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Wii Fit


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Whew...600 posts. Snuck an hour of exercise in between marathon reading though. Seems a real lack of guys here trying to trim down. I just started the Wii experience on the 28th. Starting at 255 and hoping to be under 200 by cruise time. This thread seems to be staying on track quite well. Hope that continues, we all can use the support.



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No I haven't been on teh Oosterdam before, this is my first cruise!!!!! I am so excited. One of the friends I'm going with just got back from an Alaskan cruise this fall and the other friend is a cruise newbie like me! headed to the treadmill! I've never met a chocolate dessert that was bad and I'm pretty unsophisicated as far as palate..altho I love lobster and all kinds of seafood and a great steak!! OH NO now I'm hungry..time for a couple more bowls of cabbage soup!! LOL

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Hi all!

Toes ~ only 1 day to go ~ lucky you! Have a great time on your first cruise. I see Oosterdam just got a makeover. I've been on HAL (Rotterdam twice) & loved it. It has a bit more elegance to it, I thought. I've never met a cruise I didn't like, lol!!

Vance ~ welcome , you're right not many men on the thread. I know my son in law Wiis & imagine other men do too.

Sharon ~ yes, the rolls, yummy then be sure to use the stairs!! My last cruise also had Wii but when I went down I was the only one there, guess the flowrider etc was more exciting!:D

becca ~ I like your ticker but none for me please. I'm don't want the pressure! Yesterday I was feeling good about losing partial pounds each day until the Wii told me I won't reach my goal at that rate.:mad: As my DD said Mom it's only a machine!

Candi ~ I saw your picture on FB, love that red dress.

Well have a nice day & carry on Wiiing!

~Jo~ :)

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O.K. Toes, ready, set, go... on your cruise that is! Lucky you, sounds like you and your friends are gonna do some serious vacationing. :D Tell us all about it when you get back. Have a fantabulous time!


Jo, I'm with you no ticker. I do list my foods on my fitness pal, can't believe all the foods in there that come up when you are looking for them.


Candi, are you already living in reality? No hang over cruise bliss?


We all should be glad we were not on that ship that got hit by 3 enormous waves. That must have been awful scary.


Good to have a new "face" Vancelot, keep up the good work.


becca I don't do Zumba at home, I go to a class Mon and Wed. Doing it in a group keeps me going a lot longer that if I was doing it at home by myself.

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O.K. Toes, ready, set, go... on your cruise that is! Lucky you, sounds like you and your friends are gonna do some serious vacationing. :D Tell us all about it when you get back. Have a fantabulous time!


Jo, I'm with you no ticker. I do list my foods on my fitness pal, can't believe all the foods in there that come up when you are looking for them.


Candi, are you already living in reality? No hang over cruise bliss?


We all should be glad we were not on that ship that got hit by 3 enormous waves. That must have been awful scary.


Good to have a new "face" Vancelot, keep up the good work.


becca I don't do Zumba at home, I go to a class Mon and Wed. Doing it in a group keeps me going a lot longer that if I was doing it at home by myself.


Aaww guys no ticker....lol...come on now!!...we need pressure

That's funny about the the Wii machine....it doesnt know what its talking about...lol

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Where is everybody????


yeah, I had a cruise hangover. No ambition to work out I will tell you that! I was lucky enough to lose my cruise weight just by going back to my diet, but i was lacking the energy to get back on the workout train. Watched my daughter play wii, even went to my parents house and watched them play wii, but didnt do it myself. Finally tonight I went down and tanned- its been a week since we got off the ship (feels like a year) and we want to try to keep a tan till summer so we are going to do it about once a week. Since I was sick the week before we left I couldnt workout and I haven't since we got home so i basically took 3 weeks off. Unfortunately, they say it takes 21 days to form a habit- SO I guess I have formed the habit of not working out- lol! Good news is I may have caught it in time. After all, I have a bridesmaid dress to fit in in July so that is my next motivation. The first 10 minutes on the treadmill stunk but by 30 minutes I was getting into it. Had to stop at 30 because Dave wanted a turn so now I am doing free weights to work on my arms a little. Dont want to go too crazy tonight and end up having to take another day off. Have to find my groove again. Also, since it was so nice today we had porterhouse steaks and handcut frenchfries for dinner (I kept my portion small) and I made a caramel crunch cake for dessert- which is supposeldy light but OH-SO-GOOD that even though they say its only 250 calories you just dont believe them! Pretty sure I stayed under my daily caloric limit though. Have to start monitoring it better again. Weekends are tough- we eat bad, this week I should be able to get back on track- Wich me luck!!!


Already looking for our next cruise- taking the girls next time so i am thinking of a 4 or 5 day instead of a long one. That way we have time to visit family in Florida also instead of driving down, cruising and heading home. Want to do either eastern or bahamas too. So sick of western itinerary!! Toes should be cruising now right?? Bet she's having a great night! Hope the rest of you are too!!



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Hi all!

Candi ~ glad you're getting back into the swing of things. The only bad thing about cruising is you have to come back to reality!:p

Hope everyone else is Wiiing, summer's on the way, well I guess we'll have Spring first & soon I think. I saw a Robin on Saturday which is one of the signs up here.


After that discouraging comment last week I must tell you I DID reach my goal &

11 days ahead of schedule!:D I've lost partial ( 4 - 7/10 lbs) per day just by giving up all my after dinner snacks!

Take care.

~Jo~ :)

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Hi all!

Candi ~ glad you're getting back into the swing of things. The only bad thing about cruising is you have to come back to reality!:p

Hope everyone else is Wiiing, summer's on the way, well I guess we'll have Spring first & soon I think. I saw a Robin on Saturday which is one of the signs up here.


After that discouraging comment last week I must tell you I DID reach my goal &

11 days ahead of schedule!:D I've lost partial ( 4 - 7/10 lbs) per day just by giving up all my after dinner snacks!

Take care.

~Jo~ :)


Well done, Jo. Those evening snacks will getcha.

Had a few signs of spring the last couple days. Had some geese fly over looking for open water. Took the bike out the first ride of the season this afternoon. Some great smells out there tonight. Someone had a campfire going and later I drove by our restaurant row. That's why dogs hang their heads out the car window. When I got home had a pair of sandhill cranes fly over. (they're more reliable than robins)

Then hit the Wii for the evening. Down 6 lbs. since the beginning of my quest. No bad for starters. Had blood work done on Friday (per employer). Everything came back normal except the glucose which was 114 with the upper limit being 110. Doc said too minor to fret over. My improved diet should bring that down anyhow.




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Good evening all!


Good going Vance, keep it up! I see your from MI, hasn't it been awesome lately? I sure am loving the sun and the warm temps. I'm sure everyone else has been having good weather too.


I'm still a slacker on the wii, I have gotten outside and did things though. It's nice taking early spring walks.


Now that my birthday is about over it's time to cut back on things again. ;)


Have a wonderful week all!

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Hi all!

Vance ~ great job, keep it up! What kind of bike do you have? DH has a couple of scooters (125 & 650cc) which he has been test driving the last few days. It's still pretty chilly here!

I think the sure sign of Spring here is the Red Winged Blackbird, those silly Robins come back a bit early! I don't think we have those cranes.


Sue ~ all exercise counts! Belated Birthday greetings to you.

Well I'm heading over to the Wii shortly. A little scared as DH wanted some popcorn last night & of course I couldn't resist!:(

Take care.

~Jo~ :)

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I keep wanting to believe that popcorn's a good thing. The aroma does nothing to discourage that thought either.


Well I managed to stretch a hip flexor just a bit too much while doing lunges last night with Wii Active. The good news is, it's pretty minor and going about everday business should not require a pause in Wii activitiy. Tonight is mostly upper body anyway.


My bike is a Kawasaki Vulcan 800. My wife rides a Kymco Grand Vista 250 scooter.


Sue, actually, this entire winter has been pretty awesome. Very little sub-zero and only a couple substantial snowfalls. (unlike areas southeast of here)



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We usually look for the robins too as a first sign of spring, but lately we have been seeing huge flocks of Canadian geese in the fields, very noisy too! Also, another sign is the tulips on the south side of the house coming up. Looks like we might have actually made it through another long snowy, cold winter.


I was thinking about getting my bicycle out for a ride. Sometimes my dog gets tired of walking, she is almost 14 now. So I could take her for about a mile walk and then switch to my bike for a change.


Had been doing really good with my eating until yesterday, bought some strawberries and angle food cake for an evening snack. Also that half of Cadbury chocolate almond candy bar didn't help.


But another day and another chance to eat right.

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Hi again!

Vance ~ sorry to hear you stretched a hip flexor. Hope it's feeling better. That's funny, my DH has a Kymco 125 & a Suzuki Burgman 650.. I rode on the back of the big one last year but I'm too much of a scaredy cat for that! My pretty pink helmet will go to waste!:p

I guess it was the popcorn that did me in, up 7/10 lbs today.:(


Sharon ~ I was looking for crocus, snowdrops or any spring flower but found none.

Yep each day is a new chance to eat right.:D

Take care.

~Jo~ :)

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went to my great aunt's funeral today. we were not very close, and she had a full and wonderful life- I was not sad for her, but so sad for my grandmother- this was her only sibling. The hardest part for me is that her passing leads me to think of my own grandmothers and grandfathers and how I will feel when I have to let them go. We didnt go to the wake because Emily was getting worn out from trying to be so quiet and sit still at the funeral home and church- it was time for a nap. This is one of those days though where I would love to sit down with a pint of ben and jerry's or a big bowl of Cheese drenched popcorn.. or even a warm apple pie. Yep, I am a stress eater- and I am stressed...


just keep breathing... Food is not a friend...

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Hi all!

Candi ~ sorry to hear of your Great Aunt's passing. That would be so sad for your Grandmother. You thought of food but didn't eat it so that was good!


Today my DD sent me a link that I really like. It's :


You register (free), choose your vehicle then post how many minutes exercise you do each day which will take you along the route & also give you info about the places. DH & I drove parts of it on our way to CA 5 years ago so it really appeals to me.


Today I hit my best score on soccer ball heading & another thing plus lost 2/10 lbs so I was happy even if my age was more than my real one!!!

Take care.

~Jo~ :)

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hello my name is debi i am a wife, mom to 10, and gram to29 i would like to join yous here. my weight is 212 a year ago 45. march 27,2011 going on the miracle so we do have we and i really need the board to stop telling me i am obese.. we just pick up wiifitnesstwo i really like the new games and now it shows how much cals we burn. ok you have a nice evening debi

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Good evening all!


Welcome Debi, your cruise will be here before you know it. I'm jealous!


I finally got motivated enough to get on my wii today, of course I got the message that it had been to long since I'd been on it. Oh well . . . . at least I got on!


Have a great weekend all!

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Hi count me in didnt know this excisted (i cant spell by the way) I have been on my wii very nearly every night for 4 months or more, I have lost 28lbs but want to lose another 7 before we sail on the 24th April, well 14lbs really but sensibly 7lbs will do. It has cost hubby dearly in new clothes and a ring for our ruby while we are away. His bank balance will never recover. LOL

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Hi all!

mummypat ~ wow, that's amazing! Good for you! Were you watching what you ate too? BTW welcome to the thread.:D


I've been doing my Wii Fit faithfully 6 days a week for 300+ days but as soon as I recover from this throat/nasal thingy I'm going to break out the Wii Fit Plus for a change.

Hope the rest of you are still Wiiing! Take care.

~Jo~ :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi all!

Where are you hiding? Everyone doing exercise outside in the nice weather?

Happy Easter & hope the Bunny brings you lots of carrots!:p

~Jo~ :)


Hi Jo! You gotta love the weather we've had this past week. I've been working outside so that's been my workout lately. ;)

Did you break out your wii fit plus yet?

Happy Easter All!

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Hi all!

Sue ~ no, I haven't opened the package yet, maybe tomorrow. We've had warm weather too so went on a little hike yesterday.


Becka ~ good for you losing so much weight!


I went to the bulk store & they had so many yummy things I couldn't resist so now I'm not going to meet my Wii goal for sure!:(

~Jo~ :)

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