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Guest Crazeecat5

Hi DCRobin,

Great weight loss. Yes, you are kicking a$$!


Hi Bentleys Mom

You are doing awesome. So great that you were able to give up the soda. Keep thinking good thoughts while on the cruise and you will be successful. Remember, everyday can be day 1 on program! Good luck!

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Just wanted to share my weigh in success----down another 4.4 this week----total 10.4 in 3 weeks (that's nearly 42 sticks of butter--WOW!)



Great job this week!!


Thanks for the pumpkin muffin recipe too. My son loves anything pumpkin and I think he'd really like the one mixed with spice cake.



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I'm very nervous about gaining back any of the weight I've lost while on the cruise. I want to have fun but I'm afraid if I indulge in one food 'treat' it will lead to another and another and so on...


Welcome, bentley's mom!


The way I'm thinking about potential weight gain on our upcoming cruise is that there is a definite END point when I walk off that ship at the end of the week. So I will allow myself to splurge one meal per day during the cruise but once it's over, I'll get right back on track. You can only do so much damage in one week if you're exercising and making good food choices for at least a couple meals per day.


Anyhoo, glad you found us here. :)



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:o:o:o Gee SHERYL, I'm so sorry. I think that's the second time I've called you Sandy. I PROMISE to get your name right next time!!! I guess I was just too excited to congratulate you!! :o:o:o


CONGRATS dcRobin 4.4 pounds this week, WHO-HOO!! And 10.4 total, You've lost a sack of potatoes & not the little sacks either!! Congrats again!


Thanks for the recipies, I love them!! I love to cook, but sometimes I get so frustrated trying to figure out the points of the "little bit of this & a little bit of that" in my recipes. The cakes and muffins sound very yummy and easy to count!! I think I'm going to try a white cake with cherry 7up for my bosses birthday this week. (She's on WW too.)


Welcome bentleysmom!!

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I'm glad I'm not the newest newbie anymore :D.


I have a ton of other recipes. One of my favs is a alfredo sauce made with the laughing cow cheese wedges. Some ww pasta, chicken and a veggie and yum. I'll have to dig some out and post a few.


Lisa, you're so encouraging. I love your philosophy about the cruise coming to an end and so does the eating.


Bentley's Mom, I share your same fear only mine is not just a fear, it's reality. Usually after losing 20-40 lbs we go on vacation and I splurge and eat rich foods and it has a dominoe effect.


Hey Sheryl, are you a cat lover? Does the 5 mean you have 5 of them? I only have 1 at this time. I lost my beloved Peaches to FIP last summer and I'm afraid to adopt another because my other girl was exposed to the FIP and she could potentially give it to another. Right now she is healthy and fat and Daddy's girl :D.


DCRobin, 42 sticks of butter...lol. That is awesome!!! I made those pumpkin treats before but mine aren't WW friendly. :rolleyes: I usually use a box of spice cake mix, 1 can pumpkin, 1/2 c water and a whole bag of milk chocolate chips and spread them on a cookie sheet, then cut in squares. My 3 kids can polish off a batch in 2 days. I'll have to try the WW version.


Off to the in-laws to play Wii and have dinner. Usually something fattening :( and they always make drinks. Oh well, starting Friday morning I'm back on my WW program with the gym at least 5 days a week.



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Guest Crazeecat5

Hi Mel,

Yes, the "5" stood for the five cats we had at one time. I have used this screen name for many years. We no longer have any cats, right now we have our adorable little Jack Russell Terrier named Jamie.

Your chicken, pasta and alfredo sauce recipe sounds great. Would love to try it.

Hey Misty....no problem. Wasn't sure you were talking to me!

Hi Andrea!!

Hi WW friends!!

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OK, I'm not usually up this early but my 7-yr old crawled into bed with us which woke me up so I thought I'd get an early start on my day.


I'm excited to report that I bought a size 10 dress this weekend! I was looking for new capris and walked by this white sundress that was really cute. I've been thinking about surprising my husband with a vow renewal ceremony either on our cruise or sometime this summer (we cruise in July, 10-yr anniversary is in August) so it's been in the back of my mind to find a white dress. So I tried the dress on and it actually fits pretty well. I'm a pear shape with narrow shoulders, no boobs, but curvy hips. So there's plenty of room on top but the bottom just barely fits. I figure if I get some spanx I'll be okay. I was very excited!!


Now it's onto the treadmill. Hope everyone has a great day!




Spanx are awesome! I'm sure you look great.

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In September 08 my DH's nurse advised him that his "numbers" (He is diabetic) were not like she wanted, there were no more meds she could prescribe and that she was going to put him on insulin....he looked her in the eye and "said you're not, give me 3 months." That was on a Wednesday, the next day he joined WW. By Christmas 08 he had lost 25 pounds, she was thrilled. To date he has lost 63 pounds, and she's taken him off of 3 meds. His goal was to get to 200 by the time we left on a cruise to GC and Cozumel May 18. We've cancelled that cruise, but we're also going to Alaska the end of May. So he's got an extra 2 weeks. He has made a complete turn around. WW is the greatest.

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Good evening to all,

WOW, some wonderful weight loss stories this week, and as always lots of encouragement from everyone.

Hi Nancy, good to see you on here too! Congratulations on getting back on track. I saw your new thread too, and I have to agree that in my opinion, WW is the best plan. It teaches you how to eat sensibly but still have most anything you want, within reason.

Crazeecat5- we do have 5 cats living in our house at this time. We own three ourselves, and both daughters are living back home and each brought a cat with them. Except for more fur around, it doesn't seem like anymore than usual, just have to be much more vigilante with vacuuming!

dcrobin- thanks for the great recipe, I love pumpkin so bought a cake mix and a can of pumpkin tonight and will make the muffins tomorrow.

Thanks for the other recipes too. It would be great to have a recipe swap here. I'm sure everyone has found a recipe they really like and it would give the rest of us some variety.

I have been trying to be super good this week, I don't weigh in until Saturday.

Well good night for now. Everyone keep up the good work!


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Thanks Lisa!! It feels great being back where I feel (and look) the best! I am very lucky that my DH is a WW. We have opposite schedules, so I don't always have to worry about any "bad" snacks around me. (Not that we have many of those in the house anymore!) My best friend is also a WW, with a 50 pound loss so far! (YAY!) She keeps us both motivated with her amazing losses!


It is great to see all the new WW people here! It is great to hear of all the success stories! It helps to hear about other people going through the same things as you!


policecruiser,.. Welcome back!! Glad to hear you had a good time without overdoing!! It is easy to do at a buffet! I remember the first time that I tried to eat like I used to before WW. I felt horrible!!!! You realize that you don't miss feeling like that for sure!!




You are so right about the sick feeling you get when you try to eat the 'old' way. One night around 11pm while on the trip, my DH (who is a true chocoholic) wanted a snack so I went up to the solarium grill with him. He got his hotdog, fries and 3 cookies and slept like a baby. I had ONE piece of pound cake and had nightmares that I was homeless all night long! :rolleyes:

Go figure... It's kind of funny now that I'm writing this out. I know better than to eat that late at night so I got what I deserved.

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Guest Crazeecat5

Hoping you guys can help me with this......

A big part of my eating problem is that I eat until I'm stuffed and my plate is clean. I have grown to "love" that stuffed feeling. Unfortunately, I don't seem to know how to tell when I am just "full" and have had enough. I have been trying to stop eating when there is still food left on my plate but I still don't know how I should be feeling? Any tips?

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Good Evening Ladies,


Weigh in was Monday and I lost 1.2 :)


I was pleased since I had gained the week before. Total is 19.4


I changed meeting times because my best friend is skipping out on me and found three fellow teachers at the new time.:cool:


Most of all I have changed my thought process. I read labels and think twice before anything goes in my mouth.


I am taking a helicopter glacier ride in July and had to register my weight with the tour company. :(


When we get ready to leave they will ask my weight again. I hope to be 15 pounds lighter.



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Guest Crazeecat5

Hi Denise,

Congrats on the loss. Keep up the good work. That helicopter is waiting for you!

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Hey Sheryl, Have you tried using smaller plates? It sounds silly almost but it does work if you like that "clean your plate" and now I'm FULL feeling. You're seeing that you cleaned your plate, you brain processes that and tells your stomach that you're full now. And always put away anything in which you got whatever you're eating out of. Even if it's dinner put away the left-overs right away.......which makes your lunch for the next day at the same time. Think of it like this.......when we run thru the drive thru and have a burger and fries for lunch, take it back to the office and eat, it's gone. There is no more, therefore, your mind is okay with that. True? Hope that helps.


Denise, don't even sweat the weight on the helicopter. My DH and I took a copter out to Mendenhall Glacier in Juneau and it was fabulous. I actually got to sit in the front and see the glacier upon approach and get some awesome pics. I thought I was going to be self conscience about my weight too but when we got there I wasn't the largest woman :)


Susan, I'd have a whole house full if I could. I call them my fur kids like I gave birth or something :o


Policecruise, that is funny.....a homeless person. I ate something I've never had before last night and dreamt I was trying to help a turtle cross the road but he just couldn't make it.


Sam, that is fantastic about your husband. Skinny vibes to him for Alaska.


Hope everyone else is having a great day.


Tomorrow morning is my first official weigh in. I'm looking forward to this.




p.s. water check........everyone drink up.

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Guest Crazeecat5

Hey Mel,

Thanks for the advice. I will start using a smaller plate. Luckily, my DHRobert cleans up after dinner so I am not tempted to pick at anything. He's pretty terrific! Good luck on your WI tomorrow. Hope you are a "loser!":D


Hi all,

Had a great day again. I am definitely getting used to this!

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I used a spice cake mix and made the pumpkin muffins today. they were delicious, good thing the can of pumpkin is big and makes more than one batch because I had to buy more cake mix and make more muffins for me because everyone else ate them! GREAT RECIPE!


Sheryl- I started using smaller plates and I find it really does help you to eat less. You can't get as much on the plate for one thing. If you put the proper portion amount on a large dinner plate it doesn't look like you have very much on the plate and you put more on it, but if you use a luncheon size plate, then the proper portion amount looks fine. And so you eat less but your brain thinks you still ate a whole plate full.


My cough is finally getting better. I am back to work tomorrow. Glad its friday, and then off for the weekend.

Good luck to all who weigh in tomorrow and good luck to everyone with eating less. It will be a challenge on Sunday for Mothers Day. My kids are grown so no breakfast in bed for me! I think we will have a barbecue so I can make a big salad and have a chicken breast. Good luck to all.



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Hoping you guys can help me with this......

A big part of my eating problem is that I eat until I'm stuffed and my plate is clean. I have grown to "love" that stuffed feeling. Unfortunately, I don't seem to know how to tell when I am just "full" and have had enough. I have been trying to stop eating when there is still food left on my plate but I still don't know how I should be feeling? Any tips?



You might also want to try to drink a big glass of water at or near the end. It fills that void and helps you get a water in! MY dh also tries the 5 minute trick. He waits 5 minutes after he says he wants something and then decides if he really wants it. I always tell him if you have waited this long you really don't need it!:rolleyes:


Has any tried the Fiber One muffin mix with the pumpkin?? It is great too! We like to add a little nutmeg and cinnamon to it to give it a little more flavor.



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Hi everyone!!


samsmaisy08 - That is awesome news about your DH! Very encouraging!! Diabetes runs in my family and I also had gestational diabetes while I was pregnant. So, I am hoping to avoid developing diabetes myself with some weight loss.


Denise - Congrats on your loss!! That is wonderful!


SHERYL- I completely understand your dilemma about feeling stuffed. I've noticed lately that I have been craving that stuffed feeling. I've had the urge to eat and it doesn't really matter what, I just want to pack it in. I've been able to stay strong so far, but the craving hasn't gone away.


As far as knowing when to stop before the stuffed feeling, I've been kind of going about it the opposite way. I stop when I've had the right amount of food and I'm trying to get used to that feeling. When I have dinner I measure everything I put on my plate and I do go ahead and finish my plate. I know that I've already tracked what I put on there, so I'm not over eating. But, I do stop when my plate is empty and I know I've had a proper volume of food. I'm trying to get used to how I feel when I've eaten the right amount of food and use that to know when to help me stop later. I'll be honest, I've walked away from many a dinner feeling unsatisfied, but the important thing is I did walk away. And, an hour or so later, I'm not really hungry so I know I did eat enough food. I hope that made sense, it's a little hard to describe.


I also second the advise to drink a big glass of water, that helps fill the tummy with volume plus the water is good for you. The same goes for veggies, they're usually 0-2 points for a half cup, so I try to have at least 2 servings of veggies with every dinner. Green Beans have been my friend. :) On the bright side, eventually our tummies will shrink and will feel more full with a smaller volume of food.

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