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30 lbs to New Years!!


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[quote name='mangotangopls']Marlene - went to Walmart and bought 6 of those infamous protein shots. I told my husband your story about them - he thought that was pretty funny and said "maybe it'll be fun meeting these people". (He thought you were from our roll call. Was :( when I explained. LOL BTW I took the first one to work and tucked it under my computer so it would be out of sight - just in case your husband wasn't the only one who had a guess that it was from the adult section![/quote]

[B][I]Perhaps thats a sign .... there's still room on our Spooktacular Halloween Cruise!!! CHEAP TOO!!![/I][/B]
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Thanks Robin it would be fun to meet you guys - we wouldn't have to come disguised as protein shots will we?? LOL

Sass - hey - what are you up to these days? Did you end up buying that house? Stop in more often!

BTW the protein shots really do taste pretty decent. There's no lingering after-taste which is what I thought it would have (bought gum just in case) I am trying to load up with protein in the a.m. - egg white omelet, protein shot and yogurt for snack. Worth a try. Had a P.T. evaluation for my knee yesterday - hoping to strengthen it so that I don't cut myself out of fun stuff. ;)
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Mango glad you like the protein shots. I tried some of the protein smoothies that was offered at my weight loss clinic. Actually I bought 6 back in October ... I still have 5 left. I like the bullets much better in fact sometimes I think that has been as much apart of my weight loss success as the injections.

Someone sent me this really cute story about Grandpa and just thought some of my buddies here might could use a smile so I wanted to share it with you. You gotta love Grandpa's way of thinking.

[FONT=Comic Sans MS] [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]The IRS decides to audit Grandpa, and summons him to the IRS office.[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS] [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]The IRS auditor was not surprised when Grandpa showed up with his attourney. The auditor said, 'Well, sir, you have an extravagant lifestyle and no full-time employment, Which you explain by saying that you win money gambling. I'm not sure the IRS finds that believable.' [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS] [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]I'm a great gambler, and I can prove it,' says Grandpa. 'How about a demonstration?'[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS] [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]The auditor thinks for a moment and said, 'Okay. Go ahead.' Grandpa says, 'I'll bet you a thousand dollars that I can bite my own eye.' The auditor thinks a moment and says, 'It's a bet. Grandpa removes his glass eye and bites it. The auditor's jaw drops. [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS] [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Grandpa says, 'Now, I'll bet you two thousand dollars that I can bite my other eye.' Now the auditor can tell Grandpa isn't blind, so he takes the bet. Grandpa removes his dentures and bites his good eye. The stunned auditor now realizes he has wagered and lost three grand, with Grandpa's attorney as a witness. He starts to get nervous. [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS] [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]'Want to go double or nothing?' Grandpa asks 'I'll bet you six thousand dollars that I can stand on one side of your desk, and pee into that wastebasket on the other side, and never get a drop anywhere in[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]between.' The auditor, twice burned, is cautious now, but he looks[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]carefully and decides there's no way this old guy could possibly manage that stunt, so he agrees again. [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS] [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Grandpa stands beside the desk and unzips his pants, but although he strains mightily, he can't make the stream reach the wastebasket on the other side, so he pretty much urinates all over the auditor's desk. [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS] [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]The auditor leaps with joy, realizing that he has just turned a major loss into a huge win. But Grandpa's attorney moans and puts his head in his hands.[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS] [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]'Are you okay?' the auditor asks. [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS] [/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]'Not really,' says the attorney. 'This morning, when Grandpa told me he'd been summoned for an audit, he bet me twenty-five thousand dollars that he could come in here and pee all over your desk and that you'd be happy about it.'[/FONT]
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I'm a little behind so let me try to answer everyone!

Nana #2: My husband has been a Cowboy fan since he was in college. They were the underdogs one year and he started pulling for them & hasn't stopped!

Mango: Wish we could talk some of you guys into joining us on the Halloween cruise next year! It would be so much fun to get together. Now that you have looked at the protein shots, what do you think they look like???? I actually told Robin it would be funny to come up with some kind of costume where we were covered in the protein shot containers. [U]Remember to have the protein shot within 3 hours of waking up![/U] I normally start with a protein shot early morning, then often have a protein bar for lunch and sometime during the day I have a low calorie energy drink. A lot of the ingredients in the energy drinks are suppose to increase your metabolism as well. I'll try anything to lose this weight. LOL

Sass: Glad you checked in - don't be a stranger. We'd love to chat more often.

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I've been trying to come up with some crafty things to do with my
"protein" containers ... something thats not X-Rated. I was thinking about making bath salts or something along that line and then decorating the container. Got any ideals?

Perhaps we could collect a bunch and make a costume ... we can paint T.I.T. on them with glow in the dark paint but then it would look like we were just a wee bit confused wouldn't it.

Hope everyone has a successful weigh in today.
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Good Morning! I am really proud of myself!! I made it through Thanksgiving and I did eat what I wanted. Went up a few lbs but went right back to eatting right and [COLOR="Purple"][SIZE="3"]now I'm at 150!![/SIZE][/COLOR]
So, my next "mini goal" is the 29th the morning we leave for the cruise and I want to be at 145. Doable as long as I stick to it.
I have my monthly Bunco night this Sat. and reunion meeting next Thur. This month will be tough, to many holiday activities.:rolleyes:

Hope everyone did well this past week!

[COLOR="Red"][SIZE="4"]Nothing tastes as good as thin feels!![/SIZE][/COLOR]

SW: 171 (9/1/08)
LW: 152.2 (as of 11/24/08)
CW: 150.2 (as of 12/3/08):D

Total Loss in 12 weeks: 21 lbs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mini GW: 145 lbs 12/29 Cruise (total 26 lbs.)
Final GW: 135 lbs by 4/05/09 cruise (total 36 lbs) We will see when I get there, this may be to low for my height)

Happy Cruising & Losing~
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I have officially met the 30 Lbs to New Years goal today. :D I am weighing in at 30.8 lb loss (since 9/6/08.) When we started this journey, I thought that was more than I could accomplish. Litewait's post encouraged me to try. I had hoped 30 lbs by 2/21/2009 and now I sit here on 12/3/08 with almost 31 lbs down. I'm so excited. My husband has promised me a new wardrobe for the cruise as I told him nothing was going to fit by then. I lost 1.6 lbs during Thanksgiving week, which for me is amazing. So ladies, one holiday down and one to go!

SW: 197.6 (9/6/08)
LW: 168.4 (11/26/08)
CW: 166.8 (12/3/08)
GW Revised: 162.6 by Christmas Eve
*GW Revised: 152.6 by 2/19/2009*

*This may be unrealistic but I'm going to give it a try! Worse scenario would be 157.6 by the cruise. That would still be 40 lb loss and I would be perfectly satisfied with that.........maybe. LOL

Litewait: Congratulations on the weight loss. 5 more lbs by cruise - piece of cake - Oops, maybe a piece of carrot?

Robin: Go ahead and make up some of those "T.I.T. Protein Shots" and send them out to everyone!

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Perhaps we all just got our metabolism back in gear this week. I really thought I would have trouble maintaining .... instead I dropped 3 lbs! Next week I may just have to re-evaluate my short term goals. CONGRATULATION to all you LOOSERS!!! :D

SW 241.5 (October 13)
Last Week 217.4
[B]CW 214.4 (Week 7) .... 27 lbs total. [/B]
GW by 1/17 - 210
GW by 10/31 -170


[B][I]Just went and weighted one more time (after I shaved) and I actually weighed 1/2 lbs less than above .... I knew I hadn't shaved in a while but didn't realize the fuzz weighed me down that much!!!! I think I will just keep my weigh in as above ... surely it must be my imagination or perhaps I leaned one way or the other too much.[/I][/B]
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Robin, Congratulations - 27 LBS in 7 Weeks!! WOW - that's really awesome. You are right in that by eating a little out of the ordinary we may have kicked up the metabolism as our bodies found out we were going to feed them so they didn't have to hang on to the few calories we had been eating.


I think you need to go ahead and change your goals. You've only got 4.4 lbs to go in the next 6 or 7 weeks? Take a leap of faith and drop those goals!



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All those pounds y'all lost, I've found! Well, not ALL of them. I was up four pounds on Monday (still don't know why) and up two pounds this morning. So, I've lost two of the four I mysteriously gained. I desperately wanted to be in the next "decade" by the time we cruise (so I'd come back in this decade :() but it doesn't look like that is going to happen, especially considering I have my company holiday party this Saturday night and DH's TWO company parties next weekend! :(


I'm VERY proud of all of you, though, and I send my congratulations to each of you. Maybe I'll have better news next Wednesday. Then, the NEXT Wednesday, I'll be in Ocho Rios, Jamaica and weight loss will be the furthest thing from my mind! :eek:


I know that I need to do better on the morning protein intake and exercise. I'm going to do my best to buckle down for the next ten days in hopes that I can lose a few more pounds. I've gained access to the Compass newsletters from a Royal Caribbean cruise taken in November and have discovered that there are several organized exercise activities listed. I have high hopes that I can force myself to go to a few of those so that I don't come back home wearing a 22/24W again! Almost everyone who does a review of our ship says that the food is "okay". Not good; not bad. In a way, I think that may be a good thing!


Everytime I drink a protein shot I think to myself that if I were craftier, I could certainly think of something to make those things into, but I'm far from crafty, and they just go in the trash can for whoever empties it to wonder what the @#$% I've been doing at work! :D


Speaking of which, I guess I better get back to it.




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Hey gals!!

Congrats to all on the great weight loss thus far!! Weigh in today was a good one for me.. Last week I weighed in at 138, today I am 132.. I guess the 2-A-Days of Zumba has been helping plus all the cleaning, chasing babies, and running around I've been doing in order to prepare for Christmas.

Here's to the T.I.T club!!!

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Bonnie, I BELIEVE IN YOU. Like you said a couple days ago you are probably retaining fluid. Have you cut back on your salt intake? Increased your water? Your going to be just fine. You have already lost 2 of the 4 and I feel sure the other two will be off in the next couple days.


What plans do you have for Jamaica? I will be visiting Ocha Rios for the first time the 3rd week in January. I'm really excited. I've always done the Eastern Caribbean and never the Western. It will be hard to top the beauty of the Eastern as I love San Juan and St. Martin but I'm excited about visiting all new ports this time around. Our group has reserved Phil Lafayette for a private tour that will include the falls, tubing, botanical gardens, fern valley and shopping.

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That is outstanding that you have not only reached your goal but Ahead Of Schedule!!!!!! Several had really good weight drops out there - especially considering Turkey Day - so congrats and good job.


Bonnie - We have all had ups and downs - those mysterious lbs will probably be long gone in a couple days. And as far as your cruise - we will be here when you get back and you will be here when we get back etc. That's why this is such a terrific group! I'm telling you - by next year we will all be First Class Twigs Extraordinaire!!!!!!TITs Rock! (Just ask the guys!)


I was wondering actually what the protein shots did (besides look like very rosy dildos!) but your post mentions increasing metabolism. It sound from your posts like you are using those instead of breakfast and then a protein bar for lunch. Is that what you are doing? If thats the deal than I am overeating in comparison. :(


Having egg white omelet (with green peppers) for breakfast and yogurt for snack. Lunch is generally salad with chicken and spray dressing and 1/2 cup fresh pineapple for afternoon snack. Dinner is often Progresso soup (Weight Watchers 1 point) with additional chicken and/or salad. Any recommendations? Sorry if I am boring you to death with all this but darn it you guys are doing something right!!!!!! Don't want to be left in the dust as you all roar by me!:p Open for any advice here. Gotta run. Promise to stop back if I can.


NOTHING TASTES AS GOOD AS THIN FEELS (and I am working on finding out just how that feels!)





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The one thing I noticed that you may want to look at further is the pineapple. South Beach Diet limits you to one cup of pineapple per WEEK. A lot of fruit have a natural sugar in them. I don't think South Beach recommends bananas and grapes either. I don't think the protein shots are meant to replace a meal, just to jump start your metabolism for the day. Also you may want to experiment with what you are eating each day - try different things to see what works for you. Everyone is different. For example, ONE lite beer and my weight would temporarily jump up several lbs. You may find that one food or another will cause you to retain fluid. Also, be careful with salads and what you add to your salad. Have you ever planned to go out to eat and look at the menu ahead of time to determine the best option using nutritional values. Salads are normally NOT the best choice. Many are very high calorie. In addition, make sure you stay "regular" if you get my drift. When I am dieting, I have to help that process along. LOL And remember to get those 8 glasses of water in each day, even if you have to doctor up SOME of the water with calorie free flavoring - drink mix.



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Nana: Thanks for the input. Didn't know that about pineapple but I am almost to the end of this one. Do bring a lot of salad stuff - variety lettuces with cherry tomatoes, celery and or green pepper - they are pretty much a staple for me. Dressing is the spray stuff. Can't see the negative there but salad bars are not so good to try to navigate. I think I will again try to journal in Spark People and list everthing I eat plus daily weigh in. That might help with learning what does/doesn't help the weight loss. Again thanks!


The posts about the protein shot containers must have been in my head as I drove to work. Had the shot, pulled up to a light and peeled the wrapper - am sitting at busy intersection looking at the thing this way and that trying to think of something. Look over and there's a guy in the next lane giving me what I swear was the strangest look! Yikes! LOL - I can just guess what he had to say at the office!


BTW - How about just drink container for some yummy party drinks. You know how you can buy the alcohol shots in the test tubes? (We have had the multi flavor pack at parties) May your favorite drink(s) ahead in them etc. and have different flavors/colors etc


At work - back when I can.


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Ok - let's picture this (putting flavored alcohol shots) in these containers and taking them to a party.............. So now we have a bunch of drunks watching you drinking from a WHAT???? I'm sure you would be the life of the party or at least the joke of the party.


Can you just imagine how much money is wasted just by making these containers? They are so thick & big, to hold so little...................and I AM talking about the Protein Shot containers.



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You ladies and your protein shot comments have got me grinning from ear to ear...especially Nana #1's last comment! :D

Mango, my diet book has a list of fruits not to eat, but I do not recall pineapple being one of them. I'll have to check that when I get home (especially since I got pineapple with a salad for lunch yesterday!). The ones I do remember are bananas, grapes, raisins, & prunes (or maybe I just think it says prunes - yuck!). It also recommends that you eat at least two fruits (and three vegetables) every day. In my personal opinion, you are eating MUCH less and MUCH healthier than I am. MAYBE you're not eating enough,if you are at a standstill. As my doctor explained, and as it has been mentioned a lot on this thread, if your body doesn't get what it needs it holds onto what it gets and won't let go of it. You have to trick your body every once in a while and give it more so that it'll think you're going to keep giving it more and it'll turn loose of some of it. Highly technical terms, huh?

I'd lost another 1/2 pound this morning, which is good, but not great. I have a party looming in front of me on Saturday night. And, since I work in the marketing department, all our customers have begun sending gifts which are always delicious food. Yesterday was our 4th quarter birthday celebration with ice cream & cake. Being responsible for picking up the cake and ice cream, I also bought some low fat ice cream sandwiches so that I could have "ice cream & cake", too.

I feel like my body has gotten used to the appetite suppressants and aren't working as well as they used to. I need to make a concerted effort to take that extra 1/2 pill every afternoon....before 2:00 (so I can sleep at night). I'm definitely stuck on a plateau -- one that is higher than before I got stuck!

Robin, we are registered for a ship-sponsored excursion in Jamaica. It's a boat that makes a snorkeling stop on its way to Dunns River Falls, then to the falls, then back to the ship.

My DH (boy, that D comes in handy sometimes!) half-heartedly helped look at his wardrobe last night to determine what to take on the cruise and, as expected, half of what he wants to take needs to be washed, ironed, both, dry cleaned, or a button sewn on, so my list of things to do grew by leaps and bounds last night. And, of course, while I'm stressing over his wardrobe, he's playing on the computer totally oblivious of my stress. Yep, "D" does NOT stand for Darling right this minute! :mad:

Thanks for all your words of support. I will NOT give up....but I almost PLAN to gain some weight, beginning ten days from today! :D

Have a great Thursday,



P.S. This is my second attempt to post this, but this time I was smarter and copied it over to Word, then pasted it back in again. Hope it works this time!

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Yeap, my husband is not a "darling" half the time...


We went to an all inclusive resort (flew in - no cruise) Sept 2007 Ocha Rios. We climbed the falls. It's a lot of exercise and challenging, so you will burn some calories that day. One day we went to another "sister resort" for the day. A guide that worked at the hotel took us out on one of those small sail boats to a beach that is only frequented by the locals. We got off there for a while. My husband and the guide were swinging with the local kids on a rope swing across the water. There was also a waterfall there as well. It's really pretty in Jamaica but I wouldn't head out on my own there. I would definitely only take organized excursions. That's for sure. It wouldn't be safe. Oh, and the water coming down those waterfalls is a very strong current. They make you climb up it holding hands with your group. That was tough. I was right behind the guide. He was pulling me up with one arm and my husband had the other. Unfortunately, they didn't have my body going in the same direction. I finally had to tell my DH to turn lose temporarily before my arm got broke! And watch up for the slide the guides will try to push you down. It's a big slick rock that you pass going up. Being the first in line behind the guide, I had no warning. The guide pushed me down in the water and gave me a shove down the rock before I even knew what happened. A lot of the other women refused to go down it. I had no choice! Oh, well, that's what vacations are all about.



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Now Marlene, if you plan on dressing in protein shot containers (love the visual on that one) you CANNOT be chicken about a drink from one! LOL


Speaking of getting DH clothes ready for cruise - last year Hub took all his shirts and pants for the cruise to the cleaners to be washed, pressed and on hangers. We left them in plastic bags, folded into suitcase and hung up on the ship. Voila! Perfect shirts/pants the easy way.:D (We usually don't take much to the cleaners unless it actually needs dry cleaning) This year I'm taking as much of my stuff as would work too. Its well worth the cost - doesn't help with buttons but maybe it would make it easier for you too Bonnie.


BTW, a friend of ours slipped on the rocks going up Dunn Falls and really wrenched his back badly. Guessed it more than ruined his vacation and then he had to have shots and P.T. - Ouch! Also was warned that the vendors in the area as you leave the falls are exceptionally pushy and persistent. Totally agree that Jamaica is NOT safe to wander around unescorted. My DH, DD and I took had no excursion planned and did just that. Nothing bad happened but I felt ill at ease and knew we were not in good position alone (and we only went shopping) Bad choice on our part - we went to native market. Wouldn't let my adult daughter out of my sight. Anyway--------


Hmmm - interesting thought that possibly I need to eat more Bonnie. :rolleyes: I always feel the opposite. Maybe tonight I will have the time to get on Spark P and enter what I've been eating. See what that says. Appreciate the input. BTW - I also have problem sometimes on my laptop - don't really know why but there's some keystroke combo I must do that makes it disappear spontaneously. Frustrating to re-do all over. :mad:

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Bonnie: I think you should take Mango's advice and take all of your husband's clothes to the dry cleaners. It's Christmas time on top of the cruise - there's just not enough time . You are going to be so stressed out. It would be worth the extra money and just like she said, it will be ready for the suitcase.


Mango: Bonnie is right. Ocassionally we need to "eat" so our bodies will know we aren't trying to starving them & hold on to the calories. I think that may be why so many of us had a pretty good week, even though it was Thanksgiving. However, if you are like me, you are so scared to eat, afraid you will gain weight instead of losing it.


I went walking tonight in McAdenville - Christmastown USA. For those that aren't from this area, it's a small mill village that goes all out decorating for Christmas - houses, trees, a small lake, etc. People come from all over to see it. On weekends, you can wait for hours in line just to drive through. We live about 10 minutes from there so we come in from the backside, park our car and walk a block to get into the main street, then walk up and down the street. It's so much better than driving and I got exercise to boot. On the weekends a church has a coffee house - actually have all kinds of "free" drinks (hot cidar, cocoa, coffee, etc) and church members have cookies and goodies they pass out. That's kind of neat as well, except the sweets would be so tempting. LOL I've told my husband that I plan to walk there 2 or 3 times a week.


For those of you in this area - try walking and not driving through. You will like it so much better!





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Too bad I didn't read your posts before I stood behind the ironing board for over two hours last night. DH finally got "a round tuit" and helped me with his clothes last night. The only thing I have left now is tee-shirts, which I know is crazy to iron, but I always do when we're going on vacation. Don't ask me why; I just like to look pressed in front of strangers, I guess.


I rechecked the list of "forbidden fruits" last night. Besides bananas, grapes, and raisins (prunes are not listed), also listed are figs, dates, avocados, and olives. I wasn't aware that avocados and olives are considered fruits, but they're in the list nonetheless. Pineapple appears to be permissable (on my diet, anyway).


A co-worker just went on a cruise last month and climbed the falls. I feel like if she made it, I can make it. She told me that it's not that hard to climb; you just need to pay attention and listen to instructions as to where to step, etc. and she says that the water is COLD when you first get in it. The cold water will probably be the hardest part for me. I hate to be cold. I was aware, through posts on other threads, that Jamaica is not a safe place to be unescorted. Are any of you familiar with "The Ruins Restaurant"? Found it on the internet. It's an outdoor restaurant built around a waterfall, if I have my information correct. Thought we'd try that if we feel safe enough to do so.


Marlene, we took the four original grandchildren (it seems we have two sets -- the ones that are 10 & 12 and the ones that are one and under) to McAdenville two or three years ago. It was late in the season, on a weekend, and we sat on the side of the interstate, waiting to get off the exit for over 45 minutes. By the time we got through the town, those kids had stepped on our LAST nerve and we were ready to throw them out of the car. They were not impressed with the lights. I told hubby that the next time I go, I hope it's just the two of us. I seriously doubt we'll have time to go this year; maybe next. Hopefully we'll still be in touch with each other at that time and I can get some direction from you as to how to take the "back roads" to get there. I'd love to walk through; I'm positive you can walk through faster than you can drive through!


Hope you all have a wonderful WEEK (not weak) END.



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McAdenville Tips:


Go early! It gets dark by 5:30. Lights are on by 5:30. You can even go in about 5:00 - drive 1/2 way through and park near the lake and wait for it to get a little darker.


Go in from Hwy 74, not 85.


Go during the week if at all possible and go early during the month (if driving through). Last night between 5:30 - 6:30 there were very few people going through.


Yes, you can get off at Belmont Abbey exit and go in the back way. There's a convenient store that apparently closes by 5:00 (when it's even in operation). We park there and walk in.


Remember my email address which is my name on Cruise Critic at yahoo dot com.



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Mango, I have not checked the protein in an egg white omlet but my guess is that you are getting your protein in eating that. The important thing is more protein than carbs for your first meal. I do not use it as a substitute for a meal only to supplement what I am going to eat and to make sure my protein count is high enough. Somedays I wake up and just eat a grilled chicken breast for breakfast, on those days I do not use the protein shot.


Now, let me add another funny story about our little protein shot containers. A friend "Shannon" at work (Marlene has met her) was taking a break with me in our large break room and asked me about the protein shots. I had one in my person and pulled it out to show her. She was sitting their grasping it in her hand and this deaf guy who works at our place started grinning from ear to ear, pointing scoldingly at her and then would cover his mouth laughing. If you have ever been around a deaf person much you know their expressions can sometimes be very exagerated. Shannon is trying to tell him NO NO NO it's not what he thinks and then she proceeds to show him what it is by putting it up to her mouth to show him its something you drink .... well, his reaction to that as well as a few others in the break room were hilarious. When Shannon realized what she was unintentionally gesturing she was so embarrassed. Now, whenever we pass the man at work he always smiles from ear to ear and you can just tell what he's thinking.


Has everyone read the announcements about the fuel charges? Looks like we all can all celebrate with a few more drinks onboard. Not sure how soon it is taking effect with RCCL. I think Carnival is 12/17 and NCL is 1/1.

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