had the Teachers issue us work missed to be completed prior to returning and it has never been a problem. In fact, our School district in Las Vegas gives you (10) pre-arranged days PER SCHOOL YEAR. For times like that, when your child is NOT sick, but needs to be somewhere other than school. Those are not combined with excused illness or unplanned events such as Funerals. This is the first I have heard of any school system having a problem with it. They only time they don't appreciate your child missing school is when you don't get it Pre-Arranged. Then it becomes un-excused. They always know where we will be going, I write it on the note! The only response we ever get is "Oh man, lucky kids" Or "Have Fun!!"


How sad that people are expected to not Vacation when the time is right for their family. Not everyone can or wants to go during the HOT, overpriced, overcrowed summertime.


BTW: Our kids are not in Private school, but are apart of the Public Education with Clark County School District in Las Vegas, NV.


I am amazed at some of the responses (flamers) and some of the teachers and school districts. My daughter (8 years) is year round and has all of March off. I thought that was great and we could hit the Disney cruise before price increases and spring break (we were going to go the 1st week of March, 07). Come to find out that is the start of some spring breaks and a huge price increase from the last week in February.


I considered just not going, but her teacher insisted we go. She missed 5 days of school, I felt so guilty, but got only comments like "wish I could go" and "don't you dare miss a family trip for 5 days of 2nd grade" (from the principal none-the-less). It made it so much easier to go.


And this is public school. She still had to make up work and was responsible for what she missed, but they had no problem with her missing.


Luckily, the next cruise is during her break and she will only miss 1 day of school (the day back from track break, so they don't do much anyways).


I was actually surprised at the positive response I received and then more surprised by the negative responses others receive. Like my husband told me, it is not like 5 days of 2nd grade will damage her for life. No flamers please. We are very active parents in her education and believe very strongly in education, but also believe that family is a very strong part of that. I just don't see parents that bring their kids along for trips like this, not also being very conscientious about their kids education. Maybe I am way off base here, but I would think if you love your kids enough to vacation with them, you also love them enough to be involved.


No flamers, I am not saying that those who vacation without their kids are not or less involved, just saying that those who do vacation with their kids, must be involved.



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icon9.gifPlease do not take food off the ship


I just wanted to respond to the tip about taking food off the ship.

It is a big NO NO. The only food allowed off the ship is prepackaged food.

If someone has a health issue then they should plan ahead and have prepackaged food with them.

I am not trying to be rude or offend anyone it is just the law. Period.

As far as the comment about sneaking booze on board a cruise ship that is not the same thing and will not put an island in danger. It is not a law it is a rule that the cruise line put in place, taking food off the ship is a law put in place by the country/island officals.


This was my response to your initial post regarding money saving tips. I do not feel that I was rude or slammed you personally. As you can see I mentioned "prepackaged food". That would include bagels, chips, crackers, cream cheese, candy, gum, cookies and so on. So please if you are going to generalize make sure to point out that there were posts that weren't nasty or meant to slam you personally. Thanks.

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I appreciate your hard work. As a researcher myself, I always feel more comfortable with the facts. But having been unable to get the English version on you link from the Mexican Department of Ag, it looks like straw, flour of animal origin???, and meats from certain countries, doesn't it? I didn't even see fruit.

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  • 2 weeks later...
icon9.gifPlease do not take food off the ship


I just wanted to respond to the tip about taking food off the ship.

It is a big NO NO. The only food allowed off the ship is prepackaged food.

If someone has a health issue then they should plan ahead and have prepackaged food with them.

I am not trying to be rude or offend anyone it is just the law. Period.

As far as the comment about sneaking booze on board a cruise ship that is not the same thing and will not put an island in danger. It is not a law it is a rule that the cruise line put in place' date=' taking food off the ship is a law put in place by the country/island officals.[/color']


This was my response to your initial post regarding money saving tips. I do not feel that I was rude or slammed you personally. As you can see I mentioned "prepackaged food". That would include bagels, chips, crackers, cream cheese, candy, gum, cookies and so on. So please if you are going to generalize make sure to point out that there were posts that weren't nasty or meant to slam you personally. Thanks.


I agree....


In the original post, statements were made about lugging fruit, taking zip lock bags to pack food from the deli, and other "money saving things she had learned" for cruising. The idea of one bagel being in question was not what was posted.


The OP was asked to not give incorrect information. And the above information is for Mexico, not all cruise ports or destinations. Please check before you plan to take food off of a ship.

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Thank you for this post! I also read the original post and thought the responses were absurd!

I ALWAYS take food of the ship in port because I have two small children that I travel with. I never know when they will need a snack and what will be available. I posted a couple days ago on the "Family Cruising" board about taking my 6 yr old out of school for a week. I was looking for constructive advice for dealing with the school board. One very bitter woman responded by pointing out my spelling and grammatical errors and stating that since my education was obviously lacking, my six yr old needed all the "scooling" he could get!

Some people on this board really need to get a life or a better hobby!


To tell you the truth if the schools in your state are as bad as they are in my state they will not be missing a thing. I also think that you can make their cruise/travel very education for your child. We took our grandchildren on a cruise last winter and we and their parents agreed that they would each keep a journal of something new that they each had learned that day. Before they left they printed out a map that showed from where they lived to where we were going and all of the island we would be stopping at. (my grandson was 6 and granddaughter was 8) They looked up each country to find out the language they spoke, money used, etc., etc. We all helped them learn to say hello and goodbye in the language in the language of the country, etc.


Maybe this would give you a few ideas. I think your son will learn a lot more on a weeks vacation/cruise than he would probably learn in school that week. I would handle it by writing to the teacher to state where you are going and what plans you have already made to make it education. Ask is there is any "work" that your child can take with him. Perhaps when you child returns to school he can give an oral report to the class on what he learned on his cruise.

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I mentioned taking food off the ship in Mexico and was slammed with being told I was breaking the law. I was disturbed at being accused of smuggling illegal contraband (in the form of a bagel) and decimating the country's economic well being. I needed clarification and have found:


It is NOT illegal to take food off the ship and into Mexico unless it is fruit, vegetable or meat. The only questionable thing would be on the amounts, such as a large quantity for resale. Then it would just be subject to duties or confiscation if the quantity is beyond the allowed amounts.


The US Dept. of State directed me to the appropriate website with the information below.


“The [Mexican] Ministry of Agriculture prohibits the following goods since they represent a great risk for the introduction of plagues and diseases: earth, straw, padded containers of hay, straw decorations without processing; flours of animal origin; fresh, dry, canned or frozen meat and meat products, such as smoky, salted and mature sausages that have been elaborated in countries under absolute quarantine (Europe, Africa, Asia and South America). For additional information please visit the website www.sagarpa.gob.mx


The Embassy of Mexico also provided the same information as quoted above in an email. They also further elaborated by indicating that sealed or non-sealed did not matter. The only thing that may be questionable is homade foods and only because of the meat or produce ingredients.


Nicole Tolt of Carnival Cruise confirmed the information concerning the taking of food through a Mexican port (she had to check with special services dept. because she had not even heard of any prohibited items except the usual produce and meat items). She also added that whatever food that is BROUGHT onboard when embarking they prefered be sealed. It is not a law, just a policy.


My brother-in-law who worked with DEA in Austin as a Diversion Investigator with the Larado Border Patrol laughed when I asked if chips or a bagel would draw a fine if you took it over the border. He said bagel smugglers were always on their most wanted list. LOL



Links below:





After spending hours gathering this information I am now feeling childish. So, :p.

Why don't you post this in the other thread rather than not let us know what you found out. Maybe it will stop the slamming to continue.



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I agree....


In the original post, statements were made about lugging fruit, taking zip lock bags to pack food from the deli, and other "money saving things she had learned" for cruising. The idea of one bagel being in question was not what was posted.


The OP was asked to not give incorrect information. And the above information is for Mexico, not all cruise ports or destinations. Please check before you plan to take food off of a ship.


The bagels on the ship aren't "prepackaged" and that was what she was told that she could only take.


I agree, check and see what is and isn't allowed to be taken off ship.

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The bagels on the ship aren't "prepackaged" and that was what she was told that she could only take.


I agree, check and see what is and isn't allowed to be taken off ship.


To clarify... the flour is prepared when it is baked. Thus making a bagel a prepackaged item. That would also include crackers, cookies, candy, gum, bread, mashed potatoes...get it?

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To clarify... the flour is prepared when it is baked. Thus making a bagel a prepackaged item. That would also include crackers' date=' cookies, candy, gum, bread, mashed potatoes...get it?[/quote']



Oh I "get it"....:rolleyes: :D


And if a ham is pre cooked or "prepared" as you call it that would be prepackaged.:p

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Just make sure you know the regulations for the port you are in before taking any food of the ship....


I just spoke with my parents. They are docked in New Zealand and this morning the authorities boarded their shore excursion bus with dogs to sniff for any food products passengers might have with them (often used in US airports to find agricultural products in luggage arriving from other countries). One of the dogs sniffed their friend's purse and sat down. Her purse was searched and she was cleared since there was no food in it (she had a package of cookies in the purse a few days ago and that is what they picked up). Obviously, some locations take the idea of taking food off the ship more seriously than others.

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on the ncl pearl 9-16...never saw any signs anywhere or at any point that said anything about food being taken off board. nor was it ever mentioned in any context. we didn't- ate on ship before and after... but never saw anything saying not too. sure makes sense though.:p

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