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Royal Champions


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My Royal Champion has been in my signature since day 1.

My Mouse stays where it is. All by itself. If you don't want my advice, don't read me, or put me on ignore.

Maybe some on here want to change theirs avatars, coxswain, ;) but not me.


"Royal Champion" stays in my sig too :D


I am not ashamed or embarassed to be a Royal Champion...I am proud...and the RCCL UK office is delighted to have a UK RC :D

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Sadly what APPEARS to be going on is that RCI is using basic psychology to get a group of people to champion them and their product. Nothing new with this approach at all. It's only deceitful when there is no disclosure.


You see, this comment right here is part of the problem. That IS NOT what is going on...at all. And when people like this make statements like he did, they cast aspersions that may never be able to be corrected. None of the people I know that were on the original Pre Inaugural for Liberty, which is where the group originated from, does nor to my knowledge ever has posted anything but their truthful personal opinions about things concerning RCI and cruising. Basis psychology...what does he mean by that? It is basic psychology for people to form opinions and share them with others. It's what drives conversation in all aspects of life, and everyone forms opinions relevent to their personal experiences. You cannot get away from that tenent. To say our opinions are tainted by what occurred on that cruise to nowhere is basically correct, just as whatever you believe is based on your personal experience. I'll bet he share positive opinions about his resorts doesn't he? This is beyond pathetic and really makes me angry. No one has the right to question my integrity just because I accepted an invitation to sample a new cruise product. I spoke the truth as I saw it before May 2007 and will continue to do so, even if I never receive another thing more from RCI. I happen to love to cruise with the line and will continue to do so. They make me happy with nearly everything they do for me on a cruise and that's the simple truth. If that makes me a cheerleader so be it. Everyone cheers for something. Bully!

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The way things are run here. That would be a very good thread, but its not allowed. Way back when I signed up, I remember something about your signature be horizontal, not vertical . Now some signatures are close to a page long. Its very annoying reading with all that visual garbage in the post.


That is exactly why I found the function a couple of years ago, now, to omit them, and it is why I have never seen an RC designation, and it is why that some of us think that transparency would be served by a special avatar, or id by an avatar. I would then be able to read the posts from RC's with knowledge that they are recruits for a viral campaign, and judge those posts as I see fit. I have said before, I am a whole lot less bothered by those who post positive things by RCCL -- my own last review was glowing, in fact -- but when the "ganging up" starts, as I have seen very often on hot issues -- I'd like to know if an RC is among the "thugs."


I got to thinking about the term "viral" last night. It's an infected agent, infecting others. And since a virus cannot even be seen by the naked eye, it has an element of stealth, covertness about it. When RCCL says it is attempting to influence the influencers, it spells it out, clearly. Just sounds unseemly, doesn't it?


Even though Ocean boy thinks the RC's integrity has been impugned, on this thread I have seen poster after poster declare the issue is not about the RC's integrity, most of whom were already avid repeat customers, but about the concept and cc, and what has been a lack of transparency.

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That is exactly why I found the function a couple of years ago, now, to omit them, and it is why I have never seen an RC designation, and it is why that some of us think that transparency would be served by a special avatar, or id by an avatar. I would then be able to read the posts from RC's with knowledge that they are recruits for a viral campaign, and judge those posts as I see fit. I have said before, I am a whole lot less bothered by those who post positive things by RCCL -- my own last review was glowing, in fact -- but when the "ganging up" starts, as I have seen very often on hot issues -- I'd like to know if an RC is among the "thugs."


I got to thinking about the term "viral" last night. It's an infected agent, infecting others. And since a virus cannot even be seen by the naked eye, it has an element of stealth, covertness about it. When RCCL says it is attempting to influence the influencers, it spells it out, clearly. Just sounds unseemly, doesn't it?


Even though Ocean boy thinks the RC's integrity has been impugned, on this thread I have seen poster after poster declare the issue is not about the RC's integrity, most of whom were already avid repeat customers, but about the concept and cc, and what has been a lack of transparency.


please answer my question re yor post 322. thanks.

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Are you saying I'm being untruthful when i say we pay for our own transportation and hotel? i truly hope not. i will take extreme exception to that.


No, I am saying, "so what?" and I said that in a post much further back, as did others. The compensation is the free cruise, dinner, whatever, and that is in no way affected by what anyone had to pay to get there to partake of it.


Freeport -- home of the Lincoln/Douglas debates. I have a neice, on my husband's side, who lives there. And many years ago, as a new college grad, I taught not far from there. In the end it is all just 6 degrees of separation. My time is divided between the corn fields and the city when I am in Illinois, these days.

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thanks critterchick


"I Googled it, and it is (or was) called Royal Connect. This one I remember, but it wasn't limited to RCs. It asked for a lot more personal information than I was willing to share, and created a chart with push-pins that placed you nearest to somebody who shared your interests. I'm not sure it's even active anymore, since I didn't see a link on the first page of search results."


that was interesting!

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I have to make a confession. I have a vested interest in making RCI or should I say RCL make money. Unfortunately I bought the stupid stock for about $30 more than the $6.66 it was going for a few minutes ago. I liked the OBC that is now worthless, and thought it was a good investment.

I now,should be doing everything I could to bring up their bottom line, so I can unload the shares at a minimal lose.





A Poor Non-RC

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jc - let me try and explain it for you






They've gone from being anonymous to being picked to take part in a marketing ploy by RCCL - can't you see that ??



So whether they like or not their posts aren't seen anymore as impartial - thats not my fault - i believe RCCL have let them down and didn't explain to them what they were getting into.








Well, I think you have been hand picked to advertise imported water.


Prove to me you are not. :D


Why do they have to be impartial. I never read the oath at cruise critic, where I pledge to be impartial. Did you take this oath? Am I the only person here who didn't have to take the impartiality oath? :rolleyes:


These people were anonymous when they were picked, they could lie to the marketing firm, as they marketing firm has not vetted their information beyond possible returning an email or phone call. The people who showed up at the "Paid" cruise could have been a substitute. How do you know the "Paid" cruise even happened, because they told you. Talk about nefarious... :rolleyes:



jc<---- wants that blinking identifier, yesterday:rolleyes:

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but when the "ganging up" starts, as I have seen very often on hot issues -- I'd like to know if an RC is among the "thugs."


I got to thinking about the term "viral" last night. It's an infected agent, infecting others. And since a virus cannot even be seen by the naked eye, it has an element of stealth, covertness about it. When RCCL says it is attempting to influence the influencers, it spells it out, clearly. Just sounds unseemly, doesn't it?



Sorry not meaning to be rude but are you for real :eek:....do you actually believe what you typed?? :confused:


Do you think the RCs are a gang....thats how your words read to me and I find that most offensive.

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I just read Laura's post and I must ask that they and you forgive me for posting to someone else here, but I just got throught all the posting.

And my eternal thanks for her post. It explains everything except one, and that is when we all stood around the room up in the Viking Crown and the RCI executives came in and started to explain why they had arranged the little party for us and invited us to the pre inaugural (for which I was the exception there, I won a poetry contest on CC for my invitation) they said...."We asked you here because we see by your posting on cruise blogs that you appreciate and champion RCI as a trusted cruise line, and so to thank you for your good opinion, we have brought you here to sample our latest baby and share your thoughts with other cruisers." If those were not Mr Fain's exact words, as best I can remember them, go ahead and ban me from this forum or distrust what I post here, whatever:cool: (it's happened before!) because that was it. We had a little wine and a little cheesecake and that was that. They hoped we'd love Liberty and tell people if we did....and we did. By the way, I was not contacted just recently, so in all fairness, I guess RCI will not consider me for another pre inaugural, which I sincerely hoped would happen, because I love RCI and their ships and pined to get to be on Oasis. That's the truth and I'm sticking to it.

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You see, this comment right here is part of the problem. That IS NOT what is going on...at all. And when people like this make statements like he did, they cast aspersions that may never be able to be corrected. None of the people I know that were on the original Pre Inaugural for Liberty, which is where the group originated from, does nor to my knowledge ever has posted anything but their truthful personal opinions about things concerning RCI and cruising. Basis psychology...what does he mean by that? It is basic psychology for people to form opinions and share them with others. It's what drives conversation in all aspects of life, and everyone forms opinions relevent to their personal experiences. You cannot get away from that tenent. To say our opinions are tainted by what occurred on that cruise to nowhere is basically correct, just as whatever you believe is based on your personal experience. I'll bet he share positive opinions about his resorts doesn't he? This is beyond pathetic and really makes me angry. No one has the right to question my integrity just because I accepted an invitation to sample a new cruise product. I spoke the truth as I saw it before May 2007 and will continue to do so, even if I never receive another thing more from RCI. I happen to love to cruise with the line and will continue to do so. They make me happy with nearly everything they do for me on a cruise and that's the simple truth. If that makes me a cheerleader so be it. Everyone cheers for something. Bully!


Maybe you should refer back to what the orginators of the program SAID they were doing. If you chose to say they are NOT doing it, fine. But they said what they said, and it sures seems by reading their statments that that was their intention. To use basic psychological principles to influence behavior. They may have failed but not for lack of trying.

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All I can say is, when I had a problem with the wine and dine package and was very angry, a RC memeber did their best to calm the situation and had "contacts":rolleyes: who they were in touch with and had information on the situation that I couldnt get.;) Why couldnt I? Because I wasnt a RC member.


Interesting -- maybe they could start a sticky thread and be official ombudsmen for the line. There is real value in that.

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The more I read of these really ridiculous attack posts, it makes me wonder - where does it end?


Does CC have to have everyone disclose where they work, just in case someone with a connection to NCL - posts a nasty thread about RCCL and wax poetic about NCL?


Because in reality - aren't the real problem topics the negative ones? Unless RC's are being asked to go over to the Disney board and dis their ships - I really don't see what influence they have.


With all the nonsense about full disclosure :rolleyes: if I post a review of my upcoming cruise - is it disallowed because I won it playing bingo? If I use the free ticket I received recently on Spirit - am I not allowed to post positive comments because the ticket was free?


Do you ask your TA's if they have paid for all of their cruises on the cruise lines they represent? Do you check to see if they were invited to a special industry event and if they did - use another TA because that one is tainted?


The entire argument boils down to one thing - SILLY!

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And when, and if, I have the time to browse through my subscribed threads I will obligue you. Last night I was too tired, and a bit too disgusted, to do it. I can't even remember how far back it was. That is how inportant that this distinction of being an R.C. is to me. The only letters after my name that mean squat to me are M.D.


And to further clarify things. The thread was not about when the first group of R.C. people (charter members as they call themselves) became part of this. It was when most of the rest of us were contacted about it.


When you have the time.

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And by the way since someone else brought up owning stock in the company, I guess that negates the posting of all who own it, since the line originally gave perks for that ownership to them, also negate the posts of anyone who partakes of ANY perks, including the Crown and Anchor members with their perks and people from all 50 states who ever got a state discountand all those neferious seniors who got a senior discount. Those could all be misconstrued as rewards and thus we are all suspect and how about Carnival's perks and all the rest, dang, we better all just quit posting cuz we're all tainted...busted!:cool:

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Originally Posted by MAZANDSTEVE viewpost.gif

All I can say is, when I had a problem with the wine and dine package and was very angry, a RC memeber did their best to calm the situation and had "contacts":rolleyes: who they were in touch with and had information on the situation that I couldnt get.;) Why couldnt I? Because I wasnt a RC member.

I suggest it had nothing to do with being an RC, but with the information and contacts they have gleaned from years of cruising with RCI! This is just poppycock people.

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And by the way since someone else brought up owning stock in the company, I guess that negates the posting of all who own it, since the line originally gave perks for that ownership to them, also negate the posts of anyone who partakes of ANY perks, including the Crown and Anchor members with their perks and people from all 50 states who ever got a state discountand all those neferious seniors who got a senior discount. Those could all be misconstrued as rewards and thus we are all suspect and how about Carnival's perks and all the rest, dang, we better all just quit posting cuz we're all tainted...busted!:cool:


It's gonna be pretty quiet around here....:D:D

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The rest of the story is that the initial assumption that we have all signed up for M&M meetings in the past is erroneous.


Understood, but you were second wave, I believe, by your post about a thread here discussing it. I would guess that most of the 75 probably have signed up for a M&M at some point, even if you never did. I'd just have to guess that since many of the selectee's have many posts and lots of cruises, they would have signed up to meet other cc's because they are avid cruisers and contributors, here.

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When did you get the misunderstanding that this board in non-affiliated? Seriously, there are RCI ads all over the board. Expedia is a travel agency. Were you on the Watergate committee?:rolleyes:




For sure when you accept advertising from anyone, you have a business connection to them. Would I expect that the advertiser has used some of the posters in a viral ad campaign, nope -- heck, dumb me, I thought all the posters were just ordinary people sharing their experiences and discussing cruising, as did most of us here, I'd bet.

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All I can say is, when I had a problem with the wine and dine package and was very angry, a RC memeber did their best to calm the situation and had "contacts":rolleyes: who they were in touch with and had information on the situation that I couldnt get.;) Why couldnt I? Because I wasnt a RC member.


That wasnt because I am a RC...I have had contacts with the RCCL UK office for years now due to the fact amongst other things I have been trying to get them to give us a RCCL Visa Card. This is also why I have done two Pre-Inaugurals before I became a RC. :D


Interesting -- maybe they could start a sticky thread and be official ombudsmen for the line. There is real value in that.


Jaxon you forgot to quote my response to Mazandsteve's post.

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