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Have you Known Someone Be Put Ashore Early


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It could be that it is happening more these days, but at least some of the increase can be traced back to the cruise lines and the authorities -- there is no tolerance for drugs or physical violence. In the past security may have cut some of these pax at least a little slack, but no more. It does make it more enjoyable for those of us who "behave" ourselves.

I think the crackdown is a combination of RCI having had bad publicity about spring break drunks on one of the network shows (not 60 M inutes I don't think, but one like it) and the 21 year old-- Daniel dePierio (sic?) -- who came on with lots of booze smuggled in his and his friends luggage. They videotaped themselves drinking in the room and then drank at dinner and all the bars. He passed out on the deck and then went to rail to vomit around 2 AM --probably climbing up. he may have also passed out again. The security cameras captured him slipping into the ocean. His parents were not going to sue when they first saw the tapes but have subsequently become very active in the Internal Cruise Victims Assn. and are sueing.

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I think the crackdown is a combination of RCI having had bad publicity about spring break drunks on one of the network shows (not 60 M inutes I don't think, but one like it) and the 21 year old-- Daniel dePierio (sic?) -- who came on with lots of booze smuggled in his and his friends luggage. They videotaped themselves drinking in the room and then drank at dinner and all the bars. He passed out on the deck and then went to rail to vomit around 2 AM --probably climbing up. he may have also passed out again. The security cameras captured him slipping into the ocean. His parents were not going to sue when they first saw the tapes but have subsequently become very active in the Internal Cruise Victims Assn. and are sueing.


I love it. Personal responsibility really is dead. "My kid was an idiot, died as a result, but it is someone else's fault." I'm sorry for the parent's loss; it is unfortunate and tragic. However, it's not the cruise lines fault that this happened.

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We just got off the Granduer of the Seas on Monday - An hour after we sailed, some drunk 20 year olds were fighting by the pool bar. The 2 guys fighting were thrown into the "brig" and let off in Key West the next morning along with the other 16 people with them. There were 6 squad cars there to greet them. If you go with a group, act sensible and don't ruin anyone else's vacation.

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Good....at least you are going into it with your eyes wide open!

On another note...I noticed you've sailed the Star Princess...we are leaving on her May 4th to Alaska.


Oh yea, WIDE OPEN!!


Yes, we loved the ship, food and staff... You'll enjoy her ;) DJ was awesome too!!

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I had some friends on the same cruise and remember them telling us about that when they go home.


I was on an evelator with a man & woman and 2 teenage boys on the Mariner in 2005 and they had their luggage. I ask them if they were leaving the ship early and the father said yes "Thanks to our boys we are" I didn't say anything else, but I thought that's going to be a loooong ride home for that family.




WOW! My boys wouldn't have been able to sit on the ride home, something wouldv'e been way to sore!! ;)

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Thanks for the well wishes....incidently, when this Radiance incident happened DH and I had only been dating for 2 months.....he was actually staying at my house with my cats while we were on this cruise.....I knew I was in love when all I could think about was talking to him to tell him what was happening to us . Once the ship arrived in port at St. Maarten the first phone call I made was to him and he was immediately all trying to get us home no matter what the cost was. I had called my dad from the ship and made arrangements with him to pick us up at the air port, my dad suggested I leave Krammer in Miami, however, I couldn't do it. When we arrived in St. Louis my dad was at the gate, he immediately told Krammer not to speak to him and that the only reason he was giving him a ride to our house was because of me. When we reached our house my DH ( who was my boyfriend at the time) wouldn't come outside until Krammer was gone for fear he might hurt him....once Krammer left DH and my dad actually met for the first time. In a weird way I think they kind of bonded over the whole thing;)


Well maybe you should thank Kraemer!! jk! ;)

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On the Harmony, two females were put off the ship, at the first port, I personally saw the events that caused the removal. They were first warned the previous night, they ignored the warning and continued their "unacceptable behaviour" the next evening (some of it in the dining room at dinner!)


What made their behaviour even worse than normal was the fact that they were both TA's!

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Wow! I'm impressed and you don't blame RCI for doing what was right. I personally applaud you.


Just so that I'm clear, you can no longer sail RCI again with a minor because of this incident? Seeing that you appear to be a responsible individual, I'm sorry to hear that.


My thinking is this person would not bring a minor on ANY line by CHOICE-that he was not the parent of- possibly his grandchild one day-if he should have grandchildren- but I am guessing would be it.


I had an experience of taking some teen girls that were my daughter's friends I was not too happy about. this was back in 2000. They left ship with our assistant waiter to go to the beach-while my hubby and I had gone on an excursion without the girls-they had been with us at every other port-so OFCOURSE the one time we go off by ourselves for 3 hours they pulled this! They got the poor boy fired (aged 23)-cruiselines do not allow their staff to fratenize with PAX. I said never again would I take responsiblity for other's teens. It could've been much worse-like poor Natalie Holloway.



I guess I can be happy my experience was nothing compared to his and

I guess I should be thankful we were not put off ship by the girls doing something even more foolish.

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I'm really stunned at the number of stories about people who get off on throwing chairs overboard! What is the fascination with this?! Either way, a lot of interesting stories here and in the future I'll keep my eyes peeled for flying furniture!


Aside from that... someone mentioned that adults are responsible for anyone under either 21 or 25... can anyone confirm this? It just seems rather old to me. I can maybe understand the 21 just because of the US drinking age... but 25 seems a little excessive... Especially when most places consider the age of adulthood and independence to be 18 (heck, where I'm from, that's the drinking age!)


They had their info wrong. What it is a 24 year old cannot be responsible for a 20 year old- but a 25 year old can be responsible for a 20 year old.


In other words if your 20 year old wants to go on a cruise-he has to find a friend 25 or older to room with.


The only exception is a married couple. As long as one of them is over 21, they are allowed to book a cruise.

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Call me sentimental, but I feel that the old days are the best.


Why can't we make trouble makers and rabble rousers walk the plank, or keel haul them?


Let's flog them on decks with a cat'o nine tails. The cruise lines could make it into a kind of entertainment option, a bit like Movies under the stars, but call it Floggings under the stars (FUTS).


There could be popcorn and ice cream and comfortable loungers, and maybe a sweepstake to guess how many lashes before the miscreant passes out. Marvellous. Where do I sign?:)

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My experience wasn't someone being put off the ship...I was on a transatlantic when it happened.:eek: No port to put this obnoxious drunk off. He was warned once, but didn't think the Security Officer meant it, and kept up his reprehensible behaviour. So, they threw him in the brig (yes, there is one!) for the evening. His room was searched and all of his booze was confiscated. Then he was banned from all the bars for the rest of the cruise. Hooray for HAL!

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I think the crackdown is a combination of RCI having had bad publicity about spring break drunks on one of the network shows (not 60 M inutes I don't think, but one like it) and the 21 year old-- Daniel dePierio (sic?) -- who came on with lots of booze smuggled in his and his friends luggage. They videotaped themselves drinking in the room and then drank at dinner and all the bars. He passed out on the deck and then went to rail to vomit around 2 AM --probably climbing up. he may have also passed out again. The security cameras captured him slipping into the ocean. His parents were not going to sue when they first saw the tapes but have subsequently become very active in the Internal Cruise Victims Assn. and are sueing.


It's sad that our legal system has gotten to the point where people think a situation like that is the fault of the cruise line and they are "victims". Victims of their own stupidity, but certainly not of the cruise lines. Personal responsibility truly is dead if they win their lawsuit.:mad:


I notice that the family's story on the "Cruise Victims" website leaves out all the information about Daniel and his buddies getting drunk. How convenient.

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It's sad that our legal system has gotten to the point where people think a situation like that is the fault of the cruise line and they are "victims". Victims of their own stupidity, but certainly not of the cruise lines. Personal responsibility truly is dead if they win their lawsuit.:mad:


I notice that the family's story on the "Cruise Victims" website leaves out all the information about Daniel and his buddies getting drunk. How convenient.


Yes people get angry when there is a death by accident and want to blame anyone but the victim who was foolish.



I know where I read about a law suit where a preteen had drowned in the neighbor's swimming pool. The parents of the boy were suing and claiming "negilence" on the homeowners's part- even though this boy had climbed over a locked 6 foot privacy fence to get into the pool.

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It's sad that our legal system has gotten to the point where people think a situation like that is the fault of the cruise line and they are "victims". Victims of their own stupidity, but certainly not of the cruise lines. Personal responsibility truly is dead if they win their lawsuit.:mad:


I notice that the family's story on the "Cruise Victims" website leaves out all the information about Daniel and his buddies getting drunk. How convenient.

I think Daniel was staggering drunk -- from what I have read some bartenders denied him service but they just went to another bar.
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On a cruise to Alaska aboard the Mercury there was a man put in the brig for the night for making inapprorpriate advances to under aged girls. When we got to Juneau several police cars were waiting at the pier, police came aboard and the offender was taken ashore in handcuffs by the police and placed in a squad car then he was escorted into town buy all 3 police cars. No one was allowed of the ship until they were gone.

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Went on a cruise with a co-worker a few years back. Not a good idea to go with just a casual friend.


Very long story short, had to call 911 from our cabin when she passed out on me, security came, she was arguing out in the hallway with them with only her top on, yes, only her top. :eek: Ended up taking her off in a stretcher to an ambulance. She checked herself out of the hospital against dr.'s wishes and Captain wouldn't let her back on board because of that. Sorry to say, but I had a sigh of relief as we pulled away at 3am and she was left behind. (Cruise line took care of getting her home). We had also planned some days at Disney, but I proceeded to continue the vacation on my own and had a fabulous time!

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Two men got into a fight on a Celebrity cruise, broke furniture and all that. They were taken to the brig, and I saw them leaving, families and luggage at the next port of call. Saw three families thrown off an RCCI ship, in the Med, when their kids were caught with illegal drugs. Was on board when US Customs officals, and their big scary dogs, came on board in St Thomas, and arrested four 20 somethings, who had bought drugs in Jamaica. All these incidents, I've personally seen. Oh, I forgot, the family that was thown off when their 14 year old son was caught drinking and trying to walk on the railing on deck 11. It does happen, whether you believe it or not. Just like people pass away more frequently than most cruisers realize.

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I have not seen someone thrown off the ship early, but we HAVE witnessed someone getting arrested back in the port! I can only assume drugs.


If you THINK for a moment that they do not run the drug dogs by all luggage coming in off a ship, you ARE smoking dope!!!


Why anyone would take such a chance is beyond me...but we have seen "guys with badges" "invite" people to come with them after they have picked up their luggage at port.

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Went on a cruise with a co-worker a few years back. Not a good idea to go with just a casual friend.


Very long story short, had to call 911 from our cabin when she passed out on me, security came, she was arguing out in the hallway with them with only her top on, yes, only her top. :eek: Ended up taking her off in a stretcher to an ambulance. She checked herself out of the hospital against dr.'s wishes and Captain wouldn't let her back on board because of that. Sorry to say, but I had a sigh of relief as we pulled away at 3am and she was left behind. (Cruise line took care of getting her home). We had also planned some days at Disney, but I proceeded to continue the vacation on my own and had a fabulous time!


So what happened with your co-worker when you both got back to work? That must have been a bit uncomfortable...:o

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A friend of mine was coming back from Mexico (not a cruise) and was "invited" to accompany someone to customs after she claimed her last bag (one of the very last on the carousel). At first, she thought he was being helpful to "guide" her through customs. She soon found out this was not the case as her suitcase was torn apart with a very thorough search. They found nothing but wouldn't tell her what they were looking for while they were doing it. After it was all over, they told her that the dogs had picked up something and they said it was probably because it was handled by someone who had residue of drugs on them--like a baggage handler. This scares me to death that someone (baggage handler) could put something in my suitcase since you can't lock them anymore.


Tucker in Texas

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We lost a good waiter on a European cruise many years ago, after he got into a crew fight over scoccer championship games. We actually saw the waiter waiting to leave the ship with his belongings one morning. We asked him what happened. He told us he had a sick relative and had to leave. We learned when we went to the diningroom the crew got into a fight arguing over who had the best team. I guess ships have to maintain order both among the crew and passengers. The waiter was excellent, we were sorry to lose him, we even tipped him right on the spot before he left the ship for the days we had been with him, which was half way through the cruise.

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