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November 1st...D_Day..Want to join me?


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Hi all .... I've been busy also with home and work.


I had a Dr. appointment last week (gyn) last Friday. He used to have a weight loss clinic, but he stopped (he lost money on it) ... I was slightly bummed out, but it was nice to see him .... I haven't been there in a few years and it seems that he has gained about 50#. We had a very nice discussion about weight frustrations.


My kids laughed at me as I had the "dextrol discussion" with him. After having 3 kids .... I can never go far from the ladies room. The medicine does seem to work, its nice not having to go all the time. I might have a little bit of surgery in a few months .... to kind of "lift and sling" ... I hate getting old!!! :rolleyes:


My trainer works part time for a company that does clinical trials for medical companies. They have a new trial (6 months) for a weight loss study that I am thinking about volunteering for. I'm going to have to get more info first.


I went to the gym (Thurs-Fri-Sat-Sun-Mon) Missed Tuesday and today, will go back tomorrow. The weight isn't coming off, but some of the clothes are getting just a touch looser.


This is normally what I eat in a day (Its 1198 calories) ... sometimes I rush around so this works.


Morning: Lean cuisine - lean pocket - Coffee (this is at work, as it is my chance to sit and relax)


Snack: Jello with fruit (or banana or apple)


Lunch: Lean cuisine lunch, diet soda, 60 calorie pudding


Snack: Fruit or jello


Dinner: broiled chicken, (or meat or fish) spinach salad w/carrot a few craisons, little parm cheese, and sprinkle of dressing, vegetable of some sort, water


Snack: skinny cow ice cream cone. water


I take vitamins and have very strange alergies, so I watch a lot of what I eat.


Have a great evening all ..... I'm hoping for a loss tomorrow. Although I cheated tonight and we (DS) went to Olive Garden. I had salad w/o the dressing and a half portion of their angel hair pasta with tomato w/ olive oil. No dessert, no alfredo sauce. I did have 1/2 breakstick. Jan

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Hey girls! I hope all of you are doing well.


Jan ~ I've had the "lift & sling" and it worked for me. However, my Mom had it done and she still "goes" a lot. Aren't you a member of SparkPeople? Your calorie intake is too low and that's probably one reason why you're not losing. You need to eat at least 1200 calories a day and if you exercise a lot, you need even more. Your body might be in starvation mode. I'm sure you're losing inches since your clothes are getting looser, however, if you don't eat enough protein or calories, you will be losing muscle along with the fat. Put your stats into SparkPeople and see what your calorie range should be. I'm 5'5" and burn between 1800-2000 calories a week exercising. SparkPeople says I need to eat between 1300-1650 calories a day.


I lost a pound this week for a total of 5. I've lost 6.5 inches off my body since Dec. 28th.


Take care and have a great day! :D

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Well I mean Hello to Sheila and Jan!

Where are the "others"?


Sheila you are doing so good!

Even when you think you have "slips"!


Jan you are doing so good too.

You so good with your exercise.


I'm just doing so-so. Life keeps

getting in the way. I know..no excuses.


Been missing..things going on.

Mother had a biopsy on her face, don't

know if healing right..might be back

to the doctors tomorrow. hope not.

Need to stay home and wash clothes!

Won't say what I should do to the house.

(housework is a dirty word)

If everything alright with mother's face,

plan to visit friends Wed. and Thurs..

Have it planned already..just have to wait and see.


You two have a good week.

Everyone else too ..if you come in and read!

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Hey girls!


Jan ~ Let me know what SparkPeople says. I'm curious. ;)


Belle ~ When are you going to find out your Mother's results? I hope everything is normal. I didn't do any house work this weekend either. My house could do with a good scrubbing.


I hurt my neck & shoulders on Thursday while I was stretching at my desk...yes, I'm very clumbsy. The doc said that I pulled the muscles in my neck, right shoulder & upper back. I also "aggravated" the nerves in the area so my right arm was hurting. It is much better today and I've only taken so Ibuprofen. I was on hard drugs over the weekend. So, the only exercise I've had since Thursday is walking an hour on the treadmill on Sat. I hope to do lower body weights and walk on the treadmill an hour today.


Take care everyone! :D

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Sheila - I'm short on calories anywhere from 100 - 350 per day. (Not taking into consideration the 6-8 hours of exercise per week). Its difficult to eat more .... (I must have food issues :rolleyes:). I'm adding a banana for an extra snack. I'll probably add a little bit more protein.


Wow - there can be such a fine line between losing weight and gaining! Jan

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Jan, Yes there is a fine line. Try adding some nuts into your diet for more calories, protein, and good fats. ;)


How is everyone else doing? I'm doing fine. My pulled muscles are healing nicely and I should be able to start back to my old exercise routine on Monday. I'm still walking on the treadmill, but that gets pretty boring after a while.


Take care, girls!

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Sheila..Glad your feeling better.

Take it easy. Wish I had your drive.


Jan..Wish I had to eat more calories.

I need less.


Started today to really TRY to do

better in eating and exercising.


Took mother the Doc Tues., didn't think

her face looked right. Was alright,

just doing things a little different.

Still have to wait for the results in

a week, I hope. If has to have surgery,

want it done before we leave.


Was suppose to be away for a few days

now but my friend got sick, hope her husband

doesn't get it. Now she wants to

make it for next month but don't if I know if can

fit it in for Feb.


Wonder where everyone else is. Miss our

friends! Wish they would come in..hope it's

because their busy and not because their not

doing good. Donna, Carolyn, Baby..I'm not doing good

but I'm still here plugging along. I'M NOT GIVING UP!

Don't you either!

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Hey Belle! It does seem as if our friends have "dropped off the face of the earth." I can't believe Baby has been gone so long. At least Donna pops in from time-time-time....and Carolyn.


What's going on with your Mom's face? I hope nothing serious. Sorry your friend canceled your plans. Hopefully, you can reschedule soon.


When's your next trip?

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So .... The wii fit came today and I have used it for all of about 10 minutes. My 17 yr old DS thinks it is great and hasn't let his poor mom have a turn yet :rolleyes:


I am officially 1 year older than actual age (DS is now 37 ... he has a way to go!!)


I think this will be fun for everyone. I'll let him have his day or two then I will really start!! Jan

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Jan ~ Glad you like your Wii Fit. My whole family enjoys it. We have a blast competing against each other. When I got mine, I made it plain to my DS & DH that if they were on it and I wanted to get on it, they had to get off. That might sound mean, but I only have so many hours in a day for exercise. My first Wii age was 65 and now it is 33. My real age is 44. Have a great time!


How is everyone else doing?


Have a great weekend! :)

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Hi all, Just popping in as Sheila said! Been crazy and no end in sight though a good part of it is our own fault. Finally booked a cruise for our 40th anniversary and managed to combine it with family time at Disney. Meant we will actually be home packing on our anniversary but we decided it was well worth the wait. We will leave March 10th or 11th and meet Cheryl's family in Orlando for a couple of days at Disney then drive down to board Noordam on the 14th for 10 days of poolside and beaches. Hopefully, long enough to get the arctic cold out of my bones! Unfortunate part is that my back up will be on a cruise at the same time so boss is not thrilled but living with it. Of course, first HAL cruise so lots of extra time being taken with research before we go at a time when extra time just doesn't exist.


Belle, Great job on booking that cruise and I know you'll have a wonderful time! If you haven't cruised Princess before then your in for a treat. We really enjoy them and the more laid back attitude than X. Any results on your Mom?


Jan, What do you think of the Wii Fit now? It is on our list after we finish remodeling the lower level. Can't get near the Wii machine right now with everything torn apart so we can drywall and tape. Sheila is right about starvation mode. The other trick is to mix it up with high days and low so the body stays out of it.


Sheila, Feeling better? You asked about year end a long time ago. We are on a calendar/fiscal. We were on a 1/31 fiscal many years ago and switched it when the boss realized that he couldn't get anyone to count inventory without blackmail. Unfortunately, the long window for accountants and final closing means I get to close, process the new year and then re-open the old year. Pain but only way it works. Fingers crossed that 2008 will be done and preliminary March completed when we leave. If not, then it will just have to wait till we get back.


Carolyn, How was the vacation?


Yikes, looked at the clock and better get moving!


Hi to anyone else checking in and hope to get back sooner rather than later.

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Donna..So good to see you.

Sorry you've been busy but

glad some of it was for planning a cruise.

Great way to celebrate a 40th!

Your going Holland, you've done them



I'm sure we're going to enjoy our cruise

to. Thanks. Yes this our first Princess

cruise. Doing Personal Choice dining,

trying something new.


Waiting on tests back on my mother, hoping

I would of heard by now. I'm having a little

now, hoping it's only medicine related.

When it rains it pours! LOL


Sheila..How are you feeling? Better I hope.

Everytime you turn around your having

a problem. I think you need a week off

from everything. REST!


Jan..How are you? Exercising still or to busy with the



I've been very good at eating but not exercising.

But what with what I'm eating I SHOULD be losing.

But the scale likes a certain number. It's driving be wild!


Well have a good week everyone.

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Hey girls!


Belle ~ I'm starting to feel like everyone is going to think I'm a hypochondriac because I'm always sick or hurting. LOL I am feeling better today and thanks for asking. Did you get the results on your mom's tests?


Donna ~ It is so good to see you post. That is exciting that you've booked another cruise and are going to Disney. Cruising and Disney are two of my favorite things in the whole world. :D We're on a fiscal year cycle also, but still have to do a lot at year end (1099s, etc.).




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This Sunday!


Hope you all are having a good weekend.

So-So here. My mother is having a rough

time and I can't get thru to her. Hope she

better tomorrow.

Just makes me so sad to see her this way

and I can't do anything.

Now I have to do her taxes, I mean get them

ready to get them done. Doing that today.


Well you all take, be careful out there.

Don't let anything pass your lips that shouldn't! LOL

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Happy Monday, ladies!


I had a good weekend. I did a lot of yard work and got to exercise on Sat. so I was happy. I'm finally feeling better. :)


Belle ~ Sorry to hear that about your Mom. Bless her heart. I know it must be really frustrating for you and for her. {{HUGS}}


I hope everyone else is doing well. :D




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Hey girls!


Belle ~ My mom's surgery is this afternoon. Keep her in your prayers please. How are you and your Mom doing?


I've been exercising a good bit this week and it is really making a difference. I feel thinner even if the scale is moving at a snail's pace.


How is everyone?


Have a great day!

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Hope everyone's mom's are doing well.


It is a beautiful day here ... and it was 16 degrees this morning when I went out for a cup of coffee .... that is warmer than it has been.


I'm still having a difficult time with motivation. There has been a lot of frustration with work .... gotta love these economic times .... and I've had to make some changes with employees ... cut back hours, etc. I hate doing that ... but it had to be done ... to get through all that I just start looking for chocolate.


Happy Valentine's Day all .... DH & I decided no cards or candy this year! Jan

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Hope everybody had a great day yesterday! We ran errands then headed to the casino. Should have stopped with dinner but we didn't as usual and the wallet made it home a bit lighter than when we got there. Not bad and the dinner was worth it. I say that and Joe laughs because all I ate was shrimp, crab legs and 2 heart shaped cookies for dessert. He ate everything else and said it was great!


Sheila, How is your Mom doing? Glad the exercise is working but don't push the levels up too fast and hurt yourself again!


Belle, Lots of thoughts and hugs coming your way! Hard to imagine what we have dealt with on the parent front in the time since you started this thread. Of course, even harder is realizing that we are approaching five years on this thread alone! You'll enjoy Princess and you'll either love or hate PC dining! If you hate it, just set up a standing reservation. This will be our first time on HAL and the final decision was made on the ship that we could get traditional dining. Picked up our tickets yesterday and they do say traditional late seating. Big reason for that is that all our ports are repeats. If they were new we would have gone the other direction for flexibility.


Jan, I know the feeling! There is no easy way to get through this. You are doing what you have to. hard as it is, to make sure that there is something left when this is over. One the weather is nicer you can switch chocolate for a walk!


More Mom prayers needed. She goes for a Mammogram tomorrow but it doesn't look good. Preliminary discussion with the doctor indicates that they will probably remove the mass but will not put her through chemo and radiation. No indication of an issue in last year's so it is fast growing. That said, vacation still planned and we are all hoping that we can pull them off.


Dsil is having surgery on the 10th for a mass on her vocal chords, we are supposed to leave on the 11th and return on the 24th. Cheryl will have knee surgery on the 25th. She is definitely bummed about not being able to run in the Princess marathon but there is no way she can cancel the dgd's first trip to Disney. They are just way too excited!


Doc's are here and getting at anything cruise related is a challenge with the remodeling of the lower level so I'd better get started down there. Tonight will be try on night during dh and b&s. Fingers crossed! I really don't feel like shopping!


OK, better get moving!


Have a great Sunday!

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Hey girls! I hope your Valentine's Day were nice. I spent mine shopping and cooking. LOL


Jan ~ I know that motivation must be really hard for you right now. Some of my family members have really been hit hard with the economy. John and I are so lucky that we both have our jobs and have always lived below our means. Others are not so lucky. Hang in there and hopefully, it will start to get better soon. {{HUGS}}


Donna ~ Hey! I'm so sorry to hear about your DM, DSIL & DD. I'll keep them all in my prayers. My DM is doing OK. She's still in a lot of pain and when she gets up, she gets very nauseated. I just wish there was something I could do for her. I guess the older you get, the harder it is to recover. My DM is 66.


How is everyone else doing?


I did eat two Valentine cookies. My DMIL makes us gourmet cookies every year. For some reason, I forgot about them this year until she brought them over Sat. afternoon. I did cook some baked Tilapia, green beans and roasted new potatoes for dinner so at least that was healthy. ;)


Have a great day, ladies!



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Hey girls!


Belle, I think it is the boards. They were slow yesterday. How's your DM?


How is everyone doing? I'm getting along fine and am starting to really feel good with my workouts. My back is not hurting as much so all of the stretching and flexibility exercises I'm doing must be paying off. :D




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And I am seriously ready for it! Not much done on the lower level remodeling since Joe has been fighting a cold all week. He now swears that he caught it when we went to the casino for dinner on V Day.


Belle, any decisions on Mom?


Sheila, Glad those exercises are working! Sounds like your really getting back into it.


Jan, Hang in there! Unfortunately, not much we can control outside of ourselves so might have to just focus on doing what is best for you.


OK, day almost over so time to clean up the paperwork mess and head home. Guess I'd better start thinking dinner! I'll come up with something.


Have a great evening!

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