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Smoking Policy from a Brits point of view!

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Literally millions of people cruise per year - if you've cruised any, more than likely you've been a room that prior had been inhabited by smokers. I did 9 days on a ship with 2 smokers in an OV room - they must have great ventilation cuz that tiny room was never nearly as smoky as a hotel room twice the size ever was. Heck, I couldn't smell the nasty booze habit of the prior inhabitants nor the disgusting and sickening overuse of perfume by previous inhabitants. I only had to put up with those in the public areas of the ship, the dining room, and especially the elevators *CHOKE* *PUKE*


This sort of misses the point. Who wants to inhabit a room after some smoker has been in there spewing their nasty exhaust hither and yon? Puke!
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Steamed mussels (I don't eat them but SO does) and a dozen large steamed crabs - couple of beers - was wonderful!


mmmmm......mussels in red sauce..........


There was a little place at Harbison & Tulip in NE Philly, called the Blue Point.


My mother claimed that she could smell the garlic oozing out of my pores three days after I had the mussels in red sauce there.


And, oh, the hardshells!! Haven't had those in YEARS. Gimme a hammer and some newspaper, and I'm set!

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Well, not just accepted it - CHOSE it - there are alternatives with more restrictive policies - they choose to cruise RCCL - and more than likely they are the same folks that did not patronize Carnival Paradise - the great experiment of a totally smoke free ship that failed.


RCI's smoking policies are there for you to peruse prior to booking a vacation, if after reading them you still chose to cruise with RCI, the smoke was not forced on you, you accepted it.
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I see your point - but there's some truth to this angle. People are rabidly anti-smoking and have no issue running over a person's right to smoke. In states that allow 'lifestyle discrimination' - the next target after tobacco is weight. I work in healthcare - they are restrictive and getting moreso. Several managers in the next division are and have been rabidly anti-smoking, harassing their employees who do smoke, even when within the rules. New rules are coming in November - and those same managers are very nervous now - because they see where it's headed - weight is next - and they are both severely overweight. They have no problems stomping all over the smokers, but now they will be coming after them and they are rethinking the company's 'right' to regulate what you put into your body when it's them that are targeted.


Look at NYC - they banned trans fats in food - sheesh - talk about a nanny-state - now they make a food product illegal and fine business owners for what an adult chooses to eat.



Wow. What a great way to look at this situation.

I can't figure out if you are a rocket scientist or a brain surgeon.

Does the term apples and oranges mean anything to you ?

Thread closed.

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Actually what I have said is that I spend as little time/money here as possible - last time I got steamed crabs I took them into VA with me :) Today we had time and distance limits so stayed in MD.


I did find it interesting tho - we went to my favorite place for crabs - Saturday - dinner time - you usually can't find a parking spot and need reservations. We pulled in and the lot was totally empty, we wondered if they were open. I did go out to smoke on the deck and the owner was out there. I have been going there for over 10 years - so I asked him why the place was so dead and he said business has completely dropped off since the smoking ban - the place has no AC and is a 'crab house' with open windows etc - a margarittaville type bar - but still effected by the ban. Given what I saw on a prime Saturday dinner time - 1 waitress - 1 bartender - 2 kitchen staff - I predict he'll be outta business in no time.



You will have to make sure to meet her in one of the states that

doesn't offend her with a restrictive smoking policy. You know she will not

spend her money in a state where she does not agree with their

smoking policy. The freedom to puff, worth fighting for.

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They serve em with a melted butter and garlic sauce - he went home to VA so I won't be smelling the garlic tomorrow oozing out of his pores lol.


eating steamed crabs - Maryland State Religion ;) Are you originally from here? Most people not born and raised eating crabs just don't 'get it'.


I used to work for a company that did biz all over the US and the world way back in the 80s and we always took visiting clients out for crabs in summer - the look on their faces when we told them to wear jeans and sat them at a table with hammers, knives, and brown paper was priceless - esp when they asked why hammer and knife and we told them "cuz you have to kill them before you can eat them silly!"



mmmmm......mussels in red sauce..........


There was a little place at Harbison & Tulip in NE Philly, called the Blue Point.


My mother claimed that she could smell the garlic oozing out of my pores three days after I had the mussels in red sauce there.


And, oh, the hardshells!! Haven't had those in YEARS. Gimme a hammer and some newspaper, and I'm set!

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ah - that would explain it - when we go to PA we are usually in the Amish areas as they are pretty close to my house - and we've learned - do NOT order seafood in PA - at least not that far from the ocean ;)


It's a Philly and a Jersey shore thing, too. ;)
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Heck, I couldn't smell the nasty booze habit of the prior inhabitants nor the disgusting and sickening overuse of perfume by previous inhabitants. I only had to put up with those in the public areas of the ship, the dining room, and especially the elevators *CHOKE* *PUKE*


It seems odd that smokers always bring up being disgusted by perfume use. Most overusers of perfume are smokers because they are trying to cover up the stench of stale cigarette smoke that reeks from their hair, clothes, body, mouth, tongue, etc. They assume if they bathe in perfume, it will somehow fool people into thinking they don't stink. Like the typical smoker shown below.


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It seems odd that smokers always bring up being disgusted by perfume use. Most overusers of perfume are smokers because they are trying to cover up the stench of stale cigarette smoke that reeks from their hair, clothes, body, mouth, tongue, etc. They assume if they bathe in perfume, it will somehow fool people into thinking they don't stink. Like the typical smoker shown below.


Simply not true. Most ladies, be they smokers or not, just do not know how to apply their perfume. Many just saturate themselves and their clothes with it.




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Though that may be your experience - although I seriously doubt it and you are just trying to make an invalid point - in my 46 years I've never known any smoker to specifically use perfume because they are trying to hide smelling like smoke, other than teenagers. We don't really care if you think it smells bad - we have to put up with perfume, hairspray, booze breath, garlic oozing out of pores, ethnic cooking oozing from pores, people who don't shower or use deodorant, pass gas in public etc. We just keep our distance if we don't like something.


Do a quick google search on why women wear too much perfume and it comes up with depression, zinc deficiency, have used so much for so long they can no longer smell it, etc


Given the very lucrative and widespread perfume business - you're theory falls flat. But then again, it fell flat the last time we had this discussion - it was you I think. Given your obvious issues with smokers, I have to wonder why - or how - you get so close to smokers to know what their tongue smells or tastes like. Perhaps you should try a little harder to stay out of people's personal space.


As I've said before - the SMELL of smoke on a person may be unpleasant to you, but it's not a health hazard, but perfume certainly is.




It seems odd that smokers always bring up being disgusted by perfume use. Most overusers of perfume are smokers because they are trying to cover up the stench of stale cigarette smoke that reeks from their hair, clothes, body, mouth, tongue, etc. They assume if they bathe in perfume, it will somehow fool people into thinking they don't stink. Like the typical smoker shown below.
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MIAMI, July 23, 2007 - In time to help guests set their New Year's resolutions for a healthier lifestyle, Royal Caribbean International announces a new smoking policy onboard its ships, effective January 2008. To bolster the cruise line's new Vitality wellness program, recently debuted on Liberty of the Seas - the newest vessel to share the title of the world's largest cruise ship with sister-ship, Freedom of the Seas - Royal Caribbean is increasing smoke-free zones by designating all staterooms and one lounge on each ship in its fleet as non-smoking areas. The new policy will go into effect aboard 18 of the line's 21 ships initially, with Legend of the Seas, Rhapsody of the Seas and Splendour of the Seas following suit with the 2008 summer season.


Haha, I've never seen this before. Healthier lifestyle? I'll believe this new-found philosophy when I'm able to find a healthy, palatable dish aboard a RCI ship that isn't playing peek-a-boo on one of their menus. Seriously, I wonder if the person who conceived of this has actually seen the typical passenger aboard one of their ships? This is like McDonald's touting themselves as a "healthy" choice by offering apple slices or a tiny packet of vegetables on their menu; the overwhelming bulk of their customers still wish consume fat-laden, processed crap.


Also: New Year's resolution in July?

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It seems odd that smokers always bring up being disgusted by perfume use. Most overusers of perfume are smokers because they are trying to cover up the stench of stale cigarette smoke that reeks from their hair, clothes, body, mouth, tongue, etc. They assume if they bathe in perfume, it will somehow fool people into thinking they don't stink. Like the typical smoker shown below.


What I find amusing is the non smokers going on about how their clothes, hair etc. smell of smoke from being exposed to smokers and also posts like this of course saying that smokers reek of smoke. Ok, now these "smoke scented" people enter cabins and I would think the cabins would smell of smoke also as non smokers complain the smoke goes thru their clothes also, so how is a steward or anyone else suppose to prove a person has smoked in the cabin unless caught red handed of course?

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The worst grumbling tends to come from a recently ex-smoker.....possibly due to the fact that their sense of smell has been repaired from giving up a 20 a day habit, and they suddenly realise that smokers actually do reek to high heaven, regardless of how much Estee Lauder they use ;)


(I'm an ex smoker of around 15 years now, and have to admit that after a couple of months of not smoking, EVERYTHING smelt stronger, including other smokers...and it wasn't pleasant either)

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in my 46 years I've never known any smoker to specifically use perfume because they are trying to hide smelling like smoke, other than teenagers. We don't really care if you think it smells bad - we have to put up with perfume, hairspray, booze breath, garlic oozing out of pores, ethnic cooking oozing from pores, people who don't shower or use deodorant, pass gas in public etc.


I'm intrigued by your idea that smokers don't ever eat garlic, wear perfume, eat ethnic food, skimp on showers or pass gas in public. Most of the smokers I know are ordinary humans and may or may not have a few of those other habits. My ex-husband was a smoker and had pretty much all of those covered, except maybe the hairspray! (Could be why he's an ex!):D



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Actually what I have said is that I spend as little time/money here as possible - last time I got steamed crabs I took them into VA with me :) Today we had time and distance limits so stayed in MD.


I did find it interesting tho - we went to my favorite place for crabs - Saturday - dinner time - you usually can't find a parking spot and need reservations. We pulled in and the lot was totally empty, we wondered if they were open. I did go out to smoke on the deck and the owner was out there. I have been going there for over 10 years - so I asked him why the place was so dead and he said business has completely dropped off since the smoking ban - the place has no AC and is a 'crab house' with open windows etc - a margarittaville type bar - but still effected by the ban. Given what I saw on a prime Saturday dinner time - 1 waitress - 1 bartender - 2 kitchen staff - I predict he'll be outta business in no time.


Or possibly the food quality has headed south.Places here are as busy as usual and thats even with tourism down due to energy prices.The prices of Crabs are up way up from last year but I guess its easy to blame it on smoking and paint false stories about business being effected by the smoking ban.Interestingly a story in the Washington Post stated that business is Down more in Virginia than Maryland and there is no ban there.Maybe they need to add one------------BT

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Given your obvious issues with smokers, I have to wonder why - or how - you get so close to smokers to know what their tongue smells or tastes like.


Puke me out! Oh my goodness, you are right that I have no personal knowledge of what a smokers tongue smells or tastes like. Just the thought of getting close enough to a smoker to find out such a thing makes me nauseous. I have to rely on second hand reports for that information.


I also don't have issues with specifically smokers. I have issues with those who intentionally and willingly cause death and disease to other innocent victims. Smokers are a large subset of that group of people. That's all.


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in my 46 years I've never known any smoker to specifically use perfume because they are trying to hide smelling like smoke, other than teenagers.


Then I suggest female smokers fall into 3 camps (although I think there are very few that fall into camp 3).


Camp 1 knows that smoking will make their hair, clothes, body, mouth, tongue, etc. reek of cigarette smoke and therefore they take extra steps (including using too much perfume) to cover up the stink. I think most female smokers fall into this camp.


Camp 2 also knows that smoking will make their hair, clothes, body, mouth, tongue, etc. reek of cigarette smoke but this group has thrown in the towel. They have decided over the years that no matter how you try to cover up the stench of cigarette smoke, it is really just not possible. So why even try. Their motto is, "To heck with perfume, I'll just choose to stink!"


Camp 3 is sort of the utterly oblivious group. Their sense of smell is so degraded and they are so out of touch that they are clueless as to whether or not they stink. They assume that stale smell of cigarette smoke is just a "normal" smell and have gotten used to it and assume everyone else is used to it as well.


It would be nice to have female smokers weigh in as to which camp they fall into.

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Puke me out! Oh my goodness, you are right that I have no personal knowledge of what a smokers tongue smells or tastes like. Just the thought of getting close enough to a smoker to find out such a thing makes me nauseous. I have to rely on second hand reports for that information.



More than you probably want to know, LOL, from a lifelong non-smoker who has kissed smokers, I get a tangy, somewhat bitter taste with the kiss. It is not awful, just different, and I don't find the taste to be a problem because when you get to the kissing point, other feelings overcome the taste. The problem is that it is unlikely that I will be developing a relationship with a smoker beyond friendship.


Having been on 30 cruises I have found that second hand smoke in public areas has been the problem, like the casino and lounges, more than any residual oder in the cabins but I think it probably is an expense to the cruise line to get rid of the oder.

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OK...what needs to be banned or maybe we a new policy prohibiting the discussion of fresh seafood in a smoking thread! :mad:


It's really tough on someone who is landlocked and 1000 miles to the nearest ocean! Fresh seafood here is well...not fresh! I smoked for 35 years before I quit .........I can live without the cigs but, I still have to eat............fresh seafood, mmmmmmmmmm :D ;)

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Wonder about that myself - just how do you prove it. Even if you had an ashtray in the cabin, you could have brought it in from the balcony to keep it from blowing overboard.



As soon as they throw the first smuggler of booze off the ship:D Sorry but it won't happen.
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Where did I ever say that? I didn't. My point is that we don't whine about it non stop nor try to legislate it out of existence or restrict where these stinky people go.


I'm intrigued by your idea that smokers don't ever eat garlic, wear perfume, eat ethnic food, skimp on showers or pass gas in public. Most of the smokers I know are ordinary humans and may or may not have a few of those other habits. My ex-husband was a smoker and had pretty much all of those covered, except maybe the hairspray! (Could be why he's an ex!):D



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Nope, food was excellent - SO even said those were the best crabs he's ever had. We ask every time we go into a bar or restaurant on what used to be a hoppin place that is dead and the answer is always the same. You live in a touristy area - I don't - business owners here are hit hard. Just like the last thread - that went POOF - the folks in Europe gave their first hand accounts of pubs going out of business because of it - in direct conflict with what 'media' reported.


VA recently rejected a ban like Maryland's - for the 2nd or 3rd time. And Norfolk had passed a ban, but then repealed it. And their bars and restaurants in NOVA are packed - we always have a hard time finding one without a 2 hr wait on weekends.




Or possibly the food quality has headed south.Places here are as busy as usual and thats even with tourism down due to energy prices.The prices of Crabs are up way up from last year but I guess its easy to blame it on smoking and paint false stories about business being effected by the smoking ban.Interestingly a story in the Washington Post stated that business is Down more in Virginia than Maryland and there is no ban there.Maybe they need to add one------------BT
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