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Have your or would you cruise with a baby?

Taryn and Sarah

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I have done the same thing years ago. I would not do it without the grandparents or another person that can watch the baby some of the time giving you adult time as well as baby time. Without that the discription by Vyhanek is your week on the ship.

Personally, as a grandfather, who spends a lot of time with my 2 yr old granddaughter, I would not want to be on a ship with her. I think it is taking her too much out of a comfortable environment for her for our own selfish reasons.


We take her to resturaunts all the time without any problems.... but the steady diet of eating out on the ship, the crazy schedules, small cabin space, plus the go-go-go environment...... I would opt for Vyhanek's condo idea with my family instead.

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He did get ill once, and was hospitalized for two days. I don't think I would have been any happier if he were hospitalized for two days back home (and he was, the week after our return.) Are you prepared for this type of experience when you are away from home?


Excellent point. (I hope your DS recovered quickly. That must have been very trying for all of you.) This is one thing that I think parents must consider when thinking about cruising with an infant/very young child. Ships simply do not have the medical facilities to handle some of the emergency situations that can happen, both with babies and adults. But with babies, things can do downhill rapidly. Then you're looking at possible medivac to the nearest reasonable medical facility. IMO, travel insurance is a must and making sure the pediatrician agrees the baby is healthy and able to travel is also critical.


Besides the issue of individual personalities and that some babies are wonderful travelers, while others are miserable, onboard medical facilities are really the major thing I'd be concerned about. (I figure that any parent who comes here asking for advice is also the type of parent who is and will be aware of common courtesy toward other passengers, such as removing the baby from the dining room, lounge, theater, etc. if he or she is crying or fussy and can't be quickly calmed down.)



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As a member of a childfree couple, I'm always interested in threads like these and it got me thinking. . .


We all know cabin walls are super thin and noises travel easily through hallways and cabin doors. What happens if my neighbor has an unhappy baby? Am I to suffer through the cries and screams? For how long? I know I can call the desk if adults or teens get rowdy, but what could they do about a crying baby?

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As a member of a childfree couple, I'm always interested in threads like these and it got me thinking. . .


We all know cabin walls are super thin and noises travel easily through hallways and cabin doors. What happens if my neighbor has an unhappy baby? Am I to suffer through the cries and screams? For how long? I know I can call the desk if adults or teens get rowdy, but what could they do about a crying baby?


my DW and i are a "child when we are ready for that change" couple. as for thin walls. how about the honeymooners next door. hehehehehe.


hmmmm...*uses hands as a balance scale*.


honeymooners..........crying baby.........honeymooners...........crying baby.




i guess i can always join a crying baby. hehehehehehehe.

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As a member of a childfree couple, I'm always interested in threads like these and it got me thinking. . .


We all know cabin walls are super thin and noises travel easily through hallways and cabin doors. What happens if my neighbor has an unhappy baby? Am I to suffer through the cries and screams? For how long? I know I can call the desk if adults or teens get rowdy, but what could they do about a crying baby?


Sleeping through the night is one thing babies do really well on cruise ships:) The darkness of the cabin and the rocking of the boat works wonders. That being said, a screaming baby in the middle of the night should be handled no differently than any other noise issue. If it persisted, by all means, call the front desk and see what could be done. This same question was posed on the Family Board several months back and lots of the regulars over there gave some great advice. If I can find the link, I'll post it here.


I've never had night time issues with crying babies, but on one of my recent cruises, I did have two REALLY noisy adults staying in the cabin above me:mad: They would come back to the cabin at 1 or 2am and start yelling and laughing so loud that it almost seemed like they were in the room with us. Had this persisted past the 2nd night I would have most certainly reported them. Perhaps someone else did and that's why it stopped???


Anyway, IMO, I think EVERYONE should be aware of their surroundings and be considerate of their fellow passengers when traveling on a cruise boat. Whether it be families with small children, teens, couples who like the late night parties, etc. makes no difference. Noise is noise and anything past a reasonable hour should be dealt with. As someone who does travel with my children, I always run the risk of having to get up in the middle of the night and stroll around a public deck. Luckily, it has never come to this but I would do it if the need arose.

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We did it with our 9 month old and our son just turned 5 and will be completing his 14th Cruise on the Majesty in 3 Weeks. I would also check with your child's MD. Also make a list of supplies that are needed for your baby. Good Luck :)

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Hi there. We are taking our 1 year old on the 7 night canada new england cruise in September. Who cares what other people think? Just go... Take a deep breath, and take things in stride. Have low expectations of things you want to do, and it will turn out just fine!


My pediatrician told me that kids are suppose to enhance your life and not hold you back.


If you want to reply to this forum, I can send you our experience when we get back from our cruise.

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Who cares what other people think?.... Have low expectations of things you want to do....


The OP asked for peoples opinions; on 2 boards I might add.


Why should the OP or anyone spend thousands of dollars on ANY vacation and go with "low expectations"? Wouldn't it make more sense to go when everyone can relax and have a good time. I think that's what most of the posters who state they would not take a 1 year old onboard are saying.


Enjoy your cruise.

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I was trying to stay away from this thread, but I keep getting drawn to it...


We have travelled and cruised extensively with our children and had a great time every time. Yes, we couldn't go out partying till the wee hours of the night anymore, but hey, "Welcome to parenthood". Part of being a parent is actually ENJOYING the quality time with your kids.


I really feel bad for those of you that hate spending time with your children. I think they are a precious gift, and should be enjoyed, not hidden in the closet :)



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I was trying to stay away from this thread, but I keep getting drawn to it...


We have travelled and cruised extensively with our children and had a great time every time. Yes, we couldn't go out partying till the wee hours of the night anymore, but hey, "Welcome to parenthood". Part of being a parent is actually ENJOYING the quality time with your kids.


I really feel bad for those of you that hate spending time with your children. I think they are a precious gift, and should be enjoyed, not hidden in the closet :)




I don't think anyone on this thread stated or implied they hate spending time with their children OR hide them away in a closet.


We took our daughter with us wherever we went and enjoyed every moment together. We went where we COULD spend that time together, NOT do things in shifts or avoid things all together that in essence were paid for as part of a package such as a cruise. We never went away and left her alone with anyone, not even grandparents. If we wanted to go somewhere we thought would not work well for ALL of us, we didn't go. We went to those places when she was older and we could all enjoy ourselves.


When kids are older and become more "mobile" so to speak (no diapers, no baby food, no crawling around, etc.) it becomes ALOT OF FUN to take them places and spend time together. But infants are TOTALLY dependant on the parents unlike a 3 year old who is begining to get around more.


It makes absolutely no difference to me if people want to bring infants onboard. We have seen several on the 2 cruises we've been on. We've also watched those parents take turns eating alone in the dining rooms as the other would take the baby back to the cabin for whatever needs to be done......again, IMO, that's not a FAMILY vacation.


Happy Cruising! :)

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Wow interesting reading the posts. I must have had a room next to some who took their young children on a cruise. Honeymooner's don't CRY all night and have the parents yelling at them to shut up. Yes, THIN WALLS. I'm from the old school, I always tried to be respectful of other's around me and not just my own personal wants and desires while raising my children. Sorry, I'm not from the "ME" generation. My youngest was 5 before we ever took them on a cruise. Wanted to make sure they were old enough to understand how they were expected to behave. Most of the people who had young kids on the boats that seemed to be enjoying themselves were the ones who let them run wild and ignored them, the ones who kept their kids in tow looked a little haggered from it all.

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I don't think anyone on this thread stated or implied they hate spending time with their children OR hide them away in a closet.

Why does everything get turned around on these boards ????:confused:

There is never a topic, that doesn't turn nasty.:(

The OP asked would you or wouldn't you....

I am of the would NOT school , for very valid reasons.

Nowhere is anyone saying not to vacation, or we hate kids,

or anything else of this kind....

Can't we all try to get along;)

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I couldn't disagree more!! Again, I think it's all about the parents and the child(ren). Tending to my child was NEVER something I wanted to get away from (okay, I admit I was happy to take turns changing diapers). I may have felt differently if she'd been colicky or moody, but she wasn't. I used to just sit quietly and stare at her - sometimes I still do. Being able to watch her enjoy things on our various travels has been incredible, including watching her wobbling beside a baby goat in a petting zoo when she was 14 months. Yes, that WAS a vacation - one in which the majority of our activities were centred around her. Now she's ten, and those days are long gone and will never be back... the memories I have of all the trips and other outings we were able to take with her at all ages are so much more precious to me than any I have of times without her.


I take vacations to get away from work and chores (and often cold weather!). I had a sociology professor once define 'work' as anything you would pay someone else to do for you if you could. I have never considered anything I've ever done with my daughter to be work, and I certainly never look forward to being away from her. I sometimes have to travel for work, and every time I see a child it makes me more homesick for her. A trip without her is the one I would call 'no vacation'. :)


14 months old (a year a 2 months for those of you who don't count ages in months) IMHO is a little young to be on a cruise. Maybe at least 2 or when they are potty trained. The kids clubs have a lot to offer but the kids got to be potty trained. I wouldn't want to have to keep worrying about changing and feeding and dealing with and infant who can't tell you what the problem is with 2000 other people waiting for me to make my move. Toddlers are cool and amusung and they also have their moments. My DD was 4 ( that would be 48 months) when she went on her first cruise and she had a ball! She was 2 when she flew to California. I had many a great vacations with my kids and I will always cherish those moments. But INFANTS until 2 are a different story and I stick by my opinion. Again, I am just one opinion. There is no wrong or right answer and it will ultimately it is up to the OP to determine their own fate.:)

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A YES vote here for me too! DS had his first cruise at 4 months, and like other posters said, the rocking of the boat kept him subdued--at night, at day, all the time!


I would much rather be on a boat only having to "worry" about when the next diaper change and what fabulous food I'm going to eat, than have to sit at home trying to change that diaper, answer the phone, and cook dinner, all at the same time.


DS--who is now 8, just got off of his 13th's cruise! DD , age 5, was on her 10th cruise. They are well-traveled kids. :cool:



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For the most part, a one-year old or less is actually easier to take on a cruise than an 18-month old up to around 3 years. Those are the toughest. Then they get easier again after three. Either way, no you are not crazy to even think about bringing a one-year old. Lots of people bring young children on cruise ships. On the other hand, you will not be able to enjoy everything the ship has to offer. Then again, lots of people do not take advantage of everything the ship has to offer, so that isn't really a problem unless you think it is.


I have cruised with 9-month old, 2 year old, 3 year old, and 5 year old children. I have also cruised with just my wife. Other than missing the kids, we definitely enjoyed the cruise we had to ourselves the most. But we also had a great time with the kids. No easy answer.

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14 months old (a year a 2 months for those of you who don't count ages in months) IMHO is a little young to be on a cruise. Maybe at least 2 or when they are potty trained. The kids clubs have a lot to offer but the kids got to be potty trained. I wouldn't want to have to keep worrying about changing and feeding and dealing with and infant who can't tell you what the problem is with 2000 other people waiting for me to make my move. Toddlers are cool and amusung and they also have their moments. My DD was 4 ( that would be 48 months) when she went on her first cruise and she had a ball! She was 2 when she flew to California. I had many a great vacations with my kids and I will always cherish those moments. But INFANTS until 2 are a different story and I stick by my opinion. Again, I am just one opinion. There is no wrong or right answer and it will ultimately it is up to the OP to determine their own fate.:)


I think we're basically in agreement here in that the OP has to figure it out for herself. I think ALL the posts here will be helpful in figuring it out, since some negatives and some positives are bound to strike a chord when they think about their particular baby.


I don't know what your baby was like at 1 (or 1+2m), but mine was EASY. I was still breastfeeding part of the time (I wanted to go at least a year and thought it would be a really crappy 'birthday present' to say 'Well, you're one now, tap's off! :p ), so I had a built in comfort system in case she ever got fussy... but she really didn't unless she was hungry anyway. With the mother's milk also came all those wonderful immunities and nutrients, also, so she was always in very good health. Add to that her cheerful personality and natural curiosity, and I know cruising with her would have been wonderful.


I think something else really important in my case is that at that time of my life, I was really not interested in nightlife, and the adult company I craved the most was that of my husband, so having entire days where neither of us had to work and the only responsibility we had was the one we both enjoyed thoroughly (caring for our baby), we would both have been blissfully happy. The trip we did take with her at 14 months was a car trip, involving drives up to 10 hours in one day, and she was fantastic the entire time.


My sister in law had a baby one month before me. Throughout our pregnancies, she would give me a heads up about anything she experienced, and a lot of it happened to me as well. I think I felt better for the most part, but more or less we were both very healthy with no complications. I kind of figured the same sort of thing would happen with our babies. About a month after mine was born, there was a baby shower for my niece (they waited so I could attend). We played a game where we had to guess what was in my sister in law's diaper bag. I figured I had it won hands down, since I had my own diaper bag beside me... HAH! :p Mine had a few extra diapers, some wipes, one change of clothes, some cream... and a couple of other incidentals. Hers, on the other hand, had the expected diapers, wipes and cream... but she also had about four clean outfits, at least half a dozen receiving blankets, some facecloths... it was jam packed - because my sweet little niece was a projectile vomiter. The sheer volume of material that would shoot out of her tiny little mouth like a geyser was, to say the least, impressive. My point is that no two babies are alike. I would not have taken her on a cruise as an infant. Her brother, on the other hand, I would have taken in a heartbeat. :)

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I was trying to stay away from this thread, but I keep getting drawn to it...


We have travelled and cruised extensively with our children and had a great time every time. Yes, we couldn't go out partying till the wee hours of the night anymore, but hey, "Welcome to parenthood". Part of being a parent is actually ENJOYING the quality time with your kids.


I really feel bad for those of you that hate spending time with your children. I think they are a precious gift, and should be enjoyed, not hidden in the closet :)




Wow. Kind of big assumption, IMO. Because a parent decides to leave a young child with his/her grandparents (who usually enjoy their God-given right to spoil their grandkids) that means that they "hate" spending time with their children? Or if parents decide not to cruise/travel with an infant because it's not the right thing/timing for them specifically, they hate being parents? I guess you'd put us in that group. We traveled with our DD from the time she was tiny, but we didn't take her on cruises and we didn't assume that every single place would be appropriate for her. We also made time to have little getaways just for ourselves. So we had "whole family time" and "married couple" time--and our DD didn't suffer for it or think we didn't love her. We most certainly didn't "hide" her in a closet or try to get away from being parents. Our DD did learn that being parents doesn't mean that's all you are, that you are still a couple. Some parents can't imagine going away even for a day without their children. There's certainly not a thing wrong with that. However, I take offense at the notion that parents who do spend some time without their children are the hateful creatures you seem to be painting them to be. Every family is different. It doesn't make one or the other "better" in any way.



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I apologize if I was a little harsh with my comments, but it is a little insulting when you hear comments like this:


Without even reading anyone's answers, I say NO, NAY, NEVER! Baby's don't belong on cruises, in resturants or movie theaters ( I should add airplanes!)


I agree that everyone has a right to their own opinion on whether to bring their children or not, but I shouldn't feel guilty for taking a family vacation with my children on a line that caters to families.

Time and time again on these boards I hear the same comments from people stating that children don't belong on ships. It gets a little insulting after a while.


I vow never to answer to a thread like this again. We can all agree to disagree...


And to those of you that sit next to me with my kids on a cruise, in a restaurant or on an airplane, if you don't like it, you move!



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I apologize if I was a little harsh with my comments, but it is a little insulting when you hear comments like this:




I agree that everyone has a right to their own opinion on whether to bring their children or not, but I shouldn't feel guilty for taking a family vacation with my children on a line that caters to families.

Time and time again on these boards I hear the same comments from people stating that children don't belong on ships. It gets a little insulting after a while.


I vow never to answer to a thread like this again. We can all agree to disagree...


And to those of you that sit next to me with my kids on a cruise, in a restaurant or on an airplane, if you don't like it, you move!




Well I guess you told us! That was quite rude!


You apologize for your previous "harsh comment", then end with another.


Do people frequently move away from you? :confused:

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For responsible parents with well behaved children, 'these' threads can be extremely frustrating. I agree that Cruise_baby's words are harsh, but to a certain degree, I understand where she's coming from.


I really feel bad for those of you that hate spending time with your children. I think they are a precious gift, and should be enjoyed, not hidden in the closet :)


I agree that this is harsh, but at the same time, some of the posts I've read made me wonder as well... they make it sound like having your baby/child along will make it impossible to enjoy yourself... which to me makes no sense at all since mine has always made everything I do more enjoyable. :)


And to those of you that sit next to me with my kids on a cruise, in a restaurant or on an airplane, if you don't like it, you move!



Based on my experience on these boards (and having participated in numerous threads like this one), I know that there are a certain percentage of people who just do not want to be near children AT ALL. I believe these are the people that Cruise_baby is referring to in this statement - not people who have legitimate complaints about unruly or disruptive children, but people who will look over and scowl at a baby that is happily gurgling and chewing on a toy. Statements like the one she quoted (Without even reading anyone's answers, I say NO, NAY, NEVER! Baby's don't belong on cruises, in resturants or movie theaters ( I should add airplanes!) are especially frustrating to those of us who respect others ourselves and have taught our children the same. I flew with my daughter for the first time when she was 3 months old, and the only time anyone who couldn't see her even knew she was there was when I accidentally hit a button on a toy in my bag and the little tune played for about 20 seconds. She didn't cry, didn't fuss, didn't push her seat back and infringe on the space of the passenger behind her, wasn't rude to the flight attendants or other passengers, didn't make anyone get up to get out and use the bathroom (and also didn't make any 'smells' that might have disturbed others), didn't get drunk and obnoxious... these are all things I've seen from other adults on planes... so why is it my baby didn't belong on a plane? I think the intention of the statement was to say that if you have such a problem with kids that merely sitting near them makes you pissy, you should move - and I have to say I agree. If your attitude is such that just the presence of someone from a particular group (not only children but any group someone might have 'issues' with), then that is YOUR issue, not theirs, and it should be up to you to remove yourself from the situation if it bothers you, not them. (again, if the individual(s) is actually being distuptive, it's an entirely different thing)


As usual, I've got a lot to say. :p I think the thing I hate the most about these threads is that whether we're discussing children, the elderly, the disabled, or any other group, we're all still unique individuals, and so many people seem to think that every person that fits a particular physical description or shares some quality with a group of some kind must necessarily behave in the same way and it's simply not true. You cannot predict how a child will behave based on experiences with other children; the same goes for women, racial groups, religious groups, people of various age groups, members of assorted professions or organizations... if that were true, we'd all be single, because we've all got exes and thank goodness everyone else we meet isn't like them!! Come to think of it, that's a group I would absolutely move away from - and I definitely don't want them on my cruise - my exes!! :)

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Is this thread seriously still going??? From what I can see, the OP hasn't been back to this one or the other one!!!!


OP: If you do come back let me sum it up for you:


The overwhelming majority of us who have cruised with our under 2's think it is a great way to travel with a baby. We have provided tips and strategies to help you have a successful trip. There is a lot more great advice on the family board.


Several people, such as Nita, gave really great examples of why not to travel with a baby (ie. alone time with your spouse, medical issues, etc)


Others who have had negative experiences with noisy babies and for other various reasons suggest you wait until the child is older.


At the end of the day, YOU are the only one that can decide what is best for you and your baby and whether or not you are ready to experience family cruising.


To everyone else:


Even on an off week there still could be 200 plus kids onboard. And while there are always going to be a few bad seeds, the majority of those 200 children are well behaved kids that go virtually unnoticed.


On both my cruises my two little guys got noticed A LOT but for good reasons:) We had numerous people come up to us and commend us on how well behaved they were. Two ladies who often often sat by us in the DR came up to us one night and said it had been an absolute pleasure watching us eat every night. My husband is a former Army officer and I am a former teacher so believe me when I say we DO NOT wear blinders!


But yet, reading between the lines (and sometimes right there in black and white) on this and the other thread people such as myself have been called selfish, entitled, greedy, Generation ME all for the simple fact that we have found a way to make cruising with young children work for us. And of course, if we say that are little ones are well behaved we must be liars. We are accused of having no respect for other passengers YET often times the people who talk about respecting others are the same ones that post the most hurtful things. IMO in recent years the concept of respect has all but disappeared in the CC community. It really is quite sad:(



To the OP: Have a GREAT cruise NO MATTER what you decide:D

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I have a 20 month old son - I have a cruise booked 2010 with my family (that includes my son) and the rest of our immediate family. I am comfortable with taking him when he is over 3. I really think it depends on your child. I love my son to death and he has a good disposition but he still wakes up at night (sometimes) crying and he is very loud. And when he is cranky or tired then forget it. So for me I would not take him. I did just go on a 3 night vacation with my husband for our Anniversary and he was with his grandmother and I see no problem with that what so ever, not for everyone but she is so good to him.

I know some of you will have an opinion but he still does not do stairs well - he flies up them but it's going down that he cannot do yet. So on a cruiseship I will be chasing him everywhere. My son is a boy's boy and is very very active. So it's just not for me at this point. When I do go on a cruise I have no problem when there are other kids around even if they are cranky, it really does not bother me because it's not me!

My son will go away with us next year but we will stay on land. It's just not a situation I would put myself in. Now my nephew on the other hand since the day he was born is and was always calm and quiet and so much fun. My son I think has my temper that I had as a child (my poor mother) so again it really depends on the child.

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...The other niece was a puker; I mean projectile vomiting in the freakiest sense. I have never before or since seen so much 'stuff' be shot with such force from such a small opening... :p


... because my sweet little niece was a projectile vomiter. The sheer volume of material that would shoot out of her tiny little mouth like a geyser was, to say the least, impressive...


CT ~ I had to laugh out loud at your posts. I have to ask, though, your niece's name wouldn't by chance be Linda Blair, would it? ;)

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Without even reading anyone's answers, I say NO, NAY, NEVER! Baby's don't belong on cruises, in resturants or movie theaters ( I should add airplanes!)


Seems like a bit of an overstatement to me. Are you suggesting all dining establishments here? Do you really think anyone would care if a infant was at Home Town Buffet? Now if you're talking about Ruth's Chris, I might agree.


As for movies, doesn't it depend on the child and whether or not you're attending a "Mommy and Me" showing at the theater. Even when I have, I've seen people upset that there are babies even though the showing was scheduled for babies.

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Seems like a bit of an overstatement to me. Are you suggesting all dining establishments here? Do you really think anyone would care if a infant was at Home Town Buffet? Now if you're talking about Ruth's Chris, I might agree.


As for movies, doesn't it depend on the child and whether or not you're attending a "Mommy and Me" showing at the theater. Even when I have, I've seen people upset that there are babies even though the showing was scheduled for babies.

babies do fall into a different catagory then toddlers, kids, tweens, teens.

They have zero attention span and I doubt they are going to remember "Mommy and Me" plus that is a movie I wouldn't see anyway. Serioulsy, I am talking about crying babies and unruly chidlren. IN MY OPINION, it is rude for parent to suject other people trying to enjoy themselves, who are justt looking for some R&R to this. I said before, I don't hate kids, I have my own. They just need be controlled among other people and that is why I would not take"my children" on a crusie , until they were older. Again, my opinion, not the law. Everybody take a chill pill and enjoy the movie:)

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