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Is HAL jumping the Gun on Jeanne


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I really don't mean to drag this thing out and I certainly don't mean to get into a you-know-what contest, so, onboard, I would just ask that you think about the following:

[quote name='onboard']I still maintain that HAL did not take the earlier warnings serious enough and held out to the last possible moment in hopes of getting passengers aboard for their own fiscal benefit instead of the cruisers best interest.
[/QUOTE]let's look at that statement. HAL benefits fiscally when a customer is happy, satisfied and perceives a benefit greater than the amount of money they had to pay for that benefit (i.e. value for their dollar). Obviously this is true of any company. Additionally, HAL has a fudiciary responsibility to its stockholders, employees and customers.

While holding out may benefit HAL in the long term, at least by waiting and trying NOT to change itineraries, they are in fact looking out for the cruisers best interest because it's in the cruisers best interest if nothing changes and everyone sails as planned. Yes, it is also in HAL's best interest but the two go hand in hand.

Keep in mind that this storm has taken an unusual track and that makes the whole decision making process a little tough. Additionally, disseminating the info to their employees does take a little time, especially when things keep changing. When you spoke to a CSR that seemed to be less than helpful, did you ask to speak with a supervisor? Did you give HAL a chance to show you that their care about your business and value you as a customer?

My point is that if you dismiss a company as not worthy of your business because one employee was less than helpful on the phone, that's your perogative. However, you can bet that at some point the company that you switch to is going to have a less than stellar employee and you are going to dismiss that company too. You end up in a revolving door situation and guess what? You become frustrated and angry because there isn't a company out there that is going to give the right answer 100% of the time. If you give a company a chance to address a problem you have had, then you will see whether or not that company is worthy of your dollar. Jumping ship (no pun intended) at the drop of a hat doesn't really solve your problem.

So to answer your question on what I would have wanted HAL to do better:
1)communicate as promised
2) offer options further in advance to cruisers who were becoming increasingly uncomfortable with the port authority warnings of impending closure.

If #1 and 2 had been accomplished perhaps HAL would have left me, and I am sure others, with a much more professional image of them.
[/QUOTE]#1, like I said, if you're not comfortable with the info, ask for a supervisor and state your case.
#2 you simply cannot expect a company to know the comfort level of each and every customer. Until such time as the port was closed, the plan was to sail as scheduled. Why would they offer any type of option just because some people might have butterflies in their stomach not knowing what was going to happen?
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[quote name='justhere']
Keep in mind that this storm has taken an unusual track and that makes the whole decision making process a little tough. Additionally, disseminating the info to their employees does take a little time, especially when things keep changing.
I can't agree with this. The possibility of the unusual track has been known for a week. I saw it on NOAA earlier this week. As Gizmo said, a plan should have been in place.
In this day and age getting information to employees takes 1 email. Updating a web site does not take very long. It appears that the people making the decisions just can't make up their minds !!!
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[quote]And while I sympathize with and feel sorry for anyone affected by poor weather - quite frankly all this crying from Floridians about being hit a 4th time is getting quite tiresome.

Everyone make's choices in life including where to live - and they must learn to live with the consequences of those choices. Furthermore - Florida is a BIG state. Some parts of the state may have taken multiple hits - but most were hit once. So people - quit the oooh boo hoo crap - its unfair we are going to be hit for the 4th time.

Hell - Western PA has been hit by more of these hurricanes than some of you in FLA.[/quote]
[quote name='localady'][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=blue]As usual, this statement shows the incredible tact you show in most of your postings.:eek: [/color][/size][/font]

[font=Comic Sans MS][size=3][color=blue]I believe the last time one state had 4 hurricanes come ashore in one year was in the late 1800's in Texas. :( Peoples lives and livelhoods have been destroyed, it seems to me that it is a time for ALL to show compassion for those affected!!!![/color][/size][/font][/QUOTE]Sometimes the truth hurts LocalLady. you may not like my "tact" - but its the truth. I do sympathize with all those who have been affected. hell - I have been working for the past week helping flood victims in Western PA - more than half of the whiners on the board are doing.

the fact is - Not all of Florida has been hit 4 times. And there are other places that have been hit as bad or worse. So all this crying over Florida is getting quite tiresome. Sorry - but thats the hard truth.
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[quote name='HeatherInFlorida'][font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=3][color=darkslateblue]Again, Superstein, I'm up to here with your nasty posts. I have to question my stupidity in answering, but this is the very last time. Why don't you at least get your facts straight before posting such drivel.[/color][/size][/font]

[font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=3][color=darkslateblue]As it happens there is not one single particle of this state that has not been affected by all these hurricanes and associated flooding. Some areas have been hit 2 and 3 times and for some folks a possible 4th.[/color][/size][/font]

[font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=3][color=darkslateblue]Western PA does not even know the meaning of being "hit" by a hurricane. By the time it gets to you it's a wound down, heavy rain hitter with a little tropical breeze. Puleeeez.[quote/][/color][/size][/font]

[font=Arial][size=4][color=red]to say this just shows how little you truly know Heather. I feel sorry for you. tell the thousands of folks who have lost everything in Western PA its just a little tropical breeze. tell the 100's of business wiped out completly. tell the 3 towns so devastated its hard to even describe.[/color][/size][/font]

[font=Arial][size=4][color=red]tell the people who spent the nights on roof waiting to be rescued because flood waters were up to their 2nd floor.[/color][/size][/font]

[font=Arial][size=4][color=red]tell the families of those who had people die in the floods in Western PA[/color][/size][/font]

[font=Arial][size=4][color=red]And I could go on - but it won't help because you have this myopic view of the world that focuses on you and you alone.[/color][/size][/font]

[font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=3][color=darkslateblue][quote]Localady, you are ever so much more informed than SS61. He obviously is too busy thinking up hurtful things to say than to watch the news or read a paper. .[/color][/size][/font][/QUOTE][font=Arial][size=4][color=red]Actually I am too busy helping people dig out from the destruction than to be on here constantly boo hooing about oooh - stay away from Florida - we don't deserve it.[/color][/size][/font]
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[quote name='Roadguy']:rolleyes:
Please tell Me when it was still a Hurricane when it got to western Pa?...:rolleyes:

[/QUOTE]The remnants of Ivan caused much of pennsylvania to be declared a federal disaster area. pittsburgh and its surrounding communities were one of the worst areas hit.

Wake up and read before making comments like you have
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[quote name='hdawson']Heather I agree with you. The last time there was any significant presence of a hurricane in Pa I think was Hugo. Of course for them it certainly wasn't a hurricane by the time the system arrived. A major rain event but that was it. Gee. That must have been 15 yrs ago. My thoughts are with all the folks in Florida this very unusual season.[/QUOTE]
Another person who has no clue what has happened elsewhere in the country the past few weeks
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I also sympathize with all that have been effected by the storms.

Superstein has a point. There has been a considerable amount of whining about Florida on this board. Look at Haiti, 1100 people have been killed and no one even mentions this and many people have had damage and devastation here in the states outside of Florida.

I don't see Superstein's post as nasty, I think of it as blunt.
On the other hand there are nasty and rude posts to the original poster. I think Golfgrl is right. :)
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[quote name='Roadwork']I also sympathize with all that have been effected by the storms.

Superstein has a point. There has been a considerable amount of whining about Florida on this board. Look at Haiti, 1100 people have been killed and no one even mentions this and many people have had damage and devastation here in the states outside of Florida.

I don't see Superstein's post as nasty, I think of it as blunt.
On the other hand there are nasty and rude posts to the original poster. I think Golfgrl is right. :)[/QUOTE]
thank you Roadwork - and let me clarify something - I wish no ill will upon anyone. And my sensitivity to other areas may be higher given the time I have spent the past week helping many unfortunate others here in PA (luckily I was not impacted). But these hurricanes have impacted people all over the place. keep that in mind
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OK, folks. Many people in many places have been devastated by this incredibly bad hurricane season, and it looks like it won't be over, even after Jeanne.

Let's not dwell on the comparative devastation of these disasters; rather let's all be sensitive to the fact that almost everyone has been negatively affected in some manner and nerves are understandably raw.

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[quote name='Roadwork']I can't agree with this. The possibility of the unusual track has been known for a week. I saw it on NOAA earlier this week. As Gizmo said, a plan should have been in place.
In this day and age getting information to employees takes 1 email. Updating a web site does not take very long. It appears that the people making the decisions just can't make up their minds !!![/QUOTE]
Ok, so for a week they knew that they didn't know where the storm was heading...:rolleyes: so actually you did agree with me that the storm took an unusual track. [i][b]And a plan was in place.[/b][/i] The plan was to see which way Jeanne headed and adjust from there. HAL even stated on their site something to the effect that they would have to adjust as the storm adjusted. Short of a crystal ball, what would you have them do? Change/cancel the cruise when it may not be necessary....i'm sure that would make a lot of people happy.

While it may only take 1 email to let the employees know, management has to have something to put in that email. If they are waiting for the port authority to act, then there was no more to say. Additionally, if all the CSR's stop to read their email, who's going to answer the phone? That may sound strange but unless you've worked in/managed a call center environment it may not make sense. That's why I suggested asking for a supervisor as they would have the info prior to the CSR's.
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[quote name='justhere']Ok, so for a week they knew that they didn't know where the storm was heading...:rolleyes: so actually you did agree with me that the storm took an unusual track. [i][b]And a plan was in place.[/b][/i] The plan was to see which way Jeanne headed and adjust from there. HAL even stated on their site something to the effect that they would have to adjust as the storm adjusted. Short of a crystal ball, what would you have them do? Change/cancel the cruise when it may not be necessary....i'm sure that would make a lot of people happy.[/quote]No, I do not agree they didn't know where the storm was heading. Of course no one really knows what these storms are going to do, but there are tools used to predict the possibilities. There was a strong possibility of the hurricane turning west and hitting Florida.

Other cruise lines made decisions earlier. Hal appeared to have waited a little longer and this was the original complaint. They did make a good attempt by posting on their web site. Where they failed was saying there would be an update and they didn't do it. Now, there is a possibility of time zone misunderstandings. I do not know what time zone Hal referred to on their site.

[quote name='justther']While it may only take 1 email to let the employees know, management has to have something to put in that email. If they are waiting for the port authority to act, then there was no more to say. Additionally, if all the CSR's stop to read their email, who's going to answer the phone? That may sound strange but unless you've worked in/managed a call center environment it may not make sense. That's why I suggested asking for a supervisor as they would have the info prior to the CSR's.[/QUOTE]I have worked in a call center. I am fully aware of what takes place. Suggesting a person talk to a supervisor is ususally the correct thing to do but in this case would you really want 1000 or more people calling and asking for a supervisor? The web site should have been updated. This would have stopped some of the calls from coming in. The CSR's should be informed of what is going on and not give out answers that make them appear to be brain dead. An email should be set to all employees instructing them what to tell people who are calling about their cruise. It does not take that long to read an email.
I agree management needs something to put in the emails, and this should have been handled earlier in the week. I would assume there was a plan, but they were a little late going with it.
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[quote name='Roadguy']If I write in BIG LETTERS and add [color=red]color[/color][color=black], does [color=red]that[/color] make my opinion MORE valid?:confused: [/color][/QUOTE]how do you make an opinion more valid? it's an opinion, you're entitled to it no matter what it is.

HAL did wait a little longer as the port authority hadn't made their decision yet so HAL was simply trying to stick to the original itineraries and keep everyone happy...nothing wrong with that.

They said an update would be posted at 1300 PDT but I believe it wasn't posted until around 1500 PDT. Yes, they should have updated at 1300 saying "no news yet, check back at 1500".

1000 people wouldn't have called asking for a supervisor, only those chomping at the bit when the 1300 update didn't occur. And of the 1000 people that might have called, most of them probably got a better answer from the CSR and didn't need to speak with a supervisor.

[quote name='Roadwork']
I agree management needs something to put in the emails, and this should have been handled earlier in the week. I would assume there was a plan, but they were a little late going with it.
[/QUOTE]As I said, how do you put something in email earlier in the week when you don't know exactly where and when the storm will hit and whether or not the port will be closed. I'm sure HAL had contingencies but had to wait for the port authority to act. If HAL had diverted/delayed the ship and the port stayed open just think how many upset customers there would be then.

Anyway, my whole point was that onboard posted that they wouldn't use HAL ever again. It boiled down to one bad phone call and if that's all it takes to upset that person and vow never to use a company again, then they are no doubt going to be switching companies a lot and getting frustrated each and every time.

Well, I think they've actually cooked and served the horse by now.....;)
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I to was going to stay out of this but after 12 hrs of hearing youre ruining my trip i need answers now to make my plans and apologising over and over im sorry ive told you all we know, well fly again when air trafic control says its safe. Hats off to thoes of you who understand HAL and the airlines dont control the weather or we'd put all the storms in the middle of nowhere at the same time not spread them out and head them for land. We do feel bad that plans are having to change as most of us plan our cruises for months but we also know the challenges of cruiseing during huricane season. We in the travel industry will try our best to send these next storms up the middle of the atlantic well away from the cruise areas, we promise.
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Good for them! I was on the 9/4 trip and was so inconvenienced and upset at their too slow approach to making decisions. I'm glad they made a decision early and made it a decision that would fit the potential scenarios. The slow to acknowledge, the slow to update, and the mid term changes were incredibely frustrating and made plans very difficult. They did the right thing in the opinion of a person who has BTDT.
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