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Ok, got my Soap Box, standing tall....gotta vent!


Read a review, pretty concise, offered a broad spectrum of information on Voyager of the Seas.


Here is the rant! Pre-paid gratuities, but since we never ate in the dining room, wanted them removed. Excuse me, but where do you think they get the waiters and supervisors for the Windjammer from? These are the same folks that work the Dining room!


I can understand the desire to minimize expenses, get a good deal on a cabin, save some money with reduced parking, etc. BUT stiffing the wait staff stinks!



Ok, off my platform.

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Texasmonk, I totally agree with you. ;) I have ranted before just as you have. Not that it will do any good, because there will always be cheapskates:eek: :rolleyes:


Just wanted to show you some support..........

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Move over -- more fuel to add to this fire.

We ate dinner in the Windjammer on our last cruise, we brought our open wine bottles in (from DR) and the waiter quickly offered us wine glasses. The wait staff was dressed the same as the staff in the DR; they were quick to assist etc. -- very nice atmosphere. We asked the waiter (and another waiter in the WJ the next evening) if they get a share of the tips from the DR waitstaff. Answer: No. Apparently, every fifth cruise they are required to work in the WJ in the evenings and only get what tips are left for them which we all know are scant.

Somehow this does not seem right........:(


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I completely agree with you. We were on the Voyager on the 1/13 sailing. We only ate in the dining room three of the seven nights. That was a first for us, but not only did we tip the waiter and the asst waiter as if we were there every night, we also added extra. The night we ate at JR, we tipped them heavily because they danced for us. :) We have never tipped in the WJ before because I thought the tips were shared with all of the waitstaff. Now I know better and in the future will also tip in the WJ.

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Anyone have contact with one of the ship based CDs? Maybe an email to a CD can get an accurate answer. Not saying anyone is wrong here but it seems depending on where we get the information it does not all stack up well with what other staff indicate.


I would like to know accurately because like so many expected that some money from DR was shared over with WJ staff. Sure hate to think we stiffed the staff because of a misunderstanding.


We usually tip more than standard for the DR staff, especially on last cruise where they were tops in service and just awesome with DD.

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How about those who tell the dining room staff they won't be there right from day 1. The eat evey night in the WJ and they tip there accordingly. I see nothing wrong with that.


They also are not working for it. Why shouldn't that tip go to the people that did work for it?



OK, this is the way I look at it:


You show up for your job, ready and willing to work. There is no work to do, yet you still have to stay there and perhaps help other people perform their duties. For this you get no pay for the week...nothing.


Some may argue the Maitre d' will seat other people at "your" assigned table, but all that does is shift the non-paid employee to another unfortunate non-paid person.


The buffet staff, in the mean time, know they are working that particular week for no tips, it is a rotation they all go through and I would bet even if they do receive any gratuities at all, it is very meager in comparison to their typical dining room tips.


I also remember the days of my hairstyling career when clients would not show and not give a thought about it. When a client doesn't show up, you have your time booked, cannot accomodate another client but you make zero income during their appointment time. Imagine how shocked people would be, after 3 missed appointments I would inform them they needed to pay for missed time from then on.


We tip the personnel assigned to serve us the recommended amount or more whether we are there or not, it's only fair. If I miss an appointment with my hairstylist or nail tech, I pay for the time I booked.


If another person can justify to themselves non-tipping and feel alright about it, that is what works best for them.

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OK, this is the way I look at it:


You show up for your job, ready and willing to work. There is no work to do, yet you still have to stay there and perhaps help other people perform their duties. For this you get no pay for the week...nothing.


Some may argue the Maitre d' will seat other people at "your" assigned table, but all that does is shift the non-paid employee to another unfortunate non-paid person.


The buffet staff, in the mean time, know they are working that particular week for no tips, it is a rotation they all go through and I would bet even if they do receive any gratuities at all, it is very meager in comparison to their typical dining room tips.


I also remember the days of my hairstyling career when clients would not show and not give a thought about it. When a client doesn't show up, you have your time booked, cannot accomodate another client but you make zero income during their appointment time. Imagine how shocked people would be, after 3 missed appointments I would inform them they needed to pay for missed time from then on.


We tip the personnel assigned to serve us the recommended amount or more whether we are there or not, it's only fair. If I miss an appointment with my hairstylist or nail tech, I pay for the time I booked.


If another person can justify to themselves non-tipping and feel alright about it, that is what works best for them.


If I have told the dining room not to expect us for the entire week, then my tips should go to the WJ staff who have waited on me. If we eat even once in the DR, then tips should go to both. IMO


Does anyone know why tips for the WJ staff is not part of the envelops that they hand out?

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exactly Happy!!!


I don't understand why some "don't Understand". The crew is hired to wait tables that are included in the all inclusive price of the cruise. They have to hire the waiters assuming you are cruising because food and dinning are included.


If you decide you are not going to take advantage of the dining room, they already, before you boarded, staffed the dining room for you. Now this waiter, who is hired to wait on you sits, no pay for him??? This is outrageous.


Like I've said before.......if you want to have these kinds of choices, when and if to tip, don't cruise. Cruising is an all inclusive.


You wouldn't go to an all inclusive resort and decide, hum I didn't eat lunch at the resort so I will deduct that from my package deal. This is what you are trying to do to the cruise line and wait staff.


Ppl who are trying to do this should consider a land vacation where you pay only for what you want, no package.


Also....thinking you can tip in the windjammer is nuts. You think you are tipping those who help you up there, but really, the entire wait staff does a turn in the windjammer, round the clock. The tips everyone is supposed to pay their wait staff covers the cost of the tips for each person who also does a turn in the windjammer. So....this is what you are doing when you only tip when you eat in the windjammer and you dont tip your wait staff....your wait staff doesn't get paid by you in the dining room AND they dont get their share of their windjammer money like every other wait person who's ppl pay their tips even though they are also working up there. You short them twice.

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One question, one personal experience, and one personal practice:


Is there REALLY a tip pool?


On my first cruise, I saw my table's assistant waiter working in the Windjammer during breakfast and lunch. And yes, they worked that evening in the dining room as well. THREE SHIFTS. I struck up a conversation to basically say hello and remarked how I didn't know they worked in the Windjammer too. The reply was that a lot of people were not utilizing the main dining room so they had to move staff.


After hearing this, I decided something minor that I've done on every cruise since. I leave a dollar after every meal eaten in the Windjammer. It's not much, but at least it is something.

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Our assistant waiter on the Adventure met us on the morning we were disembarking while we were sitting at the Promenade Café'.

We asked her what she was doing there and she told us she was assigned there for the whole next week of the cruise.

She also told us that she would have no income from tips that week. But, she said that is expected, and that they all rotate to different areas.

I do not believe that the actual waiters change. I believe it is the assistant waiters.

I have never seen our waiters in the Windjammer.

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....think about it this way.....part of your cruise price includes entertainment. If you dont use the rock wall or go to the shows are you going to ask for some money back? The fact that you prepaid for these services and that you are on the honor system to pay after the cruise for the wait service doesn't matter, it's the same.


If ppl continue to think of a cruise as a pay as you go sort of deal, soon they will just up the prices and make you prepay for the wait staff. Assume the tips into your cost of the cruise and understand that it is a part of the all inclusive package. You are still getting a heck of a deal vs. a land vacation, hands down. Assuming you dont go crazy with the momento spending and drinks:D !

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Ok, got my Soap Box, standing tall....gotta vent!


Read a review, pretty concise, offered a broad spectrum of information on Voyager of the Seas.


Here is the rant! Pre-paid gratuities, but since we never ate in the dining room, wanted them removed. Excuse me, but where do you think they get the waiters and supervisors for the Windjammer from? These are the same folks that work the Dining room!


I can understand the desire to minimize expenses, get a good deal on a cabin, save some money with reduced parking, etc. BUT stiffing the wait staff stinks!



Ok, off my platform.


I agree. I NEVER stiff the workers. Anywhere.

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exactly Happy!!!


Like I've said before.......if you want to have these kinds of choices, when and if to tip, don't cruise. Cruising is an all inclusive.


You wouldn't go to an all inclusive resort and decide, hum I didn't eat lunch at the resort so I will deduct that from my package deal. This is what you are trying to do to the cruise line and wait staff.


Ppl who are trying to do this should consider a land vacation where you pay only for what you want, no package.


Also....thinking you can tip in the windjammer is nuts. You think you are tipping those who help you up there, but really, the entire wait staff does a turn in the windjammer, round the clock. The tips everyone is supposed to pay their wait staff covers the cost of the tips for each person who also does a turn in the windjammer. So....this is what you are doing when you only tip when you eat in the windjammer and you dont tip your wait staff....your wait staff doesn't get paid by you in the dining room AND they dont get their share of their windjammer money like every other wait person who's ppl pay their tips even though they are also working up there. You short them twice.


Cruising is an all inclusive is laughable. It tries to make people think it is, but they nickel and dime you on everything.


I wouldn't go to an all inclusive and decided not to tip there is I didn't eat there one time. I paid for an all inclusive, and it is just that. It includes everything. If I go off on my own I tip there as well, as it was not included I don't however have to tip separately at their specialty restaurants, because it is all included as the WJ should be.


As far as WJ being part of the pool, that is what is up in the air here. Some of you say yes they are, and some say no. I will call and ask this question tomorrow. I would think you would have to be correct that they are included. I have prepaid our gratuities for this trip. I don't expect to have to tip again in the WJ. I would expect that to be covered already. Also, if we eat every night at the WJ, I will hand my envelop to the people in the WJ. Why should I have to go to the DR to hand a total stranger a tip?

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....think about it this way.....part of your cruise price includes entertainment. If you dont use the rock wall or go to the shows are you going to ask for some money back? The fact that you prepaid for these services and that you are on the honor system to pay after the cruise for the wait service doesn't matter, it's the same.


If ppl continue to think of a cruise as a pay as you go sort of deal, soon they will just up the prices and make you prepay for the wait staff. Assume the tips into your cost of the cruise and understand that it is a part of the all inclusive package. You are still getting a heck of a deal vs. a land vacation, hands down. Assuming you dont go crazy with the momento spending and drinks:D !


They should just do this and stop all this crazyness. If you want to add more on top feel free, but have the recommended amount built in already.


A cruise is a lot more expensive than an all inclusive land vacation. Once you add in everything and the airfare to get to the port. But, if I was worried about the price of the tips making or breaking us, I sure as heck wouldn't be going on a cruise.

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A cruise is certainly not all inclusive. I pay seperate air fare from Canada to whatever port, I pay to eat in the specialty restaurants onboard, I pay to drink alcohol and pop. Ergo - not all-inclusive.


As for gratuities, I give gratuities based on the services I receive. I'm not interested in where people come from, how many children they have at home, how many people they have to support. Give me good service I will reward you accordingly. If I don't receive any service because I choose not to use your service (telling head waiter I will not be in dining room all week) then I will say thank you to the person who does provide the service during that time.


I feel no obligation to "tip" anyone who has not provided me with a service.


Normally we eat in the dining room at about 5 nights out of 7. We always give our servers the recommended amount for the whole week as we don't consider a night by night amount. I'm sorry to say it's been awhile since we've given over the recommended amount because we haven't felt we've had anything other than regular to mediocre service over the last 2/3 years.


Nevertheless, I will never "tip" anyone anywhere for services I have not received.

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A cruise is a lot more expensive than an all inclusive land vacation. Once you add in everything and the airfare to get to the port. But, if I was worried about the price of the tips making or breaking us, I sure as heck wouldn't be going on a cruise.


HUH?? Where can you go all inclusive besides Mexico that is cheaper. I would love to spend a week in St Martin all inclusive for cheaper than a cruise? I have looked...no luck :(

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I have asked this question on board before, and I was told that all the waiters rotate through the WJ, and the week that they do, they do not expect to receive any tips. To make up for it, they do get tips when they work the DR. So- we tip in the DR, even if some nights we eat in the WJ- the WJ staff don't expect individual tipping, because the tips to go the DR staff.


If you don't tip in the DR, then they will be short for the week, plus they will have a week of no tips at all when it is their turn in WJ. It is not a perfect system, and I do agree that it seems a little funny to eat in WJ and not tip, but not to tip in the DR will stiff the wait staff.


I do think they need to have a certain $ a day tip that can be added when you book the cruise.


Even so, there will always be those group of people who won't tip. I have heard people trying to get their tips removed from their Sea Pass account at the end of the cruise, because they probably spent too much in the casino or the bar bill was too high. Sad.

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Our assistant waiter on the Adventure met us on the morning we were disembarking while we were sitting at the Promenade Café'.

We asked her what she was doing there and she told us she was assigned there for the whole next week of the cruise.

She also told us that she would have no income from tips that week. But, she said that is expected, and that they all rotate to different areas.

I do not believe that the actual waiters change. I believe it is the assistant waiters.

I have never seen our waiters in the Windjammer.

I'm not sure if the waiters get assigned to the Windjammer in the evening but I know I've seen our waiter and assistant waiter both in the Windjammer on the Grandeur. On one cruise our assitant waiter was assigned the breakfast shift and our waiter was assigned the lunch shift. They always made sure they came by and said hi if they saw us in the Windjammer while they were on. They went out of their way to take care of us in there as well as in the formal dining room. Also, some waiters do need to be kept in the dining room for the days it is openened. The next cruise we were on, these same people were in the dining room for all three meals. Maybe it changes from cruise to cruise?

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Maybe it's just me............... I consider the standard tips to be part of the cost of the cruise and would never even consider not tipping the dining room staff whether I'm there or not. With that obligation taken care of, I will tip extra and/or additional people as I feel it's appropriate.

I also tip the bartenders and the wait staff in the lounges extra. As a result, we always get great service. (I'm the one that always gets served before you in the Schooner Lounge) A couple of extra dollars goes a long way.................... For me, not tipping is NOT an option.

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