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Lani: I'm SO excited...but just think...then I'll be home...and then YOU'LL HAVE YOUR CRUISE TO LOOK Forward to...and I can be jealous! :p

Runner Ann: I'm going to start using calendar stickers. How do you use them. I usually weigh myself every 4 days. When I started, I weighed 1 time per week and it seemed that I was losing 1 pound every 4 days, so then I started weighing every 4 days...and sure enough....it's true! 1 Pound every 4 days!! I weighed this am, and I'm down 1 more pound! I'm working so hard this last week before the cruise! So...explain (in kindergarten terms) how the points things work. How do I figure points? I usually stick to around 1000 calories a day and a light workout.

Connie: When I get hungry, I down a bottle of water! I drink SO MUCH water and I KNOW that has helped me. It really helps with the hunger as well (as well as keeping headaches at bay!) Try and see if that helps you!

Have a good afternoon, all!

Where are you, Regina? I hope you're out spending thousands on Christmas shopping! Check in when you can! I miss yoU! :D
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Good morning everyone! I am think my body is finally releasing the weight. I am feeling better, aside from a stupid head cold I picked up. Due to the headcold, I sleep,sleep, sleep once I get home! I think sleep is the best medicine for most illnesses.

Connie, you like Fitday,huh. It gets less cumbersome the more you use it. As you add customized foods or use their "recent food" drop down it gets much faster as you log them. Also, after awhile, you kind of get to know how they name the foods so your search gets a little easier. That site has been a real eye opener. The trick is to be honest and stick with it even on days when you don't stick with your diet.

Kelly, you leave any day now, right? There's nothing like packing for vacation!
As for the stickers. I have a tougher time sticking with my diet than making sure I excersize. The excersize part I have down. So, I get a sticker on my calendar for each day I stick to my diet. For some dumb reason, I enjoy giving myself a sticker when I've done good. You could do that how you want. Give yourself 2 stickers when you excersize and stick to your diet and give yourself one if you do one or the other. But for me, I just do it for the eating. Controlling my eating is a much bigger challenge for me. The points system is a little harder to teach on a board like this. Basically, each day you get a certain number of points to use for food each day. In my case, it's 23 points. Most foods have a point value. So the points are kind of like money. You have 23 points to spend on food each day and you slice it and dice it as you like. Things that are higher in fiber and lower in fat have fewer points. Most fruits have only 1 point and most veggies have 0 points. I eat a lot of veggies! Excersize brings you more points to spend. I figure I get 1 point for each mile run or each 10 min of vigorous cardio excersize. No extra points for lifting weights. So that's what I'm talking about when I'm moaning and groaning about all this point counting. The days I don't excersize are truly the hardest.

Great job on the pound every 4 days! 1000 calories per day, I think I'd die, or I'd want to. ;)
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Good Morning everyone!!

Kelly, I will try to drink more water, I used to drink quite a bit of diet pepsi,but now I am so busy trying to get the water in I hardly ever drink the pepsi, it;s like a special treat.
Runner Ann-I hope you feel better soon, I am still struggling with my cold. On the fitday, when I put in the excercise time and what I did the calories burned seemed low, at least according to what the treadmill says I burned when I do it. Have you noticed that at all??
I have to share with you guys, I am very excited. I am going to start working again in January. Since I started having kids and moving around with the ARmy I have only worked for 2 years (about 3 1/2 years ago)when I was in Florida. I worked at a cruise agency selling cruises and tours. I have to say it was the funnest job I ever had, well the agency has a program I can do it from my home now, they give me a phone that hooks thru the computer right into the office in Florida and I can do it from anywhere, so I can start here in Kansas and in June when I move it will work wherever I go!! Also, I will be home when my kids are off school.!! I am really excited about it. Well, just had to share that with you guys!!
Hope you all have a great day. Connie
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Wow Connie! That is so cool! Congratulations! I can't think of anything more ideal! I have noticed that the calories burned for activities seem on the low side. I don't have anything else that calculates my calories burned but it does seem lower than I thought. I'm just going with it though, I figure that keeps me on the safe side. I am feeling much better. Yesterday, I felt like a new woman! It's really something how a cold can really get you down.
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Good Morning Everyone!!

Glad your feeling better Runner Ann!! Your right, better to figure the calories low. I went to a cookie exchange/bunko game last night in my neighborhood, I didn't eat one bite of anything there, or any cookies!! I ate a big salad before I left. I did have 1 glass of wine, but figured that was better than the cookies and fudge they had there!!
Well, gotta get the rugrats to school, have a great day.
Wherer is everyone??? I guess it is getting to be very hectic.
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[b]Connie[/b]: Congrats on your new job! That sounds PERFECT for you! I'm happy for you! [b][size=4][color=red]Really Exciting![/color][/size][/b]

[b]Runner Ann[/b]: [b][size=3][color=yellowgreen]THANK YOU SO MUCH[/color][/size][/b] for the crash course in points! I now have a much better understanding of the overall jest of the whole deal! It was hard before when I didn't understand it! I'm sorry you're not feeling well! I agree....sleep cures most every ailment in the world....and I sleep [b][color=red]ALL THE TIME![/color][/b] ;)

I had quite the food fest yesterday and worked from 6:00 in the morning to 9:00 last night! I was so tired! I had my usual breakfast bar (220 calories)and water, but then work got stressful and I ate an ENTIRE SNICKERS BAR ....280 calories! YIKES...[color=yellowgreen][b]that was probably like 4,000 point, huh, Ann!?[/b][/color] :rolleyes: Then I had a rather big lunch for me (380 calories) and some grapes and then for my night time meeting, they brought in SUBWAY SANDWICHES! I went to the bathroom and by the time I came back, all that was left was ham and cheese! I didn't put mustard or mayo on it and it was only 6 inches, but it still seemed like a lot to me (I used to eat foot long ones and then want more!) I think I went WAY over 1000 calories yesterday, but that's ok! I'll just watch it today! The snickers bar kindof made me mad! :mad:

Finishing the Christmas shopping today and then finishing packing this weekend! I have 3 more days of work, and I[color=blue][b] leave on Thursday at 8:00 in the morning! I can't WAIT![/b][/color]

[b][size=4][color=red]Have a good day all....and where are you?[/color][/size][/b]
[color=black]Oh, by the way.....I've belonged to Fit Day since last Spring![/color]
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Kelly, a 6" ham subway sub has 290 calories, only 5 grams of fat and only 1.5 of those fat grams are saturated.


I would venture to guess your breafast bar at 4 points. The Snickers bar was 5 or 6 points. The 6" ham sub is 5 points. I don't know what you had for lunch but the grapes were 1 point. Looks to me like you did pretty well. I doubt you exceeded 23 points. :)

Sounds like you did pretty well. I wouldn't worry about that Subway Sub, I would worry about that 1000 calories per day, though. That's not even enough to sustain just your basal metabolism. You might force your body to slow it's metabolism down, which means you'll gain weight fast when you stop doing this. You might want to gradually increase a little, at least to 1200. I'm not being critical, just concerned.

Well, I finished my Christmas shopping today (I think :rolleyes: ) Tomorrow, after my run, I hope to get some decorating done, but I'll be babysitting my granddaughter, so I don't know. I may be able to get some of it done while she's napping. Assuming she takes a nap for me.
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[b]Runner Ann[/b]: Thanks for your concern! Seriously! You are a fabulous friend! My mom and I sat down and had this same talk last night because I was getting a little concerned about my program. As of yesterday, I was down to 127...and that is pretty quick over such a short amount of time (Since sept 22 where I was 149). As I've stated before, I've recently been having seizures that I've had to start taking medications for and a new med that I've started in the last 2 weeks has a weight loss side effect, so I'm going to take your's (and mom's and my neurologist's) advice and up my calorie intake. I walk SO MUCH at work, and so to eat less is not doing me any good, because I'm burning more calories than I am taking in! [b]Thank you so much for paying such close attention to me, Ann. Seriously! I really appreciate it! [/b] :)

[color=plum][b]I'm actually looking forward to gaining a little weight on my cruise![/b][/color] :rolleyes: [b][color=plum]Woo hoo![/color][/b]

[size=3][color=red][b]Have a great Saturday, All![/b][/color][/size]
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Good Morning-Wow, Kelly and Ann, I wish I was done with my Christmas shopping!! I am slowly getting there. My husband decorates like the Griswalds, it takes him several days so he has pulled everything out and it has invaded my house!! Oh well.
Yesterday I had to go out to lunch and dinner with 2 different couples. I tried to be good, it was tough. At lunch I ate my sandwich but no fries, and dinner I had Italian, I only ate half and brought the rest home. I did break down and eat a half a piece of fudge my neighbor made. tonight we have a party to go to,I am going to eat a salad or soup before I go so I am not starving, hope that works!!
Kelly, I agree with Ann you are doing great, don't worry, your body needs more calories some days so it doesn't think you are starving.
I am still wondering what happened to everyone else??
Have a great day. Connie
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[color=red][b]Connie:[/b][/color] Thanks for the Great feedback! I love my new friends here! I'm not sure what happened to everyone else, [color=red][b]but we're still here....and for now....that's all that counts! Right?!!!!![/b][/color] ;)

[size=4][color=yellowgreen][b]I LOVE GRISWALD DECORATING!!![/b][/color][/size] I wish I could see the hard work your husband has put into this! :p

Congrats on your good job with the food yummies! This is a tough time during the holidays, I think. In general, I think we need to be careful, but we also need to indulge when and where we can! SLOWLY PACING MYSELF!!!! :rolleyes:

Talk to you soon!
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Hi guys! Sorry I haven't been here all day. My sister in law is in town, so last night we had a girls night out-all the girls in the family and that always is followed by a pajama party at my house. It was fun! Then I was watching my granddaughter all day today. That was fun too! We got our Xmas decorations up today! I am so happy! I was a little worried about doing that with a 14 month old around but she took a 2 1/2 hour nap and when she was up, she really didn't cause a problem with the tree, so that was good.

The eating, I was a little over yesterday. I think. When I'm not sure, I count high. Today, I made up two points and tomorrow I'll make up the other 4. What a pain, but I guess this is what it takes to keep from blowing up.

Kelly, I'm glad you accepted what I said in the spirit in which it was meant. I hope the siezures stop for you. Gee! You leave in just a few days! Can't wait to hear all about it!

Hey Connie! Nice job on behaving during all those outings. Gosh that's so hard to do. Especially if the person across from you is digging in! I had to do that yesterday too. I went a little over, but I was still practicing restraint. Had I not been, I'd have been hopelessly over today!

Tomorrow, we go and cut down a Christmas tree for our oldest daughter. Looking forward to it. They have horse drawn wagons that take you out to the tree field. Then they bring you back and you can go inside the barn, drink hot chocolate and sing Christmas Carols by the fire. They have a piano player. It's always alot of fun. Can't wait. We're taking the baby and I'm looking forward to introducing her to all the family holiday traditions.
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Good Morning!!
start 10/19-168
last week-164

Whew!!! I am glad I am not up, with all these darn parties going on! We went to another one last night, I did real good with the food, but had a few to many cocktails:D (I did have rum and diet pepsi)
Kelly, if I can figure out how to put a picture on here I will take one of the Griswald home when he finishes(it takes him several days) I am with Ann, I hope your seizures stop soon also!! Only 6 more days!! I wish I could come to.
Runner Ann, The Christmas tree tradition sounds like so much fun!! Enjoy.
Today is my middle sons 10th birthday, you won't beleive where he wants us to take him to dinner!! Hooters:eek: Boys!!!!
I will check back later to see how everyone is doing.
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Start weight: 185
last week: 158
today: 156

The reason for my continued success is simply because I am staying focused on my goal at this holiday time. Wishing you all success at this time of year. Now, it's back to my hectic holiday schedule.

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[i][size=1](I hope folks don't mind me checking in...)[/size][/i]
[size=1] [/size]
Start weight: 265 (8/1/2001)
Goal range: 158 - 169 (3/18/2002)
Last week: 171.5
This week: 170.5

This is always a tough time of year, though my current struggle to get back in my goal range started well over a year ago when I stopped cycling. I did my best to fill the gap, but the reality is that my weight is very-much dependent on my exercise. I've taken up step aerobic with a lot more dedication now (our steps came in a few days ago) and hopefully that, with a lot of diet discipline, will help me get back in range and stay there.

However, putting aside the normal stresses of managing diet and exercise, this is still always a tough time of year. The weight-loss program I lost my weight on always played the "Holiday Guilt Trip" tape this time of year. It is a 8 minute phone call (from 1992, I think) from the mother of one of the program's participants, laying it on thick and heavy about how it's only once a year (a whole month, of course, that only comes once a year), and how you can't live like that, blah blah blah. :)

Credit to everyone who stuck to your guns and kept with whatever your chosen program is! Your health is of paramount importance, and your obligations to yourself, and to your ability to best serve your obligations to your family and friends [i]long into the future[/i] trumps any guilt-trip that takes a short-term view. You need to be there for your family for years to come, and the healthier you are the better you can be there for them. They'll get over you passing up some pie or cake! :)
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April 2004: 159
Start of [b]REAL[/b] diet on this board!:rolleyes: (9-22-04): 149
Last Sunday: 131
Today: 127
Original Goal (by 12-16-04): 135
Goal After I Reach the Realistic Goal: 125

As posted earlier here, I think a big part of a lot of my weight loss here this week is the new medication for my seizures and the lack of calorie increase with that new medication. I'm ok with the weight, but a little freaked by how fast it came off! At least I have some GAIN ROOM for the cruise! :p

We leave on Thursday of this week! WOO HOO!

I just finished wrapping all of my gifts and the last of my decorating. I'm finishing packing this afternoon and we're going to do the last minute cruise shopping for the "essential" list.

[b][color=yellowgreen]Bicker: Congrats on your success! Your words of wisdom are wonderful, and will be printed and added to my collection of wise thoughts! I'm glad you checked in! :) [/color][/b]

[b][color=red]REGINA!!: Glad you checked in! I've missed you! Hey 2 more pounds! YOU ARE SO AWESOME!!! I'm inspired by how you keep your eye on the goal! Good for you! I have a question.....should I pack anything for that sea lice thing? I don't want to be itchy! :cool: Let me know![/color][/b]

[b][color=yellowgreen]Connie: Way to go! Any loss of FABULOUS! I can't wait to see the results of the Griswald Decorating! We had 75 mph winds here the last couple of days and our Griswald neighbors are rallying the troops to herd up all the decorations around the neighborhood! I think we'll join in later this morning![/color][/b] :p

[b][color=red]Ann: Have a FABULOUS sleigh ride! How fun and exciting! What a wonderful tradition! I can't wait to hear how it goes! Tell us all about it![/color][/b]

[b][size=4][color=yellowgreen]Have a FABULOUS SUNDAY![/color][/size][/b]
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[quote name='bicker']Your health is of paramount importance, and your obligations to yourself, and to your ability to best serve your obligations to your family and friends [i]long into the future[/i] trumps any guilt-trip that takes a short-term view. You need to be there for your family for years to come, and the healthier you are the better you can be there for them. They'll get over you passing up some pie or cake! [/QUOTE]
Beautifully worded and I whole heartedly agree!

Re: Sea Lice
I used cortisone cream to ease the burning sensation created by coming in contact. My symptoms were gone by the next morning.

Have a great day everyone and I will post as my schedule permits.

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Awesome group, this is great so i will join you guys in this battle. I didn't get to read all these post but biker i did read your and i congratulate you for your nice stats and hope you can get to goal soon. My name is Glory and i live in Connecticut, happily married and mother of 3 wonderful kids: Jose (15), Alex (12) and Ivonne (11). I joined weight watchers 7 months ago and have lost a total of 29.6 (as we use ounces too). I will keep my ww weight since its more accurate but i had started before on my own and had lost about 5 pounds. My start weight was 239.8 (2 ounces for 240) and since September i've been struggling with my weight i guess i got too comfortable with the comments about the weight loss but i've been sticking to the program though not as faithful as i should. I started working out again, i do 30 minutes in the treadmill, 10 minutes warm ups and 40 minutes on the machines 5 days a week and it's been helping. My goal is at least 150 but for ww is 144 so we'll see. I hope to get to meet you guys and to keep in touch. I had started a thread about a ww cruise in september is on Carnival Fascination someone from the ww boards had started the group. If anyone is interested can find on this board. Good luck to all!!
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[b][color=red]Welcome Glory! I'm glad you found us! We weigh in every Sunday and then check in throughout the week! I hope to find you with us continually![/color][/b]

[color=yellowgreen][b]Regina: Thank you for your "lice" wisdom! I will pack some! :) It's nice to see you here! I SO MISS your posts! I realize more and more how much they mean to me, and your rallying of the troops has always been helpful to my weight loss! I'm feeling lost without you![/b][/color] :(

[b][color=red]CM: Congrats on staying the same! Not easy this time of year! Way to go![/color][/b]

[color=yellowgreen][b]Connie: I forgot to comment on Hooters for the 10th birthday party! I nearly fell off the chair laughing! The boy is growing up fast![/b][/color] :rolleyes:

[size=4][color=red][b]Have a nice evening everyone! I may not be posting as much this week, so in case I forget to say it before I leave for the cruise....[/b][/color][/size]
[size=4][color=red][b]Happy Holidays! [color=yellowgreen]I'll be thinking of you all![/color][/b][/color][/size]
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I finally broke the plateau I was on. I'm only down one pound to 131, but after a month of staying the same that's enough. I don't think it's just fluctuating either since I've been sitting at 131 for the last few days. The only thing I've done different is up my water intake. Sad to say I still haven't been able to get back on track with exercise.

I found out yesterday and this morning that I can't overindulge in baked goods anymore. I had a friend and her kids over to bake cookies yesterday and got into them after they left. I don't think I had near as many as I normally would have, but I still got a sugar high (started feeling nauseous and lightheaded) yesterday. This morning I woke up in a major funk. DH commented that this is the second time I've done this after eating alot of refined carbs the day before.

Kelly, I agree you probably need to up your calories, especially with this new medication. I hope you get your seizures under control soon.

I noticed somebody's upcoming cruise is on Carnival Miracle. My father in law is talking about wanting to leave out of Tampa instead of Port Canaveral this September so we'd be switching from RC's Mariner of the Seas to Miracle. I'd love to get any opinions on Miracle or it's sister ships. We've sailed Royal Caribbean once before and enjoyed it.
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Our weight-loss program always impressed on us that baked good were just-plain-[b][color=red]evil[/color][/b]. :D

Seriously, there is a lot to be said for eating a variety of foods, and many folks don't believe in eliminating whole classes of food, etc., etc. In the end, I've never met anyone who's lost a substantial of weight and kept it off while eating lots of Krispy Kremes. :rolleyes: It just doesn't work out that way, unfortunately. There are ways, I've found, to enjoy chocolate, meat, and even pasta, still while remaining pretty fit. However, baked goods -- nope -- haven't found a place in my healthy life for 'em.

YMMV, of course!
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[quote name='bicker']Our weight-loss program always impressed on us that baked good were just-plain-[b][color=red]evil[/color][/b]. :D

Seriously, there is a lot to be said for eating a variety of foods, and many folks don't believe in eliminating whole classes of food, etc., etc. In the end, I've never met anyone who's lost a substantial of weight and kept it off while eating lots of Krispy Kremes. :rolleyes: It just doesn't work out that way, unfortunately. There are ways, I've found, to enjoy chocolate, meat, and even pasta, still while remaining pretty fit. However, baked goods -- nope -- haven't found a place in my healthy life for 'em.

YMMV, of course![/QUOTE]

I agree with you. I can actually eat bread products if they are whole grain. Just can't eat the processed stuff in a large or even moderate quantity now. Most of the time I don't miss the baked goods either. In fact I baked yesterday simply because I enjoy baking. Now I just have to figure out what to do with the cookies. LOL. I did ok this afternnon by just eating one cookie, so unless the boys pick up on eating them I won't have to bake again this season. Interestingly enough the sweet potato pie I fixed at Thanksgiving didn't give me a problem. I only had one piece with the crust, but the other pieces I had (more than I should have) didn't give me the sugar high.
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I just found this ww snack (almost tiny bites) of chocolate cake with fudge and also carrot cake and they are only 1 point each and got rid of my sweet tooth right away. I love finding options for sweets especially when T.O.M. is around. Thank God i don't bake and try not to buy full fat snacks for the house, i feel bad for the kids but if they don't have snacks they'll find mine and make sure they get rid of them, they are my little eating monsters.
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