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Is it just me???

Little Miss

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I have noticed this more on the HAL boards than anywhere else, it is my opinion but I just wondered if anyone else has noticed this.....


If someone posts on the same old topics of tips, cabins, dress code, food, etc etc etc, nearly always you will get someone saying - "oh yeah, this has been debated to death", or "here we go again", or "same old, same old" or even worse - "this was debated last week - here is a link to that thread":eek: .Little Miss


......when that happens.......just post.......Well excuuuuuuuuuuse me...........:D

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How do you do Addict and/or Little Miss. I am very glad to meet you in both your personas. You said something that needed to be said - and you said it very well. Whatever transpires on this thread from here on in doesn't really matter.




Thanks Golfette. It is a shame that a lot of people picked up on the "link" part and didn't really get the rest. It isn't about the links - it is about the way it is done, also (and more importantly) the way SOME people are just downright rude in their answers.


I have a friend (who shall remain nameless) who posted their text in a very pretty colour - well, you should have seen the reply on THAT one because the reader was a little sight challenged and found it hard to read (and before I get any comments on that one, I have a daughter that is registered partially sighted, so that is not a slur)! Everything can be said nicely, just that some people choose not to!


And isn't if funny how some posters seem to have disappeared since I revealed myself and I am not who they thought?


Oh, by the way Freedom 55 and RuthC - behave yourselves.:D



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There are some really entertaining threads on the old HAL board lately!:D Please keep it up!


......when that happens.......just post.......Well excuuuuuuuuuuse me...........:D


Well you gave me a laugh this morning! Thanks.


I would love to meet SOME of you onboard one of these days.


HeatherInFlorida, I meant the "roll eyes" smiley - well you can't see the eyebrows!!:)

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It is a shame that a lot of people picked up on the "link" part and didn't really get the rest. It isn't about the links - it is about the way it is done, also (and more importantly) the way SOME people are just downright rude in their answers.




I noticed the same thing Sue. It's like they just picked up on the word "link" and ran with it, ignoring the root of the problem.



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I must say that I just signed on to the roll call for my upcoming sailing and the people on there are like a breath of fresh air. When I was reading through it I was thinking to myself "is this Cruise Critic?" because the people on that roll call seem very genuine and there is definitely no attitude there.


I guess the difference is that these people are concentrated on their upcoming cruises, unlike the rest of us who are just remembering cruises gone by!:D


I have a friend (who shall remain nameless) who posted their text in a very pretty colour - well, you should have seen the reply on THAT one because the reader was a little sight challenged and found it hard to read (and before I get any comments on that one, I have a daughter that is registered partially sighted, so that is not a slur)! Everything can be said nicely, just that some people choose not to!


I remember that post, and I thought the reaction was a bit harsh as well.


Enjoy your cruising

Frankie in Toronto


If I'm being to nosy, please ignore me and I won't be offended, but I have to ask - were you on the Statendam back in April?

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And isn't if funny how some posters seem to have disappeared since I revealed myself and I am not who they thought?





Sue -


Some of said what we had to say and subsequently got no response, so what would be the point of furthing this whole thing? For me, it is simply foolish to keep rehashing what was "done (said)" and by "whom" (nameless of course) when it serves no point except to "out" the deficiencies in "other" "nameless" posters who have seemingly "wronged" others in past.


Jusy MY observation. :)


ETA: An explanation why I think many people walked away from this.

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ekerr19 - Forgive me if I did not respond to your previous post, I do agree with what you said about posts sometimes being misinterpreted. I did not ignore your post but did not think a reply was needed.


Some of the other posts I thought were better left alone, rather than responding!! Oh, did I say that before, around about post one? :D I could have made some comments but I believe others have done that for me and themselves.;)


OK, I'm done! I will now go back to the fantastic group of people on my roll call and look forward to our Xmas cruise aboard the beautiful (so I am told) Noordam.


If anyone has any tips or little known facts about the Noordam I would love to hear them. Any out of the way places to hide from all the kids on a Xmas/New Year cruise?:)



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If anyone has any tips or little known facts about the Noordam I would love to hear them. Any out of the way places to hide from all the kids on a Xmas/New Year cruise?:)





Sue, I really think you will love the Noordam, she really is beautiful and her crew just puts a grin on my face. I only wish I had the time and the money to cruise frequently and I would spend the time between her and the Oosterdam. But you asked about a way to hide from the kids. My personal feeling is your thoughts about what will transpire on a cruise can be made a reality, if you think that kids are going to be a problem and already have preconceived belief then guess what that is going to happen. I am a firm believer that most cruisers terrible time has been predetermined my their own minds, unfortunately this board does not help. It can conjure up all kinds of bad thoughts and preconceived ideas. My advice to enjoy this cruise without the problem of a lot of kids is to not hang out where the kids will mostly be. Yes that most likely means the Lido pool. But there are so many lovely quiet places to be on the ship. Most days the kids are busy with Club HAL but many will be running around the Lido. My advice is to enjoy the Dining Room for lunch or possibly even the Pinnacle. You will surely have kid free evenings relaxing in the Ocean Bar or Crow's Nest. Go, ENJOY and don't worry about the small things. You might actually find that the smiles of the Children with the excitement of Christmas may brings back some happy thoughts of years gone by and make this a very special Holiday. :)

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ekerr19 - Forgive me if I did not respond to your previous post, I do agree with what you said about posts sometimes being misinterpreted. I did not ignore your post but did not think a reply was needed.


If anyone has any tips or little known facts about the Noordam I would love to hear them. Any out of the way places to hide from all the kids on a Xmas/New Year cruise?:)




No problem. :) I guess it sort of works both ways, don't you think? Newbies have been complaining about being "ignored", but maybe many posters not think a "reply was needed". :) As a rule, I try and address every post which is directed to me, if only out of courtesy. I miss a couple every now and again, I'm sure, but I do try.


The Noordam is a gorgeous ship - my favorite. You can't go wrong booking a Holiday sailing aboard her - she will be decked out nicely, I'm sure. There are lots of places to avoid a crowd, we prefer the Aft pool area rather than Lido pool area as it doesn't seem as crowded - maybe because they allowing smoking in certain areas, also the Crow's Nest is nice (unless there is an Art auction or activity scheduled), I'm sure you'll have no trouble avoiding masses of kids. :) Enjoy!

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And isn't if funny how some posters seem to have disappeared since I revealed myself and I am not who they thought?





I originally made the point about the links and that was what I had to contribute to the conversation. Just because I did not speak of anything else does not mean I did not 'get it'. I did not disappear, I simply had no more to say on the subject. I read every post in this thread. I agreed with many; I disagreed with some. I don't think we have to always offer our opinion to every part of a thread just because we participate in some portions of it.


I had no more I wished to contribute so I continued reading and chose to say no more........until now. :)


I 'get it'. I know what OP (and others') message is. In some way it bothers me. In other ways, I agree. As someone who has been around here a long time, I truthfully feel that I have shared a lot of useful information. I think I have helped new and experienced cruisers/posters. I've participated in lots of fun and made friends.....and lost a few, as well and that is very okay.


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No problem. :) I guess it sort of works both ways, don't you think? Newbies have been complaining about being "ignored", but maybe many posters don't think a "reply was needed". :) As a rule, I try and address every post which is directed to me, if only out of courtesy. I miss a couple every now and again, I'm sure, but I do try.


The Noordam is a gorgeous ship - my favorite. You can't go wrong booking a Holiday sailing aboard her - she will be decked out nicely, I'm sure. There are lots of places to avoid a crowd, we prefer the Aft pool area rather than Lido pool area as it doesn't seem as crowded - maybe because they allowing smoking in certain areas, also the Crow's Nest is nice (unless there is an Art auction or activity scheduled), I'm sure you'll have no trouble avoiding masses of kids. :) Enjoy!


ETA: correct spelling

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I have a friend (who shall remain nameless) who posted their text in a very pretty colour - well, you should have seen the reply on THAT one because the reader was a little sight challenged and found it hard to read (and before I get any comments on that one, I have a daughter that is registered partially sighted, so that is not a slur)!
If you mean the person that posted everything in pink, I found that so difficult to read that I just skipped all of her posts, but said nothing. When someone else asked her to change it, and she did, I thanked her. BTW, I also skip all posts that are entirely in RED.
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If you mean the person that posted everything in pink, I found that so difficult to read that I just skipped all of her posts, but said nothing. When someone else asked her to change it, and she did, I thanked her. BTW, I also skip all posts that are entirely in RED.


I did too John. I also recall the thread - so what was the poster supposed to do? Say nothing? The end result would be that the pink poster is seemingly ignored.


Pretty colors and fancy fonts are great for adding a personal touch, but the fact is they can be hard on some people's eyesight.


This is sort of what I was referring to above - rehashing all the old threads where someone felt slighted... to me, it's sort of like the pot calling the kettle black. Aren't some of these references exactly the type of behavior many here are objecting to in the first place????

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Oh dear, this is now going from bad to worse. I was using that as an example I thought no one would remember. jtl513, yes YOU were pleasant about it, but the first response could have been phrased slightly better (in my opinion) - it wasn't even aimed at me but I did think "ouch" at the time. Seems you have to be REALLY careful what you say on here!!:D


Lisa, the kids thing was a joke - I thought the smiley face would convey that? What other one should I have used? I love kids, they're scrumptious and I could eat a dozen easily. Babies bottoms are the best. Fresh out of the bath...:D


If I really wanted to avoid kids, I certainly wouldn't be cruising Xmas and New Year:eek: .

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............HeatherInFlorida, I meant the "roll eyes" smiley - well you can't see the eyebrows!!:)


Okay! The "sarcastic" one. I was afraid you meant the "embarassment" one which I use a lot and wouldn't want anyone to misinterpret its meaning.


As for the pastel colored posts, I can't read them either. And I'm not challenged at all vision-wise. There are several colors, fonts, size, that are difficult to read and I skip them.


Some people type capitals at the beginning of every word. I never understand that because it's hard to do and difficult to read. Some put their entire post into one paragraph and that's hard to read, too.


And somewhere along the way there was a thread where we learned that everyone sees these posts differently. Tiny print for one is large for another. So it's very possible for a post to be ignored just because of its readability.


And that's difficult to tackle .... if you say something people think you're criticizing them. If you say nothing, people think you're being rude. So what to do???????????????:confused: It's a no win.:)

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Okay! The "sarcastic" one. I was afraid you meant the "embarassment" one which I use a lot and wouldn't want anyone to misinterpret its meaning.


As for the pastel colored posts, I can't read them either. And I'm not challenged at all vision-wise. There are several colors, fonts, size, that are difficult to read and I skip them.


Some people type capitals at the beginning of every word. I never understand that because it's hard to do and difficult to read. Some put their entire post into one paragraph and that's hard to read, too.


And somewhere along the way there was a thread where we learned that everyone sees these posts differently. Tiny print for one is large for another. So it's very possible for a post to be ignored just because of its readability.


And that's difficult to tackle .... if you say something people think you're criticizing them. If you say nothing, people think you're being rude. So what to do???????????????:confused: It's a no win.:)


Heather I do really agree with everything you say (but I really am going round in circles now) there is a way to say something and be pleasant, or not - and the "or not" is what bothers me.



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......when that happens.......just post.......Well excuuuuuuuuuuse me...........:D


Now that's funny. If they had a belly laugh icon, I would have used it for this one. These baords are great (sharkiness aside). I think I will use the abbreviation whenever I encounter board or thread sharks - WEM:D

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How's the weather in the UK?;)


Well, since you asked, it's about 9 degrees celsius today but feels a lot colder. Definitely coat, gloves and scarves weather if anyone's planning to visit the UK anytime soon!!;)


Thanks for changing the subject!:D What's it like in sunny LA - one of our favourite places. Been there a few times, all over California - you are lucky to live in such a great place! Yeah, we have the Tower of London etc but it's so COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLD!

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Well, since you asked, it's about 9 degrees celsius today but feels a lot colder. Definitely coat, gloves and scarves weather if anyone's planning to visit the UK anytime soon!!;)


Thanks for changing the subject!:D What's it like in sunny LA - one of our favourite places. Been there a few times, all over California - you are lucky to live in such a great place! Yeah, we have the Tower of London etc but it's so COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLD!


Overcast the last couple of days but no need for coat, gloves and scarves! As far as our four seasons, (for now) no fires, no earthquakes, no mudslides, no riots.

The local hockey teams are so so, we have no pro (American) football team:( , the two local college football teams are wishy washy, no one knows what the two local basketball teams are going to do, David Beckham's team is done playing and the coach quit, the local baseball teams are playing golf (but one of them hired Joe Torre as manager:) ) and traffic is a bloody mess. Besides that, live is good!;)

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Overcast the last couple of days but no need for coat, gloves and scarves! As far as our four seasons, (for now) no fires, no earthquakes, no mudslides, no riots.


The local hockey teams are so so, we have no pro (American) football team:( , the two local college football teams are wishy washy, no one knows what the two local basketball teams are going to do, David Beckham's team is done playing and the coach quit, the local baseball teams are playing golf (but one of them hired Joe Torre as manager:) ) and traffic is a bloody mess. Besides that, live is good!;)


Traffic's always a bloody mess. Have you ever been on the M25 here? THEN you could complain!! lol.


Oh and I hope you get to keep the Beckhams.:D You lucky, lucky people.

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