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November 1st...D_Day..Want to join me?


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Hi everyone,

I've been lurking... been ashamed that I've fallen off the wagon "big time".

Jan, I didn't realize that you're from Bangor, Maine.

Don't know if I can PM you at all but I've got something to ask you.

If you'd like to contact me at cmjaffe@cox.net I'd really love to "chat" (even for real if you'd pass along your phone #... I promise, I'm not an "internet weirdo")

Sheila, hope you're having a fantastic cruise.

Belle, hang in there. Good thing you are able to schedule a cruise and have your kids nearby to pinch hit when you're away.

Donna, hope you and Joe are well and things are ok w/your Mom.


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It can be for any November..also

for starting or ending. Please join us!


We try and post often and try to help each

other. We all are using different diets.

What ever works. Eat healthy, less food, drink

water..lots of water and exercise. Sounds

easy but it is hard..that's why we're all here.


I start a weigh-in post every Thursday.

Helps you keep accountable.

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Jan your right..we're here because

we want HELP to get on the ...

straight and narrow of our dieting

plan. Same with clothes..leave in

less than three weeks. Clothes still fit

but not as loose.

Your garden sounds so nice and



Carolyn please come in more. Remember

we all try to help each other. As Jan said

we are all struggling.



Donna we miss you. How are things going?


Sheila hope your enjoying your cruise.

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Just read on the other post

that Sheila broke her ankle

in the hotel, the night before the


She went on the cruise..in a wheelchair

and crutches. Seems to be having a good

time as she can.


Sheila..We're thinking of you. Love

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Hello all!

I would love to be part of this group! I am Abby, a 37 year old from Seattle, WA, and though my cruise is not until December, I'm going to use that November 1 date for incentive to keep me on track and help monitor. I'm doing a modified version of WW (have the tools, can't afford the meetings) and just got back on board today! I've struggled with my weight all my life-rode all the diet coasters out there :) I've had past successes with WW, but gained all plus more back since I did it for the wrong reasons (ie. my little sister and darling of the family was getting married). So, here goes everyone! I just want to feel better, have more energy, so I can really enjoy my trip.


Anyway, nice to meet everyone!

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Hello to everyone ... welcome to others that a joining in ... feel free to jump in any time.


I can't believe I didn't weigh myself this morning ... think it was probably on purpose. I seem to be messing up my diet ... I have wonderful intensions evey morning and evening too, it is just inbetween times that is a problem. I know it is stress and boredom ... but I wish I could find something that would motivate. I haven't had a cigarette in over eight years, but I'm having a very difficult time not smoking right now ... how odd is that.


OMG --- I can't believe that Sheila broke her ankle ... I am so sorry... that is horrible. Not the way anyone should start a vacation!


Have a good day all. Thanks for listening. Jan

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It can be for any November..also

for starting or ending. Please join us!


We try and post often and try to help each

other. We all are using different diets.

What ever works. Eat healthy, less food, drink

water..lots of water and exercise. Sounds

easy but it is hard..that's why we're all here.


I start a weigh-in post every Thursday.

Helps you keep accountable.



Thank You for your welcome - I need a new scale so need to buy one - however, I measure myself more by the clothes that fit or don't fit - right now I think I lost some weight in the past 5 weeks as some of my clothes are loose - not that loose - but at least I can now button my jeans that used to be hard to do last Feb. I am a size 16 and would love to be a 12... I am cutting back instead of cutting out - portions is what I have problems with - I am trying to eat ONE cookie instead of 3... stuff like that... one scoop of ice cream instead of 3 - eating frozen yogurt instead.

I'll try to read the past postings to get to know you all better... thank you again for your welcome! Corkey

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since this post started? I was just telling Alex and Mike about remembering posting from LI to everyone when I was stuck there the summer of '04. My how time flies.

Welcome to the newbies.

Belle, Jan and Sheila (if you're reading from the ship... if so I hope you're having a great time), Donna and "maybe" Baby'll check in....

I'll catch up on reading and post afterwards when I pick up Libby in a few minutes ...

Also want to read and not post now since I'm drinking some ice tea and don't want to spill on keyboard. Did that a few years back and don't want to repeat.


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OMG... hope Sheila's ok and enjoying her cruise as best she can.

I just remember our last cruise... it was 5ish months after my foot surgery and I was partially using the "boot" what a pain but was better than not going at all.


I know where you're at. I start each day w/good intentions. Take my meds (thyroid) and wait the hour before I have breakfast. Then try to decide what "regime" should I do. It's kind of rainy and damp. Back/foot/ leg starting to act up so know I should refrain from carbs but start out w/light yogurt... that doesn't last very long. Usually am good till about dinner time and then things slide from there. Been finding that I'm getting the PMS munchies but don't think it's PMS anymore (age thing)... but just as bad w/bloat etc.

Gotta go pick up Libby


BTW Jan, think I'll have Mike fax over the Maine application "just in case" so Alex has a backup plan if the BYU program doesn't accept him (which will shock us but "you never know")


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hope you all are here too!


Sorry just been busy with everything.

Good and Bad.


Sheila I hope your feeling better.

Read that your working half days.

How's that going?

Saw your cruise pictures. Great!


Jan and Carolyn how are you doing.

Is your eating under control. Mine

isn't doing to good.


Corky and Roadmap how are you

both doing? Getting started alright?

Staying on your plans? Remember

there is a weigh-in post every Thursday.

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Hey girls!


Welcome to Corky and Abby! :D


Yes, I did break my ankle the day before the cruise....actually fractured it in two places and pulled the tendons, etc. all around my foot. I was in a wheel chair the whole cruise, but still managed to have a great time. See the picture in my signature. LOL I went to the ortho doc last Monday and have a walking boot and was able to shed my crutches over the weekend. I'm still swollen, sore and hurting some, but will be good as new in no time. I really miss not being able to work out so I'm going to try and do some tonight.


I hope all of you are doing well. I've missed you!




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Hello Eveyone! I didn't lose an oz - but good news is, I didn't gain either - been eating lots of fruits instead of sweets - I did make oatmeal/cranraisins/nuts bar cookies and have been eating JUST ONE per day - not a big chunk either - so that's been satisfying my cravings for the really really fattening desserts....


Sheila - ouch!! glad you are getting better. Our nephew sprained his right ankle too and has to drive with his left foot - would totally confuse me!


Corkey Carol

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Good morning, Ladies!


I didn't workout last night as my ankle was very swollen and hurting so I just propped it up and watched TV. I hope to try again tonight. Wish me luck!


Corky ~ I guess I'm luckier than your nephew because I broke my left ankle. It is good that you maintained.....you didn't gain and that's always a huge plus in my book. What day do you weigh in? We have a weigh-in thread on here every Thursday. Belle starts it with a cute poem.


I've been eating under 1300 calories a day since I can't work out. I don't want to lower that any...refuse to go below 1200 as that is not healthy. I'm scared I'm going to lower my metabolism again, but I really have no choice at this point.


Take care, sweeties!



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Carolyn - has your DS made a decision yet? I was talking to my sister the other day and she mentioned that her DS (college freshman) took Chinese and now speaks fluent Manderin and is learning Swedish!! I have a hard enough time with English:rolleyes: Her kids are amazing one is in law school and the other plans to be a doctor ... they are good kids!!


Sheila how is the ankle? I'm glad that you had a good time on your cruise (saw the wheelchair!). You changed your picturealso... its very nice (although I also liked the dress in the other one!). One of these days I should find a picture to post.


It is crazy around here, my work is ok, but my DH will probably be losing one company he does business for within the next month ... he has said not to worry he take care of it ... hate having "stuff" up in the air.


I've come to the realization (don't know how long it will last) that there are things in my life that I cannot control and I shouldn't be spending so much time worrying about it. There is at least one thing that I can control and that is the food that I put in my mouth. I have decided that I will control my food intake, my exercising, etc. and not let it control me. Does this make any sense? I also know that I can't get carried away with controling the food intake either.

My youngest DS graduated from high school on Sunday ... I'm so proud of him - he has accomplished so much. He's going to go to the local Community College to get his grades up and then wants to go to Johnson & Wales ... He wants to be a chef on the food network .... more power to him .... at least he likes to cook healthy. (I think he will end up going in to a social work field .... but don't tell him that ... he has to discover it for himself).!

Have a great night all. Jan

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Hey girls! It's FRIDAY!


Jan ~ I love the attitude that you can't control some things in your life, but will control what goes in your mouth and exercise. Congrats to your son on his graduation! I know you're proud of him. My nephew also wants to be a chef. More power to them. I hate to cook. LOL I'm sure your son will do great.


Nick, my DS and baby, turns 21 tomorrow. We're having him a little party with a few friends and cousins. The time as just flown by and I really miss holding him in my arms. I love the man he's become though.


Have a great weekend!


Take care,


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Wrote long post last night..

lost in space! If they all the

posts I lost came back.. you

would be reading all day! lol


Now just a short note to say good-bye.

We fly out tomorrow or today if

your reading this Sat. morning.

I'm packing now..just took a short break.

Been a long day. Took mother to a test

and then visited awhile. Then home

to get things together.


You all have a good week.


Congrats on son's graduation Jan.

Sheila your is son 21..where does the time go?


See you in a week. Be good..don't be

like me. Eating to much.......Cruise Food!

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Hey everyone! I had a good weekend, but ate way too much birthday cake. It's not often that your baby turns 21. His party was a lot of fun.




Hugs to everyone else and I hope you're doing great. :)


My ankle is doing much better. The swelling is down a lot and it doesn't hurt much when I walk on it with my boot. I go back to the ortho doc today and should get a good report. I can't wait to get back to my normal routine.




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Sheila - how can you have a 21 yr old? you don't look like you are over 18 yourself! Corkey Carol

Well, you just made my day! I had my DS when I was 23. Fortunately, I have my grandmother's genes and have always looked younger. My DH's co-worker asked him one day how old his daughter was in the picture with him. LOL


I went to the ortho doc on Monday and I have to wear the boot another 2 weeks, but can walk around the house some without it. I can also exercise using a bike, swimming, and lift upper body weights. I went to the gym last night and did the bike for 40 minutes and lifted weights. My ankle really swelled up and it hurt, but it was good actually doing someting physical.




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Sheila - you really DO NOT LOOK your age - you are so lucky! good for you and your genes! I bet they think you are your son's GF -- I have a girlfriend who is petite and will be 60 in a couple of months - she looks like she is about 35 ! no wrinkles, very fit - has always taken care of herself -


eats right -- yikes!! that's my #1 problem already --- Corkey Carol

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Corkey Carol (I like that!) ~ You are so funny, but I have been mistaken for my DS's girlfriend. However, he looks much older because he has a full beard.


I think eating healthy and exercise help us keep a youthful appearance also. I have my slip ups, but do try to always eat as healthy as I can. I'm not a big veggie person, but get at least 1 or 2 in a day.


How's everything going with you?


Donna, Carol & Jan ~ How are all of you?


I rode the exercise bike again last night for 35 minutes. I did pretty good with my ankle and my knee. My ankle actually feels better today. My range of motion is increasing also.


Have a good day, ladies! :)



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Hi All ... It is a rainy weekend here and we aren't 'spose to see the sun until Wednesday or Thursday. I've been doing some of my "spring" cleaning. I have a very old dog (she's 17) and sheds like its going out of style ... but she's healthy and happy. I also have a 17 yr old son, who also seems to shed :rolleyes: ... clothes, shoes, bottles, cans, wrappers, etc. It is a no win situation at my house. After 3 kids, and a DH, I've learned to live by the "Oh Well" rule.


I've started a new way of doing things this week. (I'm also very proud that I have been going to the gym and still watching what goes in the mouth). I have a "thing" about checking scales ... with the weight loss being soooo slow, its frustrating. I have actually not weighed myself since Thursday morning :eek: .... I will check on Monday. Hopefully I'll be down a 10th of a pound or so ... when I weigh myself on an every day basis ... one day down ... one day up ... its discouraging .... so I just won't weigh every day.


I've also been "playing the closet game" ... I have clothes that have been too small for a little while .... every week I get into the closet and try them on .... just a touch looser every time .... I'm not getting discouraged.


My middle child turned 25 yesterday ... doesn't seem possible ... he's still in Colorado, enjoying his life ... I don't know where the years have gone.


How is everyone else doing? Hope all is well. Jan

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