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Cruising AGAIN! Are you RICH?


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People are so fast adding up your money for you. If they buy/lease a car or remodel their house its ok! If you go on a cruise then they think you have money to burn. You CAN'T take it with you so its just less my son will inherit. I just keep telling them what a great deal I got. They always have an answer, like, "it all adds up", or, "trust me, when you all done cruising it will cost you a lot more in the end"! Oh yea, "did you win lotto"? But they can heat their swimming pools, go to they gym, dine out all the time, and drink the best of the best drinks and smoke Cubans! Hmm:confused:

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Bottom line: any critics are jealous because they don't save any money. Many are living materialistic lifestyles that are way above their means and they are up to their eyeballs in debt.


I totally agree!


Happy Cruising!

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I've been having the time of my life planning an Alaska cruise in August with 3 kids and their spouses. :D They are all thrilled I'm spending their inheritnce on ME but I'm sure they appreciate my including them. Just the planning has been a blast!:) It will be the time of my life!


As for the OP's question. If someone asks me how I can afford to do something I just ask them why do you ask? That shuts them up.:D


Winnie<------> packing for next cruise


My mom was a hard working middle class woman who always wanted to go on a cruise. Her and a gal pal (both widows) had planned a cruise but then the gal pal was diagnosied with cancer and was dead before 6 months was out.


Mom wouldn't go alone. As we had a young child with serious health problems we had no "disaposable cash"; any extra income we had, paid doctor bills. Then Mom died. No she was not rich, but each of us kids inherited $40,000. sos he had a lot more then any of us kids realized.


That is what made me sad-because I would have LOVED for my mom to have taken me on a cruise and I could have enjoyed my inheritance while she was alive, having a good time with her.


So now we cruise, yes we save some-we don't spend every penney we have-but we are reasonable about it. My dad had alzheimers, so did a couple of his brothers-so it defientely runs inthe family. we know if I was ever diagnoised and I end up in a nursing facility-that would take every penney we have.


So we enjoy life and usually take our daughter with us on cruises and often pay her way or at least part as we know she does not have a good income.


So she may not have any inheritance from us, especially, if I end up like my father for sure, but she will have wonderfrul memories of crusing with us.


Much better then my regrets that I have every time I take a cruise that my mom never took a cruise- but I do like to think she would be happy to know I have taken 13 cruises! (and hopefully more)

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I usually do not reply to threads like this but since I had way too much coffee this morning...here is my .02 (now where did that cents key go).


My DW convinced me to help her finance a 14 day trip to Europe with some friends. The cost was $$$$, almost enough to pay for 2 cruises. She will be going without me because as a Army brat I was fortunate enough to go several times while my Dad was stationed overseas. I told her I would just take a cruise while she was in Europe. Unfortunately, I can't find a woman THAT SHE APPROVES OF to go with me. I guess I will have to take her along on the Miracle when she gets back. I can't do without her..who's gonna tote the luggage? I can feel the flame now!!! I am only kidding about that last remark.


We are not rich at all but did wait many years after we married to travel a bit. I have had two jobs that convinced me NOT to wait too long to cruise or spend a lot of time with my DW, Mortician (20years) and Xray Tech-hospital (23 years ). Find the time and money, no regrets.



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I usually do not reply to threads like this but since I had way too much coffee this morning...here is my .02 (now where did that cents key go).


My DW convinced me to help her finance a 14 day trip to Europe with some friends. The cost was $$$$, almost enough to pay for 2 cruises. She will be going without me because as a Army brat I was fortunate enough to go several times while my Dad was stationed overseas. I told her I would just take a cruise while she was in Europe. Unfortunately, I can't find a woman THAT SHE APPROVES OF to go with me. I guess I will have to take her along on the Miracle when she gets back. I can't do without her..who's gonna tote the luggage? I can feel the flame now!!! I am only kidding about that last remark.


We are not rich at all but did wait many years after we married to travel a bit. I have had two jobs that convinced me NOT to wait too long to cruise or spend a lot of time with my DW, Mortician (20years) and Xray Tech-hospital (23 years ). Find the time and money, no regrets.




Cliff, my hubby and I did a repositioning crusie from Europe on the Connie back in Sept. We got a SUPER price because it was repositioning, the actual cruise did not cost anymore per day then a caribbean cruise costs. We also cashed in our skymiles so it did not cost much for us to fly there. Ofcourse we spent 3 days precruise in England and that was a little pricey-but still we had the vacation of a lifetime for around $5000 total-and that includes EVERYTHING, tips, meals, excursions, on ship and precruise, our hotels precruise, our train trips getting around in England, EVERYHTING!

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We cruise often, just about 1 cruise every year. We are also debt free, except our modest home. Both of our cars are paid for and we save up to pay for the cruises we take. Up until this year, we have stayed in either inside or oceanview rooms. January we are staying in our first balcony room. Our friends and family also comment : "another cruise"? "How do you do that"? Interesting indeed!

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I'm definitely doing something wrong because I've yet to take an inexpensive cruise. But, we cruise for the itinerary, not just for the sake of cruising, and good value doesn't seem to be included. We did get a good price on our Tahiti cruise, but it was far from cheap after all was said and done.

We haven't really cruised that much (4 since 1998), but we do go on vacation quite frequently so we get all the comments too. The first thing I've always said was "we don't have any kids" and that seems to explain it all to them! Truth is though, that's hardly the whole story, just the easy explanation. While everyone else was eating out for lunches at work, we were bringing our own. I watched other people throwing dollars into vending machines for sodas and snacks and think "what a waste." It all adds up. They have their priorities and we have ours.

We have always lived on a budget and saved for everything we wanted. Our first priority was paying off our house, and now it can be travel. Because our next cruise is going to be very long and very expensive, there will be no other trips until then. In spite of our current situation, my husband's job is unstable and we have to take that into consideration for all purchases. We feel prepared for that possibility, but I can assure you that we won't be cruising on my paycheck. So I'm keeping my fingers crossed and hoping our dream cruise won't be our last!


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Our problem is if we even talk about cruising our family members (both in-laws and out-laws :eek: ) are asking for $$ since they think we're rich!


I agree with starskyfan, we've worked all of our lives, paid for our home and cars, have no children :( and now want to spend our $$ on cruising!


Isn't being debt free (or almost debt free) wonderful!?


I think that some of us were raised by parents who would have never spent any money on a cruise until we were truly out of the house :eek: ! They taught us the value of saving for what we want to buy or do and many of us still use that model.

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What's wrong with "Yeah, I am rich. So?" LOL
:D We cruise from 100 to 150 days a year and in suites...My answer when asked that question is usually ...Yes, and I earned every damn penny we spend...Much of it has also been taxed twice..:cool: I laugh with you Dan.:)
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:D We cruise from 100 to 150 days a year and in suites...My answer when asked that question is usually ...Yes, and I earned every damn penny we spend...Much of it has also been taxed twice..:cool: I laugh with you Dan.:)


Dan, many folks are just simple middle class folks and cruise once every year or two-often just a 4 day cheapie-these are the ones that get all the jealousy from their friends and famliles.


I know once we treated my sister, she had been on leave because she had been hurt at work, (she is on the lower middle class scale in income)-her boss found out and said if she could go on a cruise she should be well enough to go back to work-nothing but pure jealousy and spite. Ofcourse her doctor, said she was not well enough-and even with her cane and using the elevators-she had trouble getting around on ship. She DEFINETLTY was not well enough to go back to work. (she was a photographer at Olan Mills-they DO NOT get any business from me anymore)



I would think you are not middle class, but way above that and surely your friends and family already realize you can well afford it. Surely they can see that just from your home and cars you drive-let alone cruising.

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I'm definitely doing something wrong because I've yet to take an inexpensive cruise. But, we cruise for the itinerary, not just for the sake of cruising, and good value doesn't seem to be included. We did get a good price on our Tahiti cruise, but it was far from cheap after all was said and done.


We haven't really cruised that much (4 since 1998), but we do go on vacation quite frequently so we get all the comments too. The first thing I've always said was "we don't have any kids" and that seems to explain it all to them! Truth is though, that's hardly the whole story, just the easy explanation. While everyone else was eating out for lunches at work, we were bringing our own. I watched other people throwing dollars into vending machines for sodas and snacks and think "what a waste." It all adds up. They have their priorities and we have ours.


We have always lived on a budget and saved for everything we wanted. Our first priority was paying off our house, and now it can be travel. Because our next cruise is going to be very long and very expensive, there will be no other trips until then. In spite of our current situation, my husband's job is unstable and we have to take that into consideration for all purchases. We feel prepared for that possibility, but I can assure you that we won't be cruising on my paycheck. So I'm keeping my fingers crossed and hoping our dream cruise won't be our last!



:) Brenda, I feel certain that everything will run smoothly for you and I for one wish you all the best. Hope to see you aboard someday.:)
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:D We cruise from 100 to 150 days a year and in suites...My answer when asked that question is usually ...Yes, and I earned every damn penny we spend...Much of it has also been taxed twice..:cool: I laugh with you Dan.:)



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I grew up in a cruising family. I started cruising when I was 13, and never looked back. When DH and I were in the lean years, we did not cruise. Now that we're doing a little bit better for ourselves, cruising is a priority once again.


We always book inside cabins, and rely on the upgrade fairy for better cabins.

We really don't drink - at most 3 or 4 a week.

We don't book ship excursions.

We will sometimes splurge on the extra cost restaurant.

Any other $$ we spend is on gambling, which we budget into the cost.

The highest our bill was after a cruise was $1000, and that included about $500 we took out in cash on the shipboard account. We always pay rock bottom on the cost of the cruise.


That's how we can cruise, sometimes twice a year. I used to get snide comments from my co-workers. So I quit my job and started freelancing. ;)

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Every time I say I'm going on a cruise again or (Vegas:D) I get a smart answer. People always say, "Did you inherit money"? Are you rich? Did you win lotto? ...........Does anyone else go through this? I'm tired of the questions and sarcasm. I think maybe they are jealous.


Oh, I can so relate. I think its partial jealousy. I keep hearing from my parents how my brother tends to go around saying things about me and how I am always wasting my money on these trips. :confused: Well he has choices too and I don't have the big screen TV or many of the toys he has. The difference is that I don't immediately flash my trips in his face the way he seems to flash his toys.


At work and elsewhere I do get the comments but with a little less viciousness. Nowadays I am asked "So where are you crusing off to this time" when the discussion of next summer pops up. Some people are just easier to train!:)


Fortunately, as grown ups we don't have to answer to anyone! I say let's just go and enjoy ourselves.:D



Definitely not rich!

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:) Brenda, I feel certain that everything will run smoothly for you and I for one wish you all the best. Hope to see you aboard someday.:)


Thanks for your good wishes. Come join us on the Dawn next Oct. 26th. We need more people on our roll call, and it's a 28 day cruise if you need some extra days to make your 100-150 quota! :)

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I get tired of hearing it also. I drive an old car(1996) with no/ac, we don't have cell phones, rarely go out to dinner or anywhere really, lol. My dh has a newer paid off car, but I like to do some solo cruising, so I choose not to have a newer car. We CHOOSE to spend our money on travel. We live very frugally, otherwise. If other people lived within their means they would have the disposable income to cruise also. Most people think it is alot more expensive to cruise than it really is.





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Dan, many folks are just simple middle class folks and cruise once every year or two-often just a 4 day cheapie-these are the ones that get all the jealousy from their friends and famliles.



I'm certainly not above that category myself. We leave in 5 weeks for our first cruise in 2 years. But if I get a "Are you rich?" from somebody, then I'll say "Yes I am. So?" But, nobody I know who I care what they think would say that. Those that would say that, I could care less what they think. For all they know, I have an inheritance, or my wife makes 5 times what I do. It's not my job to spare their feelings though, so if they want to try to make me feel guilty for doing what we do to treat ourselves, then I can be a cocky SOB LOL.

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I can't imagine having such rude friends and family who would seriously say things like that. Our kids think it's wonderful that we are able to cruise and excited for us. They don't mind that we are spending their inheritance, lol.

Others are eager for the details and pics.

We've always paid off our credit cards in full every month. If we felt we couldn't afford something, we did without until we could. When the kids were little we managed for over a year with 1 car until we could pay cash for a second one. I did without salon haircuts 3 yrs and we went without new clothes for long periods of time to feed, clothe, house, educate and put in braces our five kids. We went without a dishwasher for 18 mos while saving up for a new one. :eek: I really put the kids to work then, lol. We camped with them for years instead of expensive vacations. One of our sons took over the camper and says it's "just like old times"--makes my heart skip a beat.

We set up annuity accts early and got in on the ground floor of the government savings plan at DH's work. We aren't rich, but comfortable, having been careful with money all our lives.

Now it runs in the family. Our 9 1/2 yro grandaughter agonizes over every purchase with her own money and supervises her little brother's spending. :D

We don't go for the $$$ extras on our cruises, but do book good excursions. We don't bring back souvenirs for the family, except if someone has helped us out while we are gone. The family now includes the 5 kids, 4 with spouses and almost 9 1/2 grands--gets a little steep buying for everyone and they don't expect it.

I say live your life and don't worry what others think. You deserve your cruises! :D

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I'm certainly not above that category myself. We leave in 5 weeks for our first cruise in 2 years. But if I get a "Are you rich?" from somebody, then I'll say "Yes I am. So?" But, nobody I know who I care what they think would say that. Those that would say that, I could care less what they think. For all they know, I have an inheritance, or my wife makes 5 times what I do. It's not my job to spare their feelings though, so if they want to try to make me feel guilty for doing what we do to treat ourselves, then I can be a cocky SOB LOL.


I actually I meant the person who replied to you who said they cruise numerous times a year and only in suites-obviously they have money and are not middle class- and I am sure friends and family can tell this by the cars they drive and the house they live in. (sorry about that I musunderhood whose name was Dan)


We, ourselves are middle class, though leaning toward upper middle class now-though that has only been true in the last ten years or so. We had it rough before that. Not a good income and a sick child.


Still though, even now, we both drive camrys and both were bought used-at 3 years old, when we bought them. Camrys are great cars, comfortable to ride in and compared to SUV's very econimical on gas-I believe we get 30 miles to the gallon in town and 35 highway on one (it is an 05 we just bought it this fall) and the other we get 28 miles in town and 33 miles highway. (the 02)


After we received the inheritance from my mother, we did upgrade from a 1300 square foot house to a 2200 square foot house-but still-it is a middle class older neighborhood. I guess we are pretty "thrifty" compared to others. As we also, pay off our credit cards monthly.


I also find it "trashy" for someone to say that to me even jokingly; (are you rich?) but usually it is easy for me to reply to them- we finance our cruises on the money we do not spend for gas driving a SUV! Nine times out of ten that is what the person drives-that thinks they are so "cute" with their comments about our crusiing so much.

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Every time I say I'm going on a cruise again or (Vegas:D) I get a smart answer. People always say, "Did you inherit money"? Are you rich? Did you win lotto? So I started telling people I was visiting friends out of state. But it always comes out. Either by pic's, my sons mouth, a slip of the mouth,etc. My neighbor knows because they watch my dog,take in mail, and I have to leave an emergency tel#. My own brother comments and says, "well I guess you don't need money)! Does anyone else go through this? I'm tired of the questions and sarcasm. I think maybe they are jealous.


I just really don't understand why people a)ask such personal, intrusive questions, and b) why you feel you even have to answer them, or lie for that matter. It's no ones business except your own, you don't owe anyone and apology OR and explanation.

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