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Live From The Noordam With Tomc


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innlady1 -- I hadn't thought of that but --no-- St V isn't the reason we are getting as far away as possible, as fast as possible. Just gotta make the next port.


Let me tell you new folks about St Vincent, all of this being my own opinion only and not having taken any excursions. I only walked into town, checked out a few stores and got hit up by some guy who expected that I'd part with $5 American. ha.


There are some nice houses up in the heights, but mostly it looks like any other Caribbean islands where I've been: definitely not the high-rent area. When you leave the dock and its newly-built pavilion, you walk into town on a narrow road with unkept sidewalks and small, not-well-kept stores. Traffic is fast, uncaring and horns beep all the time. The beeping is not so much a notice that someone is coming as it is a signal to the locals that another tourist is about to be pancaked.


People are polite and you are not pulled, kicking and screaming, into stores where you do not wish to shop. I did not see garbage in the streets, nor did I see people sitting around stoned. I had the impression that St V's is trying, perhaps desperately, to attract tourists and the word is out just how the local populace is to behave. I could be very wrong about that; it could be people are just this way naturally. I do think the island is competing for tourism, as noted by one or two awards posted about "most improved site" for tourists.


I did not hear any bad words about the island taxi trips, the excursions. One person told me the cab was clean, worked, the driver was clean and did not smell of alcohol. She seemed surprised, which she might be, given the view you get when you first arrive: the semi-rustbucket ferries and inter-island cargo ships, the road into town, etc.


But, again, people are friendly, dressed well enough and we all felt safe here. More than I can say for where I currently live.




This post came to you live from the Noordam.


Thanks for the first hand report on St. Vincent. As I mentioned, We were going to do the 11 day Noordam this year because I've always wanted to go to Barbados, and your cruise had dates that worked...but no Barbados! The cruise after ours, during school vacation week in the Northeast, I stayed clear of after mariner's reports last year of zillions of unruly kids on board!

I love your reports...sign on every day and 1st thing, check to see if you have posted another installment!

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The usual nice breakfast in the Vista Dining Room (although the braille sign under it actually says: "Vista Dino Room." They misplaced a dot, changing "ing" into "o," but that's a braille thing). Anyway, I'm always so fearful that I might have done something to insult the dining room steward that, when he pulls my chair out for me, he might continue pulling it out as I sit down and end up with my @ on the floor while the rest of them laugh and applaud heartily: "Hey, Mistah Tom, we get even wiz you. Ha Ha Ha."


u4ea stopped me on my way down here to mention that some 70'ish lady with a Brooklyn accent was chair-hogging, while sitting at a table just a short distance away. A steward came along and removed her implements of hoggery and she became quite upset, murmuring under her breath, "I'm gonna *kill* him." Well, lady, we happen to be buying tickets and getting in line to bring your cruise to a quick and, for us, satisfying end.


You will remember, unless you finally managed to get it out of your minds, that I had overnight toilet-flushing problems the last cruise -- and possibly the last two. Well, it's three-oh and all on the Noordam. Fortunately, all I used it for during the nighttime was #1 and didn't have to "drop the kids off at the pool," as they say.


As I write these deathless words of prose, but unconnected to the outhouse my bathroom smells like, I looked out the library window and noticed the Adventure of the Seas parked next to us, which brings me to a navigation incident we had earlier today. Or did we? Decide for yourself, because the crew will deny that anything went wrong.


I was in the dining room. 9:27, the engines (or the propulsion system) stopped. 9:30, they stopped again. We began drifting aimlessly and then turning slowly. 9:35, the engines turned on, then off for good. We kept our electricity. I was hard to see from the dining room exactly what was happening, due to the curtains, but it seemed to be major, with no announcement from the captain. I went up to the Prom to see what was going on and realized we were in a docking maneuver. [face turns red] I thought we were docking later. So much for my proposed post: "Noordam Stopped Dead In Ocean." Change that to: "Noordam Docked At St Maarten."


There is a dredge in the harbor, plus some other work vessels. I don't know exactly why, but it's possible they are deepening the dock area; that's just a guess. There appears to be another dock under construction, as piles have been driven.


This post came to you live from the Noordam.

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You will remember, unless you finally managed to get it out of your minds, that I had overnight toilet-flushing problems the last cruise -- and possibly the last two. Well, it's three-oh and all on the Noordam. Fortunately, all I used it for during the nighttime was #1 and didn't have to "drop the kids off at the pool," as they say.


Oh my! I hope the engineering department doesn't treat you as poo-rly as they did the last time! You deserve a su-poo-do-poo vacation!:rolleyes:


I am sure you did not disobey the stern warning posted above the commode. It may be that the "thin" paper (cause or Noro?:) ) is not dissolving as it should?

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The usual nice breakfast in the Vista Dining Room (although the braille sign under it actually says: "Vista Dino Room." They misplaced a dot, changing "ing" into "o," but that's a braille thing).

I never have figured out how a blind person is supposed to find the signs written in braille. :confused:

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First, the terlit is fixed so me and my roomie can rest peacefully in the knowledge that the cabin won't smell something like an episode of The Discovery Channel's Dirty Jobs, with Mike Rowe.


We had a fuel barge alongside all day, with a windsock flying from a mast. That was useful in case an airplane decided to land on its deck and needed to know the right heading. I saw two mottos on the barge: "Trust your car to the man who wears the star," and "Trust your ships to the barge that zips."


Came back to the cabin and flipped on the light. There was what I thought to be my roomie, all pale and somewhat cross-eyed. "Looking a little white, pal," I said. "Feeling ok?" Turned out to be the first towel animal.


Someone, I think from the board, said we get only one soap. Far as I know, we always got just one soap. I'm still going thru mine, but he said not to use all of it, as he could not get a second bar. I made a note to keep upwind of him for the rest of the cruise.


A woman got hurt on the "Pirates of the Caribbean" tour at St Vincent Island yesterday. Reports vary from broken ankle to broken wrist. It was very rough out there and people got 50% back. General impression, from what I heard, was that it might have been too rough for that excursion to run.


I also heard that some ditz did an excursion where the clothing requirements included good, flat shoes for walking on uneven ground. She wore heels.


And in the "also heard" category, we may have left some people behind at St V's. Or, to put it more accurately, some people may have returned to the ship later than was advertised in (a) the daily program, (b) the announcement by the CD and © the gangway sign. I'll try to find out more, but it still stands that time, tide and the ship wait for no one.


Someone complained about our slow waiter, and I heard another complaint the other night. In the old days, a waiter appeared to be responsible for ten diners; today, they seem to have fifteen under their care. Stands to reason they will be slower.


This post came to you live from the Noordam.

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First, the terlit is fixed so me and my roomie can rest peacefully


Oh, and so can we!


Someone, I think from the board, said we get only one soap. Far as I know, we always got just one soap.


Whatever you do, don't drop it!


I also heard that some ditz did an excursion where the clothing requirements included good, flat shoes for walking on uneven ground. She wore heels.


What we do for fashion!




"if you can't say anything nice, come sit by me."

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TomC, I (the male part of Dianancolin) have had Braille signs on certain parts of my body waiting to be read by a gorgeous blonde. Closest I've come to success so far is our blonde Shih Tzu!


Love your posts - keep 'em coming!

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Dear TomC

YOU SIR, are perhaps one of the coolest people - well, I have ever read -

Yea - - coolest...thank you for your reports! Every one (report) is so very enjoyed and fuuunnnny - yes very! Thank you! Trust paths may cross on one of these DAM ships one day. :)

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As I write this -- AT THE VERY MOMENT -- we are passing another ship, which is heading south. A ghostly presence outside the Promenade Deck and Internet room. I can't quite make out what line it is, but if I were outside these windows, I might be able to see the logo. For all the ocean out there, you'd think we might, just might, have a little more water between us. Well, this isn't my train set, so to speak, so I'll just sit here and type.


I just got in from the Sky/Observation Deck, where I was laid out on one of their chairs, sort of off the edge so my head was not on an angle. I could just look up to the skies and watch the stars. As I got up, I saw the aforementioned vessel of pleasure bearing down on us (or we, bearing up on them).


We're going to St Thomas in the morning, and the CD announced we'd be doing immigration. There was some sort of fuss in the distance when he said that and, shortly before we shoved off in the darkness, I saw four or five people slide down one of the ropes and run off into the night. huh. That seems to be a magical word: shout it and watch the fun.


Some guy was at the AYW door for supper and wanted Table 123 (let's say), because he and his friends had it last night and they are waiting for him. The doorman said, "This is AYW and tables are not reserved; you want to go upstairs if you want traditional dining." Well, he 'bout had a fit and was determined to have the same table. The doorman looked at his screen and said #123 was already occupied. The guy turned around and said, "Then I don't have supper tonight." He stormed away, then snuck back and headed for #123. "Sir," the doorman said, "you can't go to that table; it's already in use." By that time, I was headed to mine, so I never did see how it turned out.


I found a Pound coin here in the Internet room, stuck it in my pocket and saved it for a Brit couple I've met. They waved me over to their mixed large table at supper, as I was on my way out. I handed the coin to the wife and said, "This is for last night." She said, "Only a Pound? That's all I'm worth?" The husband bought it off me for USD$1, about half of what it's worth. Well, a buck for something that's not really mine isn't bad.


(She *was* worth more than that, btw.) ;)


This post came to you live from the Noordam.

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Some guy was at the AYW door for supper and wanted Table 123 (let's say), because he and his friends had it last night and they are waiting for him. The doorman said, "This is AYW and tables are not reserved; you want to go upstairs if you want traditional dining." Well, he 'bout had a fit and was determined to have the same table. The doorman looked at his screen and said #123 was already occupied. The guy turned around and said, "Then I don't have supper tonight." He stormed away, then snuck back and headed for #123. "Sir," the doorman said, "you can't go to that table; it's already in use." By that time, I was headed to mine, so I never did see how it turned out.


He didn't have a Russian accent, did he?


<ducking & running>............


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I enjoy your posts so much, I don't want your cruise to end. When is your next cruise, so we can enjoy another "live from" thread from you?


Same here!


Tomc...did you find out what happened with the people supposedly left behind in St. V. :confused:

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What really gets me is the "DRIVE UP ATM'S" with braille.
No lie! Those astound me, too.
That's just because they don't make special versions just for drive-ups, but simply use the same ones as for walk-up machines.
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We're docked at Crown Point, or something like that. The fake Caribbean village which is still (a) under construction, (b) under occupied. It's also a $4 taxi ride, per person to downtown. Not worth $8 to me just to walk around and see what's here. If someone with two or three machines would set them down on or near the dock, they could make good money (at least, grocery money after paying overhead) from people like me who want cheaper and faster online.


Notes on today's breakfast service. One gentleman, with his wife, was at the entrance podium to the Vista complaining that he waited twenty (t-w-e-n-t-y, mind you, 20) minutes just for a cup of coffee, much less anything else and there was no waiter. I rather suspect the gentleman may have been exaggerating the time line just a tad. Maybe a bunch of tads.


I went in and the staff was in my face.

1) Here iss your table, Mistah Tom

2) Decaf or regular, sir?

3) Haf some water.

4) Made up your mind, sir? (How fast can you make up your mind?)

5) "Yes, blueberry pancakes."

6) Crossant or pastry, sir?

7) Want date for evening, sir? Pretty girl working bar tonight.

8) Pancakes arrive, literally, in minutes.

9) I'll let you know if the pretty bar maid shows up.


* * *

Before all this, they call for Immigration. What a mistake and what a screw-up! The cute young thing wants to say, "Will all on deck one please come to the Queen's Lounge?" But her microphone cut out and all we heard was, "Will all ... please come to the Queen's Lounge?"


Well, you've seen the ads for NCL, where they take a swipe at HAL. On HAL, everybody swims when told, eats when told, etc. It happened. Everybody on the ship dutifully reports to the Queen's Lounge. The line starts there, goes up all the way to the Lido on the forward stairway, then thru the Lido to the back stairway, all the way down to "A" deck where the gangway is, out the gangway and down the pier to the Wind Spirit docked next to us, three times around the Wind Spirit deck and halfway around its dining room.


But we did what we were told to do.

* * *


The Wind Spirit is docked next to us; that's the motor sailer I've only seen in photos. It looks like a no-nonsense operation: the masts are solid and tall, and everything about it looks first-class.


Some *itchy old lady was at the table next to me at breakfast and, among other things, complained loud and long that Americans have no freedoms anymore. I was sorely tempted to say, "Lady, if you said something like that in many countries, you would be lucky to spend the rest of your life in jail; he alternative would be pushing up daisies in less than a minute. Be grateful you can say things like that, in public, out loud -- on a cruise ship which has taken you from country to country without asking your religion, your nationality or looking at your passport."


There are large, megabucks, pleasure boats here, as well as a couple of tugs. Being from a nautical family (working nautical), I think I'd rather be working on a tug, rather than being on an ocean-going yacht. You don't have to take your shoes off on a tug; it rolls and it's got character.


There's a freighter unloading containers just out the window here, and a much smaller freighter (*much* smaller) taking some out of port, probably to another island or section of this island. A fairly busy airport, out of view.


The harbor is being dredged with a clamshell bucket. It's one of those slow maritime jobs. Whether an ongoing thing, or because of improvements, I can't say. But looking at the pace, I'd guess it's just harbor maintenance.


This post has come to you live from the Noordam.

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We seem to be sort of hanging out in the +3-mile-zone area so people can give HAL their money in the casino and shops. There's another ship fairly close to us (can't make out what it is due, first, to distance and, now, to darkness) which appears to be doing much the same. Putzing around at sea is a lot cheaper than paying dockage.


San Juan is our port tomorrow and since we've been through Immigration already, all we have to do is hide all our bootleg stuff as we walk stiff-legged thru the passenger terminal in NYC and throw pepper in the dogs' noses.


The Wind Spirit, btw, has eight smokestacks at about 45 degree angles, more or less. To these experienced eyes, they look more like anti-aircraft guns, but I could be mistaken. Most people think I'm mistaken.


Three people were late for the ship. As one of them came running down the dock, the captain made note of it and encouraged us to give the lady a round of applause, which we were only too happy to do. Then he waited a while longer and --twenty-five minutes after posted departure-- the other two people came running down the dock. Again, "a round of applause, if you please." Apparently, time was not that much of the essence, so he could afford to hang around for a while.


I'm at the point where I start counting minutes so I can make my last post as we head toward NY Harbor. There will be a regular review after I get home and can sort out my thoughts.


There is talk of a football game tomorrow that everybody wants to watch. Not being a sports fan, I'm not sure what it's all about. Couple of teams in after-season play.


This post came to you live from a sports-deprived person on the Noordam.

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