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"The Suite Life of the Dawn Queen on The Dawn Fool's Cruise 3-28-09"


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JW...what a great trip report. So good in fact that even someone like myself' date=' who is 99.9% lurker, wanted to say thanks. [/font']


My daughter and I thoroughly enjoyed our chat with you at the pool and I couldn't resist saying "Hello".


Keep it coming.




By the way, oh, everyone knows you now, you broke your silence.....Good for you! You are Now officially ONE OF US Cruise Critics!!!


Hey everybody....This wonderful woman's daughter is such a truly "Young Lady" we should be so proud of her. Her manners and decorum are true class...Good Job Mom...oh and Dad too. For those of the CC at the Cocktail party...you will remember these three. Exceptional gang. Thanks. OOOPS..giving away the infamous "Cocktail Party" that story appears, or I should say, occurs on Tuesday!

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“Howl at the Moon”


Our big CC party arrived in Spinnaker at 10 pm. We had made a pit stop at the Casino, (Of Course!). The show started at 9pm, but became a more “Mature Audience” Show at 10pm. It was in full swing, very well attended, standing room only.


Rachel, the Best Cocktail Server, recognized me and escorted me to our “Reserved” Seating area, hmmmm. That nifty handy dandy Suite Cell Phone does work….Anchumann was the Genie again!!!!


We got settled in and one of the Osmond Teeth, the beautiful one, was still Heavenly Hung so “she” retired for the evening…..I love her, I really do and she was soooo very heavenly Hung…Gawd love her!


Rachel took drink orders, “Martini Please” I shouted, she said “I know!” Well! Far be it from me to be known by my drink…it’s only the second night!


Now, Jerome and I had been to Howl At The Moon franchises before. As it turns out, they were here appearing on the Dawn for a two week audition, and guests attending the show were given surveys by NCL, as they were under consideration for a “long term contract“. Needless to say, all of us in our CC Group welcomed the entertainment.


To describe, there are three entertainers, all musically gifted, dueling it out on Pianos, Drums, Harmonica, Guitar, whatever instrument is available, taking written requests to see if you can stump them, and then the most amazing part, there is some voluntary audience participation……ya’all know what I am getting at……..


It is a sort of Come and Go. It began at 9PM and went nonstop until 1AM.


A side note, the Captain’s state room was just below the stage and he told us that he could not get to sleep until after 1AM because of the drums!!

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As I said Come and Go….but the interesting thing is that once you Came….You never Went! It was that much fun.


The Pure Talent was amazing.


First there was Jimmy. Such energy I have not in anyone seen since my Disco Days in the 80’s……for those who know what I am talking about, well, You Know….His energy never stopped, like 20 Mule Power Red Bull.


Then there was Ben, who was the “Calm” one of the group, big deep voice, great instrumentalist, very talented, could bang out any song you requested and was never stumped.


Then……….There……….Was………..Jennifer Lynn. Oh my gosh. Multi-Multi-Multi talented and absolutely gorgeous…….She is in the Chicago Howl franchise……

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When we arrived Jenn was playing the Piano with Ben. Great voices, then out came Jenn's harmonica…….oh my, she brought the house down….


but wait, Jimmy came on and Jenn moved to the Drums on stage…..


When she started to play, it was like every man in there was a little kid again, drooling and wishing and hoping they could do that, or just drooling.


…..I mean, what is it when a guy sees a talented Drummer who happens to be a female and they have lost all senses, their tongues are hanging out (okay so she gave great cleavage on the drums too) and the guy has lost all track of time?


For me, I guess it would be like me seeing a guy in Spandex, excuse me, a really hot guy( there are a lot who don‘t belong in spandex, thank you very much), which is like Gawd saying “Happy New Year”! You get my drift?


When Jenn started to play the drums, every man’s tongue was on the floor. All I can say is the Girl’s got talent!. Big Talent. Singer, Songwriter, Drummer, Guitar, Harmonica, Beauty (inside and out)….I think we all just witnessed a BIG Star soon….but wait....the night is still very young...

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Aretha Franklin:


Okay, so this is about the time, after me having several Martini’s, that Jenn starts to play Aretha Franklin’s “Freedom”.


She invited three girls up to the stage to be kind of like back up girls dancing, arms waving etc. Well, it just wasn’t working…..the song was upbeat, energetic and is considered one of the “Mother ship” National Gay Anthems….so what was I supposed to do?….Let them die out there on stage?????


Heck no, I stood up and pronounced proudly “These Gals Need Some Help!” , with Jerome saying, “Oh no, oh shyte, there he goes, I just knew it….JW’s gonna go up and do Aretha”.

Well I did, ........Big Butt and all….grabbed a napkin and did the song like it was her classic video, all the while in my Puffy Shirt, it was back up girls, JW to the rescue“.


I Lip-synced Aretha’s song, the Howl at the Moon performers were hysterical….Jenn had the balls to keep the song going and going….and you know what? For the second time that night, I got a standing ovation.


Nothing like thinking quick on your feet! (or your big butt!)


After the song finished, Jenn asked me my name and from then on, everyone thought I worked with NCL….and contrary to what happened next….IT IS NOT TRUE!………..

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Okay, so it got to be around 11 PM, and Jenn unexpectedly called me back up to the stage.


Makes me sit on the piano and then proceeds to tell me that she is going to sing my “Theme Song“…..How could they have read me so well?…..of course, I am under the lights, I am a very willing participant, I will do anything….Hey this isn‘t “The Price is Right Show?”.


The song however, is a play on “Itsy Bitsy Yellow Polka Dot Bikini”….but the words begin with “Itsy Bitsy “TEENIE WEENIE”……hello???? Public performance here..….Facial recognition here….pics and reputation here!!!


….well I took it to the hilt and there are plenty of pics……I just have one disclaimer….


a gay man never ever has a…..well you know….it is just described as “Adorable”, like a studio apartment in New York….or “Cozy!” I am proudly neither....just ask Jerome!


Anyhow, for the third time that night I was able to break barriers and bring down yet another house in applause.


It was a blast. And I really, really don’t work for NCL….at times I wish I did. I miss Jenn, Shona and Ray Ray.


But….you have to see Jennifer Lynn in Chicago’s "Howl at the Moon" Show. Those of you in Chicagoland....tell her "JW" sent you! Just to see her play the Drums….AWESOME.


Hopefully they can get her for the New York Dawn Bermuda run this season. Thank you NCL for a wonderful show!

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Is anyone reading this thread? I just want to know that it is NOT falling on deaf eyes?


Hellooooo, anyone out there?


Reading and enjoying, we'd love to sail with you guys you sound like a lot of fun! We'll be on our first NCL cruise in May and in a suite so we are soaking up every bit of suite information we can and your review has been awesome. We'll be on the Jewel but the information is very helpful just the same.


Looking forward to more!

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Still reading and keeping up with your advertures with much anticipation.


It snowed for several hours here in northern Maine today. Yup, just what we needed!


Kathy in Maine


Is anyone reading this thread? I just want to know that it is NOT falling on deaf eyes?


Hellooooo, anyone out there?

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Casino Addendum Two:


Okay the fun did not stop in the Spinnaker at Howl at the Moon. After everyone went up to bed, well, I went to the Casino.


I promised to tell you about my experience with one gal….we named her “Pee Pee Pants”.

Every night, every hour, every minute in the Casino, she would be playing this one single machine…..which also is one of my favorite machines in Las Vegas.


She just would not get up from it, not even to go to the bathroom….I know I must have used the "B" word several times.....(What? B word is Betty!...followed by that "B" word)


Well, after the Howl show, I went back to the Casino, saying hello to my Mrs. Martini and moving from machine to machine. This gal was not going to budge off that darn slot machine.


Well, I looked up, it was 2:30am and wait, what do I see? That gal is getting up from her seat and, though she is walking a bit funny, kind of weird like, she made a mad dash for the exit…..OH JOY!!!!


My favorite Machine is finally open!!!!!


I am biting my lips, excitement fills the air as I make my way over to the machine.


I am pulling my money out of my pocket, I insert my Players Club Card into the machine, I call out to the Waiter to “bring me a Martini!”….


then I insert my money, push the button (Max Bet) and……..





I rapidly sit down……






a fabric topped stool....


filled with a warm liquid that came shooting out from everywhere!!!!!




what the frig is that????


I soon realized what it probably was, I knew why the gal never got up to use the bathroom………….


I also figured out that she probably was wearing one of those diapers that leaked…..that is why she was walking so funny.


Oh well, call me crazy, call me Martini’d out, I was finally on my machine....


so, as embarrassed as I was, I just literally SAT there until I lost my twenty bucks….wallowing in her pee pee.


I had had enough, and then I walked backwards out of the casino, sopping wet,




that is what happens when you have too much to drink, (see I told you I would tell my "Drink too Much Story"!)


I got onto the elevator….thank Gawd no one was with me. To the room!!!


I wonder if I could have called my Genie Anchumann?.....Nah.


"On Teenie!, On Weenie!, On Itsy! and Bitzy!" "I've Got Pee Pee In My Panties" Now Dash Away Dash Away Dash Away ALL!!!!"


And to all a Good Night....Till Samana.


Happy Easter everyone! Till Tomorrow!


JW and Jerome.

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Still LMFAO!!!! Even funnier....... whoever sat down after you was having the same laugh all week...... Mr Pee Pee pants......ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ..... oh noooooooooooooo got to gooooooooo....

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I have spent about 2 hours reading your entirely delightful story. I love it and can't wait for more!


Thank you and thank you some more!


We are very very satisfied cruisers from the Dawn.....again, they say



"It is what it is, and what it is, is what you make of it" This, is what we DID with it!



Thank you for your wonderful inspiration! And thank you truly NCL for making Our Dreams a reality.....!

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I'm having so much fun reading about your time on the beautiful Dawn. Thanks for sharing - it's like being there with you.


As much as I am so detailed, I am right back there, two weeks ago, just as if it were right now....so, you are there with us!


Happy Cruising! Thank you NCL!

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I have spent about 2 hours reading your entirely delightful story. I love it and can't wait for more!


You are wonderful and I know you will get a kick out of the rest of the story.....



It truly never ends, even as we were getting off the ship, very sureal, just as we arrived, it's over?....But still, Now....we are all re-living it all, Now, as if it were happening Now, and yet, I still have Cruise Withdrawls......NCL Dawn was the greatest! It is the NOW ship!


Like the pET sHOP bOYS song..."RIGHT NOW!"

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OMG I wouldn't want to miss this for the world. You and yours seemed to have had a great time and I think that is awesome. It's all what you make of it....and you certainly did!!!


Keep it coming.

Love your pic of The Dawn....join our Roll Call!! It's 3-28-09, but now I think we will transfer it to 3-26-10....we at over 100 pages now....yipee!

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I have to say, this is the MOST enjoyable review, I have ever read here on CC. My DH & I, were on the Dawn, March 21-28th, for our honeymoon, and we truly had a great time. Although, I'm sure, had we been on your sailing, it would have made for a most memorable experience. I can't wait to read more.....

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I have to say, this is the MOST enjoyable review, I have ever read here on CC. My DH & I, were on the Dawn, March 21-28th, for our honeymoon, and we truly had a great time. Although, I'm sure, had we been on your sailing, it would have made for a most memorable experience. I can't wait to read more.....


Well, you are still on it....we are two weeks behind and you are just three weeks behind....CC is addictive isn't it?

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Happy Easter JW and Jerome,


I think I will stop my review now and direct readers over to here; this is maaaaaaavoooooluuuuuuusssssss ;)


I think DW & I missed out on a lot by retiring at 11 PM. :p


It will be great if we can all get together on March 26, 2010. :)

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Well, you are still on it....we are two weeks behind and you are just three weeks behind....CC is addictive isn't it?


CC, is VERY addictive. As you can see, I dont post often...I am more of a "lurker" lol, as you would call it..But, I really am very happy to have found CC, it provided much information prior to our cruise, and much enjoyment, since our cruise has ended. We are now, in beginning stages, of trying to plan our next cruise.

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Happy Easter JW and Jerome,


I think I will stop my review now and direct readers over to here; this is maaaaaaavoooooluuuuuuusssssss ;)


I think DW & I missed out on a lot by retiring at 11 PM. :p


It will be great if we can all get together on March 26, 2010. :)



Dave....We Love You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you and we hope you had a Happy Easter too....



Hey everyone.....This is Dave............He and his wife and beautiful child are in the group shot on our Deck in FaceBook....check it out....

NCL Dawn 03-28-09 Dawn Fool's

Thanks Dave!!!!!!!

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