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Disney Shows - From an adult point of view


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I realize this isn't going to be a popular opinion, but has anyone else found the shows on DCL,......boring - from an adult viewpoint? I'm not saying they're not well done, the cast and costumes and staging are excellent. I'm just saying as an adult, they're not very entertaining.


I'm specifically talking about the 3 shows currently on the Wonder.


Golden Mickeys: A series of musical numbers from Disney movies wrapped around an award show theme.


Disney Dreams: A series of musical numbers by Disney characters.


Either one of these would give the most ardent Disney fan their Disney fix. Both in a three or four day period is, IMHO, overkill.


Toy Story: The Musical. A stage production of the Toy Story movie with mediocre songs. Fun to see the Toy Story characters on stage but once that happens the rest of the production igoes downhill. As a musical it adds nothing to the Toy Story, "story", meaning if you've seen the movie, you've seen the show, the same plot points are followed with nothing added. From a kid's point of view just seeing the characters on stage and seeing the movie come to life is entertaining enough, but not for adults.


As an aside, the show it replaced, Hercules, was an entertaining production of a mediocre Disney film. The difference is, IMO, is that the Hercules show did not take its source material overly seriously. There were enough modern day references and asides to the audience to keep the adults entertained while the kids enjoyed the Hercules plot. Plus the music, taken from the movie was very good.


I think Disney needs to replace Golden Mickeys with a show that would be more entertaining for adults and maybe re-write Toy Story to add some additional comedy - a la the Hades monologue from Hercules.

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From a kid's point of view just seeing the characters on stage and seeing the movie come to life is entertaining enough, but not for adults.


As an adult I understand your point, But as a mother the look of pure joy in our sons eyes at the larger than life characters on stage is worth every $$$$$ spent on a DCL vacation. JMHO...:D

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The DCL shows are the only shows I actually enjoy. I don't even bother to go to the shows on other lines anymore. I find them dreadful. JMO. I would love to see new shows on the new ships only because I would have seen the shows on Magic 3xs by then.

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I really enjoyed Disney Dreams (and the comedian the first night) but was just a hair disappointed in Toy Story and Golden Mickeys. But I agree that it was all better than the stuff I saw on Princess recently.

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IF YOU DONT LIKE THE DISNEY SHOWS, GO BACK TO YOUR STATE ROOM AND MAKE YOU OWN THEN. I mean you are watching a show that a 5 year old has to understand too. If you want a Broadway show then go 1800 miles to the north, spend the $250 a person to watch it, then say you dont like the show all while leaving your kids at home. Your room key says Disney on it, NOT Cunard Line. YOU ARE OWN A DISNEY CRUISE PEOPLE, the space, the time and where you are at. I dont have kids, I dont want kids but I understand the shows and the way they are.

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We enjoy the shows, with or without the kids. :)

last year 2 of the 3 were in the clubs, and we went to the Golden Mickeys. We have all ready seen it before, but we still enjoyed it. the after party was fun too.


We are going on another cruise, and I am looking forward to some of the shows again. :D

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Wow-- I hope this isn't one of those panty-wadding threads...


I really enjoyed watching my son watch Toy Story. He is 7 so this was a good fit for him. He fell asleep during The Golden Mickeys. I booked on DCL for my kiddo and I expect the shows to entertain him (and he LOVED Toy Story)-- but I will admit, I like the shows better on CCL for myself.


Either way, I enjoy it!

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Looking at the shows from a pure quality perspective they are fantastic (although I think Toy Story was the lowest as it was too much prop work for me).


We love going to musicals and seeing broadway shows and I do think Disney has done a phenomenal job with their singing, acting, dancing, and stage work (especially considering the tight space requirements).


I do agree that if you are not thoroughly in love with the Disney characters that it will get a bit old for you by the end. We have gotten to the point where we skip one of the shows (but not Disney Dreams as my daughter loves that one).


On a 7N cruise I did not have any problems with "too much Disney" since the main shows are interspersed with other acts. On the Wonder there isn't that non-Disney entertainment (in the main theatre) that would help for those that aren't as into Disney.



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Boy, some of you people do get riled up. I tried in my post to go out of my way to praise the quality of the performances and the sets and costumes.


My point was that from an adult perspective, it would be nice if Disney could add some more grown up content within the shows to hold our interest while the kids are enjoying seeing the their favorite characters come alive on stage. Mixing in adult humor and content to entertainment aimed primarily at children is something that Disney excells at. Aladdin, Little Mermaid, and pretty all of the major Disney films since have been sucessfull because they are entertaining to both kids and adults. The kids don't have to "get" or understand all of the humor. This is what made the Hercules show a highlight because kids and adults could enjoy it on different levels. Shows that are simply reviews, ie Disney Dreams and Golden Mickeys, are enjoyable because of the high quality of the perfomances, staging costumes, etc., but IMO one of these shows in a 3 day period is enough, two is overkill.


Yes I can avoid the shows, but it would be easy for Disney to make the shows more attractive to adults (so we can take advantage of the shows - a major selling point for DCL - and enjoy them for more than just watching our kids enjoy them.


BTW on last cruise on Wonder on the night of Disney Dreams (I've seen it before and after seeing Golden Mickeys just two evening prior I didn't need another Disney review) we went to the Cadallac Lounge - very nice singer and pianist. So I understand there are adult venues. Its just a shame that the primary entertainment being offered was more attractive.


So again my suggestion (for the 3 day cruise) would be to keep either Disney Dreams or Golden Mickeys (both would be fine spread out over a 7 day cruise), revamp Toy Story to make it more entertaining, and add a 3rd show that both kids and adults can enjoy together.

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As an aside, the show it replaced, Hercules, was an entertaining production of a mediocre Disney film. The difference is, IMO, is that the Hercules show did not take its source material overly seriously. There were enough modern day references and asides to the audience to keep the adults entertained while the kids enjoyed the Hercules plot. Plus the music, taken from the movie was very good.


I think Disney needs to replace Golden Mickeys with a show that would be more entertaining for adults and maybe re-write Toy Story to add some additional comedy - a la the Hades monologue from Hercules.


I agree totally. It was one of the few things geared towards adults who want the Disney experience but don't have children.

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When I go to WDW, I always see Beauty and the Beast - even though I've seen it many times. I enjoyed all 3 shows on the Wonder in January (Hercules was still playing). I preferred The Golden Mickeys to Disney Dreams - which I saw twice. I actually thought the comedian the first night (Rob Pearson) was pushing the limit a bit and getting close to an "adult" show in the main theater. I usually go to WDW solo, and I was kidless on the DCL cruise.


By the way - my 20-year-old daughter and I saw Mary Poppins on Broadway last July when we were in New York City. It's a GREAT show!

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While I agree with you 100% about the show's entertainment value for adults...DCL is very family oriented, which means kids...and surely the kids are eating it up or it would have changed a while ago...we loved our cruise with Disney, but will be continuing with other lines because we just get more from lines like RC and Princess...when we have kids it may be different

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We have been on many different cruise lines and it is our feeling that Disney's provides the best entertainment. We just completed a 7 day cruise with Disney and they had a comedian one night and an incredible juggler another night. Both these guys first preformed for the kids and then later they had an adult only show at the Route 66 bar. If you don't like the theater there are plenty of other activies to occupy your time. :)

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Last August we took a 4-night DCL cruise with some DINK friends of ours. We are into Disney, but had never cruised. They are into cruising, but have never Disney'd. We thought it was a perfect fit for us to vacation together! (They'd never keep up with us at the theme parks. Ever.)


During our 4-night cruise, they attended not one single show, nor did they meet a single character. :eek: The "Disney" part of DCL just wasn't their thing. And if you aren't into Disney, the shows don't hold that much appeal, I suppose.


We *loved* Hercules and are disappointed they dropped it from the line-up. I'd like to see GM and DD retooled, as they just could use some fresh material. Anyone who's seen the Aladdin production at DCA can tell you it's possible to take a show and give the adults something to enjoy in their own right! I found the Hades character much like Genie in that respect.


We're 85 days out on our 3-night "grown-ups only" Wonder cruise--guess we'll see what we think then!



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Boy, some of you people do get riled up. I tried in my post to go out of my way to praise the quality of the performances and the sets and costumes.


My point was that from an adult perspective, it would be nice if Disney could add some more grown up content within the shows to hold our interest while the kids are enjoying seeing the their favorite characters come alive on stage. Mixing in adult humor and content to entertainment aimed primarily at children is something that Disney excells at. Aladdin, Little Mermaid, and pretty all of the major Disney films since have been sucessfull because they are entertaining to both kids and adults. The kids don't have to "get" or understand all of the humor. This is what made the Hercules show a highlight because kids and adults could enjoy it on different levels. Shows that are simply reviews, ie Disney Dreams and Golden Mickeys, are enjoyable because of the high quality of the perfomances, staging costumes, etc., but IMO one of these shows in a 3 day period is enough, two is overkill.


Yes I can avoid the shows, but it would be easy for Disney to make the shows more attractive to adults (so we can take advantage of the shows - a major selling point for DCL - and enjoy them for more than just watching our kids enjoy them.


BTW on last cruise on Wonder on the night of Disney Dreams (I've seen it before and after seeing Golden Mickeys just two evening prior I didn't need another Disney review) we went to the Cadallac Lounge - very nice singer and pianist. So I understand there are adult venues. Its just a shame that the primary entertainment being offered was more attractive.


So again my suggestion (for the 3 day cruise) would be to keep either Disney Dreams or Golden Mickeys (both would be fine spread out over a 7 day cruise), revamp Toy Story to make it more entertaining, and add a 3rd show that both kids and adults can enjoy together.


I actually posted a few days ago to yours agreeing with what you said, but 'poof' it disappeared! So I write again...


I agree 100% with what you are saying. The appeal to the Pixar movies: clever dialog that is not inappropriate, but adult humor. The shows that they do on DCL are major productions. You would think that they could change the dialog just a little.


In addition, it would also be nice if they changed the shows every few years. We are going on our 3rd in a couple of months and except for one show, they will be the same shows that we have seen more than 4 years ago.

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I actually posted a few days ago to yours agreeing with what you said, but 'poof' it disappeared! So I write again...


I agree 100% with what you are saying. The appeal to the Pixar movies: clever dialog that is not inappropriate, but adult humor. The shows that they do on DCL are major productions. You would think that they could change the dialog just a little.


In addition, it would also be nice if they changed the shows every few years. We are going on our 3rd in a couple of months and except for one show, they will be the same shows that we have seen more than 4 years ago.


You don't have any deleted posts in this thread so your response wasn't poofed. It apparently never made it to cruisecritic.com.

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You don't have any deleted posts in this thread so your response wasn't poofed. It apparently never made it to cruisecritic.com.


No, it wasn't deleted or anything. Once I hit 'submit reply' I didn't check to see if it came up, and it had not.:)

Is "poof" another word for deleted on board lingo? If yes, I did not know that!

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Boy, some of you people do get riled up. I tried in my post to go out of my way to praise the quality of the performances and the sets and costumes.


My point was that from an adult perspective, it would be nice if Disney could add some more grown up content within the shows to hold our interest while the kids are enjoying seeing the their favorite characters come alive on stage. Mixing in adult humor and content to entertainment aimed primarily at children is something that Disney excells at. Aladdin, Little Mermaid, and pretty all of the major Disney films since have been sucessfull because they are entertaining to both kids and adults. The kids don't have to "get" or understand all of the humor. This is what made the Hercules show a highlight because kids and adults could enjoy it on different levels. Shows that are simply reviews, ie Disney Dreams and Golden Mickeys, are enjoyable because of the high quality of the perfomances, staging costumes, etc., but IMO one of these shows in a 3 day period is enough, two is overkill.


Yes I can avoid the shows, but it would be easy for Disney to make the shows more attractive to adults (so we can take advantage of the shows - a major selling point for DCL - and enjoy them for more than just watching our kids enjoy them.


BTW on last cruise on Wonder on the night of Disney Dreams (I've seen it before and after seeing Golden Mickeys just two evening prior I didn't need another Disney review) we went to the Cadallac Lounge - very nice singer and pianist. So I understand there are adult venues. Its just a shame that the primary entertainment being offered was more attractive.


So again my suggestion (for the 3 day cruise) would be to keep either Disney Dreams or Golden Mickeys (both would be fine spread out over a 7 day cruise), revamp Toy Story to make it more entertaining, and add a 3rd show that both kids and adults can enjoy together.


I find your analysis quite thought provoking. I will put my hands up and say I love the shows... and most things disney. Disney is a strange thing, it produces things that people either love or dont care for much. I take your review as YOUR review - mines is * * * * * (5 Star) all the way!


Just one thing I will take exception to in your review - and that is 'add a third show that kids and adults can enjoy together'. I feel that (in my opinion, and other comments) most people do! I think, it was, perhaps, just 'not your thing'.



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I find your analysis quite thought provoking. I will put my hands up and say I love the shows... and most things disney. Disney is a strange thing, it produces things that people either love or dont care for much. I take your review as YOUR review - mines is * * * * * (5 Star) all the way!


Just one thing I will take exception to in your review - and that is 'add a third show that kids and adults can enjoy together'. I feel that (in my opinion, and other comments) most people do! I think, it was, perhaps, just 'not your thing'.




Fair enough. Just stating my opinion. You are certainly entitled to yours.



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I realize this isn't going to be a popular opinion, but has anyone else found the shows on DCL,......boring - from an adult viewpoint? I'm not saying they're not well done, the cast and costumes and staging are excellent. I'm just saying as an adult, they're not very entertaining.


I'm specifically talking about the 3 shows currently on the Wonder.


Golden Mickeys: A series of musical numbers from Disney movies wrapped around an award show theme.


Disney Dreams: A series of musical numbers by Disney characters.


Either one of these would give the most ardent Disney fan their Disney fix. Both in a three or four day period is, IMHO, overkill.


Toy Story: The Musical. A stage production of the Toy Story movie with mediocre songs. Fun to see the Toy Story characters on stage but once that happens the rest of the production igoes downhill. As a musical it adds nothing to the Toy Story, "story", meaning if you've seen the movie, you've seen the show, the same plot points are followed with nothing added. From a kid's point of view just seeing the characters on stage and seeing the movie come to life is entertaining enough, but not for adults.


As an aside, the show it replaced, Hercules, was an entertaining production of a mediocre Disney film. The difference is, IMO, is that the Hercules show did not take its source material overly seriously. There were enough modern day references and asides to the audience to keep the adults entertained while the kids enjoyed the Hercules plot. Plus the music, taken from the movie was very good.


I think Disney needs to replace Golden Mickeys with a show that would be more entertaining for adults and maybe re-write Toy Story to add some additional comedy - a la the Hades monologue from Hercules.


Disney does change their shows from time to time.

When I first sailed on DCL, the shows were Disney Dreams, Hercules the Muse-ical and Voyage of the Ghost Ship. Ghost Ship was fairly dark and obtuse. It was replaced by "Who wants to be a Mouseketeer" that ran until the "millionaire" type program ran it's course. Mouseketeer was replaced by The Golden Mickeys.


It could be a lot worse though...

I just sailed on a ship that featured a Disco review that was pretty much a lot of clips of 70s Disco songs. The entire show was a montage of short bits of the songs performed by the ship's band. I think that they limited the usage of songs to get around copyright laws. This whole thing was accompanied by the ship's singers and dancers wearing 70s-ish clothes and 'fros doing a lot of generic jazz dance moves. If you loved the 70's, you'd be disappointed. If you hated the 70's, the same.

The other big show was a Broadway revue. Ho-Hum, another round of "Cats" and "A Chorus Line". I think that I saw this exact same show aboard Seaward in 1990.

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