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Disney Newbie Question


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Sorry if this has been asked before.......we want to take our 7yr old granddaughter on the Disney Wonder in November.


Since we have never cruised Disney before I wanted to know if the prices we see on the website pretty much the going rate or is there anywhere we could check for a little bit better deal?


Not trying to be cheap....I just like to save $$$ where I can.





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Disney does not allow any travel agency to offer discounts. However, some agencies will give you onboard credit and some offers a gift card. If you are doing pricing research online, be sure you compare "apples to apples". DCL always includes insurance and transfers in their price (unless you decline them on the web site). Many/most online travel agencies do not include insurance or transfers and some don't even show you the total cost, including taxes and port charges, until you're almost ready to book.

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Disney does not allow any travel agency to offer discounts. However, some agencies will give you onboard credit and some offers a gift card. If you are doing pricing research online, be sure you compare "apples to apples". DCL always includes insurance and transfers in their price (unless you decline them on the web site). Many/most online travel agencies do not include insurance or transfers and some don't even show you the total cost, including taxes and port charges, until you're almost ready to book.


Thanks so much. I did realize in checking other websites that they don't include all the fees, etc so for the ones I checked the price was the same as Disney quoted.


I will be scanning these boards a lot between now and November since I know nothing about a Disney cruise and I sure don't want my granddaughter to miss anything.


Thanks in advance for everyone's help.

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Dianne, here are a few tips that might help you with your first cruise.

plus in answer to your question, we book direct through DCL but there are a few TA's that can get you a room credit of up to $200 for booking with them, so check them carefully. Even if the price is the same the room credit can help the budget.



early arrival gets an early boarding pass number.


2.terminal opens 10 a.m.


3.boarding starts around 11:30 to noon.


4.keep camera with you at ALL times, even in the terminal. characters will appear there for photos. ourdoor viewing area of the ship for photos.


5 check in at kids club table while waiting to board ship. saves you time on the ship.


6. take a few ones. some for room service tips some to tip porters who take your bags at the termnal. $1 per bag is customary.


7. take small bills for the islands. many small shops dont have change.


8. if your going to use your credit card on the islands, call your CC company first and tell them or you will have to wait on a phone call to ok all your purchases. This is a big hassle and can take 30 minutes or more.


9. most shops who take credit cards, require a $20 minimum purchase.


10 take camera to dinner each night, surprizes happen all the time. You wont be alone. you will even see cam corders at dinner.


11. arrive at all shows 20 minutes early for good seats.


12. arrive at character meets 10 minutes early


13 Princess meets arrive 15 minutes early


14. on Castaway cay if you want your photo taken with Captain Jack Sparrow, do NOT ride the tram to the beach area. It doesn NOT stop near him. You must walk in to the beach signs say 20 minute walk in it takes us 10 minutes. he will be along the way inthe sand and photo has the flying dutchman behind you, great photo! Check navigator for times he will be there.


15 There are characters along the way to the beach, ok to ride the tram for this. Lines are short and move quickly so it is a great opportunity to see characters without lines. check navigator for times and places.


16 also characters appear at the gazebo near cookies BBQ on the island during the day.


17 adult only beach has it's own area for lunch they often have steaks or lobster there as a special treat for the grown ups. But Cookies BBQ by family beach has more variety of other foods.


18 dont ,miss the good bye late the last night in the atrium. ALL the characters will line up on the stairs and will pose for photos for you. This farwell party is really nice and fun.


19 check for photos everyday at shutters. buy a package deal and save $$ if you dont buy enough photos for the package deal they will refund you the difference at the end of your cruise .

or if you buy a photo and then decide the next day you see one you want more, just bring back the one you bought and the receipt and tell them you want to exchange it and they will be happy to do this for you.


20. you can order warm chocolate chip cookies or Mickey ice cream bars from room service even though it is not on the menu. warm cookies are evenings only.


21. bring 2 white pillowcases or a matte style picture frame in a zip lock baggie with water proof markers and leave at guest services desk ask to be autographed and it will be returned to you the last night all signed by the characters. I also add a card with my name and room number on it just in case their card gets lost. I like to use dark colored markers, the light colors dont show up as well. this would be a great surprize for your grandchild.


22. If you need to change dining times or make a Palos reservation go to Wave Bands club directly upon boarding to take care of this. The sooner you do it the better your chances of getting what you want.


23.Disney Dreams and The Golden Mickeys are filled with characters so they are great shows for younger kids. By the time your cruise they should hve the new Toy story shw playing in place of Hercules.

Hercules is good but geared more towards adults.


24, dont miss any magicians, jugglers or comediamN they may have. They are all awesome!!


25. Pirate night is another must do!! all of you will be invited to dress as pirates at dinner and through the eening and late night party.

It is topped off by fireworks , so your grandaughter will love it and several characters will be there during part of the party.


26. Sometimes they will have a matinee of the shows. If your free do these. The shows are exactly the same, but not nearly as crowded and it makes for a more relaxed evening for you.


27. Order a wake up call and when the phone rings, ask your grandaughter to answer the phone. she will be greeted by Mickey Mouse and told to get up. that should surprize her.


28. many young girls dress as a princess at dinner, so if she wants to wear a princess dress to dinner, let her, it is done all the time.


29. POP is free at the drink station on deck 9 and in restauranrs but if you order it from a waiter or a lounge anywhere you will be charged for it. so if you think anyone is going to want a drink or snack during a show or movie, grab it from deck 9 and take it with you, that saves money and everyone does it. take Pizza, fries, hot dogs, french fries, fruit, pop, milk, tea, lemonade what ever you want.


If I think of anything else i will post it later

hope these help you some,


mom x4,grandma x4

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Have you thought about excursion for Nassau yet?

The aquarium at Atlantis is great fun. The tour goes quickly but you can go back on your own at your own pace as much as you want, just leave your wrist band on that proves you paid.


There is also a horse and carriage ride , right at the pier. Price varies according to the length of the ride you want. usualy you can get a 25 minute ride for about $15 per person. they will dicker the price some with you. we have found if we go late later in the afternoon on the way back to the ship they will give a better price because they are about done for the day and they want all they can get.


we often will did in our pocket and if he says $30, my husband will pull out $25 and say this is all I have left, what can we do for this and they will do it. People like to dicker prices in the straw market too.


The pirate museum is fun too. $12 per adult and $8 for a child I believe. it takes about an hour if you read most of the info in there. It is a large purple building located 2 blocks behind the strawmarket.



mom x4,grandma x4

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Dianne, here are a few tips that might help you with your first cruise.

plus in answer to your question, we book direct through DCL but there are a few TA's that can get you a room credit of up to $200 for booking with them, so check them carefully. Even if the price is the same the room credit can help the budget.



early arrival gets an early boarding pass number.


2.terminal opens 10 a.m.


3.boarding starts around 11:30 to noon.


4.keep camera with you at ALL times, even in the terminal. characters will appear there for photos. ourdoor viewing area of the ship for photos.


5 check in at kids club table while waiting to board ship. saves you time on the ship.


6. take a few ones. some for room service tips some to tip porters who take your bags at the termnal. $1 per bag is customary.


7. take small bills for the islands. many small shops dont have change.


8. if your going to use your credit card on the islands, call your CC company first and tell them or you will have to wait on a phone call to ok all your purchases. This is a big hassle and can take 30 minutes or more.


9. most shops who take credit cards, require a $20 minimum purchase.


10 take camera to dinner each night, surprizes happen all the time. You wont be alone. you will even see cam corders at dinner.


11. arrive at all shows 20 minutes early for good seats.


12. arrive at character meets 10 minutes early


13 Princess meets arrive 15 minutes early


14. on Castaway cay if you want your photo taken with Captain Jack Sparrow, do NOT ride the tram to the beach area. It doesn NOT stop near him. You must walk in to the beach signs say 20 minute walk in it takes us 10 minutes. he will be along the way inthe sand and photo has the flying dutchman behind you, great photo! Check navigator for times he will be there.


15 There are characters along the way to the beach, ok to ride the tram for this. Lines are short and move quickly so it is a great opportunity to see characters without lines. check navigator for times and places.


16 also characters appear at the gazebo near cookies BBQ on the island during the day.


17 adult only beach has it's own area for lunch they often have steaks or lobster there as a special treat for the grown ups. But Cookies BBQ by family beach has more variety of other foods.


18 dont ,miss the good bye late the last night in the atrium. ALL the characters will line up on the stairs and will pose for photos for you. This farwell party is really nice and fun.


19 check for photos everyday at shutters. buy a package deal and save $$ if you dont buy enough photos for the package deal they will refund you the difference at the end of your cruise .

or if you buy a photo and then decide the next day you see one you want more, just bring back the one you bought and the receipt and tell them you want to exchange it and they will be happy to do this for you.


20. you can order warm chocolate chip cookies or Mickey ice cream bars from room service even though it is not on the menu. warm cookies are evenings only.


21. bring 2 white pillowcases or a matte style picture frame in a zip lock baggie with water proof markers and leave at guest services desk ask to be autographed and it will be returned to you the last night all signed by the characters. I also add a card with my name and room number on it just in case their card gets lost. I like to use dark colored markers, the light colors dont show up as well. this would be a great surprize for your grandchild.


22. If you need to change dining times or make a Palos reservation go to Wave Bands club directly upon boarding to take care of this. The sooner you do it the better your chances of getting what you want.


23.Disney Dreams and The Golden Mickeys are filled with characters so they are great shows for younger kids. By the time your cruise they should hve the new Toy story shw playing in place of Hercules.

Hercules is good but geared more towards adults.


24, dont miss any magicians, jugglers or comediamN they may have. They are all awesome!!


25. Pirate night is another must do!! all of you will be invited to dress as pirates at dinner and through the eening and late night party.

It is topped off by fireworks , so your grandaughter will love it and several characters will be there during part of the party.


26. Sometimes they will have a matinee of the shows. If your free do these. The shows are exactly the same, but not nearly as crowded and it makes for a more relaxed evening for you.


27. Order a wake up call and when the phone rings, ask your grandaughter to answer the phone. she will be greeted by Mickey Mouse and told to get up. that should surprize her.


28. many young girls dress as a princess at dinner, so if she wants to wear a princess dress to dinner, let her, it is done all the time.


29. POP is free at the drink station on deck 9 and in restauranrs but if you order it from a waiter or a lounge anywhere you will be charged for it. so if you think anyone is going to want a drink or snack during a show or movie, grab it from deck 9 and take it with you, that saves money and everyone does it. take Pizza, fries, hot dogs, french fries, fruit, pop, milk, tea, lemonade what ever you want.


If I think of anything else i will post it later

hope these help you some,


mom x4,grandma x4


WOW!!! Thanks a million for all of this wonderful advice! This is Emma's very first cruise and although it's a short one we want it to be so very special. With all of your good info I feel we are on track to give her a wonderful cruise. She's a sweet wonderful child and we will be excited to see everything through her eyes....we can't wait.


Thanks again momx4,grandma x4 you have been a BIG help!!!



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Your welcome, glad it helped you.

I didnt mention it but if you havnt already done it you can go to DCL's website and order a free DVD about their cruises. This will show you the kids clubs and other fun stuff.

It is something everyone will want to watch a few times.


also one thing we did with younger grandkids was to let them help make a count down chain out of construction paper.


Pick how many days, weeks or months away from your cruise date you want to start, make a chain loop for each day, then write numbers on them saying how many days until you cruise. you will be counting backwards 10, 9 , 8 , 7, etc until you reach 0 days for the day you leave for the cruise.

we let them also put disney sickers or something special at special dates like 30 days, 20 days 10 days etc...

once it was made they hung it up in their kitchen and each morning they would remove the ring for that day. They took turns doing this.

They started over a year out so it was hung all down the hallway and around the kitchen. But it really shortened quickly.

anyway if sheis interested at age 7 she could really have some fun with it.


also many people do door signs. This is optional of course but it too can make for an extra fun experience for her, she is old enough to make a couple of them if you want.

The doors are metal so we go to walmart to the speciality computer paper section and in a red cardboard folder box we buy magnetic sheets.

I think we get 5 or 6 sheets for around $12, but not sure.


Then to make it super easy for her go to a craft store like Michaels or a scrapbooking store for the best selection of stickers. They have tropical, cruise and disney stickers. she can look at them and pick out some and then before sticking them on the magnetic paper, cut them out with the backing still on them and lay them out to see how she wants it exactly. then set on the real paper and make sure it is just right, then remove the backing and stick to the sign.



There is No right or wrong to the sign, just however she wants to do it is great. It will hang on the outside of your door for everyone to see. she will be so proud and it makes it easier for everyone to find the room.


These papers can also be run through the computer and printed on that way if you want to, One tip is somewhere on it to put your room number. because sometimes teens go down the halls late at night and take the signs and put them on someone elses door as a joke. that way the people can get it back to you, or just bring it in when you go to bed and stick on the inside of the door if you want.


Out of 15 cruises on DCL we have NEVER had anyone bother our door signs but I have read of others who have. some people make a different sign for each day of the cruise.

This is just a fun project you can help her do to make it a little extra special for her.


My oldest grandaughter did one on her own when she was 14 as a joke on grandpa. she took a photo we had of him sleeping on deck 4 of the wonder with his mouth wide open and printed it on to the page, then under it she wrote:


Here's my grandpa on deck 4,

Oh my, how he can snore!

If you see him around the ship,

Please tell him you saw this,


love Ana


My husband noticed people smiling at him and looking funny a few times but he had no idea what she had done. Then one lady asked him if he was the grandpa on the door sign. he hadnt a clue so we went to look at their door and there he was. That was so funny and she was so proud of herself. so anything goes on the signs, you will see many of them around the ship. more on the longer cruises.


here are some examples of simple ones done with stickers and there are some words describing the theme of them












feel free to e-mail me if i can answer more questions for you, we have been on the Wonder 8 or 9 times now, it feels like home to me.


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Mom, you have been aHUGE help to me. I believe you and I have the same type of "grandma" ideas.


I booked our cruise last night......we leave on Nov. 2nd and we will be in Cabin 7564 on the starboard side. What do you think about this cabin??


And did I read somewhere that starboard is the side they shoot the fireworks?


Sorry to bombard you with so many questions...


Thanks again,



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Hi Dianne,

no problem with the questions, keep'em coming when you get them. If I know the answer i will be happy to answer. I think your room will be great.

here are 2 reports I found on it, both are in favor of the room.






Review by: Bruce Gray

Ship: Disney MagicStateroom: 7564Condition: 5Deck: 7Category: 5Location: Mid Sail Date: 05/06/06 Notes: I heard lots of noise coming from my neighbors but other than that my trip was awsome.Tell Darius and Ranzil the waitors i said hi and Jeremy that Kathleen,Daniel,Ashley,and Melissa said hi!


Review by: LimeyAngel

Ship: Disney MagicStateroom: 7564Condition: 5Deck: 7Category: 5Location: Mid Sail Date: 11/10/07 Notes: This room is convenient to the mid and aft elevators. The room was perfect.




I do believe it is starboard for the fireworks. after all my cruises I still get the sides mixed up. Ha Ha!!

you cant miss them, they are a huge display I love them. I did watch them from our balcony last November and it was awesome!!

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Your room is a great location! 2 floors up is the buffet and the ice cream and the pools. 2 floors down is the kids club.


Also when you dock at Castaway Cay you will be on the side that faces the island. We rebooked for the Starboard side for our next cruise!


the signs on the doors are fun to see. I am doing this next time. ( it was a good way too for our kids to know we were close to our room.) Someone next door had a huge sign.


the fireworks are on the Starboard side!

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Your room is a great location! 2 floors up is the buffet and the ice cream and the pools. 2 floors down is the kids club.


Also when you dock at Castaway Cay you will be on the side that faces the island. We rebooked for the Starboard side for our next cruise!


the signs on the doors are fun to see. I am doing this next time. ( it was a good way too for our kids to know we were close to our room.) Someone next door had a huge sign.


the fireworks are on the Starboard side!


WOW I am so excited we got a great room! The lady I booked with told me it was, but you never know! :confused:


You all have been so much help.....I wish all of you were going with us!


I don't know who's more excited my husband and I or Emma !!! :D



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They do shoot the fireworks over the starboard side, but since they shoot them from the back of the ship you would probably have a better view of them from deck 10. Plus..... the past two cruises we were on, they asked that everyone stay off their starboard side verandahs, during the fireworks, for safety reasons.


Your cabin is in a great location, very close to the middle of the ship. However, here's a little tip...... the aft elevators are usually less busy/crowded than the mid-ship or forward ones.

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I dont think this was mentioned yet.

Have a meal at Palos!! It is adult only. Your granddaughter will have to go to her club. This is my favorite place to eat. It is an additional 10.00 per person, but sooo worth the money. They have brunch and dinner. Try to get into one of those times! :)

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