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30 lbs to New Years!!


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Pam, have you checked not only in the diet aid section at walmart but also back where they sell exercise equipment like smart bells and stuff? Also if you have a vitamin store in your local mall like GNC they carry the protein shots. I recently seen them at our local grocery store (ingles) but they were the ones that are like double strength and double priced. I know you said you are not much of a breakfast eater. Do you like grilled chicken? Perhaps you could grill up a few pieces of chicken and put it in the refrig then after you have been up a couple hours eat a chicken breast. It's loaded with protein and certainly not your typical breakfast food. I usually fix several at a time and just have them ready to go. Please don't give up .... YOU DESERVE THIS ... if the doctor will give you some type of appetite suppressant when you go on the 26th that may help in the initial stages of dieting. I taken phentermine and really like it. I feel like I have more energy and it really curbs your appetite. In fact, in the beginning you pretty much have to make yourself eat. One of the side effects is a dry mouth which I don't mind as its a reminder to drink water!


Pam - I've started taking (actually quit while I was sick and started back on Monday) the Green Tea w/Fat Burners Liquid Soft Gel tablets. They are mainly green tea and caffeine (I think) but they do curb my appetite. My doctor won't give me appetite suppressants.

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Can't believe that when I weighed this morning, I weighed the same thing for the third Wednesday in a row...160.2. That brand new Excel spreadsheet doesn't look very good with a straight line across the 160 mark!


It's okay, though. When I first started at the weight loss clinic, I told the PA that my goal size was a 12 or 14. I've been wearing 14's for a couple of months and just bought two pair of size 12's!!! SO, it could be worse.


Hubby just got home. Gotta go.



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Can't believe that when I weighed this morning, I weighed the same thing for the third Wednesday in a row...160.2. That brand new Excel spreadsheet doesn't look very good with a straight line across the 160 mark!


It's okay, though. When I first started at the weight loss clinic, I told the PA that my goal size was a 12 or 14. I've been wearing 14's for a couple of months and just bought two pair of size 12's!!! SO, it could be worse.


Hubby just got home. Gotta go.




Sorry Nana -


It could be worse. You could have gained 10 lbs while on the cruise, which I probably will do. :( I know you said you were having problems getting focused on this diet thing once you got back from the cruise. That's my fear - so everyone be sure you start hounding me with emails if I don't come back on board after the cruise! I'm sure my little sister will do just that. AND so will I -


Robin - have a great time on your cruise! Take lots of pictures and keep an eye on my two grandbabies for me.


Now back to you, Nana - set a goal, set up a special trip to reward your efforts - and let's go for another 10 lbs!

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Hi Everyone,


Well, for the bad news (my DH said that I am going the wrong way). But he is right.


SW = 171.6 lbs

LW = 167.2 lbs

CW = 168.2 lbs


Maybe I need to update my goal.....I am going to think about that one. Still going to try and make 159 by 2/13 when I leave on vacation. ha ha ha



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Hi Everyone,


Well, for the bad news (my DH said that I am going the wrong way). But he is right.


SW = 171.6 lbs

LW = 167.2 lbs

CW = 168.2 lbs


Maybe I need to update my goal.....I am going to think about that one. Still going to try and make 159 by 2/13 when I leave on vacation. ha ha ha




Pam - hang in there and remember to come back after the cruise! Are you and Weldon doing the South Beach or are you just cutting back? I find I don't do well on a diet initially unless I follow a specific diet for the first few weeks. SB has always worked for me, but I normally eat a 2 egg omelet for breakfast to kick it off each day. I know you don't normally eat breakfast, but you need to eat something in the breakfast to kick off the metabolism each day. Maybe Protein Bars?

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It's definitely big sister torturing little sister.. Perhaps it's payback from everything you did to get her in trouble while ya'll were little :rolleyes:... LMAO JK!!!!

Ya'll can FOR SURE do 10 lbs each-seriously!!! GO FOR IT GIRLS!!!!!!

*does her best cheerleading moves* lol


You are so right she is torturing me.


This week I had a 2.5 lbs weight loss. Hopefull the new meds will help me get those 11 lbs off my 2/19 or whatever that insane date was that Marlene set for me.


SW 242.5 (October 13)

Last Week 208.6

CW 206.2 .... 36 lbs total.

Moon Goal ... 195 by 2/18 :eek:

GW by 10/31 -170

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LOL - you're the one who started this - thinking we should use March 16 as our date to hit 100 lbs, when you knew I would probably have to come back from my cruise and lose 10 lbs of vacation weight. I told you NOPE - AIN'T GONNA THINK ABOUT DIETING ON MY VACATION. I don't expect you to either. Go you your cruise, enjoy yourself and we'll worry about this when you get back. By the way, what kind of math grades did you get in school? You started at 242.5 with a moon goal of 195. That's 47.5, not 50. So if I lose my 50 lbs we still come up short. LOL


Just keep in mind - you have the doctor's help, shots and RX to help you. I come up short in that arena.


We can set a different date, but don't make it 2 weeks after I get back from my cruise! I'm still going for 50 lbs by 2/19.



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Where is everyone? Looks like we went 24 hours and no one posted today. That's probably a first.


Nana - we had mentioned the 5 day Halloween Cruise out of Jacksonville. Robin just emailed me to say she was able to get another discount! The price now for an ocean view cabin is $355 per person, which includes all port charges and taxes. It's $305 for an inside room. On top of that, we get $100 OBC per stateroom, which will cover the tips they will add to the Sea Card. 5 day cruise for $710? Sounds good to me. They do have the right to add the fuel charge back on later if the fuel goes back up, but hopefully it won't get that high again. She also has been given a few weeks until some time in February to book with only a $25 per person deposit. So if you decide you would like to go, let Robin know. She's leaving Friday afternoon for her cruise and be back in a week.



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Well, this is the first really good day ( diet wise) I've had in awhile. I also just finished walking 4 miles, so hopefully I'll keep on track. It's so hard after you get back from a cruise when you've been eating and drinking all that good stuff:(


Gotta make my Moon Goal!!

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Well, this is the first really good day ( diet wise) I've had in awhile. I also just finished walking 4 miles, so hopefully I'll keep on track. It's so hard after you get back from a cruise when you've been eating and drinking all that good stuff:(


Gotta make my Moon Goal!!


Great Donna! I know it's hard to get focused after you have been on vacation. That's my biggest problem - the reason I do so much yo yo dieting. My cruise is 2/21 and I will definitely need help to get focused afterwards.





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I'm sure the earth and moon moved when I was jumping around after weighing in both yesterday and today. Yesterday, I was down to 159.4 (almost a pound) and today I was down to 158.4!!! Now, whether it'll stick there through the weekend and until Wednesday is questionable, so I felt compelled to have a "Weigh-In Friday" this week! What I would give to be in my new decade next weigh-in!!!


Nana & Robin, I'll mention the 5-night cruise from Jacksonville to hubby. I kind of already know what he'll say ('no') but I'll ask anyway. The biggest reason I don't think we'll be interested is its ports of call. Nassau just isn't our idea of a vacation (after 10-12 visits there), even though as bad as work has been lately, I'm actually looking forward to missing three days at the end of the month, even if I will be spending it in Nassau!


I've actually been sticking pretty close to "the plan" since ALL the holidays are finally over, so I felt like I was justified in being disappointed in the scales not moving. I haven't been as "into" exercise as I should be since, though. Part of that is because it is so cold outside that I cannot fathom walking. I know there are other things to do, but walking was my main exercise pre-cruise.


Good job to all of you who have lost weight. Pam, hang in there. We've all had weeks where our weight went up instead of down...and I'm sure we'll all have those disappointing weeks again before we become the twigs we aim to become.


Robin, have fun on your cruise, and have a "Kiss on the Lips" for me!!!


Have a GREAT WEEKend...and not a terrible WEAKend.



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Bonnie - I too do a dance and song when I have a good day on the scales. LOL My weight dropped a full lb from Wed to Thursday but back up .2 lb this morning. I drank a carbonated diet drink yesterday and think they could be part of the reason. However, .8 lbs in 2 days is not bad. Wish I could get losing at that rate!!!!


Yes, Pam, we all have bad weeks and we just keep pushing forward with the help of this board. So don't give up - and post with us each day for encouragement. I have to credit a large percentage of my success to this group of ladies.


Still shooting for the moon....................leave for cruise in 5 weeks from today and I want to be down 8.2 lbs more. I told my husband of my goal and told him I was going to treat myself to something nice if I met the goal. Problem is I've already bought my reward and haven't told him. LOL I had a nice camera, with detachable zoom lens, etc. but it's heavy. I decided that I would like to take a small camera on the cruise - one that would fit in the pocket or small purse but would still take great pictures. Well I've bought one. I checked it out and played around with it, then boxed it back up and hid it in my closet until I meet the goal. I HAVE to meet the goal by 2/21 or I'm in trouble - not sure how I'll tell my husband about that camera otherwise. LOL



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I thought there was an earth quake but it was me jumping around this morning!! My scales said 149!!! But like everyone else will it stick:confused: It's been almost a month since I was in the 140's so it good to be back. Maybe I am in the "groove again". I have Bunco Sat, night and I know I will stray some that night, but other than that nothing planned until the 6th of Feb. so it should be all good if I keep it up!


Everyone have a great weekend!!

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I thought there was an earth quake but it was me jumping around this morning!! My scales said 149!!! But like everyone else will it stick:confused: It's been almost a month since I was in the 140's so it good to be back. Maybe I am in the "groove again". I have Bunco Sat, night and I know I will stray some that night, but other than that nothing planned until the 6th of Feb. so it should be all good if I keep it up!


Everyone have a great weekend!!


Great news! I think it was those rocket engines firing up to "go to the moon"!


Pam: Nana & Litewait's experience only goes to show that you just have to "stick with it". It will finally pay off with a drop in weight.


I have a good feeling about Wednesday's weigh in for this group!!!



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I have a 1:30 meeting (it's 1:19 now) so this will be quick.


Hubby had questions:

- What cruise line is the Halloween cruise on?

- What is the ship's smoking policy? (He smokes and used our balcony for that purpose on our cruise.)

- What ports? (I told him a private island & Nassau, but I'm not sure I'm right.)


He also had one good point:

- We always go to the Outer Banks in the month of October (11-18 this year) so it is doubtful that we'll take that week off, work one week, and then take another week off. What weekdays does the Halloween cruise require?


At least he didn't have a firm "NO" to say, but I still think, in the end, it'll be a disappointed (on both our parts) 'no'.


I'm so glad it's Friday I could cry. This has been one heck of a week.


Talk to you later,


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I have a 1:30 meeting (it's 1:19 now) so this will be quick.


Hubby had questions:

- What cruise line is the Halloween cruise on?

- What is the ship's smoking policy? (He smokes and used our balcony for that purpose on our cruise.)

- What ports? (I told him a private island & Nassau, but I'm not sure I'm right.)


He also had one good point:

- We always go to the Outer Banks in the month of October (11-18 this year) so it is doubtful that we'll take that week off, work one week, and then take another week off. What weekdays does the Halloween cruise require?


At least he didn't have a firm "NO" to say, but I still think, in the end, it'll be a disappointed (on both our parts) 'no'.


I'm so glad it's Friday I could cry. This has been one heck of a week.


Talk to you later,



Robin had a 2:00 flight to Florida for her cruise and won't be back until next Saturday/Sunday. I can answer some of your questions but she's the TA. The cruise leaves out on Saturday, October 31, returning on Thursday, November 5. It's on Carnival Fascination. Two ports are Nassau and Half Moon Cay. It goes out of Jacksonville, FL. I don't think Fascination has balconies, only Ocean View. I don't know the smoking policy - you will have to look on the website for that.

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Greetings to all you Twigs in Training!


Back to reality - Bonnie you were oh so right - reality bites. Its been sub zero here - please send me back to the Caribbean!!!! But I am back to work instead and trying to catch up with laundry, unpacking, mail etc. at home too. (Did I mention there's also the tree and Christmas stuff to take down too - where's that room steward when you need him!) Have not had time to go back on former posts (read a few but will try again this weekend) I'm sure I need to get busy on diet damage control - have to hit the grocery store and stock up on "good stuff" to eat too. Hoping the scale has better news for me on Wednesday.


Anyway wanted to say "hi" - I'll let you know about the cruise later :D (at work and need to get my nose back to the grindstone!);)



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I was just thinking about you today, wondering if you were going to come back. Glad you did!


Can't wait to hear all about your cruise...and all the good things you ate and drank while you were away, where you went, what ports you stopped at, what excursions you did, and what cruise line you took. You've probably already answered all these questions, but I can't remember what I wore yesterday, so I definitely don't remember these details!


Welcome back! BTW, reality still stinks, and it's been over a month since we left for our cruise!!!


Have a great weekend,


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Marie - so happy to hear from you. The TITS missed you and we need you as we journey through 2009. I think we all know that we can't lose weight and then stop our support. WE DO NOT WANT TO YO YO DIET ANY LONGER!!!!! So regardless of how much you gained on the cruise, the important thing is you are back and hopefully dedicated to this journey once again.


I'm still 5 weeks away from my cruise so trying to lose every pound I can before the cause I know I'll probably pack on 10 lbs while I'm away. But I keep telling myself, those 10 lbs will be easier to lose than the "old weight". I think we tend to retain a lot of fluid on vacation which accounts for a lot of it.


Just to refresh everyone's memory - when I started this journey with you guys I had just returned from a camping trip at the beach. I was so embarrassed by my weight and wouldn't wear a bathing suit with a BIG pair of shorts over them. My husband told me on the trip that WE needed to lose some weight. Strange that we came back and I lost weight and he never really got started. I think about that and think "He really meant to say I needed to lose weight." Even though he was right, it does hurt my feelings to think about it. My husband just booked us at the same campground for Memorial Day weekend. This time I hope to be able to put on that bathing suit (obviously not the same one) and not be ashamed. No shorts over the bathing suit for me this time!! So that's going to be my next goal. When I get back from my cruise, I'm going to set up a short term goal for lose for Memorial Day weekend. I may have to have another "shoot for the moon" goal!


Hope everyone has a great weekend - and DON'T BE WEAK!! As Richard Simons always says in his Dancing with the Oldies videos, "Don't quit - you can do this!"



Member of T.I.T.S.



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OMG - SASS!!! I've thought about you a lot, wondering how things were goin for you. I know before Christmas your workload was really heavy and you didn't have time to post. I hope this means you are thinking about coming back to join us. We have moved our weigh in's to Wednesday (from Monday). We sure would be a happy bunch of T.I.T.S. if you would come back to us.


How's the motorcycle riding going? Are you still dieting?



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Good evening,


Great scales for me. Since the weigh in I have lost 2.2 lbs. This morning the scales were 166.0 lbs. Hopefully it will be down in the morning more. I have really been drinking the water and that seems to really help.


Marlene - I got me a new camera also for the vacation. It is really small and also is water proof and shock proof. I just have to learn how to use it.


It is really hard for me to post every day. Some days it seems that I can't stop for a minute. Have a great weekend and I should be able to post as this is a 3 day weekend for us.



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Pam - so glad you didn't give up! You are doing great now - just keep up the good work. 2.2 lbs since Wednesday??? Wow!


Waterproof camera? Wow - that would be great. I didn't see anything like that when I was looking for mine. And I'm jealous that you have a 3 day weekend - unfortunately, I don't.



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Hi All! I did hear from Robin (AngelKisses) today from the cruise ship before she left. She said to tell all the TITS Hello!


Pam: You mentioned you got a new camera. What happened to your camera on your honeymoon some 42 years ago??



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