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30 lbs to New Years!!


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MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYBODY!!! Still at 132 which is fine with me! Been doing a lot of toning exercises (crunches, push-ups, tricep dips, etc) so I can get rid of the jigglies :eek:


Hope you all have an amazing day tomorrow...stay focused! Daddy in law is grilling steak for our Christmas meal lol Gotta love 68 degrees on Christmas day! I guess Mama In law is cooking something else special but Robert said he's not allowed to tell me-I'm thinking it's a birthday cake.. OMG I'll be 27 tomorrow.... AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!


Anywho, I'll be popping in and out some throughout the day.


Have a great one!!


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Merry Christmas, everyone, and happy birthday, Jen!


We got back from our cruise last Sunday (12/21), but my feet just hit the ground for the first time today, so I'm just now getting around to checking back in here. Sounds like everyone is hanging in there with their diets, even through this "trying time".


The cruise was all-in-all, perfect. The first 36 hours were so miserable that I was sworn off cruising ever again, but once the 50 mph crosswinds settled down, the ride became much smoother and you couldn't even tell we were on the ocean, much less moving. The wind also kept hubby from ziplining in Haiti (weight limit decreased to 200 lbs. because of the wind) and kept both of us from going to Stingray City in Grand Cayman, but we had so much fun that Gary was looking at cruises on the Mariner out of LA Monday at work! I have to say that the food was not wonderful. It was fancy, small portions, but not very tasty. The service was absolutely out of this world. And, the ship was so clean you could eat off the floors (except for the hundreds of people that may have "lost it" during those first 36 hours -- there were so many).


The worst part is that, with all the bread and butter I ate (for lack of anything wonderful to eat on my plate), and the fact that I was very "irregular" (needed some of Robin's green tea) while on the ship, I had gained six pounds when we got home. The good news is that as of this morning (but probably not tomorrow morning), I had lost all but .6 of a pound of that weight gain (regularity does wonders). Recently gained weight is always easier to get rid of than those layers that you've been carrying around for years, though.


Gary & I both climbed the Dunns River Falls without incident. Definitely the most exhilerating excursion of any we took. I snorkeled three times, which is a lot of leg work. And, I took the steps every chance I got, so I tried to be conscious of staying active while vacationing.


This morning, as is our tradition (I know some of you are thinking "gosh, she has some strange traditions", but hey, it works for us) we went to the local Waffle House for breakfast. When we walked in, I immediately spotted "Bonnie", our favorite waitress, who had obviously lost a ton of weight. As it turns out, she went to the same clinic I'm going to and has lost 53 pounds. Thankfully, she was our waitress, so I wasn't tempted to eat a pecan waffle like I would've been if anyone else had waited on us! Too bad she wasn't here when I decided to eat three miniature Reese's cups, a handful of candied pecans, or a small slice of apple pie!!! (Thus, not expecting to see the same weight on the scales tomorrow morning.)


My e-mail address is nana2526@aol.com.


I hope to get back in here before the New Year, but I have to go back to work on Monday and I know I'm going to be snowed under for a while, so in case I don't make it back, HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone!



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Glad you had a great time & great job staying active!! It's easy to just lay around during vacation. I plan on taking Zumba with me so I can put it in the laptop that way I can have my workouts. I'm not too big on gyms with treadmills and stuff like that.


Birthday was awesome yesterday :) My only wonder is how 16 turns into 27 so fast?! We had steak that daddy-in-law grilled using the same rub that Texas Roadhouse uses...TO DIE FOR! Black-eyed peas, and hash brown casserole. While I did eat everything, I kept my portions small. The steak was so huge (16oz Ribeye) that I could only eat half and I didn't even eat all of that. Not to mention, I had a small piece of birthday cake that mama-in-law made for me (strawberry with chocolate frosting) so I did pretty well yesterday.


I hope all of ya'lls Christmas's were wonderful :)

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Bonnie - Welcome Back! Glad that you had a really nice time on your cruise and that the crosswinds calmed down. Sounds like you were on the same itinerary that we are going on. You mentioned Grand Cayman and Ocho Rios - we're doing those same excursions too - Dunn Falls and Sting Ray City. Did you go to "the Ruins" by Dunn Falls? If so, what did you think. We definitely wanted to see Dunn Falls and wondering if "The Ruins" is something to add or not???? Loved Sting Ray City on previous trip and definitely want to visit there again. What other ports did you go to and any recommendations on neat stuff to see? We are on Freedom Jan. 4 so doing some packing this weekend to see if I need to pick up anything.


Jennifer - Happy Birthday and a Great Year Ahead!

The scale says zig zag works - thanks very much. Feel like I ate and tasted waaaay too much but quickly gained 4 lbs. and it dropped right off without effort. Going to be really watching it again and then all bets are off for vacation. (Do plan on hitting the bike at the ship gym and Marlene's idea of taking the stairs.

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Yes, Mango, we did go to the Ruins Restaurant in Ocho Rios and, while the food wasn't great (buffet), the ambiance was. Definitely something different and being somewhat of a waterfall freak, I really enjoyed it. Be sure to feed the fish in the pond at the bottom of the falls if you go. That was a hoot. One fish gets the food you toss in and a million others chase him around, trying to get it from him. Just don't expect great food (the wings were good, though!).


Our other two ports were Labadee, Haiti where hubby didn't get to zipline and Cozumel, Mexico where hubby's cold turned into bronchitis and we didn't do much more than tee shirt shop for the grandchildren.


Are you on Carnaval's Freedom, or RCI's Freedom of the Seas? Have never been on a Carnaval cruise, but I can say that RCI's Mariner was unbelievable.


Tomorrow is "D Day"; boy, I dread going back to reality (work).


Am maintaining weight-wise, but am still having regularity problems, so I'm hopeful that I'll "drop" a pound or too soon!!! :o


Happy New Year!


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Nana #2 - welcome back!!!!!!


I am so glad you came back to us! So afraid after the cruise some of our group make "back slip" a little.


Jennifer - I did remember it was your birthday on Christmas Day - even told Robin that "Today Is Jenn's BD!" but I never got on the computer to tell you - so so sorry.


I did awful on my diet for Christmas and then my husband decided he wanted to take two grandkids camping this weekend (2 nights) and who can diet while you are camping and sitting around the campfire - not me obviously!! I'm psyched to get back on board. I'll weigh first thing in the morning and see how much damage. I think I'm looking at 4 lbs as well Mango - so glad yours came off so quickly. I sure hope I have the same results!!!


Bonnie - I cannot believe you have already lost your weight - in one week!!!! I hope the lbs I've put on this week will come off as quickly. Sorry the first day and a half you had such bad weather/wind but happy you were able to salvage the cruise. And your husband being sick - that totally sucks!!!


I've invited a lady who will be on our cruise on 2/21 to stop in. Her name is Pam. I know you will give her a big welcome if she comes on over!



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Mango - we want to be sure you come back to the board once you get back from your cruise! How about giving us your email so we can "reach out to you" if we don't hear from you. We have compiled 4 emails so far. Once everyone posts emails, I'll send everyone an email with all of them so you can add to your address book.



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Hello hello!! Been a few days since I've been on here. How is everyone holding up now that Christmas is OVER? I'm relieved LOL Another year older (I'm not having any more Bdays after this.. stopping at 27 lol)


Marlene, no worries on the late Bday wishes-they're appreciated as much as "on time" LOL It amazes me that I have friends that STILL have to ask me when my bday is lol


Tonight, I am treating myself to a small cherry cheesecake blizzard from D.Q. It's been MONTHS since I've had one and well, I think I deserve it hehehe Plus, my brother is here so it's his treat :P


Anywho, hope everyone had a great weekend. I'm ready for next Sunday!!!!!

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:)Thanks for the intro, Marlene. I have read the first 8 pages of the thread and wanted to say, Thanks for the invite and I would love to join your group.


I don't have a scale, (I didn't want to know the bad news) so will have to get one before I can post my CW (I think, current weight). Let me know if that is incorrect.


I will need the encouragment of this group in order to lose much needed extra weight. As Marlene said, husband and I will be joining Marlene and her husband on the Glory (2/21/09). This will be our 4th cruise. All of the cruises have been from the west coast. This is our first from the east. I am looking forward to meeting Marlene and maybe someday some of the other ladies on this thread.


As I get to finish reading the many other pages I will learn more. Thanks for letting me join your group.



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First, so I don't forget to forward this. Just changed our email so we each have our own account - so the brand new account address for me is: marietleigh3@yahoo.com Promise to come back to this board though - I look forward to reading the posts from you all. And we did agreed we are in this for the long haul - don't think you can get rid of me any too easy now!:p:p:p


Bonnie - thanks for the info on the Ruins. Looks really pretty - don't know if we would want to have buffet there though - is there any other option? Say maybe drinks and snack or dessert? Would love to feed the fish there - we did something similar at Lake Meade (Las Vegas) - fed all the crazy carp and ducks there and it was so darn funny. BTW, do you buy food to feed them or feed them bread etc? DH wants to go to Margaritaville again - its crazy loud but he loves it! (and we can only eat so much - so looking for options here). Thanks for any recommendation.


Have never been on Carnival either. Our first cruise was on Royal C and we loved it and have been Loyal to Royal ever since. Truth is I didn't even know there was a Carnival ship named Freedom.


Know what you mean about going back to work. I've only been off since Dec. 23rd and am dreading going back tomorrow. Good news is I only work Mon. & Tues this week and then am off until January 13th! Yahoo!!


Bonnie: JMHO but when I am having issues with "being regular" I make myself eat a double helping of oatmeal. Works everytime.:o


Steve got me a recumbent bike and its Really really nice! Been on it twice today and will try to keep at that till we leave. Has all these programs built in it too. Plan on going on a bike for short periods each day during the cruise. Every little bit helps and I want to keep my knee happy.;)


Will drop in here before I leave but here's my


Happy & Healthy New Year Wish to All




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Just posted and noticed your post. Wanted to welcome you to our group. We are all doing different diet things but it all seems to work with the encouragement and accountability that the group gives us all.


Leaving on vacation in a couple days but I wanted to take a few minutes to say glad you joined us and welcome!:)



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Glad you came over Pam. Angel Kisses (Robin) is my sister. She and I are going on a Halloween cruise in 2009 and we have lots more weight we want to lose before then. So we plan to be here all through the new year! Our groups' hope is that by supporting each other and staying in touch, we want quickly regain the weight we have been losing once the cruise is over. That's always my downfall. You are correct about the CW. Get digital scales - they work better and can show you those partial lbs - everything helps!h


SW - Start Weight

LW - Last Weigh In (last week)

CW - Current Weight

GW - Goal Weight


Mango - thanks for your email address. I have Pam's as well. So I'll send all of you an email with current email addresses of the group. Sure wish we had Sass and a couple others who we seem to have lost track of! Hopefully they will be back and weighing lots less.


Pam - we call our selves T.I.T.S. Twigs in Training


Our motto which you have probably seen: NOTHING TASTES AS GOOD AS THIN FEELS!



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So that we can harass those that don't come back after their cruise....:D.... I have emailed to each of you the email addresses we have. We are missing Litewait/Donna, who I think is on the cruise now. If I've missed her email in these posts, let me know! We are also missing *Sass* and PunkiC. I hope that come back to see us soon!


If you didn't get your email, let me know that as well!



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Welcome Pam and Hello to the rest of you Ladies.


I've been so ashamed of my Christmas weight gain I've not even wanted to post but what the heck I gotta get back with it and NOW. Having time off from work seems to have been a real weakness for me. I had my routine going and now that I actually awake more day light hours its so much harder. I typically work at night and sleep during the day.


I've had to resort back to a couple glasses of green tea a day. It seems to be the only thing keeping me regular. I increased my fiber like the new weight doctor suggested but seems I just have really bad gas now and no action ... sure everyone wanted to hear that! When I go back next week they will check my thyroid and make sure I do not have any signs of diabetes.


Its really amazed me how just putting back on a couple pounds during Christmas makes me feel so bloated.

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Don't get so discouraged Robin. Or worried - the doctors are always making us go for one test or another. I think they are thru scaring me half to death and then there's some other test that's waiting in the wings.


You can do this! One step at a time. Over and over and over!


You have done so well and accomplished a great deal already. My weight loss has been minute compared to all you guys - just keeping plugging away. You know this will all get worked out. Fiber is tough for your body to adjust to (embarrassing too). Bummer - Hang in there - we're all in this together.


Wish I knew some easy answer :rolleyes:- instead I'll just tell you this:





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:)Just a quick note, as it is late. I just got back for the second time from buying my scales. The first time there were no instructions and it was way to complicated without them.


It's late and I will post tomorrow with my starting weight.


Thanks again for the warm welcome, I know I am going to enjoy this group.



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Pam - so glad you have your scales and are now dedicated to losing weight in 2009! Together we can do this thing!


Robin - you've taken the first step to get back on track. I too was ashamed to report back in as I'm sure others may be. It's the same as when we go on our cruise - we have to get back in the saddle and start this thing back up! That's why having the email addresses will help as if you don't report back in - we can hammer you with emails. LOL


Yesterday was my first full day of dieting after the holidays and looks like it really helped. I also started taking some green tea supplements yesterday. I think I will be back pretty close to pre-Christmas weight by tomorrow. Keeping my fingers crossed! Still wanted to "snack" a little - maybe because my husband has "snack foods" lying around from Christmas. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<UGH>>>>>>>>>>> I had also had some family issues and added stress over the weekend and stress/dieting don't go together in my book. "Stressed? Just eat something - your life is gone to "heck" so why not."


Jen & Donna: Looks like both of you are sailing out on January 4! When are you actually leaving - flying/driving to the port? Robin follows on the 17th. Pam - our days coming but the way I look at it, I have 53?? more days to lose some weight. LOL


Did you see where the girl on Norweign either fell or jumped overboard near Cancun this weekend? The news last night said she was celebrating her first wedding annversary on the cruise and that they thought she had "jumped" - suicide. She had some mental issues. Someone on the cruise posted that they had met husband the night before and he was drunk - they thought he may have been responsible. So many rumors - either way it's sad. When you hear these stories it worries you - I have two grandchildren sailing with Robin's group on the 17th (pages 6 and 9). I assume unless you intend to jump or you get drunk and crazy, it's safe? Now I'm going to worry they will fall overboard or something.



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Mornin all!


Marlene, Rob & I are flying in to Orlando sunday. We'll land at MCO at 12:20 then immediately hop on the bus as soon as we get our luggage. Makes me a little nervous, but I've talked to Carnival and gave them our flight information and the gal there assured me that someone will be there to get us to our transfers. Last time, friend and I flew in the day before so we had plenty of time to get to the airport. Rob keeps telling me to relax and my response is always "I'll relax when I'm ON the ship" lol

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Sorry, y'all, I have a strong feeling this is going to turn into another one of my "books"!


Welcome, Pam! Glad to have you as a member of our team. We're better than Weight Watchers online, and cheaper, too! :)


Mango -- We ate the buffet at the Ruins and threw our leftover bread into the water for the fish to chase after. I'm sure that you can get a drink and probably a snack there, too. If not, just sneak a piece of bread from the buffet and feed it to the fish -- they were very entertaining. I guess we are easily entertained, huh? You've got me wanting to look up Lake Meade now! Hubby and I definitely want to go back to Las Vegas at least one more time (before we die), so Lake Meade sounds like a good place to go that won't cost nearly as much as a casino does (hubby LOVES to gamble). BTW, gambling on the Mariner was pretty good!


I'm told that Carnival is nice in a "neon/glitzy" kind of way where RCI is nice in an elegant/luxury kind of way. I really enjoyed the elegance and luxury. I may be wrong, but I THINK the Freedom of the Seas (RCI) is going to move to Port Canaveral to replace "our" ship when Mariner moves to the west coast. This week is her last Caribbean cruise. :(


Holy cow. Things went from bad to worse last night regarding regularity. I really feel very sorry for anyone who has this problem on a regular (pun intended) basis. I have never experienced such pain as I did last night, just trying to use the bathroom and unable to do so. After Dulcolax, Metamucil, and a cup of hot tea, I finally succeeded, but I was beginning to think I was going to have to go to the emergency room before it was over. Thanks for the heads up on oatmeal. I do no like oatmeal, but I told my husband that I'd drink urine if I thought it would make the pain go away last night!!!


Don't even know what a recumbent bike is, but I'm glad you like it. I, too, PLANNED to go to the gym while on the ship. My plans and my reality did not match....at all.


Angel Kisses, you had your own sister's permission to use the zig zag plan during Christmas holiday, so do not feel guilty in the least. Just stop the zig zag now before it really gets out of hand. And, Nana #1, thanks for being proud of me for losing all but .6 of a pound in one week, but as of this morning, I am carrying .8 of a pound extra over what I weighed the morning we left for our cruise -- but, that's the good news; before the activity I had last night, I had 2.8 pounds extra!!!


Nana #1, you will be safe on the ship. One would have to WANT to get over that barrier (or be thrown over) to be able to get over it. I would've had to get a ladder to get over it, but I'm only 5'2" tall, so I have to get a ladder to do most anything!


Jen, my DH and I left the same day of the cruise and I worried myself to death with all the "what ifs", but it all turned out okay. When we were finally onboard ship, in our cabin, I said to him, "I've been so nervous about this; now I'm okay" and he admitted that he'd been nervous, too. Of course, as soon as the ship started moving the worry (just a different kind of worry because I HATE to vomit and, in the end, never did) started all over again...and lasted until Tuesday morning when we finally stopped! Smooth sailing after that, though, thank goodness.


I've got my fingers crossed for tomorrow's weigh-in. I hope to be AT my pre-cruise weight (160 pounds). My next weight in at the clinic is Tuesday, January 6th and I will quite honestly be happy if I weigh the exact same thing as last weigh in. I have, after all, been through Thanksgiving, four Christmas parties, Christmas, a 7-day cruise, and New Years Day between weigh-ins.


BTW, reality (back at work) really sucks!



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Hey just want to offer some info that I found out the "hard" way on a diet a couple years ago. Your body has to have some fat to help the whole digestion process along. Before I consciously added like two/three teaspoons of olive oil to my daily intake - guess what - I had concrete in my system. Painful - you bet. It honestly was 5 to 7 days in between going for me OUCH! Wonder if the missing factor for you is some fat (oil). Are either of you being so strict that you are having the same problem I had? Check your diet guidelines - you do need some fat or oil for digestion.


I just used a little olive oil (roughly 2-3 tsp.) on my salad or veggies and everything started working better. Truth is I can slug a bit of olive oil now with no problem - I know, sounds weird, but it was just what I needed to get everything working. Hope that's the easy answer for you. During that diet I did not eat oatmeal (my usual) either so I was really messed up.

Hope this helps!:):):)


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With the weather you guys have been having in the Chicago area, I know you are so ready for the cruise! Looks like you are going a couple days early - enjoy! I hope you have a great cruise and very calm waters. Have a blast! Then come back to us! When do you get back from the cruise? When do we start bugging you? LOL


Jen - hope you and your husband have a great cruise as well. Don't forget to come back and check in!!


Weigh in tomorrow!



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Good evening T.I.T.S


Just want to tell you a little about me. I live in Merced Calif. which is in the middle of the State. DH was born and raised here and has no desire to live anywhere else. We have been married for 41 wonderful years. He takes very good care of me and I consider him my best friend. We have been on 3 cruises all from the west coast. (2 on Carnival and 1 on NCL).


My mom and sister live in Merritt Island (which is where Port Canaveral is at. This way we are making this a vacation to cruise to new ports and a visit to my family. I lived on Merritt Island in 1967 (year I graduated from high school) That tells you I am 59 (huh) and going to be 60 in less than a month. Getting old is the pits.


I got on the scales this morning first thing and SW is 171.6 lbs. I have no idea want I should set as my goal before the cruise (2-21-09). I just want to be able to get into some of my clothes and not feel I look like a balloon. I used to have the opposite problem and could not gain weight. Boy, has that changed. After I quit smoking, went thru menopause, had a hysterectomy, back surgery, and gall bladder removed, all I have to do is look at food.


I need some ideas about what I can reasonably set as a goal, and where to start this diet.


Enough for now, Chat later.........Thanks for the warm welcome and may you have a great and wonderful 2009.



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Have Fun on Your Cruise!!!

I appreciate the input re: need for fat in my diet, but I seriously doubt that's the problem especially at this time of the year! In fact, the problem didn't start for me until I was on the cruise -- eating butter every night!!!


The appetite suppressants cause constipation, but I can't figure out why they would wait 7 1/2 months to start giving me that side effect. AND, because I'm already sensitive to the sun and the pills increase that sensitivity, I only took two pills while I was cruising.


I'm not supposed to have oatmeal on this diet, either, but I will do anything to keep from going through that again!


The Wii just told me I'd gained 1.8 pounds since my last visit (Chrismas Day) -- GULP. We'll see what my bathroom scales say in the morning.


Good night!


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