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Would the dining room let me do this?


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First, RCCL lets you order DINNER from the room service menu! That is their policy. You can have anything on the dinner menu delivered to your room.

I have been on RCCL, and they never made it known you can order food from dinner menu and have it delivered. IF they do, it is a hidden perk.


Your original post is absolutely insane. I wish you well with your kids and their behavior problem. Just make sure you list what ship and the date so I can avoid any cruise you are on. You are the kind of person that is NEVER happy with anything, and expect everything.

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The menu is posted outside the dining room for all 3 meals. Also you can see it on the tv. I dont think they will allow the food to be rushed out. It is called dining for a reason ( not fast food) Put the kids in camp carnival for dinner and enjoy a nice quiet leasure meal. When our neice came with us she didnt want to eat in the dining room she loved eating at camp.



Love the picture and the quote...but dear lawd Please don't let my DH see that..he will want one too or should I say wear one too!:eek:

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You know - I am really not trying to make trouble. I was asking a question. If the idea was silly or stupid - say that. But to become mean and vicious - why?

I was upset on RCCL when I ordered room service at 5:00 am and it was delivered at 7:30. Or, when I went to the dining room and dinner took 3 hours.

But really, do you have to be so mean. Every questioned I have asked has been to insure we have a good time and cause as little trouble for other guests as possible. My oldest is three - he isn't strange, weird, or insane. He was 14 months old on that cruise.

Secondly - not all steak is a porterhouse. That have ground sirloin and stir fry meats are very tender. Yes, a child with ten teeth, including molars, can eat them.

But again - why be mean? Why be creul? Just say - not a good idea. How hard is that.

Why insult my children? My oldest is three years old - do you really need to call him names? I really don't understand.

And yes, you can order dinner from the room service menu at dinner time on RCCL, I have no reason to lie.

I mean, my gosh people - why the need to be so vile? Just say "not a good idea, try another option". Is it really that hard?

I thought being called the N word on here was the worst that has happened. But really, this one tops it for me.

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You know - I am really not trying to make trouble. I was asking a question. If the idea was silly or stupid - say that. But to become mean and vicious - why?

I was upset on RCCL when I ordered room service at 5:00 am and it was delivered at 7:30. Or, when I went to the dining room and dinner took 3 hours.

But really, do you have to be so mean. Every questioned I have asked has been to insure we have a good time and cause as little trouble for other guests as possible. My oldest is three - he isn't strange, weird, or insane. He was 14 months old on that cruise.

Secondly - not all steak is a porterhouse. That have ground sirloin and stir fry meats are very tender. Yes, a child with ten teeth, including molars, can eat them.

But again - why be mean? Why be creul? Just say - not a good idea. How hard is that.

Why insult my children? My oldest is three years old - do you really need to call him names? I really don't understand.

And yes, you can order dinner from the room service menu at dinner time on RCCL, I have no reason to lie.

I mean, my gosh people - why the need to be so vile? Just say "not a good idea, try another option". Is it really that hard?

I thought being called the N word on here was the worst that has happened. But really, this one tops it for me.


Probably because all of your post in your history are directed at the same questions. Seems like it is a big joke with you. Asking the impossible of the cruise staff. Try leaving the kids home.

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So your reason for being cruel is because I want to find out a place to take the kids that won't distrub the other guests, if pretipping our cabin stewart would be a good idea, how Camp Carnival is run - that is asking the impossible of the staff?


I really don't understand the meanness. I have tried to understand - really I have. But I for the life of me can not. Maybe our cultures are not mixing well. This is really not the world I am used to.

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Couple solutions here:


1. Leave the kids at home, and don't take them on the cruise!

2. Check them into camp carnival

3. Lock them in your stateroom during dining times.

4. Make them mind, and let them sit there like mature young adults and enjoy the honor and privelege of being on a cruise and eating with their parents in the dining room.


Growing up, when me and my brother and sister were very young, we were expected to act as adults in public, and out to dinner. We dined often with adults, and we acted like adults. If we didn't, we knew what would happen to us when we left the table.


Parents need to STOP re-arranging their lives for their kids!


I STRONGLY second your motions!


The kids WOULD be much happier if the parents were in charge. The kids just do not have to experience to run things, but they will try if allowed.



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For the record:


The room service menu can be found in the Cruise Services Directory in your stateroom and offers selections for all meals and light snacks. During certain hours of the day, you can also order from the main dining room menu; just ask for details when you're onboard. See a sample menu


the link can be found here:


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Unfortunately for us - my kids all have mature pallates. Won't look twice at a hamburger - but a steak, now they are in heaven!

Hot dogs - never. Salmon - they are your best friend.


Weird kids:p


Mine are exactly the same as yours. Our waiter tried to convince my son that he wouldn't like the escargot...can you even imagine a child ordering that? But he loved it and ordered more much to the amusement of the staff. My six-year-old is the last of my "babies" and she always orders off the adult menu.


Our waiters have done magic tricks and made animals out of napkins to keep the kids entertained. Plus the shows they put on will help. Just bring some paper and crayons along, or dinner-only surprises, and get up and leave if you must. The buffet for dinner offers quite a variety so that would be another option for you.

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How do your children handle the dining out experience at home? Surely you don't call your order ahead when you go out, or do you? Restraint is something all children (and some adults) need to learn. Life is not about immediate gratification. Good things come to those who wait...

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Dr. Jack, I will happily defend Carnival Cruise Junkie here...

First of all, it is worked into the boards capabilities to just click on anyone's name and find "all previous posts".

The dual purpose is to be able to find info from someone, if you happen to enjoy their posts.

Also, just like this you can see in general, if someone is constructive, positive and helpful...

Or generally negative, bitter, nit-picky, complaining, pessimistic, etc.


Just gives you a gage as to how much of a "grain of salt" to take certain posts with...

Then you can find that you learn a lot from someone in general, or if you just are better off ignoring them.;)


And, Carnival Cruise Junkie did nothing to make anyone look bad.

Just posted a link.

It's up to your or anyone else's interpretation of reading the previous posts, if anyone looks good or bad.


Reading the previous posts, I wouldn't even say it necessarily makes someone look bad. It just gives past perspective on someone's dining habits and expectations. It gives past perspective on what someone expects for their children.

Puts the OP question into much better perspective now.


That's all.:)


Curt you are such a class act~!



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Really, can this stop.

I get it. I am a horrilbe mother, a horrid person, and would probably be better off dead. Is that about it?


I don't think anyone here thinks you are a horrible mother, a horrid person or wishes you dead. But I really would like to know how your children fare when dining out on land. It's not any diffferent on a ship. Are they able to amuse themselves while their dinner is being prepared, or are there issues?

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I don't think you're a bad mother, I just wonder if you try to over-analyze everything. This is a vacation, have fun! The kids don't have to go to bed at exactly this time, let 'em take a longer nap and stay up. If they can't sit through the dining room, then take them to the buffet. You are on a cruise ship, you are not going to find organic or even really healthy food. Everything will be for taste so it will be heavy on butter, cream, and sauces. My parents took us on vacations from the time baby bro could walk, and we were expected to obey and behave. If we didn't (throwing popping toys off the balcony onto the Riverwalk in San Antonio) we were in big trouble. But we were expected to behave whether we were at home, or on vacation.

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What we did when our son was little was to look over the menu prior to arriving at the dining room. Sometimes we just looked at the one posted outside the dining room earlier in the day or now you can check it out on the tv on your room. We decided before dinner time what we wanted to order for the appetizer entree and dessert for each of us. So then we arrived in time for the doors to open. Then we would stroll in and order everything right away as soon at the waiter came over. Of course it would not come to the table all at once but we always were served our appetizer well before neighboring tables had even ordered.

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To the original poster, I don't think you are a horrible mother, I see you as someone who is very organized and very scheduled. I tend to be that way sometimes too. However, I think for this cruise, just wing it. Relax and let the good times roll! Take the kids to dinner and if for some reason they are misbaving, then you can take them out of the dining room and back to the room for room service or something like that. Just think, you would go through all the trouble of pre-ordering, etc and they may behave like angels. Don't sweat the small stuff!!!


Enjoy your cruise!!

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Really, can this stop.

I get it. I am a horrilbe mother, a horrid person, and would probably be better off dead. Is that about it?


Not from me. I don't think you are a horrible mother or a horrible person. But I'm not sure a mainstream cruise on a mainstream line is ideal for you and your family. From this post (you are trying to circumvent the dining room "process," which has been implemented precisely because most cruisers LIKE that dining room process) to your previous posts (the organic food thing) -- it seems like maybe this just isn't the ideal vacation match for what you want for your family? That doesn't make you horrible, but I don't think you are going to have much luck changing the cruise experience into something that meets your expectations overall.

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You know - I am really not trying to make trouble. I was asking a question. If the idea was silly or stupid - say that. But to become mean and vicious - why?

I was upset on RCCL when I ordered room service at 5:00 am and it was delivered at 7:30. Or, when I went to the dining room and dinner took 3 hours.

But really, do you have to be so mean. Every questioned I have asked has been to insure we have a good time and cause as little trouble for other guests as possible. My oldest is three - he isn't strange, weird, or insane. He was 14 months old on that cruise.

Secondly - not all steak is a porterhouse. That have ground sirloin and stir fry meats are very tender. Yes, a child with ten teeth, including molars, can eat them.

But again - why be mean? Why be creul? Just say - not a good idea. How hard is that.

Why insult my children? My oldest is three years old - do you really need to call him names? I really don't understand.

And yes, you can order dinner from the room service menu at dinner time on RCCL, I have no reason to lie.

I mean, my gosh people - why the need to be so vile? Just say "not a good idea, try another option". Is it really that hard?

I thought being called the N word on here was the worst that has happened. But really, this one tops it for me.



>?????????????Did this really happen???????

That is disgusting beyond belief....

I hope that poster was banned for life



No one wishes you ill will... I think some of us just think you are rigid with your childrens schedule.. even on a cruise ship that is on cruise time...

Sometimes you have to 'sacrifice' in certain situations and accomodate and acclimate to your surroundings...it's only temporary


Expecting more than what exists is setting yourself up for disappoinment-

Its a cruise ship... its not perfect... dont let it shatter your world... Enjoy the experience and let your kids learn from it..


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I think someone suggested this, but I can't recall. Would the matre D allow me to see the menu ahead of time and put in our order? We plan on eating dinner in the dining room, but asking the kids to sit through placing orders, waiting for each course, etc. - that isn't going to happen. I am pretty sure we will be at our own table (us, plus the inlaws will be a total of 8). Even if we are at a larger table, I am sure our dinner guests would rather us be able to eat a little faster and leave with happy happy kiddos rather than the alternative.

We want to eat in the dining room. The kids do fine, but even I can get antsy if the service is slow.

I would like to see the menu and tell them what we want and have them bring everything except the dessert out together. If the kids stay happy, they can have dessert. If not - they can go to bed (and I will get ice cream:D)


I am thinking of creating a little chart I can turn in to Matre D with our orders on it for each of us after lunch.


You can try talking to the Matre D and asking if the 8 of you can be seated at a separate table and do this. You will have to do some high handed tipping in my opinion to have him even consider this.


I remember on my Carnival cruise just last month. Our entire table of 5 asked our server if he could serve us faster because we were all going to be in the show that night. (Legends Show) He wouldn't do it. We all had to leave mid meal to get to the theater in time. Next time I will know if I want to eat fast, to go to the buffet.


l'm sorry but I think you are asking for too much for any mairstream cruise line. I would suggest booking Disney, Seaborne or Crystal if you want that kind of service.


I do hope you have a wonderful cruise.

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My experience: There were certain "time windows" available for serving appetizers, main courses, and desserts. I was at a table for two once and because we thus ate fairly quickly, our waitress kept apologizing for our wait, but that she had to wait until they were making entrees available, etc. Our dinners were quicker hitting those windows at the beginning, but they were still over an hour.

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Really, can this stop.

I get it. I am a horrilbe mother, a horrid person, and would probably be better off dead. Is that about it?


I don't think any of those things and I think you should be able to live your life and raise your children anyway you want. The "but" here is expecting a cruiseline to adjust to YOUR needs. Some will, I'm sure, but they are the lines like Crystal, Regent, Seaborn, etc. Expecting this from the mass market lines of NCL, RCI, Carnival or perhaps even Celebrity or Princess is just asking too much, IMHO. They have way too many passengers and way too few employees to be able to cater to the needs you've mentioned. I wish you luck on your future travels and hope that you'll give the smaller, more intimate lines a try. I think you'll find them much more geared towards your needs.

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