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100+ lbs to lose???


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Hello all!


I started this thread because the other one was just so overwhelming with over 900 posts, but no one has posted there in over 3 months.


SOOOOO...Here I am, wondering who else out there has over 100 pounds to lose. I figure we can offer each other some encouragement.


Ideally, I'd like to lose about 140lbs. I'm about 20lbs less than I was when I cruised in August 2007 and I'd LIKE to drop about 50lbs before my next cruise in August of this year.


I know I'm not alone out there!!!!!???? :)

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Fortunately I only have a little more weight to drop. But I wanted to chime in for you. I lost 65 lbs. in about 9 months on Atkins. I went from 216 on a 5'6" frame to a current weight of 154. If you haven't already picked a diet plan, I can't recommed this more highly for a "cruise friendly" eating lifestyle. I am a life-long fat person and I am amazed that I have and continue to easily keep the weight off. The trick is finding what you can live with and stick with it. My only problem on Atkins was that I lost weight too fast. :eek: It took from 9-06 to 6-07 to drop the first 50lbs and it took until around November to get my skin to bounce back. I'm sure that due to being 40ish. But it was strange.

You can reach your goal. Just take one day at a time and be honest with yourself. And remember that there is no food or drink that tastes as good as dropping another pound feels. :rolleyes:

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Hi Woobie!!!


Thanks for chiming in! Congratulations on your great weight loss!!! In addition to Atkins, did you follow an exercise regimen? What did you find helped with your skin issues? I'm fairly young, 27 years old, but I have also been overweight throughout my adolesence and adulthood, so I'm concerned about my sagging skin as I lose this weight.


Any tips you can offer would be greatly appreciated. I'm most concerned about my arms and my stomach as those are 2 of my worst problem areas.

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Bluefin's mom here. I'm not sure if it's 100 lb. or 80 (haven't weighed myself in a long time). I'm 5'9" so I wasn't too quick to diet, but in early Dec. I started having problems with my hip. So now I really want to lose. I would like to be able to walk around the different ports at the end of March. I have just really cut back on the amount of food and watch what I eat (not much fat). Would like to start walking, but the hip doesn't want me to. Maybe biking.

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Hello all... I'll join your little thread!


I've signed up with WW Online... it's a little cheaper and certainly more convienent than going to a meeting. Honestly, the best thing about it is the fact you enter the food you eat each day -- when you see it all there in black and white, it's kind of eye opening!


I've lost about 10 pounds so far, but really I haven't been following the points thing very well. I just try to make healthy choices. For example, tonight DH and I had NY Strips on the grill and a big green salad. No bread, no potatoes. I think it's harder for him to deal with than me, but I was quite content with my dinner! I know we won't eat that well every night, but choosing veggies over potatoes and leaving out the bread makes a big different I think.


No I just need to add some exercise to my lifestyle, and that's where I suffer! I have a deteriorating joint in my right ankle, so even just an average day of house cleaning can make it swell up and be painful, so just going for a walk everyday is pretty much out. I'm thinking about adding the stationery bike to my day... we have one, just need to dust it off!


Anyways - let's keep this thread going. Support can be a huge motivator!

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Hi Peejay! When I started the Jenny Craig program in September, 2006 I had 140 lbs to lose. As of today I have 35 lbs left.


I started exercising about 6 weeks into the program, just by walking home from work, which was about 30 minutes. In November '06 I started going back to my gym using the elliptical crosstrainer or treadmill. In March '07 I started working out with a personal trainer. I do strength training as well as abdominal work once a week with her and twice a week on my own. I've also started running and take yoga twice a week.


I'm 42 (no kids) and was also really worried about my skin sagging, but I am happy to say everything is looking pretty good so far. When I started strength training my weight loss slowed down a lot, but I can fit into smaller clothing than I have ever been able to - size 12 pants/large and medium tops, and I have a size 10 pair of pants hanging in my closet that are almost ready to enter the rotation.


My trainer has me do a lot of Pilates-based ab work which has really helped shrink my stomach - I'm happy to say all I have left now is a little pooch to get rid of!!


Let me know if you have any other questions. I like to say if I can do it, anyone can!!

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Hello! We are first time cruisers next month (WOW! Next month!!). I started the Slim4Life (add a dot com if you want to read about it) program December 3rd -- crazy in December, but now I'm glad I did it then instead of waiting until this month. I'm down 20 lbs (I have a lot to lose, 106 total, now a mere 86 to go :) ). I'm hoping to be down another 20 by cruise date. I don't expect to be svelte, just to be happy and energetic by cruise time, I'm feeling good now. My biggest worry about the whole cruise is wearing a swimsuit in public. Haven't done it in 10+++ years, which is really sad, I know. I'm debating whether or not to go tanning, should I be fat and white or fat and tan? Is there a big diff? I don't know.


For those of you who have been on cruises, are there a smattering of chubbies by the pool or are they all size 4?

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Your not alone PeeJay719. I plan on going from 210 to 165/170 before my cruise in April. The first thing I did was buy the 3 week colon cleaning kit that they sell at GNC. I know it sounds gross, but anyone who ever ate fast food probably has all kinds of junk stuck in their system. It lets you see quick results as you can lose maybe 5 pounds? just by taking that alone. But the other part is that it will help speed up your system.


I also started walking(not jogging or running) 5 miles a day. I hope to be able to work my way up to a jog but I'm not sure if I have to. The biggest problem with diets is that it becomes too much work for people. But walking isn't really too much work for me. Sure it takes about an hour and a half, but I just put on my ipod and start thinking about how much fun the cruise will be and how I won't have to hide when they ask for people to enter the belly flop contest.


The last thing that I'm doing is watching what I eat. I don't think you need an adkins or whatever diet to lose weight. But just try to cut down on the things you know are no good for you. Try to drink water/Juice over cola. Find a fruit that you really like and fill the house with it. Only buy junk food when you are going to eat it right away, this way if your at home you have to go out to get it. And don't be afraid to treat yourself to a nice big fattening meal once in a while if you have been doing good with your diet. Otherwise your going to end up doing it anyway and feel bad about it.


I also heard a theory that if you drink like a 16 oz water every hour that it will fill you up so your not as hungry. So far that hasn't been true for me, but to be fair I don't think I drank as much as I should have.


Once again good luck to you. I'm right there with you and on my 8th day I already lost about 5 pounds. Which means I'm on pace to lose over 50 before my cruise:eek: . I better go order a pizza now, lol that might be too much for me to lose.

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Hi there, I didn't have that amount to lose, but I joined WW as I gained 14 pounds after back problems and surgery. I found the first two weeks that I was slightly hungry, but after that it became pretty easy. I dropped 1-2 pounds per week, but if you are 80+ pounds over, it will come off more quickly. A girl in my group has lost 65 pounds so far. Don't hesitate to join up. Going to the group really makes you want to do it. It's friendly and much more likely to succeed than doing it by yourself. Meeting others with the same problem and hearing little tips to beat your hunger really helps.


Do it for your health - I feel so much better. I am 61 by the way. If you are a lot younger, the skin will bounce back.

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I should also mention that you can eat whatever you want at WW, you just have to count your points. Therefore as a burger will cost you about 10 points - and that's a small one, it's better to have a small steak - good choice.


I also forgot to mention walking and drinking plenty of water or juice.

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Hi ! I am Sally and I have 100 pounds to lose by Feb 27 2009 Cruise on the Grand. We ARE going to lose this weight and we are Not going to give up. RIGHT ? I am doing Weight Watchers and started last week and I am sure there will be a day in the future when I feel like a could eat 20 pizzas in one sitting but so far I am doing great. I am there for support for any one who needs it . LETS LOSE IT FOREVER !!!!!

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Hi all,


I lost 103 pounds last year (from 270 to 167) using a protein-based diet.


For all of you still struggling: keep it up! It's going to be so much easier to cope with the heat (if you're going to warm destination), not to mention all the walking you'll have to do!


The best advise I can give you:

- Your diet starts at the store. If you don't buy it, you can't eat it. :D


JP (I'm a 37y old guy btw)

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Hi y'all. I have right about 100 pounds to lose and I have two cruises booked this year. Carnival Glory Eastern Carribean in June for my daughters graduation gift and Crown Princess 10 day Baltic cruise with 2 days in Russia in September. A lot of walking so it would be a lot easier to drop some of this weight before then. I joined WW September of 06 at 263 pounds and was going slow but sure with walking 2 to 3 times a day. I live in New Orleans so I have two strikes against me right off the bat! 1) Incredible Food and 2) Sweltering heat and humidity which makes it difficult to walk long distances. July of last year I had surgery and I was at 218 the day of the surgery. Recuperation was tough and unfortunately I weigh in today at 240. I joined Snap Fitness and intend to start going every morning at 5 to workout but I've been battling a cold the past two weeks. I should mention I quit WW right before my surgery because I felt like I was on my way and did not need help anymore.


Now that I have rambled on I will get to my questions. I am very curious of your protein diet and would like to know more about it. How did you come about this diet? Can you recommend a website that would tell me more? Can you give us an idea of a daily food routine for you? Did you struggle with hunger? Do you think it is a long term solution?


I am a 44 year old female, 5'6". Do you think the diet works better for men than women.


Thanks for any help and good luck to EVERYONE on this thread. I know deep down inside there is a funny, fit chick fighting to get out of this fat costume I'm wearing!


Thanks, Vickie


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The protein diet is only available in Europe. (As far as I know). However, there may be similar diets in the USA. :confused: You should ask a nutritionist about it.


There is a website with information in English about this diet: http://www.prodimed.nl/uk/index.php?space=uk

If you click on 'sales outlets', you'll see a map of my beautiful country. :D


Be aware that this is a very, very strict diet. No sugar or carbs whatsoever in the first two stages (there are 5 total stages). Not even fruits, bread, milk or yoghurt are permitted. But: it worked. My mom also lost 90+ pounds, in about the same timeframe as me. Generally, men lose weight easier than women, but YMMV. In my case I was kinda slow.


Hunger was not that much of an issue, because the protein makes you feel 'full' (and drinking lots of water also helped).


Hope this was helpful,

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  • 2 weeks later...

We are sailing for our first cruise in Sept, 2008. I want to lose a total of 140 all together but will be happy with 60-80 before cruise. My partner wants to lose about 60 pounds all together. I think this board my be one of my favorite ones yet. I an needing some "cheerleaders" that are not biased, if you know what I mean. Well I am trying and good luck to you all.

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Good luck!! I feel your pain and struggles! Today was the first day of the rest of my life!! I finally got rid of the cold I've been struggling with for weeks and I woke up at 5:00 this morning and did not even hesitate or hit the snooze button. I went straight to the gym! Only did half an hour on the recumbent bike but it's a start!


I'm pulling for you! Will you be sailing out of New Orleans on the Fantasy? It's the perfect cruise for first timers! We sailed on the Fantasy last Thanksgiving day and it was great. It happened to be two months after I started WW and I actually lost weight on that cruise!! I committed to myself to get up every morning before the rest of my family and walk two miles on the track. It was very enjoyable and it made me feel less guilty and uncomfortable at dinner time when I REALLY wanted that desert.


Good luck and let us know if you need a "Booyah" every now and then! Pass on the weigh in's so we can cheer you on!


243 and going DOWN!




P.S. I see you are from Lake Charles - can I get a "GEAUX TIGERS"??

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm jumping here because I was watching the biggest loser and realized that I weigh more than most of the contestants. I just wish I didn't think that I loved the food so much.


I think that people that are fat know why we are fat, we just have to be willing to take on our real issues, whatever they are.


Anyone have any advice on the "head" part of being fat, instead of the "eating" part of being fat?



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It's so hard to do it, but I decided to take the plunge.

My last 2 cruises in Nov 2007 were miserable due to the weight.

Not being able to fit into the chairs is just mortifying...

We were on Explorer of the Seas, and chairs in windjammer are ridiculous... and so are the squared off chairs in the dining room (round ones are ok, but of course my table had the squared off ones...) Had to ask for armless chair every night. It was awful :( and I just wanted cry.


I am 5' 8 and about 150lbs overweight (only 33 too). I 've gained most of it since I've been with my husband. He's not supportive at all.

He was the first 'husky' guy i ever dated, and I developed all of his bad habits which he REFUSES to change.

In addition to the bad habits, I found out I had a pituitary tumor 2 yrs ago, so that really probably contributed to the fast weight gain as well.


But, I've started eating healthy, 3 meals and 2 snacks a day. No formal plain, just getting started really in the last month. I feel better, the 'belly' has gone down. I'll brave the scale eventually...

I want to lose some weight before I kick in the exercise. I'm afraid I'll hurt or tear something right now. I have an old knee injury that I don't want to make worse.


I hope to lose at least 50 lbs by my next cruise. I'd like to try the meals with diet2go but the expense is too much right now, w/ hubby having work issues...

I'll keep checking back for encouragement. Take care all.

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Good luck!! I feel your pain and struggles! Today was the first day of the rest of my life!! I finally got rid of the cold I've been struggling with for weeks and I woke up at 5:00 this morning and did not even hesitate or hit the snooze button. I went straight to the gym! Only did half an hour on the recumbent bike but it's a start!


I'm pulling for you! Will you be sailing out of New Orleans on the Fantasy? It's the perfect cruise for first timers! We sailed on the Fantasy last Thanksgiving day and it was great. It happened to be two months after I started WW and I actually lost weight on that cruise!! I committed to myself to get up every morning before the rest of my family and walk two miles on the track. It was very enjoyable and it made me feel less guilty and uncomfortable at dinner time when I REALLY wanted that desert.


Good luck and let us know if you need a "Booyah" every now and then! Pass on the weigh in's so we can cheer you on!


243 and going DOWN!




P.S. I see you are from Lake Charles - can I get a "GEAUX TIGERS"??


Sorry it has taken me so long to get back to this board I actually had forgotten that I had posted anything on here:rolleyes: . Yes we are sailing on the Fantasy. Can't wait!!!!!!!! I am 41, 5'1" and when I started 2 weeks ago I was 325 lbs. I weigh in on Friday's and as of last Friday 2/8/08 I was 315!!!!! We are just doing portion control, and being from NO you understand how hard that is, especially since it is crawfish season now!!!!!!! If I could just get to 305 I would feel much better. I seem to have been losing the same 10-12 lbs back and forth for a few months now. I am getting up and going do some water aerobics EVERY morning and then 3 nights a week we (my partner, son and I) all go and do a circuit training, swim a little, and then get in the jacuzzi and steam room. So far so good, but we will see.


And that is a BIG GEAUX TIGERS. WE'RE NUMBER 1 and WE'RE COMING FOR YOU!!!!(by Travis Matte)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi everyone. I am embarressed to say that when I started my weight loss last Tuesday I weighed in at 318lbs. I am going to a weight loss clinic. I am on a high protein diet. Yesterday I received the results from my lab work and found that I am border line diabetic. My good cholesteral was a little low, and the high cholesteral was a little high. Surprising because of my size. I thought they would be just off the charts. When I went in yesterday to check in I had lost 9.4 lbs in 1 week and lost 2.5 inches from my waist. We are going on a cruise in Oct and I want to loose as much as I possibly can. I cant do this on my own. I need accountability. That is why I decided to go to a clinic. I will go to them for about a year. We have 3 phases that we go through. I have been through the first, and am now starting on my 2nd. Phase 2 gets me motivated and increase my activity. When I reach my goal weight, I will move to phase 3 which is the maintnence phase. That is where I learn how to avoid repeating my past failures and gaining the weight back. Where I am going has the highest success rate for patients keeping the weight off.


Congrats to everyone else who is loosing. We are all in this together and I know we will all be successful.

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Hello Everyone, My name is Gina. I have 112 pounds to loose. I started a life style change (don't like the word diet) using the biggest loser online club two weeks ago, and I have lost 10 pounds. I am simply eating healthier, and exercising routinely which is 4-5 times a week.


I started the program weighing 282 and I am down to 272. We are planning to go on the Carnival Victory that leaves in October to the Bahamas, and I hope to loose as much weight as I can prior to then.


I previously sailed on the Carnival Celebration. Each time I was constantly feeling out of breath, tried, and wasn't truly able to enjoy the cruise because of it. Where now my goal is to not only walk on the ship thinner but in better shape so that I can do all the walking, and enjoying the full benefits of cruising.


Best Wishes


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Hi everyone. I am embarressed to say that when I started my weight loss last Tuesday I weighed in at 318lbs. I am going to a weight loss clinic. I am on a high protein diet. Yesterday I received the results from my lab work and found that I am border line diabetic. My good cholesteral was a little low, and the high cholesteral was a little high. Surprising because of my size. I thought they would be just off the charts. When I went in yesterday to check in I had lost 9.4 lbs in 1 week and lost 2.5 inches from my waist. We are going on a cruise in Oct and I want to loose as much as I possibly can. I cant do this on my own. I need accountability. That is why I decided to go to a clinic. I will go to them for about a year. We have 3 phases that we go through. I have been through the first, and am now starting on my 2nd. Phase 2 gets me motivated and increase my activity. When I reach my goal weight, I will move to phase 3 which is the maintnence phase. That is where I learn how to avoid repeating my past failures and gaining the weight back. Where I am going has the highest success rate for patients keeping the weight off.


Congrats to everyone else who is loosing. We are all in this together and I know we will all be successful.


Hi Stacy!! Congrats on your loss! I'm proud of you. I started back at the gym but only went 3 days last week (husband had to go out of town and I don't like to leave my girls alone in the house at 5:00 a.m. when I go) but so far this week I've gone every morning. I will be weighing in on Friday mornings here at work. We have a challenge here and since I weigh as much as some of the men in the warehouse it's quite embarrasing. But they are all behind me pushing me to keep it up. I'll let y'all know if I lost!


What clinic are you going to? I tried the Aspen clinic here in New Orleans last year and basically they give you Phentermine (Sp?). It always made my muscles in my left shoulder ache so I stopped taking it. I'm just trying desperately to stick to 1500 calories or less each day. Keep your fingers crossed!


I wish you all the luck in the world and we're all here for you to cheer you on!!!


Go Stacy - Go Stacy - Go Stacy!!!!!!!:p

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Hi Stacy!! Congrats on your loss! I'm proud of you. I started back at the gym but only went 3 days last week (husband had to go out of town and I don't like to leave my girls alone in the house at 5:00 a.m. when I go) but so far this week I've gone every morning. I will be weighing in on Friday mornings here at work. We have a challenge here and since I weigh as much as some of the men in the warehouse it's quite embarrasing. But they are all behind me pushing me to keep it up. I'll let y'all know if I lost!


What clinic are you going to? I tried the Aspen clinic here in New Orleans last year and basically they give you Phentermine (Sp?). It always made my muscles in my left shoulder ache so I stopped taking it. I'm just trying desperately to stick to 1500 calories or less each day. Keep your fingers crossed!


I wish you all the luck in the world and we're all here for you to cheer you on!!!


Go Stacy - Go Stacy - Go Stacy!!!!!!!:p


Thanks Vickie. The name of the one here is Cesar A. Lara MD Center For Weight Managment. I do take Phendimetrazine, fat burners, and vitamins. I also receive weekly shots (Vitamin B's, Amino Acid, and Chromium). I start my exercise program tomorrow. The first 10 days they dont want you doing any exercise. I am on a high protein, low carb diet with absolutely NO sugar. That's the hard part. I am addicted to sugar. I counted yesterday and I had just 960 calories and I feel good. The weight I am makes it really hard to go to the gym. Not only that, but there are all the skinny beautiful women working out and there I am morbidly obese. Embarressment keeps me from going just now. My 3 yr old and I will start walking around the block tomorrow. Then I will also strength training several times through the week. I dont blame you, I wouldnt leave the girls home either at that time in the morning. Please do let me know how you are doing and kick some a$$ on Friday. I know you can do it and really show those guys what you are made of. My weigh in is on Tuesdays. I will update on how I am doing too.


I use to live in Biloxi. Have been to New Orleans quite a bit. I was so heartbroken to see what Katrina did to NO and Biloxi. It has been a while since I have been there, but that part of the country is always in my blood.


Vickie can do it, yes she can, Vickie can loose that weight if nobody else can!! :D

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