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Last Meal On the Titanic - 96 Years Ago

Ms Belvedere

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About ten years ago I attended a dinner that featured the entire final Titanic first class menu as it was served. It was quite remarkable, but what was really amazing was that the head chef would come to the dinning room with each course and explain the history of the dish, the traditional preparation, and the modern issues in its preparation.

The most complicated was the Consommé Olga, which requires the pickled spinal cord of a sturgeon. This required a huge amount of research, of which the chef finally decided that the best substitute was a thinly sliced piece of scallop. It was delicious!

Even with all of the portions kept smaller than what was served on the Titanic, and a time span of about three hours, it was still a very filling meal. I’m not sure how the Edwardians were able to eat all of this fare.

All of the recipes and lore are published in a very good book called: “Last Dinner on the Titanic”.

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This was posted on rec.food.cooking by JLA. I thought it was interesting to read how elaborate the food was and how it was prepared, at least in this class dining room:



96 years ago, the Titanic was preparing for its maiden voyage. It was on April 14th, 1912, when the last meal was served in the first-class dining room. As we all know, later that night, the ship collided with an iceberg and sank, with the loss of over 1500 lives. Here’s a detailed look at what was on the menu for the first-class passengers.


First Course

Hors D’Oeuvres



Second Course

Consommé Olga

Cream of Barley


Consummé Olga is made with a quart of warmed consummé (clear broth, usually beef) and a pint of good port wine. Then julienne a stalk of celery, the white of a leek, the outside only of a small carrot, and soften in butter over low heat. Add a little more consummé and reduce to a glaze, and then finish cooking the vegetables in it. In a tureen, put the glazed vegetables along with julienned gherkins, and the consummé and wine mixture. (Escoffier, 593)


Third Course

Poached Salmon with Mousseline Sauce, Cucumbers


A Mousseline is made by taking a pound of chicken, cleaned of all fat and sinew, and cut into cubes, and put in a food processor. Add one ounce of salt, a little pepper and nutmeg. and grind the meat until it is reduced to a paste. Add two egg whites, and continue to blend. Finally, add one pint of cream, being careful not to overbeat the mixture. Refrigerate. The resulting mixture can be formed into little football shaped morsels (quenelles) which would then be poached. (Based on Escoffier, 195)


Fourth Course

Filet Mignons Lili

Saute of Chicken, Lyonnaise

Vegetable Marrow Farci


Tournedos Lili are seasoned steak fillets fried in butter, then arranged to form a crown, each on a crust of Potatoes Anna (basically, layered potato slices, generously buttered and baked in a hot oven for 30 minutes; Escoffier 2203), and then topped with an artichoke bottom, garnished with a slice of foie gras, and then topped with a slice of truffle, and served with a Périgueux sauce (Madiera wine, reduced veal stock, and chopped truffle; Escoffier, 47). In other words, this dish is gilding a lilly. (Escoffier, 1101)


Sauce Lyonnaise is a relatively simple sauce in comparison, flavored with sauteed diced onion, and equal parts white wine and vinegar, reduced to a glaze, and added to reduced veal stock (demi-glace). (Escoffier, 43)


Vegetable Marrow Farci are vegetables with marrow sauce, made of reduced red wine, herbs, and sliced or cubed beef marrow. Is apparently stuffed squash. “Marrow squash, also known as vegetable marrow, is a very large, green summer squash. They are related to zucchini, and can grow to the size of a watermelon. They have a bland flavor, and are frequently stuffed with a meat stuffing.” The “farci” indicates that marrow squash was stuffed. (source)


Fifth Course

Lamb, Mint Sauce

Roast Duckling, Apple Sauce

Sirloin of Beef, Chateau Potatoes

Green Pea Creamed Carrots

Boiled Rice

Parmentier & Boiled New Potatoes


Chateau Potatoes are potatoes cut to the shape of olives, then cooked gently in clarified butter until golden and very soft, and sprinkled with parsley just before serving. (Escoffier, 2208)


Parmentier Potatoes is a pureed potato soup garnished with crouton and chervil, but it can also be served more like runny mashed potatoes. (Escoffier, 658)


Sixth Course

Punch Romaine


Punch à la Romaine is a mixture of dry white wine or champagne and a simple sugar syrup, plus the juices of two oranges and two lemons, with a bit of their zest, steeped for one hour. Strained and frozen, then mixed with a sweet meringue and then fortified with rum. It’s served like a sherbet, and acts as a palette cleanser. (Escoffier, 2932)


Seventh Course

Roast Squab & Cress


Eighth Course

Cold Asparagus Vinaigrette


Ninth Course

Pate de Foie Gras



Tenth Course

Waldorf Pudding

Peaches in Chartreuse Jelly

Chocolate & Vanilla Eclairs

French Ice Cream


Escoffier has nothing to say about Waldorf Pudding, but research on the net turns up several improvised recipes (1, 2, 3), none of which are authentic. They involve essential ingredients based on the famous Waldorf Salad, which has apples, walnuts and raisins, but I can’t help but suspect that these guesses may be off course. While it’s true that the one of the more common recipes that the Waldorf Astoria is known is the salad, there’s no reason to conclude that these are the only ingredients that could possibly be in a dessert of the same name.


Each of the 10 courses was served with a special accompanying wine. Following the tenth course, fresh fruits and cheeses were available followed by coffee and cigars accompanied by port and, if desired, distilled spirits.


This sounds like the dinner I cooked last night;)

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this is the Carnival board, and I don't think that the Titantic was a Carnival ship - they didn't own that line until sometime in the late '80s.


In realty you can say Titanic is a Carnival ship. Many years ago White Star Line and Cunard merged. Then several years ago Carnival bought Cunard. If push comes to shove I would think Carnival may legally own the Titanic.

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There were two Titanic movies made many years ago One was called a "Night To Remember" the other i don't recall the name. Reading this thread makes me want to find and rent both of them. I remember being about 10 yrs old and crying over them old B&W movies.

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About ten years ago I attended a dinner that featured the entire final Titanic first class menu as it was served. It was quite remarkable, but what was really amazing was that the head chef would come to the dinning room with each course and explain the history of the dish, the traditional preparation, and the modern issues in its preparation.

The most complicated was the Consommé Olga, which requires the pickled spinal cord of a sturgeon. This required a huge amount of research, of which the chef finally decided that the best substitute was a thinly sliced piece of scallop. It was delicious!

Even with all of the portions kept smaller than what was served on the Titanic, and a time span of about three hours, it was still a very filling meal.


That would have been an interesting dinner. Was there anything served that you'd like to try again, anything that stood out?


Smiling Cruiser mentioned Warm Chocolate Melting Cake, it would have been perfect with the French Ice Cream. :)

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In 1934 White Star and Cunard merged. They were known for a few years as Cunard-White Star, but eventually the White Star was dropped and they operated once again as the Cunard Line.


Thank you TriadSteeler.


About ten years ago I attended a dinner that featured the entire final Titanic first class menu as it was served. It was quite remarkable, but what was really amazing was that the head chef would come to the dinning room with each course and explain the history of the dish, the traditional preparation, and the modern issues in its preparation.


The most complicated was the Consommé Olga, which requires the pickled spinal cord of a sturgeon. This required a huge amount of research, of which the chef finally decided that the best substitute was a thinly sliced piece of scallop. It was delicious!


Even with all of the portions kept smaller than what was served on the Titanic, and a time span of about three hours, it was still a very filling meal. I’m not sure how the Edwardians were able to eat all of this fare.


All of the recipes and lore are published in a very good book called: “Last Dinner on the Titanic”.


That sounds like a great experience.

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I wasn't aware that CCL bought the White Star Line, which owned the Titanic. I know they own Cunard. Hmm. :rolleyes: :cool:


In 1934 White Star and Cunard merged. They were known for a few years as Cunard-White Star, but eventually the White Star was dropped and they operated once again as the Cunard Line.


In realty you can say Titanic is a Carnival ship. Many years ago White Star Line and Cunard merged. Then several years ago Carnival bought Cunard. If push comes to shove I would think Carnival may legally own the Titanic.

Thanks, to each of you, for filling in the history of Cunard / Titanic / White Star and their link to Carnival Corporation.

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This was posted on rec.food.cooking by JLA. I thought it was interesting to read how elaborate the food was and how it was prepared, at least in this class dining room:



96 years ago, the Titanic was preparing for its maiden voyage. It was on April 14th, 1912, when the last meal was served in the first-class dining room. As we all know, later that night, the ship collided with an iceberg and sank, with the loss of over 1500 lives. Here’s a detailed look at what was on the menu for the first-class passengers.


First Course

Hors D’Oeuvres



Second Course

Consommé Olga

Cream of Barley


Consummé Olga is made with a quart of warmed consummé (clear broth, usually beef) and a pint of good port wine. Then julienne a stalk of celery, the white of a leek, the outside only of a small carrot, and soften in butter over low heat. Add a little more consummé and reduce to a glaze, and then finish cooking the vegetables in it. In a tureen, put the glazed vegetables along with julienned gherkins, and the consummé and wine mixture. (Escoffier, 593)


Third Course

Poached Salmon with Mousseline Sauce, Cucumbers


A Mousseline is made by taking a pound of chicken, cleaned of all fat and sinew, and cut into cubes, and put in a food processor. Add one ounce of salt, a little pepper and nutmeg. and grind the meat until it is reduced to a paste. Add two egg whites, and continue to blend. Finally, add one pint of cream, being careful not to overbeat the mixture. Refrigerate. The resulting mixture can be formed into little football shaped morsels (quenelles) which would then be poached. (Based on Escoffier, 195)


Fourth Course

Filet Mignons Lili

Saute of Chicken, Lyonnaise

Vegetable Marrow Farci


Tournedos Lili are seasoned steak fillets fried in butter, then arranged to form a crown, each on a crust of Potatoes Anna (basically, layered potato slices, generously buttered and baked in a hot oven for 30 minutes; Escoffier 2203), and then topped with an artichoke bottom, garnished with a slice of foie gras, and then topped with a slice of truffle, and served with a Périgueux sauce (Madiera wine, reduced veal stock, and chopped truffle; Escoffier, 47). In other words, this dish is gilding a lilly. (Escoffier, 1101)


Sauce Lyonnaise is a relatively simple sauce in comparison, flavored with sauteed diced onion, and equal parts white wine and vinegar, reduced to a glaze, and added to reduced veal stock (demi-glace). (Escoffier, 43)


Vegetable Marrow Farci are vegetables with marrow sauce, made of reduced red wine, herbs, and sliced or cubed beef marrow. Is apparently stuffed squash. “Marrow squash, also known as vegetable marrow, is a very large, green summer squash. They are related to zucchini, and can grow to the size of a watermelon. They have a bland flavor, and are frequently stuffed with a meat stuffing.” The “farci” indicates that marrow squash was stuffed. (source)


Fifth Course

Lamb, Mint Sauce

Roast Duckling, Apple Sauce

Sirloin of Beef, Chateau Potatoes

Green Pea Creamed Carrots

Boiled Rice

Parmentier & Boiled New Potatoes


Chateau Potatoes are potatoes cut to the shape of olives, then cooked gently in clarified butter until golden and very soft, and sprinkled with parsley just before serving. (Escoffier, 2208)


Parmentier Potatoes is a pureed potato soup garnished with crouton and chervil, but it can also be served more like runny mashed potatoes. (Escoffier, 658)


Sixth Course

Punch Romaine


Punch à la Romaine is a mixture of dry white wine or champagne and a simple sugar syrup, plus the juices of two oranges and two lemons, with a bit of their zest, steeped for one hour. Strained and frozen, then mixed with a sweet meringue and then fortified with rum. It’s served like a sherbet, and acts as a palette cleanser. (Escoffier, 2932)


Seventh Course

Roast Squab & Cress


Eighth Course

Cold Asparagus Vinaigrette


Ninth Course

Pate de Foie Gras



Tenth Course

Waldorf Pudding

Peaches in Chartreuse Jelly

Chocolate & Vanilla Eclairs

French Ice Cream


Escoffier has nothing to say about Waldorf Pudding, but research on the net turns up several improvised recipes (1, 2, 3), none of which are authentic. They involve essential ingredients based on the famous Waldorf Salad, which has apples, walnuts and raisins, but I can’t help but suspect that these guesses may be off course. While it’s true that the one of the more common recipes that the Waldorf Astoria is known is the salad, there’s no reason to conclude that these are the only ingredients that could possibly be in a dessert of the same name.


Each of the 10 courses was served with a special accompanying wine. Following the tenth course, fresh fruits and cheeses were available followed by coffee and cigars accompanied by port and, if desired, distilled spirits.


A fascinating read for you foodies out there: Last Dinner On the Titanic: Menus and Recipes From the Great Liner by Rick Archbold and Dana McCauley


I bought it a couple of years ago for school and take it down and re-read it from time to time.


You have to wonder how the women stayed harnessed into their corsets after all that food!

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Wow that's a fantastic bit of history, boy did they eat big then, and when you figure the women wore corsets yikes..how'd they do it, and they must have been one oar in the water with wine at every course..dinner must have taken 4 hours...thanks for sharing this...


For one thing, they didn't eat vast quantities of any one thing, the way we (or some of us) do now. And if you've ever seen old fashioned wine glasses, they were also not as large as the ones we use today.

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This was posted on rec.food.cooking by JLA. I thought it was interesting to read how elaborate the food was and how it was prepared, at least in this class dining room:



96 years ago, the Titanic was preparing for its maiden voyage. It was on April 14th, 1912, when the last meal was served in the first-class dining room. As we all know, later that night, the ship collided with an iceberg and sank, with the loss of over 1500 lives. Here’s a detailed look at what was on the menu for the first-class passengers.


First Course

Hors D’Oeuvres



Second Course

Consommé Olga

Cream of Barley


Consummé Olga is made with a quart of warmed consummé (clear broth, usually beef) and a pint of good port wine. Then julienne a stalk of celery, the white of a leek, the outside only of a small carrot, and soften in butter over low heat. Add a little more consummé and reduce to a glaze, and then finish cooking the vegetables in it. In a tureen, put the glazed vegetables along with julienned gherkins, and the consummé and wine mixture. (Escoffier, 593)


Third Course

Poached Salmon with Mousseline Sauce, Cucumbers


A Mousseline is made by taking a pound of chicken, cleaned of all fat and sinew, and cut into cubes, and put in a food processor. Add one ounce of salt, a little pepper and nutmeg. and grind the meat until it is reduced to a paste. Add two egg whites, and continue to blend. Finally, add one pint of cream, being careful not to overbeat the mixture. Refrigerate. The resulting mixture can be formed into little football shaped morsels (quenelles) which would then be poached. (Based on Escoffier, 195)


Fourth Course

Filet Mignons Lili

Saute of Chicken, Lyonnaise

Vegetable Marrow Farci


Tournedos Lili are seasoned steak fillets fried in butter, then arranged to form a crown, each on a crust of Potatoes Anna (basically, layered potato slices, generously buttered and baked in a hot oven for 30 minutes; Escoffier 2203), and then topped with an artichoke bottom, garnished with a slice of foie gras, and then topped with a slice of truffle, and served with a Périgueux sauce (Madiera wine, reduced veal stock, and chopped truffle; Escoffier, 47). In other words, this dish is gilding a lilly. (Escoffier, 1101)


Sauce Lyonnaise is a relatively simple sauce in comparison, flavored with sauteed diced onion, and equal parts white wine and vinegar, reduced to a glaze, and added to reduced veal stock (demi-glace). (Escoffier, 43)


Vegetable Marrow Farci are vegetables with marrow sauce, made of reduced red wine, herbs, and sliced or cubed beef marrow. Is apparently stuffed squash. “Marrow squash, also known as vegetable marrow, is a very large, green summer squash. They are related to zucchini, and can grow to the size of a watermelon. They have a bland flavor, and are frequently stuffed with a meat stuffing.” The “farci” indicates that marrow squash was stuffed. (source)


Fifth Course

Lamb, Mint Sauce

Roast Duckling, Apple Sauce

Sirloin of Beef, Chateau Potatoes

Green Pea Creamed Carrots

Boiled Rice

Parmentier & Boiled New Potatoes


Chateau Potatoes are potatoes cut to the shape of olives, then cooked gently in clarified butter until golden and very soft, and sprinkled with parsley just before serving. (Escoffier, 2208)


Parmentier Potatoes is a pureed potato soup garnished with crouton and chervil, but it can also be served more like runny mashed potatoes. (Escoffier, 658)


Sixth Course

Punch Romaine


Punch à la Romaine is a mixture of dry white wine or champagne and a simple sugar syrup, plus the juices of two oranges and two lemons, with a bit of their zest, steeped for one hour. Strained and frozen, then mixed with a sweet meringue and then fortified with rum. It’s served like a sherbet, and acts as a palette cleanser. (Escoffier, 2932)


Seventh Course

Roast Squab & Cress


Eighth Course

Cold Asparagus Vinaigrette


Ninth Course

Pate de Foie Gras



Tenth Course

Waldorf Pudding

Peaches in Chartreuse Jelly

Chocolate & Vanilla Eclairs

French Ice Cream


Escoffier has nothing to say about Waldorf Pudding, but research on the net turns up several improvised recipes (1, 2, 3), none of which are authentic. They involve essential ingredients based on the famous Waldorf Salad, which has apples, walnuts and raisins, but I can’t help but suspect that these guesses may be off course. While it’s true that the one of the more common recipes that the Waldorf Astoria is known is the salad, there’s no reason to conclude that these are the only ingredients that could possibly be in a dessert of the same name.


Each of the 10 courses was served with a special accompanying wine. Following the tenth course, fresh fruits and cheeses were available followed by coffee and cigars accompanied by port and, if desired, distilled spirits.





All I can say is.....YUCK!!!! other than desert none of that even remotely appeals to me.


Did they drink enough?....no wonder they hit an iceburg....everyone was drunk!!!

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I know if I were there and they said get in the lifeboats you wouldn't have to tell me twice:eek: no matter how big the ship is. Someone says "we're sinking" and into the boat I go


Like this?:D





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That would have been an interesting dinner. Was there anything served that you'd like to try again, anything that stood out?


Smiling Cruiser mentioned Warm Chocolate Melting Cake, it would have been perfect with the French Ice Cream. :)



We purchased the book and use the recipes. Outstanding dishes would include the Consommé Olga, the Poached Salmon, the Filet Lili, the Duckling (though we use Quail), and my personal favorite…..the Champagne Ice.

I was taken aback that something like Champagne Ice existed back in the days of the Titanic. It’s a great way to get rid of junk champagne or sparkling wine; okay that and Mimosas.

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This was posted on rec.food.cooking by JLA. I thought it was interesting to read how elaborate the food was and how it was prepared, at least in this class dining room:



96 years ago, the Titanic was preparing for its maiden voyage. It was on April 14th, 1912, when the last meal was served in the first-class dining room. As we all know, later that night, the ship collided with an iceberg and sank, with the loss of over 1500 lives. Here’s a detailed look at what was on the menu for the first-class passengers.


First Course

Hors D’Oeuvres



Second Course

Consommé Olga

Cream of Barley


Consummé Olga is made with a quart of warmed consummé (clear broth, usually beef) and a pint of good port wine. Then julienne a stalk of celery, the white of a leek, the outside only of a small carrot, and soften in butter over low heat. Add a little more consummé and reduce to a glaze, and then finish cooking the vegetables in it. In a tureen, put the glazed vegetables along with julienned gherkins, and the consummé and wine mixture. (Escoffier, 593)


Third Course

Poached Salmon with Mousseline Sauce, Cucumbers


A Mousseline is made by taking a pound of chicken, cleaned of all fat and sinew, and cut into cubes, and put in a food processor. Add one ounce of salt, a little pepper and nutmeg. and grind the meat until it is reduced to a paste. Add two egg whites, and continue to blend. Finally, add one pint of cream, being careful not to overbeat the mixture. Refrigerate. The resulting mixture can be formed into little football shaped morsels (quenelles) which would then be poached. (Based on Escoffier, 195)


Fourth Course

Filet Mignons Lili

Saute of Chicken, Lyonnaise

Vegetable Marrow Farci


Tournedos Lili are seasoned steak fillets fried in butter, then arranged to form a crown, each on a crust of Potatoes Anna (basically, layered potato slices, generously buttered and baked in a hot oven for 30 minutes; Escoffier 2203), and then topped with an artichoke bottom, garnished with a slice of foie gras, and then topped with a slice of truffle, and served with a Périgueux sauce (Madiera wine, reduced veal stock, and chopped truffle; Escoffier, 47). In other words, this dish is gilding a lilly. (Escoffier, 1101)


Sauce Lyonnaise is a relatively simple sauce in comparison, flavored with sauteed diced onion, and equal parts white wine and vinegar, reduced to a glaze, and added to reduced veal stock (demi-glace). (Escoffier, 43)


Vegetable Marrow Farci are vegetables with marrow sauce, made of reduced red wine, herbs, and sliced or cubed beef marrow. Is apparently stuffed squash. “Marrow squash, also known as vegetable marrow, is a very large, green summer squash. They are related to zucchini, and can grow to the size of a watermelon. They have a bland flavor, and are frequently stuffed with a meat stuffing.” The “farci” indicates that marrow squash was stuffed. (source)


Fifth Course

Lamb, Mint Sauce

Roast Duckling, Apple Sauce

Sirloin of Beef, Chateau Potatoes

Green Pea Creamed Carrots

Boiled Rice

Parmentier & Boiled New Potatoes


Chateau Potatoes are potatoes cut to the shape of olives, then cooked gently in clarified butter until golden and very soft, and sprinkled with parsley just before serving. (Escoffier, 2208)


Parmentier Potatoes is a pureed potato soup garnished with crouton and chervil, but it can also be served more like runny mashed potatoes. (Escoffier, 658)


Sixth Course

Punch Romaine


Punch à la Romaine is a mixture of dry white wine or champagne and a simple sugar syrup, plus the juices of two oranges and two lemons, with a bit of their zest, steeped for one hour. Strained and frozen, then mixed with a sweet meringue and then fortified with rum. It’s served like a sherbet, and acts as a palette cleanser. (Escoffier, 2932)


Seventh Course

Roast Squab & Cress


Eighth Course

Cold Asparagus Vinaigrette


Ninth Course

Pate de Foie Gras



Tenth Course

Waldorf Pudding

Peaches in Chartreuse Jelly

Chocolate & Vanilla Eclairs

French Ice Cream


Escoffier has nothing to say about Waldorf Pudding, but research on the net turns up several improvised recipes (1, 2, 3), none of which are authentic. They involve essential ingredients based on the famous Waldorf Salad, which has apples, walnuts and raisins, but I can’t help but suspect that these guesses may be off course. While it’s true that the one of the more common recipes that the Waldorf Astoria is known is the salad, there’s no reason to conclude that these are the only ingredients that could possibly be in a dessert of the same name.


Each of the 10 courses was served with a special accompanying wine. Following the tenth course, fresh fruits and cheeses were available followed by coffee and cigars accompanied by port and, if desired, distilled spirits.

Wow:eek: ...And I thought the Supper club on the Spirit had a lot of food! I don't think I could ever eat that much!

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I was in "Titanic--The Musical" a few years back and we had all the menus in a display out in the lobby. It was interesting to see how the dining rooms differed between classes...and since I was portraying a lowly (LOL) third class passenger, my dinner menu wasn't nearly as extravagant. :)

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I was in "Titanic--The Musical" a few years back and we had all the menus in a display out in the lobby. It was interesting to see how the dining rooms differed between classes...and since I was portraying a lowly (LOL) third class passenger, my dinner menu wasn't nearly as extravagant. :)


......and which "Kate" did you play? We saw the original run on Broadway, really a great show, better than the movie......

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Found the rest of the menues based on each class:


1st Class - April 11, 1912



Baked apples Fruit Steamed Prunes

Quaker Oats Broiled Hominy Puffed Rice

Freash Herring

Findon Hoddock Smoked Salmon

Mutton Kidneys & Bacon

Grilled Ham Grilled Sausage

Lamb Callops Vegetable Stew

Fried Shirred Poached Eggs

Plan Tomato Omlets to order

Sirloin Steak & Mutton Chops to order

Mashed, Saute`, and Jacket Potatos

Cold Meat

Vienna and Gram Rolls

Soda Scones Corn Bread

Buckwheat Cakes

Black Current Conserve Narbonne Honey

Oxford Marmalade




2nd Class - April 11, 1912





Rolled oats, Broiled Hominy


Yarmouth Bloaters

Grilled ox kidneys & Bacon

American Hash au Gratin

Grilled sausage, Mash Potatos

Grilled Ham & Fried Eggs

Fried potatos, Vienna & Graham Rolls


Buckwheat Cakes, Maple Syrup

Conserve Marmalade

Tea Coffee



2nd Class - April 12, 1912




Pea Soup

Spaghetti au Gratin

Corned Beef Vegetable Dumplings

Roast Mutton

Baked Jacket Potatoes


Roast Mutton Roast Beef

Sausage Ox Tongue

Pickles Salad

Tapioca Pudding

Apple Tart

Freash Fruit

Cheese Buiscuits

Coffee Tea


2nd Class - April 14, 1912




Consomme' - - Tapioca


Baked Haddock, Sharp Sauce

Curried Chicken & Rice

Spring Lamb, Mint Sauce

Roast Turkey, Cranberry Sauce



Green Peas - - - Puree' Turnips

Boiled Rice

Boiled & Roast Potatoes



Plum Pudding

Wine Jelly - - - Cocoanut Sandwich

American Ice Cream

Nuts Assorted

Fresh Fruit



Cheese - - - Biscuits


3rd Class - April 12, 1912






Oatmeal Porridge & Milk

Shaved Herrings, Jacket Potatoes

Vegetable Soup

Roasted Pork with Sage and Onions

Green Peas

Broiled Potatos

Plum Pudding

Cabin Buscuits Fruit

Beef with Potatoes and Pickles

Currant Buns Bread and Butter

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