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30 lbs to New Years!!


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Wanting to try upping the protein - from what has been mentioned several posts - seems like this is a big missing part of what is needed. Lots of chicken, egg whites (with maybe one yolk) - what's the best tasting highest protein shake that you guys would recommend:confused: Okay, what about adding yogurt too. Think I will really pump this up on the protein and see if that helps. Going to Walgreens to try the Atkins shakes but would be glad to get any other suggestions next.


Back on track today = even went to dinner at P.F.Changs and stayed on plan. Passed on dessert and drinks but something had to go if I wanted to eat out. Rewarded myself with a creamsicle and then a fudgesicle when I got home.


Robin, can you see that I am absolutely green over your weight loss! Way to go! makes me wonder about checking with my insurance company (and doc) regarding weight loss center around here. Hmmmmmm! Nanna2 very interesting what you are supposed to eat daily - that sounds like a huge amount of protein and such. Are you hungry if you eat all that - sounds like lots. As you can tell I am considering how being on that type of program would be. Does the diet origran effect your energy level, disposition, appetite level, digestion, etc. Any real info appreciated. Waiting to hear the report from your appointment - hope it great news!


Sass thanks for the encouragement. You are doing so well and those pics really show it. Cute cute pictures too! Thanks for sharing them.


Had to go for some medical tests today - trying to stay upbeat but the results are so important. If only I didn't have to wait for results. You know - fast forward to "answers day". Wish me luck. By the way - Marlene wasn't it you who was diagnosed w/MRSA? How's that going? Hope all is going much better for you.

Best to all - Hangin' in there,




Marie - Have you tried egg beaters? Costco sells them and it's cheaper buying it there than at a regular supermarket. They taste like eggs somewhat, but you get used to it. It gives you the protein w/o the cholesterol...just a suggestion. I eat egg beaters.




Yes, I 'm the one that was diagnosed with MRSA. After I took the round of antibiotics and then used this nasal ointment for 5 days, I've had no reoccurences. Luckily mine was more of the skin, not internal. Hopefully I am going to be one of those that gets completely rid of it. I do have some soap that I bath in once a week just as an added measure. I just have to be more aware of any sores that I get.


Hope all is well with you - nothing serious. Waiting for results of tests is really hard.


I don't know too much about the protein shakes. I'd like to hear suggestions as well. I looked online and get so confused and they are so expensive. I went to Walgreen and Walmart and the best I could find were either the Slimfast Low Carb and Atkins. You need to check labels and make sure it has more protein than carbs! The Slimfast High Protein has less protein and more carbs than the Slimfast Low Carb. Go figure that one out....... (I personally prefer chocolate flavors). I also have been drinking an energy drink - one per day. They have a lot of caffeine and most diet pills have a lot of caffeine so I'm giving that a try. I even pour it in a wine glass since I've been eliminating wine (takes at least 48 hours to get alcohol out of your system and during that time you store calories instead of burning). Another snack you may want to try is beef jerky. Has proteins and low calories, which is surprising. A large bag has 3 servings, 80 calories each. I normally just each one small piece at a time. Also, this weekend we went camping and I'm so use to "snacking". So I got a bag of sunflower seeds - the ones in the shell. It takes so long to open ONE and eat it, that I can munch on those for a long time with relatively low amount of calories. I think my grandson and I both ate on that bag of sunflower seeds for two days and still didn't finish it. LOL I have also been eating more chicken and less red meat. One print out I got from Robin said that red meat takes longer to digest and you should space out the red meat instead of eating it several meals in a row. My husband has been grilling me a chicken breast and I've been eating it on top of a salad for my supper. And, yes, I still treat myself to one creamsicle and one SF fudgesicle each night.


You mentioned Yogurt, I keep the low calorie fruit yogurt here - 80 calories I think. I like to get the kind that has the extra ingredients to "boost immunity" as I need to boost my immunity to maybe fight off another MRSA attack. I don't eat it every day.


I also bought some of the protein bars for when I need to grab a quick lunch.


Don't forget to drink 64 oz of plain water a day. I put 4 water bottles (16 oz each) in the refrigerator and make sure I drink all of them each day. I then refill them and put back in refrigerator.


As you can see I'm not 100% South Beach now - just trying a little of everything. LOL These are just some of things I'm trying now. I think sometimes when we get to a plateau we have to try something different.


Good luck!!!


Marlene - Do the protein bars you eat taste good? I haven't found a good protein bar yet. If it does, shoot me the name of it so I can give it a try.


I gave up pork and red meat altogether and I just grill my protein, eat beans and salads for dinner. I don't get tired of it. I try to stay away from sauces unless I make it from scratch myself. And I just use EVOO and red wine vinegar sometimes balsamic for my salads. Your hubby is the ball!


YES!!!!!!!!!!!! Suddenly I'm having a great week. I weighted 180.2 on Monday, 180.0 on Tuesday and 178.6 today! Yes, I have gone into the next decade. I got on the scale hoping to see 179.9 and was shocked. I actually went back and weighed again 2X just to make sure it was right (178.6, 178.6 and 178.8). :D I hope that loss is still there tomorrow morning and hope this decade moves faster than the last one. My husband wants chili beans for supper. I told him I would fix that for him if he grilled me another piece of chicken for supper. At this point I don't want to change a thing I'm doing and just enjoy this while I can. The last thing I want to do is eat something that makes me retain fluid for 3 days. Been a long time coming......


My initial goal was 20 lbs by Halloween, which was beginning to be a little out of my reach. I'm at 19 lbs so I think I may just make it!




I told you it had something to do with the moon Marlene! Good work!


Donna - Hey, I want to be 159lbs. one day! :p


Robin - Congratulations!!!!!!!


B - Good luck today at your weigh in!


As for me...I'm still at 188.4 today!!! Yay!

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Nanna2 very interesting what you are supposed to eat daily - that sounds like a huge amount of protein and such. Are you hungry if you eat all that - sounds like lots. As you can tell I am considering how being on that type of program would be. Does the diet origran effect your energy level, disposition, appetite level, digestion, etc. Any real info appreciated. Waiting to hear the report from your appointment - hope it great news!


Had to go for some medical tests today - trying to stay upbeat but the results are so important. If only I didn't have to wait for results. You know - fast forward to "answers day". Wish me luck.




I realized after I got home yesterday that I misquoted the number of calories I'm supposed to eat each day. For two weeks, I'm supposed to eat between 600 & 800 non-protein calories per day and on the third week, between 1000 & 1200 non-protein calories per day. Then, the cycle starts all over again. Sorry for the wrong calorie numbers yesterday.

Actually, adding protein (especially within the first three hours of getting up) to your diet makes you less hungry, and more energetic. If I ate a bowl of cereal (carbs) or a piece of toast (carbs) first thing in the morning, I'd be hungry again way before lunch time. But, consuming at least 30 grams of protein gets me to lunch time and sometimes even past lunch! I have to say that the thing that helps me most, though, is those appetite suppresants that the weight loss center gives me.

Someone asked why liquid protein (which I do get from the clinic, but which can be purchased on ebay or from idssports.com) instead of egg whites, etc. I would have to eat SIX egg whites to get 30 grams of protein. I could probably do that two or three days a week, but there's no way I could make myself eat that many egg whites every day. The PA at the weight loss clinic yesterday suggested cottage cheese (without any peaches -- adds too many carbs) first thing in the morning, but it would take almost a whole container of cottage cheese to make 30 grams of protein. I don't like cottage cheese without peaches, and I surely can't eat a whole container. I choose to slug down the 3.1 fluid ounces of liquid protein in five or six swallows and chase it down with coffee instead. I also learned yesterday that when I reach the point of maintenance, they are going to recommend that I continue the 30 grams of protein within the first three hours of getting up.

At weigh in yesterday, I learned that I have lost ten more pounds in the last two months. Not as good a results as I've been experiencing (-12.6, -8.4, -7.2,-7.6 each MONTH prior to this) but acceptable considering 1) I'd made a 30-day supply of suppressants last 60 days and 2) I ate like a horse at the Outer Banks last week! Total weight loss since May 5, 2008: (drum roll, please) 45.8 pounds.

It's really interesting around work these days (I work for Duke Energy, a very large utility company in our area). Until I'd lost 20 pounds, nobody ever said anything to me. Slowly but sure, once I'd lost 20 pounds, people I know started asking if I'd lost some weight. These days, I have people I don't even know walking up, telling me how good I look, and asking me what my secret is!!! What a nice feeling that is. (Until Wii tells me I'm OBESE!)

Today, I go for my annual check up at my ob/gyn's office. If I remember correctly what I weighed last year (228!!!!) and if I weigh the same thing on their scales as I weighed yesterday at the clinic (176.4), the gynecologist ought to be very happy with my weight loss over the last 12 months. Hopefully, she won't say, "OH NO. Don't take that medicine anymore"!!!

PunkiC, what if you're just plain no good a hoola hooping? I tried it at Curves years ago and was too embarrassed to keep trying. Do you think that if I bought an Accu-Hoop I'd eventually learn how to hoola hoop??? Or, is that something that comes natural to most people? I know I could hoola hoop when I was eight, but let's face it, I'm not eight anymore!

Marie, you are in my thoughts. I hope that your test results come back the way you want them to.

Have a GREAT day, everyone!


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Sass, I know you asked Marlene this question, but I have an answer I'd like to share!


I eat Zone protein bars, and they are DELICIOUS. I feel like I'm REALLY cheating when I eat one because it tastes like I'm eating a candy bar. Zone bars come in many flavors (Chocolate Caramel Cluster and Chocolate Peanut Butter are my favorites). The big ones (they come in snack size, too) have 200 calories, 6 grams of fat, 25 grams of carbs, and 14 grams of protein. On my diet plan, I'd multiply the 14 grams of protein by 4 (there are 4 calories for every gram of protein) which equals 56 and substract that from the 200 calories for a total of 144 calories. Mmmmm, Mmmmm Good!!! :D And, one Zone bar will definitely "tide you over" when you're hungry. I prefer the snack size because they're fewer calories and they really help curb your appetite and get you to your next meal.



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Nana #2: 45.8 lbs in a little over 5 months that included that large vacation last week - that's awesome! Keep up the good work! What brand/flavor of the liquid protein are you using? I've looked online but completely confused. I'm only getting 15g of protein with my Atkins shake. Did your doctor/PA explain the reason for the 30g within the first 3 hours? Is it to boost metabolism? Also, what is the reasoning behind the 3 week cycle of non protein calories? I'm sure there's a purpose there.


Great question about the hoola hoop. I'm not sure I could do it any longer either. Been a long time...... PunkiC is so athletic (which I envy).


yes, Sass, it's the moon. LOL The protein bars I have right now are the Special K high protein bars. They aren't too bad - don't taste like a big Snickers bar though!


TO EVERYONE: Thanks for making this a great board and support group. I see so many of the boards back off and people stop posting. I've been reading posts wondering if people reached their goals, etc. but I find the people who were on the boards initially drop off. Let's keep this going, ladies! We have the holidays coming up and those cruises, we need each other.



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I have a box of those snack size Zone bars as well. I'm not sure what I expected the first time, but was shocked at the size the first time I opened that box. I guess I wanted a BIG bar. LOL Those are only 80 calories. I use them as the smaller snacks between meals - to keep my metabolism from slowing down (eating the smaller meals throughout the day). The large ones I use in event I'm on the run and need to eat something for lunch. It keeps me from "skipping a meal" which is so bad for the metabolism.



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Well aren't you fancy, Marlene! :D Congratulations on a job very well done.


I don't know, Bonnie. So far, everyone at our Curves who has really made the effort has gotten to the point where they could do it in both directions. I was never very good at doing the hula hoop as a kid, but this, being weighted is a lot easier.

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Marlene~ you are so right! When I started this thread I was hoping people would atleast check in on Mondays and hope for the best. This has turned out so much better!! We have a great group here and I like that we all "blog" through out the week whats going on and helping each other. I know all about threads starting and evaporating. I've been on atleast one of those, Or on another where they weren't really motivated to lose, I don't do well be complacent with where I am. I need the motivation and I like being able to report a loss or at least that I'm holding my own..


It's time for my drumroll.... I weighed 157.4 the last two days.:D Knock on wood, don't want to sabotage myself:rolleyes: I'm almost afraid to get on the scale, thinking it may go up.. LOL


I'm so excited that everyone is doing well.

I'm really proud of you ladies that have started with more to lose than some of us and are sticking with it!!


Nana#2 48 lbs are you kidding me!! you are the Queen of weight loss on here

Nanabkm~ your in a new "decade" woo hoo!!

you ladies rock~


There are so many of us I may have to do a rollcall~ I Love It!!


Have a great day!!

Happy Cruising & Losing!


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I have my book right here in front of me. Let's see, it says:


"Medical studies show that eating 600-800 calories/day shrinks the stomach by as much as 80%, thereby making a smaller portion of food a filling portion. However, if you stay too low for too long, your metabolism shuts down and you quit losing. Trick your metabolism by increasing to 1000-1200 calories/day every third week."


And it says:


"First meal must be high protein and low carb...

1) Within 3 hours of waking up

2) Protein: 30 grams or more

3) Carbs: 4 to 10 grams (net carbs)

4) Burns 40% extra fat over the next 24 hours!

(if the first meal you eat is high in carbs, low in protein, such as cereal, bagel, biscuit, fruit juice, etc., your body stops burning fat for 12 hours -- you lose 1/2 day of your diet!)"


I use New Whey Liquid Protein, and if I had to pick a "favorite" flavor (I repeat; they're all nasty), I'd pick fruit punch. Go on ebay and type in New Whey Liquid Protein. They should be in the neighborhood of $2.50 each IF you buy a whole carton of 12 -- or $30 for the carton. Hey, we live so close to each other that I could buy them for you!!! :p


Now, about the "GW Boutique"....I finally made it there today and was really discouraged really fast. Let me start by saying that I am NOT a shopper, so that is probably my problem, but the fact that the clothes were not divided into sizes was very disturbing to me as there were thousands of pieces of clothes, but I'm not willing to go through the 989 really ugly, raggedy things to find the 11 outfits in my size that were decent. Nana #1, do you know if the GW Boutique at Lake Norman has their stuff divided up into sizes? And, to add to my disappointment, I took three really nice outfits that I really love to a lady to see what it would cost to have them altered and she basically told me that they'd be too complicated to alter! I'm thinking about putting them on eBay to sell because they're just too nice to put in a Goodwill bag. Anyone out there need size 18W or 20W dresses for their cruise? Anyone out there have some nice size 16 (NO W!!!) dresses they want to sell?


Lastly (why am I always the really LONG storyteller?), I went to the ob/gyn today and now know for certain that I have lost 52 pounds since last September 21st!!!:D


Talk to y'all later!


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Thanks for the information Nana #2. I'll never eat a high carb breakfast again!!! Wow - that's some great information. I'll have into check those New Whey Liquid Protein. I'm more of a chocolate flavor protein drink so will have to experiment with the fruit flavors. Hey - whatever works to lose weight - I can handle the taste!! I may try to order some tonight.


Congratulations on the 52 lb loss! I bet your doctor was very pleased. I had a physical in September, about a week after I started my diet. He said "your weight seems to be up a little". (Should have weighed me the week before - I had already lost 7 lbs at that point.) I told him I would lose 25 lbs before next February and he's holding me to it. I have a recheck with him about 2 weeks after my cruise. Sure wish it was 'before" the cruise. LOL


As for your question about the Lake Norman GW Boutique - my sister, Angel Kisses, may be able to answer your question. I don't have a lot of experience - I learn everything about GW from my little sister.


(By the way, I worried about you yesteday when I heard there was a fatal wreck between you and me, somewhere on 27 at the Gaston/Meck line.)

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Nana #2: I see a lot of them are 42 grams instead of 30. Have you ever used those or do you stick with the 30 grams? Ya know 30 of these per month could get expensive!


I can't quite figure out this "Quote" thing; my responses always show up in the same box as the quote, rather than under the quote!!!


Nana#1, note that the book says "30 grams or more". I do the 42 grams. Also, somewhere in my book, I'm told that your body cannot absorb more than 50 grams of protein at one time, so if you eat/drink 100 grams of protein at one sitting, only 50 of those grams are going to work for you.


And, YES. 30 of them a month DOES get expensive. Half the time, when I look at the clock, it's already past the 3-hour timeframe, so I just eat nothing those mornings. Probably not what I'm supposed to do, but it's what I do.


Thanks for worrying about me, but I'm fine. Hadn't even heard about the fatal accident on 27!

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Goodwill Boutique - I have never been to a Goodwill that had clothes arranged by size. That sure would be nice. However, it never bothered me as the reason I went was to buy stuff to resale on eBay. It was my moonlighting job before I started being a home cruise agent. Everynow in then in my search for stuff to sell on eBay I would run into something that just happened to fit me. I would probably get somewhat a bit aggravated to if I was going to specifically look for a certain size. There are bargains to be found.


Protein - When we grill chicken, I always fix extra for me to put back for my breakfast as I prefer that over the shake and you know it's loaded with protein.


Someone asked about Yogurt. My weightloss nutritionist suggested eating yogurt before exercising. Said it would give you just the right amount of something you need for an energized workout.


Hope everyone is having a wonderful week. You are all such an inspiration to me. Hope I can be just as successful.

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nana, do you know how to cut and paste?


Highlight what you want to quote, then go to "edit" and select "cut". Then go to where you want to place the quote and type in [ quote ] then paste in the quote, and then type

Only make sure to leave out the spaces when you type the original quote. Does that make sense?


It is the same coding you would use if you wanted to bold something, or post a link to another page. For posting a link, the coding would be [ url= then type in the url] type in the description here [/url] Just make sure to leave out the spaces.


Here is an example (with some spaces so you can see the coding) Weighted sports hula hoop [ /url]


When I leave out the spacing it looks like this: Weighted sorts hula hoop


If I want to get fancy I can also bold the description, like this: Weighted sports hula hoop by simply putting bolding coding in between the URL coding.


This is very easy and useful stuff.

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Back to really serious issues. This morning I still weighed 159, but the sexy winter white pants are much easier to zip up today than they were last Saturday. :D


This morning I even took the risk of trying on some very sexy, slinky knit dresses. They told me that my tummy needs some work before they will let me take them out in public. ;) One of my favorite Latin dance skirts, however, did fit. I probably won't wear it for another five pounds, but I could.


I woked late last night with my son's girlfriend and then, about 7:00, she and I both did another round on the Hula Hoop. It is a happening thing.

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Ok, so I'm losing weight, Yeah!! I'm walking which is helping my legs, use weights with that for my arms. Will the hula hoop help my abs?? I have 2 babies worth of lose skin there after I lose the weight. I can already see it. Will that help tighten it up??


Still at 157.4 this morning...;)


Happy Cruising & Losing!


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I finally got the Wii hooked up last night and couldn't resist "playing" on it for a little while. While it still says that I'm OBESESE and UNBALANCED, last night my "Fit Age" was 33!!!! MUCH better than 65! It said I'd lost 4 pounds since the last time I used it (10/17), but since the system was moved from one house/carpet to another house/carpet, I don't give that much credit. I played on it for 48 minutes and literally had to MAKE myself go to bed. I've never had so much fun exercising. Of course, I'm doing the "Balance Exercises" (since I'm so UNBALANCED) so I don't know that it's really doing me any good, but it IS fun.


I'm really wishing that you ladies were going on the cruise with us. The Meet & Mingle group is now into discussing what books they like to read. I like to read, but I am not going on a cruise to read. I can do that at home!!! I haven't had anything to add to that thread in weeks.


PunkiC, thanks for the lesson in URL!


Enjoy the rest of your day; I'm off to get a filling taken out and put back in!!! Hey, the good news is that I get to leave work early again!!!



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Someday, wouldn't it be cool if we all cruised together!! The weightloss queens on the boards and on board together~ LOL!


Correct me if I leave anyone off, but I think this is the crew on here~

You can cut & paste your next cruise etc. if you like.


Litewait (me)~ Donna~ next cruise 12/29/08 Carnival Paradise

Nana&Poppy~ Bonnie


NanaofBKM~ Marlene


Mangotangopls~ Marie

Angelkisses~ Robin


Happy cruising & losing!


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Litewait (me)~ Donna~ next cruise 12/29/08 Carnival Paradise

Nana&Poppy~ Bonnie


NanaofBKM~ Marlene

PunkiC~Punki~ next cruise 12/27/08 Sapphire Princess

Mangotangopls~ Marie

Angelkisses~ Robin


Donne, yes, I really do think the sports hoop will help with your abs and tummy. My assistant has four children, including one set of twin boys, and she says it is really helping her. Today she is wearing a pair of jeans that she couldn't get zipped last week.


I have had two children and six miscarriages, some of which went 6 months and were followed almost immediately by another pregnancy, and it is certainly helping me.


Maybe it won't really take two inches a month off my waist, every month until fit, but I am certainly going to give it a go from now until my cruise. If it works, my waist could be four inches smaller. Woo Hoo!!! :D :D


I really should have taken my measurments 17 pounds ago, but I was soooooo fat I really didn't want to know. I finally took my measurements this morning and they are 41-30-41. Still very zoftig, and I still have a tummy going on, but at least I know where I am. Wow, could I have a 26" waist by the time of my cruise? Wouldn't that be wonderful. Ideally, I think I would like to be 37-26-36, but we will see how it all shakes down.

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Litewait (me)~ Donna~ next cruise 12/29/08 Carnival Paradise

Nana&Poppy~ Bonnie


NanaofBKM~ Marlene

PunkiC~Punki~ next cruise 12/27/08 Sapphire Princess

Mangotangopls~ Marie

Angelkisses~ Robin


Hope that works!!!


Am really unhappy with RCI right now. They have given us an air itinerary that will take us longer to fly than to drive with layovers going both ways, and not leaving out of Orlando until 2:40 pm on our way home (with a layover), not getting home until 6:20. The whole reason we chose to fly was to get home early. Not a happy camper right now. The RCI reps tell me that I have to pay $75/person to cancel the flights they have arranged or $50/person for a "custom flight". US Airways has a flight both ways that lasts a little over an hour for less money than they charged!

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Ok - so I am 6 weeks late, but can I join anyway. We cruise on Feb 22, 2009 and I would love some encouragement on my weight loss goals! I am going to start with - not eating sugar or salt. Chocolate and BBQ chips - my huge downfall. I will also start walking tonight!

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Welcome, opera.


Please add yourself to the list:


Litewait (me)~ Donna~ next cruise 12/29/08 Carnival Paradise

Nana&Poppy~ Bonnie


NanaofBKM~ Marlene

PunkiC~Punki~ next cruise 12/27/08 Sapphire Princess

Mangotangopls~ Marie

Angelkisses~ Robin

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Ok - so I am 6 weeks late, but can I join anyway. We cruise on Feb 22, 2009 and I would love some encouragement on my weight loss goals! I am going to start with - not eating sugar or salt. Chocolate and BBQ chips - my huge downfall. I will also start walking tonight!


Welcome!!! You sound like you want to calorie count and that's awesome. Hop on the wagon. Glad you decided to join us!!! :D



A girls trip sounds like a great idea Bonnie! Please add yourself to the list:


Litewait (me)~ Donna~ next cruise 12/29/08 Carnival Paradise

Nana&Poppy~ Bonnie

Sass~ Everybody calls me SASS ~ next cruise 5/2/09 Carnival Glory

NanaofBKM~ Marlene

PunkiC~Punki~ next cruise 12/27/08 Sapphire Princess

Mangotangopls~ Marie

Angelkisses~ Robin


OK so I'm holding steady at 188.4...it's really 188.6, but I know the scale means 188.4 :p. Anyway, I skipped a day of Jillian yesterday because I was very sore and today I completed Day 3 of the 30 day shred and I feel good. It seems like it's getting easier but I am still sore. I can do pushups somewhat and that is a BIG accomplishment for me.


Today I had a hotdog from Costco and a Berry Smoothie...I always violate my diet with a Smoothie and Cinnabuns because they don't affect me but I don't know about that hotdog. I was hungry and I hadn't eaten breakfast or lunch. I hope all goes well tomorrow morning.


Keep up the good work Bonnie. Everybody sounds like they are doing well. Awesome!

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