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Is it just me???

Little Miss

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Actually, doing a search for a subject and posting a link is really a very nice thing to do. It shows that the person is trying to help. But of course sometimes, if it's a very old thread, the info could be outdated like I said in my earlier post.


But help is help in many forms. Ignoring a question would be much less helpful:D .

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I posted just last week " been there/done that" when someone posted another link to the story about selling art on cruise lines. I provided the link to the other thread. Perhaps the OP of the second thread might have benefitted from reading all the previous vents. Or maybe others wanted to vent some more. Does it really matter?


We often see multiple references to the "dead horse" on hot topic buttons. Someone comes to the board to learn about, for example, the smoking policies. Responding to the question with facts, is the easy part.


247 posts later when everyone so inclined has had their say about how they feel about the topic, whatever the topic is and after it gets personal and nasty, the hosts eventually shut it down.


Those who post links are often the first responders who genuinely and consistently try to help those with questions.

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I'm glad you brought this up and I totally understand why you went incognito. By far the great majority of posters are helpful, but there are a very few that are sometimes snarky and insulting. I, too, don't understand why people don't just ignore a thread they find repetitive. Why not just move on instead of take the time to try to diminish someone?

Personally, I have no problem with offering links, though, especially when offered in a helpful way.

Sometimes this board seems like high school.

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In many instances when a new poster asks an "old hat" question it is obvious that the questioner has spent very little time or effort reading what has been posted before ... particularly when the question was asked and thoroughly answered very recently. So why should we spend our time and effort to repeat it all? In that case, I feel a link to the recent thread is by far the best way to answer the question.


I was not aware that a requirement for posting a question on this board was that a new poster spend considerable time and effort doing research before asking:rolleyes: . New posters are full of excitement over their cruise & often post their questions in the heat of that excitement. If you can't enjoy their anticipation and be helpful pleasantly - why reply at all? There are plenty of others who are happy to do so. Then you can "spend your time" on other pursuits and everyone will be happy:) . It's not the links that bother us - it's the attitude.

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Actually, doing a search for a subject and posting a link is really a very nice thing to do. It shows that the person is trying to help. But of course sometimes, if it's a very old thread, the info could be outdated like I said in my earlier post.


But help is help in many forms. Ignoring a question would be much less helpful:D .


Thank you. I have always felt that way too. Doing the search and posting the link does show the person is trying to help.

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Maybe I'm not that observant and I'm not on here as much as some but I don't remember seeing many posts where people are rude or obnoxious to someone with a question that has been asked many times before. Links to other threads? Yes, for sure, and I think those links are very helpful and informative. It seems a little oversensitive to think posting a link is rude and I just don't see many nasty comments when someone asks a question. :confused:

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Before I start feeling too guilty, I should add that I am posting "igcognito" today! I have been posting for a couple of years and have got to know some of (not personally) the regular posters on the boards. But I don't feel I can post under my usual screen name as I feel I would be hounded out. ... And my mother told me never to lie.


[/b] ... From the guidelines:

One Account Per Person

You are permitted a maximum of one account, active or inactive. If you choose to ignore this important restriction with the intention of deceiving our members, all your accounts will be disabled. ...


I'm glad Host Walt evidently decided to leave this thread up, despite Little Miss's use of a temporary pseudonym, because she made it clear she wasn't doing it "with the intention of deceiving" anyone. So I don't think she was breaking the rules.


I think this is a useful thread. I may have been at fault myself on the point Little Miss raises, and if so, I sincerely apologize. I do try to search for prior answers and post links to existing threads, because I think it's more useful to everyone - not just the poster of the redundant thread - if all posts on a topic are in the same thread, so people don't have to read or reply to several threads in order to get on top of all the available information and opinions.


I agree, however, that it is out of line to be rude about it, or criticize - even implicitly - someone for starting a duplicate thread. References to past threads can be given politely and supportively, along with a brief summary in case the OP doesn't want to go back and read the entire other thread. When there are two or more active threads on the same topic, the alert button can be used to ask the CC hosts to consolidate the threads. This is a much more constructive response to the problem.


Little Miss, thank you for bringing this up. I hope the responses you have received have given you a more positive "feel" for the posters on this board.

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As opposed to an inanimate, algorithm driven search engine, message boards (BBS) are communities with real people who have personalities (sometimes it seems like multiple personalities, I know :) ) and sometimes find themselves posting after a bad day or a couple drinks. Kinda like life.

Posting links to appropriate threads is helpful and kind; only rude if it's preceded by "OK nimrod, don't know how you missed THIS one but here ya go!" I have to agree with bookworm; outright rudeness is all but unknown. My first two questions here back in 2004 were never answered (one of them should have been the original 'thread drift' thread!). I would have loved a link!

Does anyone else think maybe we need more stickys/FAQs?



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I don't think the objection was so much to the posting of links as to the tone of the language used in the post. Links are fine - it's how the poster presents it.
I've found that sometimes folks will read whatever tone they wish into whatever is posted, regardless of the tone intended, based instead on their feelings regarding the content of the message. Trying to read intent into online messages is a unpredictable endeavor.
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Does anyone else think maybe we need more stickys/FAQs?
Not really. If I'm not inclined to scan/search for the info I'm interested in then I'm probably not going to pay attention to those stickys. And some new members might not even know what a sticky is.


Trying to read intent into online messages is a unpredictable endeavor.

Very true.
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I think that Little Miss has a valid point. It may be useful to some folks to have links posted, but it is my personal preference to ask specific questions and hope that one or two people might give me an answer. Sometimes I just don't have time to wade through several threads with a myriad of posts to glean the bit of information I am seeking.


In my opinion what you are saying is, that you have neither the time nor the inclination to find out what has been posted before..That isn't fair to the rest of the Posters & to me does not show respect for Posters who have taken their time to post answers on this board..It also does not go according to CC rules which state:



Please Browse BEFORE You Post Browse a topic first to see if your question has already been asked or answered by someone else. Also, many of the major cruise lines forums have a FAQ (Frequently Asked Question) topic that has been created by our members. Give that a try first. Browsing is your #1 best resource! Please post your messages in an appropriate topic so that you'll receive the best possible response. It is very time consuming to move misplaced messages that are in the wrong topics.


Why is it OK to follow some rules & ignore others..Or is it that many people have not thoroughly read CC rules....


We all sometimes have time restraints...However, if I need to have a question answered, I'll try to go by the Cruise Critic rules which ask that you use the search function..Then If I can't find the answer, I'll say so..



O2B@C...I agree with you however, if the same topic is on the same page I might either point this out to the poster or report it to the Host...

Would never say "been there done that"...I'll try to answer the question & then might also post a link to the topic that may have recently been thoroughly discussed... Or I will just ignore the thread & go on to another one..


It never bothers me to discuss the same thing over & over, as I may discover something new & another completely different opinion...


JMO...Cheers :) Betty

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What were they? Maybe we can get you a response with a three year delay;)

LOL! Thanks John! My subsequent cruises rendered them OBE.

In retrospect, the "replies" to my question about the movies shown onboard were hilarious, but at the time I was not amused. I did learn about reheating popcorn, that one poster always watched "An Affair to Remember" before cruising, and that another poster had actually met someone who had been on the Titanic.:rolleyes:



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I'm glad you brought this up and I totally understand why you went incognito. By far the great majority of posters are helpful, but there are a very few that are sometimes snarky and insulting. I, too, don't understand why people don't just ignore a thread they find repetitive. Why not just move on instead of take the time to try to diminish someone?


Personally, I have no problem with offering links, though, especially when offered in a helpful way.


Sometimes this board seems like high school.


It definitely gets like High School, I agree... but even more so, in my mind when folks can't just state how they feel and claim as a result of that, they must end up posting "incognito" rather than maturely stating a gripe. :confused: Not a criticism of the poster, just wondering...


That is the part of this thread I object to, as we're all adults here - or should be anyway (I think you have to be 18 to post). :)


I've started threads similar to this many times... and I'm still here. I think the folks on this board are generally pretty forgiving over a misunderstanding - and if they aren't, they were never destined to become a "friend" anyway...:)

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I've found that sometimes folks will read whatever tone they wish into whatever is posted, regardless of the tone intended, based instead on their feelings regarding the content of the message. Trying to read intent into online messages is a unpredictable endeavor.


There are many times when getting someone's "tone" is almost impossible on message boards. That is why a proper use of smilies can be very helpful.


For example, some people come off funny to me all the time - as I sort of "get" their humor. Others come off preachy and condescending. Often times, I go back and read my own posts and think, "that really didn't come across the way I intended". :) Just a thought.

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For example, some people come off funny to me all the time - as I sort of "get" their humor. Others come off preachy and condescending. Often times, I go back and read my own posts and think, "that really didn't come across the way I intended". :) Just a thought.


I hear you loud and clear, Laura. Some posters we get and others, not. It's real life.


In the end, I have no control over anyone else, no idea what kind of day they had, what is going on in their world, so all I can do is control my reaction and not take anything personally.

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Should we not provide links to previous threads as a method of helping respond to a question?


I think that providing links to previous threads is very useful in particular when talking about facts, because I wouldn't want to risk getting facts wrong.


I have seen several topics covered more than once in my short time on these boards, occasionally even on the same page. Sometimes I read one thread, sometimes more than one; but I have never once thought, "Geez, here we go again", let alone felt the need to post such a comment. If I don't want to read about the topic, whether due to repetitiveness or simply being not interested, I skip over it and move on with my day.

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There are many times when getting someone's "tone" is almost impossible on message boards. That is why a proper use of smilies can be very helpful.


For example, some people come off funny to me all the time - as I sort of "get" their humor. Others come off preachy and condescending. Often times, I go back and read my own posts and think, "that really didn't come across the way I intended". :) Just a thought.


From our guidelines, "As much as we'd like to, [we can't] delete messages for you, extend spell-check services or rescue you from a momentary lapse in good judgment!


ekerr's comment, "Often times, I go back and read my own posts and think, "that really didn't come across the way I intended" is all too true. It's always a very good idea to read a post twice before clicking the submit button, then see how it looks immediately after it's posted.


Two reasons for the "post review." First, someone may have posted a reply since the last time you read the thread so you may starting an unintentional argument, and second, you have time to edit your post if your smiley doesn't soften the comment as much as you thought.

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.............. But hey, I bet I'm not the first one, and I came clean about it. Anyone with more than one email address can do it and I bet loads have. I didn't want to deceive anyone, just wanted to get the point across without name calling (both ways). ...........!


I don't think anyone said you "can't" do it, it's just against CC's guidelines. And I really hope you're wrong that "loads" do it. So many of us have let our personalities come through on this board and that's part of the fun. We hide so much behind these keyoards, why make it worse by adding more personalities?


When you have 2 different accounts, it is the server CC can block if they choose, not just your email or sign-in name. So even if someone decides to be secretive (which I know you weren't:) ) it's not a good idea because you jeopardize the privilege of posting here.

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I have noticed this more on the HAL boards than anywhere else, it is my opinion but I just wondered if anyone else has noticed this.....


If someone posts on the same old topics of tips, cabins, dress code, food, etc etc etc, nearly always you will get someone saying - "oh yeah, this has been debated to death", or "here we go again", or "same old, same old" or even worse - "this was debated last week - here is a link to that thread":eek: .


Not every topic has been discussed in such a way as to give a poster exactly the information he/she is after, and even if it has, what is the problem? There are new posters here every day and they may just want to join in! No doubt everything has been discussed in some way on these boards over the years, so yes, we could all do a search and no doubt find out the information we need - but then what?? That would be the death of Cruise Critic as there would be no new threads. Is that what people want? There is a limit to how many questions you can ask about cruising after all!


If a new poster asks a question, can you please refrain from the embarrassing "been there, done that, don't want to discuss it again" type answer. If you don't want to join in, then just leave the thread alone and let the ones who want to join in and discuss, do so.


It does seem to be a minority that want to comment on every single thread - but they are consistent offenders and mostly have over 5,000 posts (and probably know who they are). But that doesn't mean you own Cruise Critic! Everyone is entitled to post here so please don't criticise if you see duplicate questions.


Just my opinion, agree or not but I now find myself avoiding the HAL boards as it annoys the hell out of me. Anyone else with me on this??


Little Miss


Hi Little Miss: I back you 1000%! It happens so many times that the "know-it alls" drag the dead cat around one more time. These first time HAL Cruisers are asking a legitimate question and most likely this is their first time on the HAL CC Board! I wish those people would lighten up!


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In the end, I have no control over anyone else, no idea what kind of day they had, what is going on in their world, so all I can do is control my reaction and not take anything personally.
This is really the best perspective I can imagine for interacting online. You're the best, Hammy. :)
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Not every topic has been discussed in such a way as to give a poster exactly the information he/she is after, and even if it has, what is the problem? There are new posters here every day and they may just want to join in! No doubt everything has been discussed in some way on these boards over the years, so yes, we could all do a search and no doubt find out the information we need - but then what?? That would be the death of Cruise Critic as there would be no new threads. Is that what people want? There is a limit to how many questions you can ask about cruising after all!


I agree. And who wants Cruise Critic to die? As no doubt it would eventually, if everyone stopped posting those questions that have been answered before. Perhaps we should all just do a search, I'm sure we would find the answer here somewhere, and hey presto, end of CC.

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