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Dissapointing Food on QM2


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I am not quite sure I believe I have read this correctly. You think service levels may, but probably don't, relate to colour?


I can't believe anyone would even think that it was a possibility, still less post it on an INTERNATIONAL board.


Quite frankly, I am appalled.



And quite frankly I am a little appalled myself at your attitude and that you would even think that the word ethnic means color. Where in heavens name would you get that idea, anyway??? I am not even going to qualify your reply by giving you a definition. We were talking about food and that's what I meant, that different ethnic groups might prefer different types of food, therefore, may have differences in how they would rate food (and in my mind I had what the British might prefer). I am really very tired of explaining every word I write and of some people insinuating that I mean something that I don't. I am a very nice person, I certainly am not a racist, I do not put other people down, I do not lie or even exaggerated, and I am not a bully--and I can't say that about everybody on this board.


You know, I thought to myself when I wrote it, seeing this sort of thing has happened before on this board, that maybe someone would take the word wrong. Oh, no--I told myself--nobody could ever think that! Then, lo and behold, first thing this morning, I read this. Unbelievable!



Poodlesmom, please do try to ignore such comments, you said nothing wrong at all and most of us intelligent folk on here understood exactly what you meant.


I have only sailed QE2, but am looking forward to QM2 next year.


To read other peoples' views and thoughts, both good and bad, are a tremendous help and much appreciated.


Jackie :)

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[quote name=poodlesmom;14876113[/quote


And quite frankly I am a little appalled myself at your attitude and that you would even think that the word ethnic means color. Where in heavens name would you get that idea' date=' anyway??? I am not even going to qualify your reply by giving you a definition. We were talking about food and that's what I meant, that different ethnic groups might prefer different types of food, therefore, may have differences in how they would rate food (and in my mind I had what the British might prefer). I am really very tired of explaining every word I write and of some people insinuating that I mean something that I don't. I am a very nice person, I certainly am not a racist, I do not put other people down, I do not lie or even exaggerated, and I am not a bully--and I can't say that about everybody on this board.


You know, I thought to myself when I wrote it, seeing this sort of thing has happened before on this board, that maybe someone would take the word wrong. Oh, no--I told myself--nobody could ever think that! Then, lo and behold, first thing this morning, I read this. Unbelievable![/quote]

Dear Poodles,

I'm afraid I read it as Mr. Bob did and would have mentioned something at the time, but I was late for a party (?!?) and forgot about it until just now. Yes, contrary to what Jackie seems to think, even intelligent people sometimes have a problem with the English language...

From reading your many posts here on Cruisecritic, I realized -- correct me if I'm wrong -- that you enjoy writing and communicating your ideas. Perhaps I could pass on some advice I received from the last teacher who had to deal with my impatience at putting to pen those ideas that overflowed my French-trained brain:

1. Keep it simple.

2. Keep it short.

3. Re-read.

4. When in doubt, erase.

Hope this helps. ;)

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I am not quite sure I believe I have read this correctly. You think service levels may, but probably don't, relate to colour?


I can't believe anyone would even think that it was a possibility, still less post it on an INTERNATIONAL board.


Quite frankly, I am appalled.



And quite frankly I am a little appalled myself at your attitude and that you would even think that the word ethnic means color. Where in heavens name would you get that idea, anyway??? I am not even going to qualify your reply by giving you a definition. We were talking about food and that's what I meant, that different ethnic groups might prefer different types of food, therefore, may have differences in how they would rate food (and in my mind I had what the British might prefer). I am really very tired of explaining every word I write and of some people insinuating that I mean something that I don't. I am a very nice person, I certainly am not a racist, I do not put other people down, I do not lie or even exaggerated, and I am not a bully--and I can't say that about everybody on this board.


You know, I thought to myself when I wrote it, seeing this sort of thing has happened before on this board, that maybe someone would take the word wrong. Oh, no--I told myself--nobody could ever think that! Then, lo and behold, first thing this morning, I read this. Unbelievable!


Do not worry sadly people take things the wrong way here, either accidently or deliberatly , most of us know you meant no disrespect. I have also been a victim of this.



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[quote name='GAV BOY'][quote name='poodlesmom']

Do not worry sadly people take things the wrong way [COLOR=red]here[/COLOR], either accidently or deliberatly , most of us know you meant no disrespect.

[I][COLOR=blue]Dear Gavin,[/COLOR][/I]
[I][COLOR=#0000ff]I would agree with you, save for the insertion of the word "here"... :p [/COLOR][/I]
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I don't know if this is one of those American English versus British English problems but I think some of you are trying to read way too much into Poodlesmom's post.

I visit New York City fairly often. One of the very popular tours in the city is called "The Multi-Ethnic Eating Tour". It simply refers to visiting the many different neighborhoods in NYC and sampling the foods from many different nationalities. This is what I thought of when I read Poodlesmom's post.

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[quote name='imacruizer']I don't know if this is one of those American English versus British English problems but I think some of you are trying to read way too much into Poodlesmom's post.[/quote]

Whatever it is, it isn't a USA/UK difference. Those from both sides of the pond have been appalled, as I was, by the post.
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[quote name='Fifty Dollar Bob'][COLOR=Black]I am not quite sure I believe I have read this correctly. You think service levels may, but probably don't, relate to colour?

I can't believe anyone would even think that it was a possibility, still less post it on an INTERNATIONAL board.

Quite frankly, I am appalled.
Get a grip, Bob. I think you're reading far too much into Poodlesmom's post. I've read loads of her posts, she's simply not an offensive person. You, however, sometimes are, either deliberately or not.
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Very interesting.

[quote]The presentation was almost always excellent, our service was always excellent, and I really, really wish I could say the food was excellent too, because I absolutely loved the ship....There could be other variables that bring about the differences in opinions [I](about the quality of the food)*.[/I] Perhaps it could be differences in ethnicity[/quote]

[B]poodlesmom[/B] said that she thought that varying opinions about the quality of the food might be based on what people were used to, possibly as a result their ethnicity.

[quote]I am not quite sure I believe I have read this correctly. You think service levels may, but probably don't, relate to colour?[/quote]

[B]Fifty Dollar Bob[/B] responded that he was appalled because he thought that [B]poodlesmom[/B] meant that service might be better or worse for persons of different colors.

This, IMHO, was just a total disconnect of ideas. No reason for anyone to be appalled. Misunderstandings happen all the time.

* Added for clarity.
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[quote name='Seachase20']Get a grip, Bob. I think you're reading far too much into Poodlesmom's post. I've read loads of her posts, she's simply not an offensive person. You, however, sometimes are, either deliberately or not.[/quote]

Yes !
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[quote name='NomDePlume'][quote name='GAV BOY']

[I][COLOR=blue]Dear Gavin,[/COLOR][/I]

[I][COLOR=#0000ff]I would agree with you, save for the insertion of the word "here"... :p [/COLOR][/I][/quote]

Fair enough ! :D
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16th May TA
22nd May Memorial Day Cruise
27th May TA

Food and service in Brittania excellent all round. It was just as good as it was 2 years ago.

Our first waiter asked for dessert choice as part of main order. When I told him that I didn't want to choose until I'd eaten my main course, that was fine and he didn't ask me for an early dessert choice again.

When I say that the food is excellent, I mean that, for a 'fine dining' sitting where they are feeding 1000 at once it is excellent, 5 out of 5.

The Britannia is not Todd English (which we found to be[I] truely[/I] excellent) nor is it a top-class small land based restaurant feeding 50 to 100 covers staggered over the course of the whole evening... you cannot expect such individual service but you can still expect high quality.

As regards Poodlesmom comments, I think we now all understand what she meant to say. Personally, I avoided the hot food counter on the day they offered a German selection - these type of sausages and sauerkraut etc are not to my taste - it does not mean that I don't like Germans!!!

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[quote name='Seachase20']Get a grip, Bob. I think you're reading far too much into Poodlesmom's post. I've read loads of her posts, she's simply not an offensive person. You, however, sometimes are, either deliberately or not.[/QUOTE]

I agree, I read the post exactly the way it was meant - I think people are starting arguments for the sake of it!
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[quote name='Toffeegirl68']16th May TA
22nd May Memorial Day Cruise
27th May TA

Food and service in Britannia excellent all round. It was just as good as it was 2 years ago.

Our first waiter asked for dessert choice as part of main order. When I told him that I didn't want to choose until I'd eaten my main course, that was fine and he didn't ask me for an early dessert choice again.

[B]When I say that the food is excellent, I mean that, for a 'fine dining' sitting where they are feeding 1000 at once it is excellent, 5 out of 5. [/B]

[B]The Britannia is not Todd English (which we found to be[I] truely[/I] excellent) nor is it a top-class small land based restaurant feeding 50 to 100 covers staggered over the course of the whole evening... you cannot expect such individual service but you can still expect high quality.[/B]

As regards Poodlesmom comments, I think we now all understand what she meant to say. Personally, I avoided the hot food counter on the day they offered a German selection - these type of sausages and sauerkraut etc are not to my taste - it does not mean that I don't like Germans!!!


I believe that you have hit the nail on the head, Toffeegirl. When you consider that there are over 1,000 diners being fed at one time in the Britannia Restaurant, then I agree, the restaurant's food [COLOR=black][I]is[/I][/COLOR][COLOR=red] [/COLOR]excellent. When I compare the Britannia to other large gatherings, banquets, weddings, etc. I've attended (none as immense as dining on the QM2, I might add), I would have to concede that both the food and service in the Britannia would be top rated. I should never have compared the Britannia Restaurant to an up-scale area restaurant that serves perhaps 40 patrons at a time, any more than I should compare apples to oranges.
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Poor, Poodlesmom
You really got jumped on. May I as an ex immigrant add my two pennies worth here.

In USA an item may be called "a" whilst in another country it is called "b", (in USA you called them meatballs when I was growing up in the East End of London pre l940 we called them ******s - NO THAT IS NOT MEANT AS AN INSULT - it is just a term used pre war for a particular peice of ready cooked food) .
Ethnic tastes do vary, in fact on my last cruise (yes poodlesmom was on it ) I ordered curry - now I have lived in what is known as the Far East, and I know there are various types of curry (due to the spices used), but I assumed QM2's curry would be reasonably "generic" It was but I did wonder why the basic "condiments " where missing, no coconut,no pinapple, no banana, no raisons and no apple. It was just chunks of chicken in a generic curry flavoured sauce.
Anyone ethinically from the Far East would have thought it very poor. Again as others have said there are foods I do not like simply because of the taste, sauerkraut is one, cabbage another.
Yes I asked at lunch one day for cabbage to be removed, and was told "No, that is how it comes" , let us say I made it clear politely, quietly but FIRMLY, "NO CABBAGE, if you bring it with cabbage, I will refuse it" It did not come with cabbage!
Several people at the table had to send back their selections because they were not as listed, in other words the kitchen staff were NOT doing their jobs correctly. and assumed we the pasengers would not know the difference.

Sometimes we have to remember that the staff have may have come on board from lesser eateries. and that in that case we get the quality of service that we are willing to put up with.

Going on QM2 this weekeknd for a 24 day trip, I will NOT order my desert at the start of the meal, will not accept COLD food, and will expect the service to be up to standard.
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[quote name='Jimsgirl']Poor, Poodlesmom
You really got jumped on. May I as an ex immigrant add my two pennies worth here.

In USA an item may be called "a" whilst in another country it is called "b", (in USA you called them meatballs when I was growing up in the East End of London pre l940 we called them ******s - NO THAT IS NOT MEANT AS AN INSULT - it is just a term used pre war for a particular peice of ready cooked food) .
Ethnic tastes do vary, in fact on my last cruise (yes poodlesmom was on it ) I ordered curry - now I have lived in what is known as the Far East, and I know there are various types of curry (due to the spices used), but I assumed QM2's curry would be reasonably "generic" It was but I did wonder why the basic "condiments " where missing, no coconut,no pinapple, no banana, no raisons and no apple. It was just chunks of chicken in a generic curry flavoured sauce.
Anyone ethinically from the Far East would have thought it very poor. Again as others have said there are foods I do not like simply because of the taste, sauerkraut is one, cabbage another.
Yes I asked at lunch one day for cabbage to be removed, and was told "No, that is how it comes" , let us say I made it clear politely, quietly but FIRMLY, "NO CABBAGE, if you bring it with cabbage, I will refuse it" It did not come with cabbage!
Several people at the table had to send back their selections because they were not as listed, in other words the kitchen staff were NOT doing their jobs correctly. and assumed we the pasengers would not know the difference.

Sometimes we have to remember that the staff have may have come on board from lesser eateries. and that in that case we get the quality of service that we are willing to put up with.

Going on QM2 this weekeknd for a 24 day trip, I will NOT order my desert at the start of the meal, will not accept COLD food, and will expect the service to be up to standard.[/quote]

Absolutely spot on! Bon Voyage Jimsgirl, hope you have a wonderful trip.

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Have just read my last postiing, and notice that the name of the food was asterisked out, that is fine, it probably would have been mis construed .

The point is that on a ship we are multi racial, and even ordinarey conversation can be full of "dangers". I can think of at least four commonplace ordinary everyday expression that would be used in the UK which would shock the socks off my neighbours here in FL.

It is very true "one man's (or woman's) meat is anothers poison", my very special son in law loves grits , all I can say is "YUCK" He is really special but his taste in food!!!!!!!!!!
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Yes, Jimsgirl. I had a dessert on the QM2 that I almost didn't order because of its name. I ordered it after much amusement by pointing to it on the menu. I found it to be really quite good--but I would never call it by name.
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[quote name='poodlesmom']Yes, Jimsgirl. I had a dessert on the QM2 that I almost didn't order because of its name. I ordered it after much amusement by pointing to it on the menu. I found it to be really quite good--but I would never call it by name.[/quote]


go on - let me have a guess at this one. I think you are probably referring to that old British delicacy and denizen of the sweet trolley commonly referred to as "Spotted Richard"

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