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Completely Depressed & Frustrated...HELP!


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Now you know how I tell you I don't like sweets...I can take them or leave them. Well I'm here to tell you that Paula Dean makes an irresistable cake that I have made and people cannot get enough. The strangest part is the name of the cake.....she calls it "Is it Really Better Than Sex Cake?" Its vanilla cake....punch holes in it....add crushed pineapple on top of that...then add vanilla pudding on top of that....then add fresh whipped cream on that....THEN add toasted coconut. MMMMMMMMMMMMMM This is for special occasions only! LOL


The show you are speaking of with the Cuban woman on Food Network is "Simply Delicioso". I have only seen that once or twice.


Corn in the morning? lol.....Sounds like my DH.....after Thanksgiving he eats turkey, stuffing, etc. for breakfast, lunch and dinner until its all gone. He refuses to waste anything. :eek:

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At Whole Foods you can buy roasted Garlic in a tub and eat it like a salad..but then it comes out of yor pores for hours!!


So true. There must be a LOT of people that eat a ton of it. I just find it to be a terribly unpleasant odor, so I don't eat a lot of it.

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My fav. is "Death by Chocolate" cake. Essentially it's a chocolate sheet cake but you poke holes in it and pour at least a cup of Kahlua and let it marinate for a day...then you crumble it up and alternate it in layers in a Trifle bowl with the cake, chocolate mousse, real whipped cream, and crushed heath bars. I can only eat a tiny bit!

Ok..so this is real healthy on a diet board!


Our mom always said it didn't matter what you ate for breakfast as long as you ate something..but it's common in many cultures to eat veggies for breakfast. Saltfish and Ackee...for example..Ackee is really a fruit but it looks like scrambled eggs when you cook it with the fish. YUM




Now you know how I tell you I don't like sweets...I can take them or leave them. Well I'm here to tell you that Paula Dean makes an irresistable cake that I have made and people cannot get enough. The strangest part is the name of the cake.....she calls it "Is it Really Better Than Sex Cake?" Its vanilla cake....punch holes in it....add crushed pineapple on top of that...then add vanilla pudding on top of that....then add fresh whipped cream on that....THEN add toasted coconut. MMMMMMMMMMMMMM This is for special occasions only! LOL


The show you are speaking of with the Cuban woman on Food Network is "Simply Delicioso". I have only seen that once or twice.


Corn in the morning? lol.....Sounds like my DH.....after Thanksgiving he eats turkey, stuffing, etc. for breakfast, lunch and dinner until its all gone. He refuses to waste anything. :eek:

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My fav. is "Death by Chocolate" cake. Essentially it's a chocolate sheet cake but you poke holes in it and pour at least a cup of Kahlua and let it marinate for a day...then you crumble it up and alternate it in layers in a Trifle bowl with the cake, chocolate mousse, real whipped cream, and crushed heath bars. I can only eat a tiny bit!

Ok..so this is real healthy on a diet board!


Our mom always said it didn't matter what you ate for breakfast as long as you ate something..but it's common in many cultures to eat veggies for breakfast. Saltfish and Ackee...for example..Ackee is really a fruit but it looks like scrambled eggs when you cook it with the fish. YUM



Sorry, your fish breakfast sounds yucky. lol My mom sucked in the morning. At lunch and dinner she cooked meals....but for breakfast....well lets just say she wasn't a morning person......she gave me cookies and milk. I used to dunk away before school. They were usually Vienna Wafers. I have never been much into chocolate either.

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Well I am not a morning person either. My husabnd teases me that even the dog avoids me in the morning. I love the cooking shows too. My husband loves to both cook and bake. Last year we got hooked on watching the Hells Kitchen series.


And I am a real sweet lover... I can give up breads and carbs with out much of an issue but I have never lost the desire for sweets even though now a days I dont indulge to often...

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Well, think about it..what that cookies and milk breakfast taught you!


Meals were a big thing in our family, we ALWAYS ate together at dinner and on the weekends and rarely went out. Must be why I do what I do now. We had a huge vegetable garden, everything was and had to be homemade..hmmm..that must be why I can't eat anything out of a box! Maybe this is a key to weight loss..understanding how we learned our bad habits!!!


I sat in Panera Bread for 3 hours today typing on a laptop and not once could I be bothered by the breads!! I could probably eat a bag of potato chips with no remorse...but...then be puking up for hours and then I'd never want them again.


Sorry, your fish breakfast sounds yucky. lol My mom sucked in the morning. At lunch and dinner she cooked meals....but for breakfast....well lets just say she wasn't a morning person......she gave me cookies and milk. I used to dunk away before school. They were usually Vienna Wafers. I have never been much into chocolate either.
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Sorry, your fish breakfast sounds yucky. lol My mom sucked in the morning. At lunch and dinner she cooked meals....but for breakfast....well lets just say she wasn't a morning person......she gave me cookies and milk. I used to dunk away before school. They were usually Vienna Wafers. I have never been much into chocolate either.


Cookies for breakfast??? :eek: I can't imagine...my mom would have popped us if we got caught eating that for breakfast. :D


M is right...you are probably still dealing with that learned behavior, even from that long ago.

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Our mom always said it didn't matter what you ate for breakfast as long as you ate something..but it's common in many cultures to eat veggies for breakfast. Saltfish and Ackee...for example..Ackee is really a fruit but it looks like scrambled eggs when you cook it with the fish. YUM



Agghhh...no can do fish for breakfast!! I'm with Brenda on this one...YUCK! :p

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The weird thing is, it doesn't even taste like fish. It's not any different than how some eat smoked salmon on a bagel in the a.m (to me anyway). It's a huge breakfast item in Jamaica.


Ok.french onion soup and a cesear sald tonite when my friend comes in for her cruise..but we are going to the Early Bird and that's a full course meal so I may change my mind :)


Agghhh...no can do fish for breakfast!! I'm with Brenda on this one...YUCK! :p
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Good morning,


At dinner time in my house, just like you, Menina, we ALWAYS ate together and we almost NEVER went out to dinner. My mom didn't even take me to McDonalds EVER!! OK, this is a sad story. I was in grammar school and at xmas time there is a grab bag that all the kids participate in. Well I was last in line and when I got to the box all that was left was a gift certificate to McDonalds. Well I cried.....saying......"my mommy doesn't take me to McDonalds". Some other nice kid switched with me....see, most kids wanted the McDonalds gift certificate! Dinners in my house were always well balanced....they were meat, potato, veggie and salad. BUT, fat was no object and portion size......well.....my mom thought nothing of making us each a few pork chops. To this day portion size is what I think to be my biggest problem. Even though I will have only one pork chop....I would load up on the sides as an adult on my own. When I eat today.....well I made boneless pork chops one day and I tricked myself....by slicing it fancy......so I only ate half the pork chop....then I put it over zucchini and cous cous....a small amount. So this is what I think is changing the most for me....portion size. So hopefully I get more and more used to it and it becomes second nature to me. I can tell you, though, I don't think I will ever get sick from eating the foods I love.....even if I stay away from them and have them only as a treat.


Well have to get my daughter moving. She needs to drop her car off for service AGAIN.

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To this day portion size is what I think to be my biggest problem.


Don't worry, you have LOTS of company.;) That is one of the reasons this country has the obesity problem it does. The fact that you recognize it puts you WAY ahead of most of the population! If they would make the restaurants include nutritional data on their menus (though that is cost prohibitive probably) I expect that we would see many more tables available in our favorite places to eat. I, for one, would love to see it though. There is a restaurant in Ft. Lauderdale - Seasons 52 (actually it's a chain) that serves healthy proper portions of nutritionally balanced meals from a "seasonally inspired" menu. Not a single item is greater than 475 calories - I gave my brother a gift certificate there for Christmas and he loved it. Wish we had such one up here. :cool: I would definitely go out to eat more often!

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Wow..isn't it AMAZING how we can learn some habits SO young and they can stick with us for a lifetime!


Happy is right..you are WAY ahead of the game..because I think part of the healthy lifestyle means changing how you think and how else do you do that but by being self aware!


Ok..I was a pig last night..keep in mind I am not on this board to lose weight, just to learn....I eat primarily no wheat, no gluten, and no sugar and I don't struggle with weight, then I can eat pretty much anything.


BUT...last night my friend came in for her cruise..we went to Tropical Acres in Ft. Lauderdale...a MUST if you cruise out of here..it's the oldest steak house in Broward county and close to the cruise termina...we were seated by 5:30 so everything on the menu was Early Bird...so..I had REAL crab bisque, a cesear salad, 1/2 rack ribs, baked sweet potato, beverage and a piece of homemade cake...for $10.50!!! My friend had a filet. If we had ordered those meals after 5:30 mine would have cost 16.00 and hers another $10.00..our server was from Morroco but had also lived in Portugal and Brazil and was a delight (and a dollbaby :) ). Was one of those long lovely meals and they don't rush you. What a pig....I ate everythign but it took nearly two hours to eat all of that. So I need more gym time today!


The thing that killed me was the dessert and the bread basket..oh my what an assortment..I got there late and my friend had to wait for me in the lobby, and they gave HER a breadbasket and crackers to nibble on while she waited for me..They had all kinds of lovely things on the menu. We saw many people that we thought were cruising..they had that "tourist look" and some of them were wearing what looked like their crfuise formals ..the natives like me just schlepped in in jeans :)





Good morning,


At dinner time in my house, just like you, Menina, we ALWAYS ate together and we almost NEVER went out to dinner. My mom didn't even take me to McDonalds EVER!! OK, this is a sad story. I was in grammar school and at xmas time there is a grab bag that all the kids participate in. Well I was last in line and when I got to the box all that was left was a gift certificate to McDonalds. Well I cried.....saying......"my mommy doesn't take me to McDonalds". Some other nice kid switched with me....see, most kids wanted the McDonalds gift certificate! Dinners in my house were always well balanced....they were meat, potato, veggie and salad. BUT, fat was no object and portion size......well.....my mom thought nothing of making us each a few pork chops. To this day portion size is what I think to be my biggest problem. Even though I will have only one pork chop....I would load up on the sides as an adult on my own. When I eat today.....well I made boneless pork chops one day and I tricked myself....by slicing it fancy......so I only ate half the pork chop....then I put it over zucchini and cous cous....a small amount. So this is what I think is changing the most for me....portion size. So hopefully I get more and more used to it and it becomes second nature to me. I can tell you, though, I don't think I will ever get sick from eating the foods I love.....even if I stay away from them and have them only as a treat.


Well have to get my daughter moving. She needs to drop her car off for service AGAIN.

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I thought I read somewhere recently that a new law is going to go into effect for chain resturants to include this information on thier menus.... Not sure thought.


How are you feeling Brenda? Are you about ready to go back to Curves? I did not go to the gym for a week because of some "doings" happening at home and went back to the gym last night. It felt great to go back. Even so, I lost another pound this week... 2 more to go!


Happy, do you have an idea how I can determine what my % of body fat is?

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Good morning,


Great meal you had Menina! Out of what you described, the ribs were the most interesting to me. Great price too. And, I have to tell you that even at the after 5:30 price it would have been a good bargain. That's still very cheap in the restaurant world these days.


I am feeling a little better everyday. I am going back to Curves on Monday. I will find out when I get there exactly how much energy I have. I am wishing that maybe my body gets a jump start again because I didn't work out for 1 1/2 weeks. Maybe I'll lose some weight right away. Wouldn't that be nice!!!! I only have 2 pounds to go to reach my first goal.


I am under a bit of stress at the moment. We have been watching the "river chart". I am praying we don't get more rain than expected because if we do my home will flood again!!!! I really cannot handle this now. Well when can we ever?? So I am just praying and watching weather reports, etc.


Well enjoy the day all. ttyl

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Yikes! I hope you don't get too much rain! Just remember to only push yourself if your body tells you it's ok on Monday. And I agree with you, even the after 5:30 price is good!


I lost another pound this week...3.6 to go to the final goal! But, I measured myself, and my measurements are what they were 5 years ago when I lost the weight (have the measurements from a bridesmaid dress fitting). Well, actually, the waist and hips are the same...the bust is 1 inch smaller than in 2003:(


I'm at my parents' house for the weekend. I haven't seen my parents since Christmas, and my dad literally CLAPPED when he saw me. My sister's baby shower is later on...we're having chicken rice soup, salad, and build your own deli sandwich. My mom and I are bringing our own whole grain bread - 1 point for 2 slices! Of course, there's a marble cake with buttercream frosting, and the restaurant has chocolate chip cookies included in our lunch. It may be hard for me to resist cake 3 days in a row (anniversary party on Thursday and another baby shower yesterday). Tonight we're having roasted chicken, baked potatoes, salad, asparagus, and phenomenal bread with even better dipping oil!


Smooth, your gym should have a machine that you hold onto for a few moments. Something with the pulse, ions, blood flow, etc allows your body fat to calculate. This should be done before the workout for the most accurate reading. My scale also has a function to do body fat - I believe the concept is the same.

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Happy, do you have an idea how I can determine what my % of body fat is?


There is no 100% accurate measurement, but there are many methods to estimate it. The more affordable method is the BIA method - and many scales have this built in now. I know Chi said that most gyms have a machine, but the ones that I go to (Bally's and Gold's) both charge for that type of analysis.


My scale has a BF monitor, and though I know it isn't a 100% accurate measurement (my son's scale is a different brand, and gives me a much smaller % ) I do use it to see the change, so I can see when I go DOWN. Water consumption complete changes the reading, so if you use this method, it is important that you measure at the same time - either just before bed, or first thing in the morning. The reason for this is the device uses a tiny electrical current... and as electricity travels more easily through water, a person who has consumed a large amount of water before the test will measure as a lower body fat percentage. Less water will increase the percentage of body fat.


Probably way more than you wanted to know. :o

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You all are very encouraging, I am excited about my cruise 12/97/08 on the Independance of the Seas.

I need to lose as much as I can before then. I'm 57 and until I was 40 was very skinny at 130 at 6'. I could eat anything and everything I wish. Now, and mostly since I turned 40 I am packing on the pounds and am now over 200. Very unhappy. Its hard to get the "I can eat anything" out of my head.

So, I've cut down on the sweets (I'm a sugarholic) and am starting a veggie, lean meat diet. My exercise is yard work, shoveling dirt, and compost, and gravel. Right now its to cold to exercise outside. I've always been a walker, and would walk miles everyday in my youth. Now, I just don't want to. I need motovation. This website and reading some of your posts has helped tremendously.

Hoping I won't be a "whale" on my cruise,


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OK, I know this is a diet site. But, I also consider you guys my friends and support system. My heart is pounding! As of now the river chart is showing 8.5 by Monday. If this isn't the cresting point, which I don't know yet, and it goes any higher, my home is toast again! At 9.5 feet I will need a row boat to get to my home. I have tears already and I am so scared. Yeah, of course, I want to eat now.......

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My godness Brenda, lots of time your life is such an ordeal. Anyways, crossing my fingers for you. Here in CT it has been raining pretty hard, but it is starting to let up. If the storm is traveling your direction hopefully you will see a let up in a hour or so. I am sure I dont have to tell you that if you "eat" it wont make the rain stop any sooner!

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You all are very encouraging, I am excited about my cruise 12/97/08 on the Independance of the Seas.

I need to lose as much as I can before then. I'm 57 and until I was 40 was very skinny at 130 at 6'. I could eat anything and everything I wish. Now, and mostly since I turned 40 I am packing on the pounds and am now over 200. Very unhappy. Its hard to get the "I can eat anything" out of my head.

So, I've cut down on the sweets (I'm a sugarholic) and am starting a veggie, lean meat diet. My exercise is yard work, shoveling dirt, and compost, and gravel. Right now its to cold to exercise outside. I've always been a walker, and would walk miles everyday in my youth. Now, I just don't want to. I need motovation. This website and reading some of your posts has helped tremendously.

Hoping I won't be a "whale" on my cruise,



Hi Barbara. Glad we have been a help to you. It is such a difficult thing to get back in shape, but LOrd help me, if I could do it, being the junk-food junkie that I am at heart, than anyone can do it! It sounds like you have made some changes in the right direction. Bundle up and get out there and walk! If you can grit your teeth and make yourself do it every day, soon you won't even think about it - it will become a habit that you enjoy and look forward to! Put on some gloves and earmuffs, and get your butt outside! ;)

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Well it looks like we are going to be safe this time. THANK GOD!!! Now I just have to pray for no more storms til the river goes down a bit. I hate living here. DH refuses to move. Its tough. Before I moved in....there was 15 years between floods. The latest record I know is....it flooded the year before I bought my home....then after being here 5 years was my first flood, then 6 months later I had a major scare and had to empty my basement and move out......fortunately, it was only a scare....then 2 years after the first flood, we had another flood, even worse. Now another scare. Its crazy!! Alright, I'm done complaining....this too shall pass.


I get on the scale tomorrow! HA! LOL...I am a little nervous since I haven't worked out in a week and a half.

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My kind of woman..shoveling dirt, yard work..that's great!


Being fat, tired, clothes not fitting, heavy puffing, risk for dying younger than you should...hmm..you need more motivation to exercise??


You didn't get fat overnight. The main thing you need to do is move NOW. 15 minutes of walking isn't going to kill you to start.


You are the only one who can put the fork down. You are the only one who can push yourself away from the table. You are the only one who can exercise.


Sorry...we can't help you or support you unless you try in some small way on the exercise. Cutting down the sweets is a great start but you have to start moving. If you dont' start moving, you forfeit your right to complain about having no motivation or the fact you can't lose weight.


Brenda did it..she never thought she could exercise for an hour and she is! I'm not saying you do that, I'm just saying start moving NOW.


You can't do it your way..that's how you got fat.


Menina :)



You all are very encouraging, I am excited about my cruise 12/97/08 on the Independance of the Seas.

I need to lose as much as I can before then. I'm 57 and until I was 40 was very skinny at 130 at 6'. I could eat anything and everything I wish. Now, and mostly since I turned 40 I am packing on the pounds and am now over 200. Very unhappy. Its hard to get the "I can eat anything" out of my head.

So, I've cut down on the sweets (I'm a sugarholic) and am starting a veggie, lean meat diet. My exercise is yard work, shoveling dirt, and compost, and gravel. Right now its to cold to exercise outside. I've always been a walker, and would walk miles everyday in my youth. Now, I just don't want to. I need motovation. This website and reading some of your posts has helped tremendously.

Hoping I won't be a "whale" on my cruise,


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It's freezing here..50!


My church is on palm beach right across from the ocean...I got up early and stopped by on the way to 8am service..sun looked like a huge ball of fire but it was COLD...


Hope things are okay there Bren. It rained cats and dogs here all last night and most of today, but we are dry here now. Very very windy though. If you must nibble...nibble on some carrots!!


Give us an update when you can.

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