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30 lbs to New Years!!


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I read all of these posts and it looks like everybody is on track. WONDERFUL!!!!


I'm finally holding steady at 40lbs. down!!! I cannot believe it and people notice. I get compliments ALL the time. I am in awe at myself. I started weight training because I do want some muscle definition like Jillian Michaels, but I still have a lot of fat to burn still. I have about 10% of fat to burn. Cardio is going well. I ate three slices of Sweet Potato Pie last night. Hey, I can't pass up Granny's pie. I so indulged but my weight is holding steady!!!!


Hey Marlene...what does LW mean??


SW: 223 (7/12/08)

LW: ?

CW: 183

Goal: 173 by May 2, 2009 (which will happen much sooner of course)


Moving on to mini goal of 5 pounds each after I hit my goal...mini goal total weight loss will be 15lbs (158lbs.).

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Welcome back, Sass. We've missed you!


Marlene, Robin, and anyone else who may be familiar with Captain D's....


Hubby worked late last night so, rather than cook not knowing what time he'd get home, I asked him to pick something up on his way home. When he called, I agreed to Captain D's and asked him to just order one extra piece of fish (FRIED) and I'd eat it with an apple or something. As unappetizing as that sounds, I know I have that 4:45 pm appointment to weigh in this afternoon, and I didn't want to mess up too bad.


Imagine my surprise when he brought out of the bag my very own meal -- a piece of grilled tilapia over rice!!! Okay, the rice wasn't such a good idea, but it probably wasn't more than 1/2 cup. It was delicious!


I didn't know if you ladies are aware of the fact that apparently Captain D's even sees some benefit to serving healthier food. He said they had grilled salmon and several vegetables to choose from, too!


Looks like we have a new fast food restaurant to eat from!


On a very positive note, I was at 163.5 this morning, so I'm eating an apple for lunch and hoping for the best at my appointment this afternoon.


I'll let you know as soon as I can.


Have a great day.


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Thanks for the information on Captain D's. I only thought they had the fried - very thickly crusted fried - fish w/french fries. Actually we had one in Gastonia but it burned down. I'm not sure where the closest one is now. I'll definitely check that out, particularly when traveling!


Good luck at your appt!!!



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I guess we'll let you slide on that little "white lie" -- 3.8 instead of 4 pounds! :)


Keep me posted on the new clinic. I keep thinking that mine is WAY too expensive, but I can't afford to quit at this point, either. I've cut out all my other "luxuries" i.e. manicures, pedicures, etc. so that I won't feel too terribly guilty about spending the $$'s each month. I figure when it gets to the point where I'm only losing a pound a month for all that money, it'll probably be time to quit and try to do it on my own (gulp).


How did the weigh in go?


I called the new place and perhaps its because they are trying to get established but they are charging me the same thing for monthly visits as the other place only they include 4 shots in the price. If you want extra you pay $8 per shot. Right now, I am taking 2 a week. Currently, I have to pay $80 a month for my shots as none are included in my monthly visits and they charge $10 each. Also, the diet pills we take are $30 for a month supply where I go now and only $10 at the new place. They said the only thing different is they recommend B12 shots too but I already take those for anemia. The weight loss clinic I am going to start is located in Kings Mountain. They have a December special of $99 which is not bad for the first month appointment. After that it drops to $75. I'm like you when I get down to only loosing a pound or two a month I will start backing off and save that extra money. I had my nail tips taken off this past week. At least not having that upkeep every two weeks helps pay for the weight loss clinic.

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Since October 21st, I have lost an additional 8.6 pounds, for a total (since May 5th) of 54.4 pounds. I finally hit that 50 pound target at the clinic. My next appointment isn't until January 5th. They cannot prescribe the suppressants in less than 30 days and they're closed the week of Christmas and the week after, so that left me with no choice but to wait until January 5th. HOPEFULLY I'll be able to lose the cruise weight gained and the Christmas weight gained...plus a few pounds...by then.


Good night, all.


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And the drum roll comes from someone who worked all night, apparently hasn't been to bed and is sick today.......Is it the adrenalin kicking in? LOL


For those who take the injections - how much do you think they help you? What are the benefits you should get from them? For those of us not going to the doctor to lose weight, I'm guessing that's the main difference - except for the type of diet pills you are using. There are a lot of OTC pills out that "may" work, but the shots we have to do without. I'd love to find the "best" OTC pill out there if anyone has found one that really works with not many side effects.

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Robin, I only take one injection a week.


Marlene, as far as I know, the injections are only supposed to help lose inches, not pounds. That's my understanding, anyway.


I have not read any of the posts, but I'm pretty sure there's a thread out there (I may not have my jargon right here) asking "Is Anyone Using Alli?" (or something like that). Maybe you can find out from those posts as to whether it works or not. I know nothing about it myself. This is the first appetite suppressant I've ever used, so I'm clueless about any others.


Marlene, I heard on the news this morning that there was a train derailment in between us (closer to me, I think) this morning. Unfortunately, I'm pretty sure it was coal on its way to one of our Duke steam generation plants.:(


I tried to work out with the Wii last night, but the DOG "needed" (or so he thought) my attention, so I only got halfway through the 10-minute hula hoop exercise before I had no choice but to pay attention to him. Our world revolves around a very demanding (but sick, I keep having to remind myself) dog. Today, with no dog anywhere around, I used the steps in the Energy Center from the 1st floor to the 14th floor, back down to the basement, and back up to the 1st floor. Later, I needed to take something to the 6th floor and used the steps (up only) again! A total of 754 steps. :D I hope I'm able to walk tomorrow!


Can't remember if I mentioned in my post last night or not -- grandchild #7 is another BOY! That's going to make 6 grandsons and one lone granddaughter for us. My youngest son, who only has the one 4-month old, is our only hope for a future girl (or at least, I HOPE that's the case!).

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I did hear about the train derailment in Mount Holly and that it was carrying coal. Did not hear it was headed to Duke Power plant. I tried Alli a year ago (yes, when I was dieting for another vacation) and did ok but my thoughts are that if you aren't eating a lot of "fat", what does it have to block? I had bought some of the 2 Day Diet Pills (meaning you take 2 pills before in the morning - not that you only take it for two days). I started taking it back in October and then went on a trip - didn't continue. I started back on it this week. You are suppose to take 1 per day for the first 3 days and then go to 2 per day if you have no problems with 1. And no, I didn't do that. I had taken the 1 per day last month when I first started and had no problems, so I just started with 2 this week. I've had a headache, which I need to reseach - think that's a symptom, but it is curbing the appetite.


Still working on learning the Zumba. It's a slow process for someone my age and lack of rhymthm but I'm actually having fun learning the steps. I'm working on the Samba now (dance #3). It's a little tricky but I figure if I keep practicing it, I will get it down pat. Then I'll move on to the next one. The Beginners DVD has about 8 different dances and it teaches you the steps. I do pretty good and then they "speed it up" and tell you to use them hips - oh I'm so glad no one is watching when I'm trying to do these latin dances. LOL At this point it's not about burning calories. I think that comes once you move to DVD #2 - when you really start putting the moves together with music. This 55 year old may never make it to that step.


By the way, got my license renewed yesterday and I actually like my picture on the license. Is that not crazy? Maybe it's because you can tell I've lost some weight in my face - don't know - as I HATE to have my picture made.


Question to all of you - what do you look forward to when you are nice and skinny? Here are some of my thoughts?


For my inner thighs not to rub when I walk

To not hate to have my picture made

To wear a bathing suit without feeling I need to wear some type of cover up all the time

To not be embarrassed to be seen by people I haven't seen in a long time who I feel are thinking "wow she sure has put on some weight since high school"

To not avoid those high school reunions for the reason listed above

To wear clothes that are comfortable, not tight and binding

To not have to wear those girdle type undergarments with my shorts & yes, bathing suit

To enjoy shopping for clothes and no cringe when I stand in front of the mirror in the dressing room


Your thoughts?

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Taurine? For those going to weight loss doctor (and any others who may have information), has anyone received information on Taurine as a supplement to lose weight? It's a big ingredient in the energy drinks and supposedly it speeds up metabolism. Just wondering......

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For my inner thighs not to rub when I walk

To not hate to have my picture made

To wear a bathing suit without feeling I need to wear some type of cover up all the time

To not be embarrassed to be seen by people I haven't seen in a long time who I feel are thinking "wow she sure has put on some weight since high school"

To not avoid those high school reunions for the reason listed above

To wear clothes that are comfortable, not tight and binding

To not have to wear those girdle type undergarments with my shorts & yes, bathing suit

To enjoy shopping for clothes and no cringe when I stand in front of the mirror in the dressing room


Your thoughts?


Can I just say all of the above!!:eek:


I have a class reunion coming up, I have a cruise coming up and I can't stand it when my clothes are tight. I am happy not to have to wear baggy clothes to "hide the fat".


I'm doing ok this week. My right knee has really been bothering me the last 2 days so the walking is less, so we will see.


Have a great night!

Happy Cruising & Losing,


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Question to all of you - what do you look forward to when you are nice and skinny? Here are some of my thoughts?


For my inner thighs not to rub when I walk

To not hate to have my picture made

To wear a bathing suit without feeling I need to wear some type of cover up all the time

To not be embarrassed to be seen by people I haven't seen in a long time who I feel are thinking "wow she sure has put on some weight since high school"

To not avoid those high school reunions for the reason listed above

To wear clothes that are comfortable, not tight and binding

To not have to wear those girdle type undergarments with my shorts & yes, bathing suit

To enjoy shopping for clothes and no cringe when I stand in front of the mirror in the dressing room


Your thoughts?


I look forward to having the energy to run and being able to do so without getting two black eyes! They just don't make many 40DDD sports bras.


As far as the leg rubbing thing for all of you who have problems. try a product called BodyGlide. You can purchase it at WalMart and it comes in a container that looks like stick deodorant. It really works well. I tried it a few years ago when I went to Disney and it was a lifesaver for me. For all of you women who may have problems with under breast chapping it works good for that too. It also prevents sunburn, but I have never had a problem with a sunburn in places where I apply it. ;)

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I could see the bright lights coming from Mount Holly this morning -- I figured it was the reflection of all those birthday candles burning!!! :D Who am I kidding? I'm only seven months behind you -- I'll be 55 on June 21st!


I hope YOUR day is everything you'd wish for it to be.



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Between your two black eyes, Marlene having to starve tomorrow (after eating everything she wants today, her birthday), and not having a problem with sunburn "where the sun don't shine", you had me rolling in laughter this morning. You must be feeling better today. Your sense of humor is priceless!


Thanks for the :D; I needed it!




P.S. Since your second post was the first on this page, I didn't know you'd already wished Marlene a happy birthday. I just KNEW I was the first!!! Shoulda known better; you are, after all, her sister! (Except that I forgot to wish my sister a happy birthday this year....and it's four days before mine!!!)

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Thanks, Sis! Mom called me to see if I could get away for lunch and I told her I couldn't - couldn't consume the calories....... No cake and ice cream planned -

My big splurge may be eating a subway sandwich (whole wheat - no cheese and mayo) for supper (after Ben's indoor soccer game). I may even splurge on baked Layes!

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I could see the bright lights coming from Mount Holly this morning -- I figured it was the reflection of all those birthday candles burning!!! :D Who am I kidding? I'm only seven months behind you -- I'll be 55 on June 21st!


I hope YOUR day is everything you'd wish for it to be.





Thank you for the birthday greeting! I even slept in this morning - until 7:00 a.m. LOL I was hoping my body would wish me a HB by dropping 2 or 3 pounds overnight, but unfortunately that didn't happen! Let's see - my day's schedule: Work until about 5:00/5:30 and then go to my grandson's soccer game (fortunately indoor soccer), then run by Subway(?) and come home to watch tv. Very exciting life I live. LOL

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You are way better than me!! I would be splurging if it were my birthday. :rolleyes:


I'm worried about Thanksgiving. I will be at my parents for 4 1/2 days, so I am going to have to be really careful. I am taking my walking DVD's and plan on walking some around theri streets (they live in the mountains) up hill and down hill.


I hit 150 lbs this morning!!:D We will see if it sticks~ That was my gaol by Thanksgiving, I just don't want to go back over it. One day at a time...


Happy Cruising & Losing!


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4 1/2 days - ouch! Not that 4 1/2 days with family isn't great. I'm thinking of 4 1/2 days not on your dieting/exercise routine and being Thanksgiving to boot. Robin and I only have one meal to deal with so we should be ok - if we can stay away from mom's yeast rolls and butter and her wonderful dressing! Robin has promised to make that lower calorie desert for us.


I was in the mountains camping this past weekend and did walking there as well. Boy that's a lot different that walking around my house. We walked 2 miles around Linville Falls - just in one spot we had about 30 steps to climb up. It felt like I had walked 5 miles by the time we were through.


I'm working on my Zumbo 2X a day. Each workout is only 10 - 15 minutes as I am still learning, but I am beginning to "feel it". I counted and there are 6 dances to learn before you get to the real stuff. I'm on #4. I'm really doing better than I thought I would doing the steps. I just can't do it quite as fast and definitely not as sexy as they do it. Sometimes if I watch them when they start going fast, I get all mixed up. So I just don't look at the screen and do it at my pace for now.

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Congratulations on hitting your goal BEFORE Thanksgiving, Donna. I'll keep my fingers crossed that it sticks for you. My GOAL weight is 143 (that's what I weighed when I met my husband 20 years ago), so if I were in your shoes, I'd be ecstatic!


Sounds like Nana #1 and Nana #2 both lead exciting lives. Have fun, Marlene, whatever you do. I'm very glad that the soccer game is indoors, for your sake. It's cold out there!


Keep up the Zumba lessons, but please be very careful when walking around Linville Falls. A good friend of mine's son and girlfriend fell off a cliff there. By the grace of God, they are okay (now) but it took EIGHT hours to rescue her son. His girlfriend walked to a neighboring house, two miles, with a fractured spine. I think it took her four hours to accomplish that, so you can imagine that Jake thought he was a goner for quite a while.


Reading your Zumba input reminded me of my TRYING to do Yoga on the Wii last night. I'm not the yoga type (whatever that means), but I only made it through 18 minutes of yoga (probably 7-8 different poses) before I was ready to call it quits. I have no idea what Yoga is supposed to do for you, but I do know that you need some serious coordination to do most all of it...and I have NONE.


I was at 164 this morning -- 1/2 pound up from the last two mornings, but I think I may need to go drink some green tea....if you catch my drift!


Have a great Thursday,


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I bought a new scale at Wal*Mart today. I already hate it! It weighed me at 170!!! It's supposed to track your weight, though, and tell you how much you've gained or lost along the way. I weighed 168.?? at the clinic Tuesday night, so either these scales weigh heavy or I've gained almost two pounds since then! I finally have scales that show tenths of pounds, though; my old ones that didn't weigh correctly also only showed 1/2 pound loss or gains.


At this rate, maybe I shoulda kept those 16W shorts that I returned!!!


Better go drink some green tea.:o

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