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$14.95 for STEAK???


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Without wading through all the responses to this thread, I just have to say that $14.95 for a premium cooked to order cut of beef is not out of line. I wonder if there were requests or comments on the satisfaction surveys that indicated a desire of some to have the select items availabe in the DR so they didn't have to make reservations ( as previously stated), or maybe because of some disgraceful waste I witnessed on the Voyager this year. Some people at our dining table sent back the alternative Sirloin Steak selection up to 3 times!! in one meal because it wasn't cooked to their precise specifications. Too rare.. too well done. I can see sending it back once, but to keep ordering it night after night and having the same situation, well that's nuts! The server just dumped the steak which she said would be fed to the fish ( I don't know if that's true or not:rolleyes: ).There are restaurants where I will not order the steak because I know they don't prepare it correctly, or I will order it rare if I want it to be medium. The more cost the cruise lines experience, the more that will be passed on to their customers. It would be interesting if RCI would explain the reason behind this new charge,to see if our speculations are even close!

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What makes the kids' programs any different from say the late-night comedian or the after-dinner shows or the ice rink or the classical musican in the centrum? It's all part of the destination too and you chose to use it or not. Sorry but your arguement doesn't wash. Heck - maybe they should put a cover charge at the entrance of the casino. How's that for double-dipping? :rolleyes:



The kid's zone is what parents are paying for. I also don't see the shows going pay, either. Both are part of the "destination" concept for now. I just see that expections of the masses of today's cruising (me included) are lower than the established cruisers of the past and thus, those things that us common folks expect will stay as part of the cruise, for now, and those things and we are wilingl to except as "extras" will be charged as extras.

Could it come to them charging for children activities and shows and the like? Maybe someday, but I doubt it. Then the boat is just transportation to islands again and it would have to compete with the airlines and hotels.


As you can see, I'm one of those "the glass is half full" type of people.

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I think that it is a good idea to charge extra for certains items. Have a base price for the cruise and chage extra for the use of the kids programs, pool, flow rider, for the people who order 4 or 5 extra lobster tails at dinner, extra desserts etc.


Keep the cruise faire low and pay for what you use. I do not want to pay more when I do not use alot of the services or eat more than I should because the food is all you can eat.



How far can you take the "I do not use the services so I will not pay for them"?


Ice rink

Climbing wall


Swimming pool

Hot tubs

Childrens' areas

Life jackets (never used mine except for rollcall)

Life boats (as above and for tenders)

Public toilets (I always go back to my cabin)


the list goes on. It just does not work to say I do not use it so I do not want to pay for it.


Cruising is supposed to be a relaxing holiday so that once onboard you just

enjoy the facilities you want to and leave alone those you do not want. I do not want to spend my cruise asking staff "Is this included or do I have to pay for it".


I am going on Pullmantur next summer and everything is included in that - food - drinks - air fare - travel insurance. Once you have chosen your cruise and your cabin that is the cost of your vacation.

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The kid's zone is what parents are paying for. I also don't see the shows going pay, either. Both are part of the "destination" concept for now. I just see that expections of the masses of today's cruising (me included) are lower than the established cruisers of the past and thus, those things that us common folks expect will stay as part of the cruise, for now, and those things and we are wilingl to except as "extras" will be charged as extras.

Could it come to them charging for children activities and shows and the like? Maybe someday, but I doubt it. Then the boat is just transportation to islands again and it would have to compete with the airlines and hotels.


As you can see, I'm one of those "the glass is half full" type of people.


You appear to be very selective with what you consider to be part of the "destination". As long as you're willing to accept the extra charges, they will continue to slap them on. If you read all the posts, I'm sure you noticed that I never said the cruiseline shouldn't be compensated for their additional costs. My gripe is that if the cost of doing business has risen, the overall cost of the service (in this case, the basic cruise fare) should reflect those costs. That way, a person can accurately compare the various vacation opportunities. Oh wait!!! Maybe they don't want you to be able to do that because cruising may not remain the good value that it once was. :eek: ;)



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I guess by your comments, it is obvious you don't like RCI. Why cruise on them then??

It is also obvious you have no business sense either. In order for RCI or other cruise lines to go back 20yrs the prices would have to go up dramatically, and quite frankly it would price a lot of people out of the market. That certainly would not be good, and the cruise lines know it.

Do you have some magical solution to lower food prices about 300%, and that is conservative for most items.

If you want to go the the standards of old, then look elsewhere, as you won't be seeing them on the mass market lines. There are plenty of other upscale lines you can give your money to.

People need to stop living in the past and understand that nothing stays the same forever.


You say it so well. That's why I keep agreeing with you.:D

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In our experience on the Mariner 3 weeks ago.....IT WAS NOT CLEARLY STATED ON THE MENU about a charge for fruit punch! My DH likes that with his meal, has gotten it on the Empress in Feb08, the Explorer in June 08, and never was charged for it, just as he has on the past 20+ Cruise's with RC!!


He asked the Waiter for a fruit punch, and was told it is no longer served in the MDR, the waiter said he would see what he could do. A few minutes later a fruit puch was brought to the table. Right before desert time, another person ( found it they were the server from the bar), had asked my DH for his seapass card for the fruit punch he already consumed. He was charged $4.24 for the fruit punch.


Should he have refused to give his seapass card for something he was not made aware of prior to consuming it? Is this something that was always included in your fare for cruising, that everyone is aware of changed? I know it is pennies, and we didn't dispute the fact we were charged. Were pax complaining that they didn't like the fruit punch , so they made an alternative to CHARGE FOR IT NOW?


I have always preferred cruising with RC over other cruiselines, but if this trend continues, I will be looking to spend my money elsewhere!


Now that definitely IS NOT RIGHT! I would have marched right up to the pursar's desk and had that removed from my account right after dinner, and I would definitely have pursued it after the cruise as a complaint for the benefit of other people on future cruises. (I would not have made a problem for the waiter in the dining room, just as you wisely did not.)


I defend RCI for a lot of things people are grousing about on this and other threads, because I honestly think most of the complaints are groundless. This I cannot defend them on.

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It' amazing that those who rant on and on about RCCL"s management and call them every name in the book (to make themselves feel bigger I guess) continue to cruise with with the line. Move on if you are so unhappy. We won't miss your complaining -- on and off the ships.

And if you were as smart as you would like everyone to think you would know that if you really wanted the previously offered sirloin steak all you have to do is ask your waiter. I've had waiter run up the steps to WJ to get me something I only mentioned enjoying and on another sailing go all the way to the Promendade to get me an espresso after dinner when the kitchen espresso machine was out of service more than 2 nights in a row.

I want RCCL to make money and continue to grow so I can continue to enjoy cruising with them and enjoy all they have to offer that I want to enjoy. If some folks want to pay extra for a better steak without going to Chops why shouldn't they? Maybe it would stop those who insist on taking their kids into the specialty restauants! Look on the bright side!

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How far can you take the "I do not use the services so I will not pay for them"?


Ice rink

Climbing wall


Swimming pool

Hot tubs

Childrens' areas

Life jackets (never used mine except for rollcall)

Life boats (as above and for tenders)

Public toilets (I always go back to my cabin)


the list goes on. It just does not work to say I do not use it so I do not want to pay for it.


Cruising is supposed to be a relaxing holiday so that once onboard you just

enjoy the facilities you want to and leave alone those you do not want. I do not want to spend my cruise asking staff "Is this included or do I have to pay for it".


I am going on Pullmantur next summer and everything is included in that - food - drinks - air fare - travel insurance. Once you have chosen your cruise and your cabin that is the cost of your vacation.


Nicely and intelligently summarized, English in Spain. (I've heard good things about Pullmatur, but have never traveled with them. Will wish you a terrific vacation!)

Beyond the fact that RCL's current management team is eroding the financial value of Royal Caribbean cruises by this dining room petty theft strategy, they're also ripping down the emotional value. And your post points that out perfectly.

We all know what a pleasure it is to get back to the ship and feel "ahh ... home" after a long and perhaps adventurous day in a port. Personally, I always go out to visit every port on an itinerary; there are literally dozens of fantastic new things to find in every one.

But I also recognize that those trips bring me back into a bit of the "real world." And it's not always welcome. You encounter traffic to dodge, maps and directions to deal with, honking horns, stray dogs, bills at restaurants :( , perhaps a few burned or graffitic-covered buildings, maybe a couple clusters of shaky-looking people or some seriously grasping vendors and cabbies ...

Back on the ship, it's time to relax. The cruise lines very carefully design the experience to be relaxing, comforting and safe. And that, too, is a joy of cruising - for most of the trip, we get away from the real world. That's what we read here on CC every day of the year; people celebrating the genuine getaway from the cut-throat day-to-day world we live in.

So cruises are have a rare and wonderful way of letting customers feel "home" and utterly relaxed while surrounded by thousands of people. It's something I recall from the old Queen Elizabeth (which I sailed on with my mother and grandmother more than 40 years ago) just as well as on more modern and flamboyant ships.

And part of THAT feeling is the absence of people trying to pick your pocket. You write one check for the cabin, the common facilities, the entertainment and the food ahead of time, then tuck away some cash for tips ... and you're good to go. Walk aboard, enjoy. Period. If you wish, you don't have to think about money again until days later when you're flagging down an airport taxi outside the port.

Sure, you can pay more to book excursions or massages, buy tanzanite or ship souvenirs, play blackjack or drink Jack Black - but you never have to. If you prefer, you can stretch out from day 1 until disembarkation and just not think about money, bills or relative value for cash spent, etc. No comparing costs or pricing out different charges. It is truly a vacation, and one that only all-inclusive resorts can try to match.

But once the greedhead managers start rigging the meal structure to whack you for a cheap-shot $15, all of that begins to fade. You'll have to start watching, examining, studying, calculating ... working again. Might as well stay at a downtown Marriott or Sheraton, trying to figure whether the new Italian place downtown is worth the drive or should you just hit the hotel restaurant downstairs.

So it should surprise nobody that RCL's customers would bark about this double-dealing swindle. If this thread has gotten 11,000 views based on a review about ONE cruise on ONE ship and involving just ONE menu item, imagine the outrage if RCL tries to ram this through across the board? :eek:

And who knows - perhaps if enough of us bark, the suits will find some other way to fatten their bonuses. If you love cruising, it's worth taking the shot.

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It' amazing that those who rant on and on about RCCL"s management and call them every name in the book (to make themselves feel bigger I guess) continue to cruise with with the line. Move on if you are so unhappy. We won't miss your complaining -- on and off the ships.

And if you were as smart as you would like everyone to think you would know that if you really wanted the previously offered sirloin steak all you have to do is ask your waiter. I've had waiter run up the steps to WJ to get me something I only mentioned enjoying and on another sailing go all the way to the Promendade to get me an espresso after dinner when the kitchen espresso machine was out of service more than 2 nights in a row.

I want RCCL to make money and continue to grow so I can continue to enjoy cruising with them and enjoy all they have to offer that I want to enjoy. If some folks want to pay extra for a better steak without going to Chops why shouldn't they? Maybe it would stop those who insist on taking their kids into the specialty restauants! Look on the bright side!


Guess what? RCI needs the unhappy cruiser as much as the Kool Aide cruiser. Kool Aides alone won't get them out of the mega debt they took on with the beomuth of the seas and other new ships rolling out year after year.


I have to wonder how all those so happy with these RCI changes would react if RCI listened - and gave the "complainers" the cruise experience they have come to expect even 5 years ago. And let all you "satisfied" customers keep the changes - er, I mean choices - that RCI has been rolling out lately???? After all, you are satified with RCI of today. You totally understand and agree with the current trends..... :D :D

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Guess what? RCI needs the unhappy cruiser as much as the Kool Aide cruiser. Kool Aides alone won't get them out of the mega debt they took on with the beomuth of the seas and other new ships rolling out year after year.


I have to wonder how all those so happy with these RCI changes would react if RCI listened - and gave the "complainers" the cruise experience they have come to expect even 5 years ago. And let all you "satisfied" customers keep the changes - er, I mean choices - that RCI has been rolling out lately???? After all, you are satified with RCI of today. You totally understand and agree with the current trends..... :D :D


It is called Azamara Cruise Line.

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In all the talk going on here, I have not once read where anyone has even suggested writing a letter to RCI, and in a nice way ask them to explain what the new policies will be, whether it will be fleet wide, and if it will be permanant.


However, I DID comment wondering why people didn't write to RCI about their complaints rather than carrying on so here. I was close.:)




Keep in mind that I'm with you on this one.:)

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At last we agree. :) :D But as to my question......:confused: ;)

First of all you need to go back more than 5 years. 10 or more, I'd say. I am sure it would be welcomed by most pax who could afford it.

Unfortunately there would be a fairly good percentage who would not be able to afford to cruise, as the prices would have to be adjusted upward for that to happen. Sorry you can't live in the past.

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However, I DID comment wondering why people didn't write to RCI about their complaints rather than carrying on so here. I was close.:)




Keep in mind that I'm with you on this one.:)


My apologies to you. Thanks for the support. I believe it really comes down to common sense.

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The new menus have been out for a while and not one person has mentioned this as of yet. Again if they were charging this then we would have heard about it by now. MerionMom just came back from the Liberty and I know that Carol would have mentioned this if she had seen it on the menu.


I love ya Gator, but sounds like we're in denial here... :D



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It' amazing that those who rant on and on about RCCL"s management and call them every name in the book (to make themselves feel bigger I guess) continue to cruise with with the line. Move on if you are so unhappy. We won't miss your complaining -- on and off the ships.

And if you were as smart as you would like everyone to think you would know that if you really wanted the previously offered sirloin steak all you have to do is ask your waiter. I've had waiter run up the steps to WJ to get me something I only mentioned enjoying and on another sailing go all the way to the Promendade to get me an espresso after dinner when the kitchen espresso machine was out of service more than 2 nights in a row.

I want RCCL to make money and continue to grow so I can continue to enjoy cruising with them and enjoy all they have to offer that I want to enjoy. If some folks want to pay extra for a better steak without going to Chops why shouldn't they? Maybe it would stop those who insist on taking their kids into the specialty restauants! Look on the bright side!


Rather absurd to tell people who have an opinion other than defending the cruiseline to go elsewhere. If that were to happen this cruiseline could find itself in huge trouble. Since they are coming out with ships that hold a minimium of 5400 I am inclined to believe they need MORE passengers not less.

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I think that it is a good idea to charge extra for certains items. Have a base price for the cruise and chage extra for the use of the kids programs, pool, flow rider, for the people who order 4 or 5 extra lobster tails at dinner, extra desserts etc.


Keep the cruise faire low and pay for what you use. I do not want to pay more when I do not use alot of the services or eat more than I should because the food is all you can eat.



Oh, what a great idea! :D Let's see, when you return to the ship from an excursion they'll have a line of "roach coaches" for you go purchase your sack dinners. Think of the problem with smuggling.

They'll be confiscating everything from propane grills to crock pots and waffle irons. Not to mention all the trouble emptying out the fridges so everyone can keep a supply of TV dinners. Yep, perfect scenario.................

Bottom line, deal with these little bumps and move on or just take all inclusive land vacations.


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From a marketing perspective, it's all about slowly de-sensitizing the cruising public to the point where it's willing to shell out additional dollars to avail itself of "extras," ostensibly offered to enhance one's overall cruise experience - all of which used to be included in the basic cruise fare. The marketing strategy is textbook perfect and is working like a charm; vis a vis, in varying degrees, most cruise lines now offer pay as you go enhancements to an eager to pay public. Depending on the cruise line, passengers now think nothing of paying for things like soda, water, specialty coffees, adults-only solarium/pool areas, specialty restaurants, computer classes, ice cream, fresh-squeezed juice and now (at least on Freedom of the Seas last week), steak in the dining room. The possibilities are endless - and profitable!

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From a marketing perspective, it's all about slowly de-sensitizing the cruising public to the point where it's willing to shell out additional dollars to avail itself of "extras," ostensibly offered to enhance one's overall cruise experience - all of which used to be included in the basic cruise fare. The marketing strategy is textbook perfect and is working like a charm; vis a vis, in varying degrees, most cruise lines now offer pay as you go enhancements to an eager to pay public. Depending on the cruise line, passengers now think nothing of paying for things like soda, water, specialty coffees, adults-only solarium/pool areas, specialty restaurants, computer classes, ice cream, fresh-squeezed juice and now (at least on Freedom of the Seas last week), steak in the dining room. The possibilities are endless - and profitable!


I agree with you 100%.........the possibilities are endless and coming soon:) .


This also isn't about living in the past.........it is trying to figure out and understand where not just RC but all other lines are headed. I can live with whatever it is...........the choice may be to cruise or not to cruise....it has nothing really to do with RC..


Just because cruiseline A offers a choice:rolleyes: ........it becomes a cost choice. IF......and I say IF........the OP is correct that the free steak on the alternative menu is gone, then choice IF you want a steak is pay up, or don't eat steak.


The smart cruiser today THINKS about all possible charges. I include airfare, tips, excursions, estimate on board ship charges etc.........the smart traveler has a pretty good idea what his or her vacation is going to cost.


I betting the cruiselines (all of them) figure most people won't figure all costs associated with a cruise or on board charges. The new cruiser which is captured with the wide net thrown out probably won't. I have 17 cruises under my belt.........I want to know my costs.......and know them before not after.


It isn't about living in the past..........I accept the direction cruiselines are headed.......I have to, if I want to continue to cruise. But wouldn't it be nice to know what lies ahead?


I'm guessing with fuel costs (of the airlines).......we all might be shocked at what a TRUE COST will be for a 7 or 10 day cruise just 2 years from now...........well.......some of us probably won't be surprised.;)

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With all respect I have to disagree with POST #165. Presumably steak is still being offered on the regular menu just not every night. Solid advice was also given to persons with food allergies. So again, the decision to buy or not to buy is still a choice.

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The smart cruiser today THINKS about all possible charges. I include airfare, tips, excursions, estimate on board ship charges etc.........the smart traveler has a pretty good idea what his or her vacation is going to cost.


I betting the cruiselines (all of them) figure most people won't figure all costs associated with a cruise or on board charges. The new cruiser which is captured with the wide net thrown out probably won't. I have 17 cruises under my belt.........I want to know my costs.......and know them before not after.


It isn't about living in the past..........I accept the direction cruiselines are headed.......I have to, if I want to continue to cruise. But wouldn't it be nice to know what lies ahead?quote]


I totally agree with you Jim. I've never said that the cost should never be raised. It's the manner RCI is going about it that gauls me. :mad:



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I find all these "we're all being scammed by Royal Carib" topics to be laughable. In this day and age where people are being charged to use a pillow or blanket on an airplane, you think upcharging is a huge crime perpetrated against the too stupid to realize they are being charged even though it is on the menu public?


At least on the cruise ship I have alternatives to what I eat and drink at no extra charge; try bringing your own water or cola on an airplane! :mad:


I think it is disgusting that like many other businesses they have chosen to cut back to compete rather than charge a fair price for the product. But we have been accepting "cutting back" by businesses for 30 years. I remember clearly in college working at a mom and pop restaurant and it was always "cut back, cut back" on portions. Not increase price, cut back portions.


As another poster mentioned - have you seen a 1/2 gallon of ice cream lately? It's not much more than a quart for some brands. Packages of many products are now smaller. Did no one notice when a 1 lb can became 15 oz that is now 14 oz? LOL - that is why there are 2 different recipes for one of the deserts served on RCL.


If I want to go the luxury route, and isn't that what some of the folks on here are advocating, I will research some of the more upscale cruise lines. But reading some of those posts those folks can't be pleased either. For now, I am happy with the quality for the price I pay. If it gets to the point where I do not feel I am getting adequate bang for my bucks, my bucks will go elsewhere.


BTW to the original topic of steak. I cannot find it anywhere in my cruise contract that steak will be on the menu every night.

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